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January 30, 1992 - Image 30

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1992-01-30

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Dear Waste Watcher:
What pointers can you offer in preparing materials for recycling?
Recycle Ann Arbor, the nonprofit organization that collects and processes
Ann Arbor's residental recyclables, has the following reminders for preparing
materials to recycle:


Dear Waste Watcher:
What can I do
leftover house paint?


Do not place any other paper prod-
ucts into the " Newspapers" totes be-
sides newspapers, brown paper bags
and cardboard.
For Curbside Collection (
Place household batteries in a clear
plastic bag OUTSIDE of the totes.
Do not place loose batteries inside
" Container" totes. (These loose bat-
teries can get mixed into the glass and
metal sorting bins and contaminate the

Remove and discard plastic caps.
. ,.
Used motor oil must be placed in a see-
through plastic milk jug with a screw-
on cap. (Other types of containers can
break or leak and potentially spill mo-
tor oil.)

Thank you for not put-
ting poisonous materials into
the trash or down the drain!
To dispose of unwanted
paint, 1) first call the Washtenaw
County Home Toxics Reduc-
tion Program at 994-3872 for
suggestions of local community
organizations that can use left-
over paint, such as theatre
groups and senior housing pro-
If you can't use up the
paint, there are two other op-
tions for disposal.
2) Empty paint cans and
solidified latexwater-based paint
cans can be placed in the trash,
if you prepare them as follows.
To solidify latex paint, add at
least 2/3rds of a can of absortive
material -- such as kitty litter or
peat moss to 1/3 or less of paint
in a can. Seal the can top and
place in the trash.
3) Oil paint should never
be put into the trash. (If your
paint brushes must be cleaned
with turpentine or another sol-
vent, you are using oil-based
paint.) Call the County Toxics
phone line (994-3872) to sign
up for an appointment to drop
off your unwanted oil paint at a
special collection site.

Ann Arbor Waste Watcher Fall/Winter 1991/92 page 14

Ann Arbor Waste Watcher FalllWinter 1991192

page 14

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