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October 24, 1991 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1991-10-24

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Cloudy, windy, warm;
High: 74, Low: 53.
Warm with showers;
High: 74, Low: 50.

£o &4
it I uuuu 4:

The Femmes
blister in the sun.
Page 5.

One hundred and one years of editorial freedom
Vol. CII, No. 19 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, October 24, 1991 coprl G:1991
heMi an Dily

Israel in
DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) -
Hard-line Israeli and Arab leaders
solidified their positions yesterday
in preparation for next week's
Mideast peace conference. Prime
Minister Yitzhak Shamir announced
he would lead the Israeli negotiat-
ing team, and Syria sought Arab
consensus to block any separate
peace accords with the Jewish state.
At a meeting of foreign
ministers in Damascus, the four
Arab participants most directly
involved in the talks reportedly
agreed not to negotiate separately
with Israel.
Syria was also seeking assurances
from Persian Gulf and North
African nations that they wouldn't
recognize Israel until it ceded
ground on issues like the occupied
territories and Jewish settlement
Meanwhile, Prime Minister
Yitzhak Shamir stunned Israeli
politicians by announcing that he
will head his delegation at the
Madrid talks, indicating he wanted
to make sure his hard-line views
would dominate Israel's positions.
The more dovish minister, David
Levy, said he would skip the confer-
ence and criticized Shamir for nam-
ing his own people to head negotiat-
ing teams. Among the representa-
tives Shamir reportedly was taking
to Madrid was deputy foreign min-
ister Benjamin Netanyahu, a politi-
cal rival of Levy.
The White House announced that
all parties had accepted the invita-
tion to the conference,,which opens
next Wednesday, and urged them to
go to Madrid "with an open mind."
Syria and Lebanon apparently were
the last Arab states to accept the
Soviet and U.S. invitations to the
Officials close to the meeting in
Damascus said representatives of
See MIDEAST, Page 7

'U' says cops
drew weapons
by Melissa Peerless

Daily Crime Reporter
Over the objections of some stu-
dents, the University has deter-
mined that its police officers be-
haved properly in the first incident
which prompted them to draw their
The University's Safety and Se-
curity Advisory Committee
-(SSAC) yesterday formally made
public its support for the decision
by University police officers to
draw guns in the Sept. 17 arrest of
Kenya Teate at Angell Hall.
The committee - which is
chaired by Architecture Professor
James Snyder - issued a press re-
lease through the offices of Provost
Gilbert Whitaker and Vice Presi-
dent and Chief Financial Officer
Farris Womak yesterday.
The advisory committee re-
viewed the results of the University
Department of Public Safety and Se-
curity's (DPSS) internal investiga-
tion, to determine if the investiga-
tion was complete or if there was
any violation of DPSS policies or
The release said: "DPS policy al-
lows an officer the discretion to
draw a weapon '... where an ordi-
nary and prudent officer would rea-
sonably fear for his or her own
safety or the safety of others."'"
The committee found that both

officers involved acted appropri-
ately with regard to these
The findings were immediately
called into question by student ac-
tivists opposed to campus police, in-
cluding Michigan Student Assem-
bly Rackham Rep. Jeff Hinte.
"The fact that the committee
does not do investigations indepen-
dent of DPSS takes legitimacy from
their findings," he said, adding,
"Professor Snyder's committee was
hand-picked by Provost Whitaker."
The press release described the
incident as follows: the suspect was
confronted in a dead end hallway.
He moved toward the officer before
the officer drew his gun, but sub-
mitted to arrest without a fight.
When the second officer arrived at
the scene and saw the first officer's
gun drawn, he drew his gun as
Throughout the incident, the of-
ficers involved knew that the sus-
pect had an outstanding felony war-
rant but did not know if the suspect
was armed, the committee said.
The release concluded, "SSAC
believes that this was in fact the
situation at the time and that the of-
ficers acted appropriately."
The committee also said witness
accounts and the lack of citizen

Save the LP
LSA senior Stephanie Brail spins the disks for the University's radio station, WCBN, yesterday afternoon
in the Student Activities Building.
Former S Carolina president
charged with sex harassment

by Gwen Shaffer
Daily Higher Education Reporter
Four former University of South
Carolina students claim that ex-
President James lHolderman made
sexual advances toward them while
he was in office, a Charlotte news-
paper reported Monday.
Holderman has denied all
charges of improper behavior. After
the Charlotte Observer reported the
charges, Holderman - who is on
unpaid leave of absence from the
university - checked into a local

hospital for depression and
The four men accusing
Holderman served as his interns
during the 1980s. Holderman's term
as president ran from September
1977 to June 1990.
"The university's current presi-
dent, John Palms, has requested that
any students or faculty with infor-
mation relating to the claims please
come forward," said Debra Allen, a
university spokesperson.
Allen said rumors are circulat-

ing that some university trustees
may have heard about the sexual ha-
rassment but failed to act upon their
In a written statement, Palms
said, "I am most troubled and dis-
tressed by this and by the possibil-
ity that faculty, staff, or students
may have been rebuffed in attempt-
ing to address these matters at the
time, or on any subsequent
In May, Holderman pleaded
See CHARGES, Page 2

Helms pushes art




. 'U' grads protest D.C.

alumni party

Daily Staff Reporter

Nine University alumni are
protesting the Washington D.C.
Alumni Club's decision to hold a
party at the embassy of the People's
Republic of China, continuing' a
nationwide dispute over U.S. policy
toward China.
The embassy party, planned for
tomorrow night, is an annual club
function meant to serve as a social
event and a cultural exchange.
Thomas Ehr, a 1984 alumnus, and
eight other recent alumni, wrote a
letter to Mike Waring, the presi-
dent of the club, protesting the lo-
cation of the party, which they said
implies that the University en-
dorses human rights violations
committed by the Chinese

Ehr spoke to Waring before
writing the letter.
"(Waring) said, 'We have these
events to learn about different cul-
tures,' and I said, 'You don't learn
about culture standing around and
drinking,'" Ehr said. "I want this
thing not to happen."
Ehr, a U.S. government em-
ployee, said he did not pay his dues
for membership in the Alumni Club
this year because of the party.
Waring said he raised Ehr's com-
plaints at a monthly alumni board
meeting, but members decided the
party would still be held.
"I sympathize with his concerns
about the People's Republic of
China," Waring said. "We just have
a disagreement about what to do
about those concerns."

He said the club hosts about 50
functions each year, including an
embassy party as an opportunity to
learn about other cultures.
"If you believe we should be
sending a message to this govern-
ment, might we not better sit down
with them and express our views
about them?" Waring said.
"Couldn't he make that voice
louder by being there in person?"
He added that the alumni could
accomplish more by facing the
Chinese people than by not dealing
with them at all. Waring also
pointed out that the U.S. govern-
ment, while disagreeing with many
Chinese policies, has not stopped
trade or communication with China.
In a second letter to Waring, Ehr
said, "What we seek is to let the

PRC government representatives
know that we find the PRC's egre-
gious, widespread human rights
abuses abhorrent and in complete
contradiction to everything for
which we believe the University of
Michigan stands."
He also said that a social event
with such a government is inconsis-
tent with the mission of the kind of
higher learning found at the
Marsha Evans, director of exter-
nal activities at the campus Alumni
Association, said, "I think that's
what educated people do - express
their views. I would expect that
from University graduates.
"That's what Michigan taught
us - listen to opposing viewpoints
See CHINA, Page 2

by Stefanie Vines
Daily Government Reporter+
U.S. representatives and senators
voted in a conference committee last
week not to restrict the type of art
that can be supported by the
National Endowment for the Arts
(NEA) - despite strong support
for such limits in both the House
and Senate.
Debate in the conference com-
mittee centered on an amendment,
proposed by Sen. Jesse Helms (R-
N.C.), which barred support for any
projects that "depict or describe, in
a patently offensive way, sexual or
excretory activities, or organs."
Although the amendment was
defeated in committee, it will be
debated today when the conference's
report is voted on in the House.
Republican representatives are ex-
pected to oppose any funding from
the NEA for art which they regard
as "obscene."
Opponents of Helms' amend-
ment say it is a violation of the
First Amendment, while propo-
nents feel the government is justi-
fied in deciding where funding for
art should be spent.
Tony Blankley, the press secre-

ins again
tary for Rep. Newt Gingrich (R-
Ga.), said Congress should have the
right to decide which art is appro-
priate for government funding.
"This is not an issue of censor-
ship; it is an issue of what the tax-
payers' money should be spent on.
Lawmakers decide what they consti-
tute as obscene and then vote based
on that decision," he said. "Because
the lawmakers represent the tax-
payers, they then have the right to
decide what the taxpayers' money
should be spent on."
Blankley said Gingrich today
will introduce an amendment simi-
lar to the one Helms offered ii the
John Frohnmayer, chair of the
NEA, questioned the legality of al-
lowing the government to decide
what is obscene.
"I have grave doubts about the
constitutionality of this measure,"
he said in a press release.
But University law Professor
Richard Friedman said the govern-
ment does have the right to restrict
funding for certain types of art.
"The Supreme Court would hold
that it could be legitimate for
See ART, Page 2
Cuts in

Biologists search for new
meaning in parasitic life
Fruit flies used as unsuspecting wasp incubators

by Andrew Levy
Daily Research Reporter

Parasitic relationships weigh heavily on
the minds of one husband-and-wife research
team at the University. No, they're not com-
plaining about who pays the bills. They're
talking about the relationship between Lep-
topilina hematoma wasps and common labo-
ratory fruit flies.
University biologists Tahir and Rose
Rizki first published their findings on the
.. vi,,tnr Pr th is rehntinnhin in 19RA

cells go around the thing and it forms a cap-
sule. Once something is inside the capsule, it
cannot escape," he said
"We've been working for many, many
years - since1950 or so - but there was
this question that there was this wasp that
lays its egg in the maggot. Since this egg is a
foreign cell in the maggot, these cells
should recognize it. So the question is 'How
can this egg survive inside the body of the
flv. when it has this defense system against

DETROIT (AP) - Two dozen
people whose General Assistance
welfare benefits were cut by Gov.
John Engler took to the streets yes-
terday, urging a city moratorium on
evictions and utility shutoffs.
Protesters said Engler's cuts
would force 35,000 poor Detroiters

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