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January 30, 1992 - Image 31

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1992-01-30

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Materials Accepted for Curbside Recycling
and at the Drop-Off Station

Household Batteries
Place several at a time in a clear
plastic bag OUTSIDE of the

Used Motor Oil
Place into a see-through
plastic milk jug with a
screw-top lid. No
other fluids besides
motor oil.

Car Batteries
No leaky batteries

Large Corrugated Cardboard which doesn't fit into the "newspaper" tote.
Flatten, tie into budles no larger than 3'x2'x6" and place next to the recycling totes.
Please note that these "loose" materials are not accepted at curbcart sites. If your
apartment complex would like to participate in a pilot recycling program to collect these

materials, please call Tom McMurtrie, 994-280

Also, a new recycling and yard waste
brochure will be delivered to you by
December 31. If you do not receive one
by then, call Recycle Ann Arbor 971-7400.

1989/90 % Cubic Yards
79% 218,552
21% 56,768
11% 28,624

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Mark Your
Calendars for
Ann Arbor curbside refuse and
recycling collection programs will
not be working on:
Thanksgiving Day, Thursday,
November 28;
Christmas Day, Wednesday,
December 25; and
New Year's Day, Wednesday,
January 1.
Refuse and recycling collection
will occur one day later following
the holiday. For example, the
Thanksgiving Day Thursday col-
lection will be picked up on Fri-
day and the normal Friday collec-
tion will occur on Saturday during
the holiday week only.
The Ann Arbor Landfill wilLbe
closed on Thanksgiving, Christ-
mas and New Year's Days.
Refuse and recycling crews will
be working and the City Landfill
will be open on Veterans Day,
Monday, November 11.
The weekly curbside yard waste
collection program runs from April
1 through November 30. Yard
wastes will not be collected from
the curb from December through
March. Yard wastes are accepted
year-round from City residents at
the Ann Arbor Landfill Drop-Off
Contact the Solid Waste Depart-
ment at 994-2807 for more infor-


Categor 1990/91
Refuse Landfilled
Waste Recovery
Yard Wastes/Leaves
Total Municipally-Collected
Solid Waste

% Cubic Yards
69% 179,952
31% 80,750
18% 46,694
3% 34,056
100% 260,702

10% 28,144
100% 275,320

Notes and Assumptions: Measurements are based on compacted cubic yards;
Refuse and yard wastes are compacted at a 2-to-1 ratio;
1 ton of recyclables equals 4 compacted cubic yards of materials;
Curbside yard waste collection program in effect for only 4 months in 1989/90;
Michigan's Bottle Bill Recovery Rate is 7% + 31 % City recovery = 38%

Ann Arbor Waste Watcher Fall/Winter 1991/92 page 15

Ann Arbor Waste Watcher Fall/Winter 1991192

page 15

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