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November 12, 1991 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1991-11-12

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Page 2-The Michigan Daily- Tuesday, November 12,1991

Continued from page 1
sionate," said Stempien, an organizer
of Harkin's University visit. "He's a
very straight-forward guy and doesn't
back down."
'He's a very straight-
forward guy and
doesn't back down'
-Eric Stempien
College Democrat
Stempien said students will ap-
preciate what he called Harkin's di-
rect approach. "Students can see
through the facade of a politician and
he doesn't have that facade," he said.
Harkin is the second of the six
announced Democratic presidential
candidates to speak in Ann Arbor.
Former California Gov. Jerry Brown
spoke at the University Oct. 10. All
of the Democratic candidates have

been invited to the University, said
LSA senior Dana Miller, president
of College Democrats.
Miller said that by bringing the
candidates to campus, her group
hopes to give students the chance to
hear the candidates' platforms and
Harkin is steadily gaining popu-
larity across the nation, starting in
the predominantly Republican dis-
tricts where he upset incumbent op-
ponents. But the Iowa senator has
not yet made a name for himself in
Ann Arbor. Out of eight University
political science professors who were
asked, the few who had heard of
Harkin said that they were not in-
formed enough to comment on his
Ann Arbor will be Harkin's first
stop after his appearance at the AFL-
CIO national convention in Detroit
today. All six Democratic candidates
will address the labor union's general

Continued from page 1
his decree.
Yeltsin did not attend the de-
bate and had no immediate com-
ment on the resolution, which also
called for negotiations toward a
political solution. Dudayev said he
was asked to take part in talks and
was prepared to do so.
Two Yeltsin allies, Russian
parliament speaker Ruslan Khasbu-
latov and Vice President Alexan-
der Rutskoi, the author of the de-
cree, reversed their earlier defense
of the crackdown. They backed the
lawmakers' move for negotiations,
signaling that Yeltsin had decided
against confrontation.
Yeltsin's apparent indecision in
using force, the limited number of
troops he was able to send to the
region to enforce his decree, and the
failure of his representatives to
carry out an order to arrest Du-
dayev showed his government to be
weak in areas not dominated by
ethnic Russians.
In the Chechen-Ingush capital
of Grozny, cheering militants fired

dependence declaration from the
Russian Federation.
Immediately before the Russian
legislature voted, Dudayev said he
would order terrorist strikes
against atomic power stations
around Moscow if Yeltsin did not
back down.
"Why should our mothers cry,
our old people cry, why should our
children cry and live so much in
fear?" he said. "Why shouldn't
Russia, which is where this evil is
coming from, feel fear?"
After the vote in Moscow, Du-
dayev suspended the threat.
Dudayev is a national hero in the
mainly Muslim autonomous re-
gion of 1.3 million people, 930
miles southeast of Moscow, for
trying to break free of Russian con-
trol, which began under the czars.
If Yeltsin had ordered troops to
open fire, violence could have
spread to other parts of the Russian
Federation.with substantial non-
Russian populations.
If Yeltsin backs down entirely,
it could encourage secessionist
movements in other parts of the
vast Russian republic.


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Two Soviet Interior Ministry soldiers guard the closed city airport in
Grozny. Chechen-Ingushetia Nationalists blocked transportation routes
in the region Sunday.
their automatic weapons in the air represented a "victory for democ-
and honked car horns to celebrate racy and truth." There was no sign
the Russian retreat. of compromise from the Chechen-


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Dudayev said the Russian vote

Ingush leaders on their Nov. 2 in-

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Coming November 15 to Weekend Magazine!


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Continued from page 1
the Union at it did before. These
changes were made to address this
problem," he said. "Students feel
like (the security officers) are an...
obstacle to get through to get into



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Continued from page 1
danger, which is the biggest prob-
Maurer and Schwartz both said
recent statistics show that Blacks
are disproportionately represented
in the number of AIDS cases, and
that the number of AIDS cases
among Latinos continues to rise.
"Most importantly he must
reach minority cultures because they
have the highest incidence of HIV
cases," said Schwartz. "As a highly
visible figure and now a spokesper-
son, he will have a better influence
then researchers." .
But AIDS activists also criti-
cized the media's approach to
Johnson's case.
"It's annoying the way that the
media has jumped on it," Martinez
said. "Where have they been for the
past 10 years? 126,000 other people
have died and where have they
Jennifer Levin, an ACT-UP
member who teaches in the
Residential College, said, "It's
tragic in our society that it takes a
high profile star to draw attention
to a plague that will destabilize our
society ... It's a tragedy that our
country values some lives more than
Levin added that although the
Continued from page 1
It usually takes about 10 years
before a person with HIV to show
the full signs of acquired immune
deficiency syndrome (AIDS).
Merson said an estimated 8-10
million adults carry the human im-
munodeficiency virus that leads to
AIDS. The agency has predicted 40
million adults and children will be
have HIV by the year 2000, and a
growing percentage may be chil-
dren or people infected through
heterosexual sex.

the Union," Green added.
BGA President Green said his
group was generally satisfied with
the policy changes. "The increased
number of visitors will help us out.
It'll make it easier for people or
friends of University students... to
get in during our functions."
media attention is definitely posi-
tive, "I detest the distinctionthe
media is making between HIV and
AIDS. There is really no difference,
HIV always eventually progresses
into AIDS."
AIDS activists said they hoped
Johnson, having grabbed national at-
'As a public figure he
will have a very
positive effect'
- Stanley Schwartz
medical professor
tention, would make the most of it.
Doug Martinez said, "I would
like to see him make statements#
about government and George Bush
and his policies," and, "lobby to re-
structure our medical health sys-
Yet most said Johnson would
probably achieve'beneficial effects
as long as he remains in the national
"As long as he maintains a pres-
ence, his influence will be great,"s
said Dr. Schwartz.
"He may be making our jobs eas-
ier - certainly making the job of
AIDS education to young people
easier," Maurer said. "He's a na-
tional figure so the federal govern-
ment will listen up and it will be
easier to lobby in Washington."
In the United States and Europe
- where homosexual men and in-
travenous drug users account for
most cases - WHO and other
agencies say statistics indicate a
rise in heterosexual cases.
About 100,000 HIV infections
have been reported in the United
States since 1985 because of hetero-
sexual sex. From this figure, there
were 3,100 AIDS cases that were
reported last year, compared with
250 such cases reported in 1985.
In Western Europe, 1,309 AIDS
cases through heterosexual sex
were reported last year, compared
with 149 cases in 1985.


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The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter
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all other subscriptions via first class U.S. mail are $149 - prorated at Nov. 1, 1991, to $105. Fall
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ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1327.
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News Editors
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Josh Mitnick SportsEditors
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Matt Rennie
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Jeff Sheran, Dan Zoch
Mark Bineli, Elizabeth Lenhard
Valerie Shunan
Michael John Wison
Julie Komorn
Annette Petrusso
Jenie Dahimam
Christine Kloostra



Please Note: Open to all
interested students. Your
attendance at the Information
Meeting is a prerequisite to your
interviewing process. Please
attend. Refreshments provided!
Casual attire.
Date: November 18, 1991

News: Merav Barr, Barry Cohen, Lynne Cohn, Ben Deci, Lauren Dermer, Henry Goldblat, Andrea Levy, Travis McReynolds,
Josh Meckler, Uju Oraka, Rob Patton, Melissa Peerless, Tami Pllak, David Rheingold, Bethany Robertson, Karen Sabgr, Juie
Schupper, Gwen Shaffer, Purvi Shah, Jennifer Silverberg, Stefanie Vines, JoAnne Viviano, Ken Walker, David Wartowski,
Chastity Wilson.
Opinion: Matt Adler, Chris Aendulis, Brad Bernatek,Renee Bushey, Yael Citro, Erin Einhcrn, David Leitner, Brad Miler, An
Rotenberg, David Shepardson.
Sports: Chris Carr, Ken Davidoff, Andy DeKorte,Kimbedy DeSempelaere, Matthew Dodge, Josh Dubow, Shawn DuFresne, Jim
Foss, Ryan Herrington, Bruce Inosenio, Albert in, Dan Linna, Rod Loewenthal, Sharon Lundy, Adam Miler, Rich Mitvalsky,
Tim Rardin, Chad Safarn, David Schechter, Eric Sklar, Tim Spodar, Andy Stabile, Ken Sugiura, Jeff Williams.
Arts: Greg Baise, Skot Beal, Jen Bilik, Andrew J. Cahn, Richard S. Davis, Brent Edwards, Gabriel Feldberg, Rosanne Freed,
Diane Frieden, Forrest Green ll, Aaron Hamburger, Nima Hodaei, Alan J. Hogg, Roger Hsia, Marie Jacobson, Kristin Knudson,
Mike Klody, Mike Kuniavsky, Amy Meng, John Morgan, Liz Patton, Austin Ratiner, Antonio Roque, Jeff Rosenberg, Joseph
Schreiber, Christine Slovey, Kevin Stein, Scott Sterling, Kim Yaged.
Photo: Brian Cantoni, Anthony M. Croll, Jennifer Dunetz, Kristolfer Gillette, Michelle Guy, Doug Kanter, Heather Lowman.


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