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November 14, 1991 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1991-11-14

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Page 8 -The Michigan Daily - Thursday, November 14, 1991
Digital Mozart rocks
by Scott Maione
think there is something for everyone. If you keep an open mind mu-
sically, I believe you'll have a great time," says Steve Rush, one of the di-
rectors of the Digital Music Ensemble. Tonight's free concert will present
a new way to listen to classical and gospel music.
By using a sampler, which is a keyboard (synthesizer) connected to a
computer, synthetic instrumental sounds can be created. This electric
simulation often sounds incredibly true to life. Audiences may wonder,
"Hey, where's that oboe coming from?"
The players, conductors and programmers of the show are the six
students of C.P.A.T. (Center for Performing Arts and Technology), a new
School of Music major created this year. Special guests are percussionist
Larry Doran and the University Gospel Chorale.
Three Mozart overtures and two Satie pieces will accompany three
originals, written by Rush, director Michael Newby and Ensemble member
Michael Angell. The show will quickly progress from classical to a
blues/rock base - an intangible churning of sound, color and emotion.
After months of vision and innovation, this concert is a great op-
portunity to check out what our school's talent has to offer.
TIIE DIGITAL MUSIC ENSEMBLE performs tonight at 8 p.m. in the
School of Music's McIntosh Theatre. Admission is free.

Concert review
BobDylan: areal
_ (n d mnc Sl alegend"

Bob Dylan
Fox Theater
November 13, 1991
The myth of Bob Dylan has un-
folded before me. I can finally com-
prehend the '60s legend of the Dylan
concert experience. It was not his
singing, though his voice is unique
among performers. It was not the
music, though he proved to be a pro-
ficient guitarist. It was the spirit
and the altruistic love of pure musi-
cal entertainment.
Dylan veered away from many of
his traditionally popular songs, fo-
cusing more on his recent, lesser
known work. While this may have
disappointed some fans, it strength-
ened his credibility as a musician. He
didn't simply ride on the coattails
of his past fame, instead working to
pull the audience into a mellow
delirium with the vitality of his
present composing abilities.
Musically, Dylan's passion was
Continued from page 5,
der Bread. While he is supposed to
seem awkward as he mimics Black
slang under the tutelage of Johnson,
he seems just as awkward as his
normal self. His stiffness is not
simply due to his WASPy de-

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his strength. It was not his technical
skill, but his intensity which was;
impressive. In an age when musigV
pretenders like Milli Vanilli cafn
rise to stardom, it was a relief to c-
joy a concert which was so uncon
trived. Whether it was a raging
harmonica solo or a fit of frenzied
guitar strumming, Dylan's heart
was definitely in his music.
During the encore, he satiated the
hunger of many fans by serving up a
playful yet lovely version of "Just
Like a Woman." For reasons best
left unguessed, Bob was barely
standing up during the last feud
songs, though he played a surprisi1g.
all-out rocker to end the show;
"Highway 61 Revisited." Characte
ristically incoherent, Dylan proved@
that despite his lyric genius, it is not
words which empower his songs;
but a communal grass roots
ambiance combined with quality
musical performance.
-Colleen Bos
meanor, since his girlfriend plays
the same WASPiness with confi-
dence, if a little over the top.
Davidson, however, is at casein
his role as the flippant Johnson. The
movie achieves a status above that of
a TV sitcom only when he is on tio
screen, the creativity obtained less
from his lines than from his presen
tation. Davidson's timing is perfecti
and he turns a mundane movie into
an enjoyable, if forgettable, experi-
ence. Davidson deserves a better ve-
hicle than this for his talents.

Something's fishy around here
Try on an opera for size this weekend with the University's School of
Music as they perform Benjamin Britten's Albert Herring. The tale of a
reticent, virtuous grocer's son named Albert Herring (Mark Beudert,
center) is based on a short story by Guy de Maupassant which tells of
Albert's election as town May King, since no queen is suitable. Albert
moves along with the infusion of alcohol - his drink is spiked and his
conduct converts from mama's boy to bad boy. Also pictured above
are Sid (Jean Ronald LaFond, right) and Nancy (Alberta Jean Reed, left).
What a pair of Pistols! Albert Herring runs tonight through Saturday
at 8 p.m and Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Power Center. Tickets are $12, $9
and $6 with a student ID. Get them at the Michigan League Ticket
Office. Call 764-0450 for info.

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Thursday, Nov. 14, 1991 at 7:30 p.m.
Hutchins Hall, Room 100
(in the Law school)
All are welcome to attend!



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