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December 06, 1991 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1991-12-06

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A little warmer;
High: 32, Low: 22.
Partly sunny;
High: 45, Low: 32.

tat n

The University and
the AIDS virus.
See FridayFOCUS
Page 5.

One hundred and one years of editorial freedom

Vol. CiI, No. 48

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, December 6, 1991

Gopre "ig =:19l

by Stefanie Vines
Daily Government Reporter
Gov. John Engler abandoned a
prepaid tuition state program in fa-
vor of his state-backed savings
bonds plan Wednesday following
endorsement of the plan by the
Michigan Educational Trust (MET)
The new investment program is
*intended to be an alternative to the
old MET program in which parents
pay a lump sum and MET promises
to cover tuition at any state public
university when the child reaches
college age.
The MET board, which approved
Engler's savings bond plan, is com-
prised of state treasury officials,
lawyers, and University President
James Duderstadt.
The new plan does not affect the
55,000 current MET contracts, but
does prevent interested parents
from investing in MET until the
spring when the board will recon-
vene to evaluate the old MET sys-
MET President Sabrina Keeley
said the new plan is not a substitute
for the old program.
"The bond plan is not a measure
intended to replace the current pro-
gram. Instead, it is a new plan to
help the state meet the increasing
tuition rates," Keeley said.
Keeley added that current MET
contracts are guaranteed. "People
who are holding MET contracts
right now shouldn't be worried.
They are definitely"safe."
If the state honors the MET con-
tracts, though, it may put new bur-
dens on the budget, according to
See TUITION, Page 2

CC Rep. Muir
to vie for seat
on A2 Council

Festival of Lights
More than 60,000 lights adorn Riverside Park in Ypsilanti last night for the sixth annual Festival of Lights.
'U' bank machines may make
loans, tuition payments easier

by Ken Walker
Daily City Reporter
LSA senior, Conservative Coali-
tion MSA representative, and
Michigan Review Executive Editor
Jeff Muir announced his intention
to run for the Ann Arbor City
Council yesterday.
Muir will be a Republican can-
didate for the council's 5th Ward
seat, currently held by Democrat
Thais Peterson. Peterson previously
said she intends to seek reelection.
He is the second University stu-
dent to declare his candidacy for the
City Council in next April's
Joe Borda, city chair of the Ann
Arbor Republican Party, said he en-
couraged Muir to run for the coun-
cil seat.
"I think he'll make a great can-
didate," Borda said. "He's a very in-
telligent guy, he's got some great
credentials, he works at a substance
abuse project, he's married, he's a
representative on the student gov-
ernment - I don't know how he
finds time to do this stuff."
Councilmember Mark Ouimet
(R-4th Ward) said he has never met
Muir, but said that he has heard
"very positive things, that he's very
hardworking, energetic, and very fo-
cused" in discussing him with party
A news release announcing his
candidacy included Muir's state-
ment, "I want to bring independent
thought and sincerity back to the
fifth ward councilseat."
Muir's statement continued,
"Councilwoman Peterson has
merely been a yes-vote for Mayor
(Liz) Brater, and has yet to distin-
guish herself as a positive force for

the fifth ward or the city."
In an interview last night, Muir
said, "I think there are some real
problems in city government, and I
think there's also ... a lack of lead-
ership in the 5th Ward with Thais
"I grew up in the 5th Ward. It
means a lot to me. I'm from there
and I just don't like to see it not be
represented at the city level."
Ouimet agreed with Muir's de-
scription of Councilmember Peter-

by Tami Pollak
Daily Staff Reporter
The University is considering in-
stalling automatic teller machines
(ATMs) to make student-Univer-
sity transactions more convenient.
If preliminary plans make it past
the drawing board, University
cashier Jim Middlemas said stu-
dents will be able to use their ID
cards at special ATMs to make
payments on student accounts - tu-
ition, housing, University telephone
bills - as well as access financial

aid or student loan money.
Students will be able to make
payments either by transferring fi-
nancial aid or loan money, or de-
positing cash or checks through the
"It would eliminate the need to
go down the office in the first two
weeks of school and stand in line to
get your financial aid. This way,
students could drain their excess
moneys at their leisure," Middle-
mas said.
Middlemas said that if the idea

does get off the ground, it will be a
phase-in program, meaning that ex-
panded features could be added as
part of its development.
"We would eventually want to
make it so students could access
their grades or incomplete tran-
scripts on the machines. Added ser-
vice would evolve," Middlemas
Students said they are interested
in the new ATM concept.
"I think it would make things

Skinner gets nod as
Bush's chief of staff

d'ent Bush named a team of trusted
advisers to lead the White House
and his re-election campaign yester-
day, and boasted he could win a sec-
ond term even if the battered econ-
omy remains in a slump.
With polls showing him with
the lowest approval ratings of his
presidency, Bush said that "when
the economy goes down, a president
takes the hits." Yet, he said, "This
economy is not going to stay down
forever. .
Bush appointed Transportation
Secretary Samuel Skinner to replace
John Sununu.
For his re-election campaign,
.Bush named Commerce Secretary

Robert Mosbacher as general chair,
pollster Robert Teeter as campaign
chair charged with plotting strat-
egy, and businessperson Fred Malek
as campaign manager responsible for
the nuts and bolts operation. All
were key players in his successful
1988 campaign.
Also tapped for key campaign
roles were Mary Matalin, chief of
staff of the Republican National
Committee, who will join the cam-
paign full time as a senior official.
GOP consultant Richard Bond was
tapped as a senior adviser.
No nominee was announced to
replace Skinner as Transportation

son, saying, "It's pretty much Liz
pulls the string as to how high they
dance. There is no availability for
individual thought. These people are
told when to vote and how to vote."
The Democrats currently hold an
8-3 majority on the City Council.
Peterson was not available to re-
spond to Muir's allegations, but
Councilmember Bob Grady (D-3rd
Ward) disagreed with that charac-
terization of Democratic council
"Generally, if somebody wants
to make a comment like that, they
could make it about everybody in
the Democratic caucus - in which
See MUIR, Page 2
'U' sells
to foreign
by Barry Cohen
Daily Staff Reporter
The University is one of the top
100 educational institutions across
the country selling research and de-
velopment, financed by American
taxpayers, to Japanese investors,
says the report "Buying the Ameri-
can Mind," sponsored by the Center
for Public Integrity in Washington.
Dr. Alan Steiss, director of the
University's Division of Research
and Development Administration,
acknowledged that some University
projects are sponsored by Japanese
"Obviously, we offer the same
opportunities to any American
companies interested in supporting
research," Steiss said. He added that
the University seeks sponsorship
from U.S. companies first.
But Steiss said U.S. companies do
not have the foresight that Japanese
companies do, choosing immediate
results rather than long-term in-
"Japan is more prone to take
See RESEARCH, Page 2

Blue battles LSSU
for conference lead

by Andy De Korte
Daily Hockey Writer
Since becoming the coach of the
Michigan hockey team in 1984, Red
Berenson has seen one constant
within the CCHA standings -
Lake Superior State leads
In Berenson's tenure, the Wol-
verines have clawed at the Lakers'
coattails only twice. In his first
year, Michigan finished ninth to
,LSSU's eighth, and last year, the
teams finished first and second.
This weekend, Michigan travels to
Sault Ste. Marie for two games in
an attempt to prove it has finally
surpassed the Lakers and should
win the CCHA this season.

displayed last season, it did not
enjoy success against LSSU, going
The Wolverines' last loss
against the Lakers came in a 6-5
See ICERS, Page 14

Snowin' in the wind
Roger Green paves the way for students crossing the Diag yesterday afternoon.
Fifty years later, Pearl Harbor
still evokes memories of horror

by Brian Dykema
It is hard to read a newspaper or
watch television lately without see-
ing something about Pearl Harbor.
The 50th anniversary of the Japanese
attack on the United States has
prompted a another look at World
War II and U.S.-Japanese relations
of the time.
On the morning of Dec. 7, 1941,
the Japanese navy aircraft launched a

Political science Professor John
Campbell said, "The fact that Japan
decided to go to war with the
United States was a mistake and a
tragic, tragic decision."
Yet Campbell added, "It was
certainly a brilliant military
maneuver as anyone would say, to
have an entire carrier fleet sail all
the way across the Pacific un-
detected and then launch, destroy a

Yoshimi Miyake, a lecturer in
Japanese language at the University,
said she is disappointed with the fo-
cus on apologies.
"It is a little upsetting," she
said. "It should not be an issue of
whether America should apologize
or Japan should apologize."
Graduate counselor and history
Professor Roger Hackett - an
American born and raised in Japan

I. 11

* *~~'

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