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October 24, 1991 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1991-10-24

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Page 2-The Michigan Daily- Thursday, October 24, 1991

Continued from page 1
guilty to charges that he used his
position for personal gain.
Holderman resigned a month later
amid criticism that he had spent
university money extravagantly.
"The alleged incidents ... consti-
tute very serious violations of the
ethical standards expected in uni-
versity life. The possible improper
use of university finances and al-
leged attempts to intimidate stu-
dents cannot be tolerated on any
university campus," Palms said.
South Carolina Gov. Carroll
Cambell has requested that the state
investigate the accusations. Rich-
land County Prosecutor Dick
Harpootlian said he is examining
whether a criminal investigation is
Palms will begin proceedings to
revoke Holderman's tenure status
Dec. 1, he said.

The Charlotte Observer reported
that the interns received gifts of
jewelry and clothing from Holder-
man, but that they feared speaking
out about the advances earlier
because of Holderman's prominent

body president, said he and many
other students were not surprised
when they heard the interns' claims.
"A lot of students who have
been here for a few years have heard
rumors. There were always jokes
about Holderman being gay, but I

'There were always jokes about Holderman
being gay, but I never heard anything
specific about sexual advances'
- Manish Shrivasta
USC student body president

Continued from page 1
and have our own."
She said the decision to resume
travel programs to China was a dif-
ficult one for the Alumni
Association, but they decided to do
"If you only visit your friends,
you'll never change your enemies,"
she said.
Both Evans and Waring agree
that the embassy party in no way
endorses any human rights infrac-
tions by the Chinese government. In
fact, both agree with Ehr that China
has a questionable track record.
"There almost isn't any country
around the world that we haven't
disagreed with," Waring said.
"Now clearly, with the Chinese
embassy, it's a different story. No
one is forcing anybody to attend this
event, and their dues will not be
used to pay for it. Each member pays

to attend.
"I see a problem with one or two
people expressing their viewpoints
and preventing others from attend-
ing an event."
Waring said that by keeping open
communication with Eastern
European countries as well as the
Soviet Union, Americans have led
them closer to democracy, and
"eventually they've seen the truth
and realized that democracy is the
right way."
When asked, most students were
in favor of holding the function at
the Chinese embassy.
Gloria Lin, a junior in the School
of Music and a native of Taiwan,
said, "Russia is changing so quickly
because they have contact with the
outside world. I think that can ap-
ply to the People's Republic of
China. We need to bring more
Western influence so more people in
China would realize that Commu-
nism would not work.

"Not having this party would
not help the situation. Going there
would help more to have this cul-
tural exchange; there is a higher
possibility for change."
Kenneth Dewoskin, chair of the .
Department of Asian Languages and
Cultures, said, "Either side has a
good argument. There's a lot to be
said for contacting Chinese officials
and expressing their views, and
there's a lot to be said for boy-
cotting the function.
"I think it's a very strong indica-
tion of how profoundly events in
China continue to affect Americans
and how deeply concerned Ameri-
cans are with Chinese governmental
The Washington D.C. Alumni
Club was voted most outstanding
of 200 University alumni clubs
around the world last Saturday, for
the second time in four years. With
close to 700 members, it is the
largest club outside Michigan.

One alleged victim said he did
not talk about the harassments be-
cause "people might think I was
Some students said they were fi-
nally prompted to go public with
the accusations partially because
Holderman's lawyer announced in
June that he might get a job working
for an orphanage.
Manish Shrivasta, the student

never heard anything specific about
sexual advances," he said.
Shrivasta said he feels the uni-
versity is handling the situation
"This is the last possible thing
that could be brought out about the
administration. The information
needs to get out so they can move
on," Shrivasta said.

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Continued from page 1
Congress to say this is not the type
of art we want to sponsor with gov-
ernment funds," Friedman said.
Joan Lowenstein, a lecturer in
the department of communications,
"The government can say we
won't fund something that doesn't
meet our criteria - whether it be
pornographic or politically incor-
rect," she said. "It is free to do this
as long as it doesn't do so because of
race or gender."
Rene Lemar, the executive direc-
tor of the Ann Arbor Artist's Co-
op, said the amendment limits all
"Arts in general shouldn't be
ruled over by censorship laws.
We're seeing less and less govern-
ment money for grants in arts as it
is," he said.
Lowenstein called Helms'
amendment ambiguous and unclear.
"Limiting funding in any cate-
gory is dangerous. They are limiting,
Continued from page 1
male lays its eggs, it also injects a+
virus-like particle, and this particle
targets selectively only one type of
cell. (That type of cell) poses theI
greatest danger to the one type ofi
"What is fascinating is that only+
one type of cell is destroyed and ev-
erything else is intact and can grow.
So when the fly larva is mature, the
wasp feeds on it," he said.
So, the question looms, what
could the benefits of isolating this
type of cell be? Rizki wouldn't
elaborate on specific applications,
Continued from page 1
complaints filed regarding this in-
cident support the assertion that po-
lice acted appropriately.
Hinte argued that there are no
dead-end hallways in the CRISP
area of Angell Hall, where the ar-
rest took place, and that police
could not have known at the time
that the suspect had an outstanding
"That leads me to believe both
of those things are false," Hinte
The advisory committee also
criticized an article in the Daily. The
article, which appeared on Sept. 18,
"suggests that the officers drew
their weapons while chasing -the
suspect," according to the report.

things that aren't well defined. It is
dangerous to have terms limiting
what kind of art will be acceptable
to people because people should
have the right to decide that for
themselves," she said.
Despite her reservations about
Helms' amendment, Lowenstein
said the government must limit
"The government doesn't have
the money to fund every type of art.
'I have grave doubts
about the
constitutionality of
this measure'
- John Frohnmayer
NEA chair
But the art they do fund should be
based on merit and not on political
strategies like it is for Jesse
Helms," she said.
Lemar said the government's
reach only extends so far.
"They can take away money for
grants, but they can't take away our
but he gave a general idea of the
"Is there any application to this
one type of phenomenon? I thought
about it. If the wasp in nature can
target this specific cell for destruc-
tion it is quite feasible that all the
molecular know-how in biology,
this can be used to target other kinds
of cells in other insects and other
organs to control them. This is just
a biological possibility," he said.
The Rizkis plan to allow re-
searchers in other areas to use what
they have found to develop applica-
tions, and will continue to concen-
trate on their research in insect
Officers in fact drew their guns
only during the arrest.
The article read: "... officers -
with semi-automatic pistols drawn
- arrested a suspected felon yester-;
day ... after a cross-campus chase on
While it absolved the officers
involved of all wrongdoing, the
committee said it "intends to re-
view in detail the firearms and re-
lated training provided for DPSS
officers and to insure that the offi-
cers have sufficient guidelines and
training covering the drawing of
weapons and the safety of persons in
the area."
It also suggested that DPSS im-
plement a policy of witness identi-
fication and obtain signed state-
ments from witnesses at the scenes
of incidents.

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