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September 25, 1991 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1991-09-25

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Page 2- The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, September 25, 1991

Continued from page 1
Whether it be difficulty reading
and comprehending or needing extra
time to complete an exam, learning
disabilities don't necessarily have to
hinder a student's education. With
the proper faculty understanding
and help, many LD students succeed
at the top universities at the top of
their class.
Tim Sheehy, an LSA junior, said
he usually concentrates on working
with his TAs instead of his profes-
sors. He said his LD is "a lot of
frustration. I have problems orga-
nizing my thoughts as far as sen-
tence structure, and I read awful
Still, Sheehy maintains a 3.2
grade point average. "I can't think
of anybody who hasn't been really
helpful," he said of his University
instructors. "My History 161 TA,
Cara Shelly, is very understanding
as far as test-taking outside of
Dana Green, a first-year graduate
student in the School of Public

Health, said she has had some diffi-
culties getting instructors to under-
stand about her LD. Several instruc-
tors are, however, trying to make it
easier for Green to succeed.
Green suffers from visual per-
ceptual processing disorder, making
it almost impossible for her to un-
derstand graphs, multiple choice
tests and maps, and information
processing delays.
Having completed her under-
graduate education at the University
of California-Davis, Green said she
misses the understanding of the Dis-
ability Resource Center there.
"You appreciate what you've got
when you don't have it," she said.
Still, Green chose the University
because she "was impressed with
the way the department... handled
my LD."
Although she has fewer prob-
lems each day, Green said it is still a
struggle to teach instructors about
"They didn't understand what
they needed to do for me, and I
didn't understand how to let them
know what I needed," she added.

School tax sharing
approved by state

LANSING (AP) - Major leg-
islation to share some property tax
money among school districts
statewide won final approval
yesterday despite bitter opposition
from lawmakers representing
wealthier districts.
The measure now goes to Gov.
John Engler for his signature. It is
designed to narrow the spending gap
between richer districts and poorer
ones that has been a growing
problem in school finance for years.
"We've got a bill that over a
decade will make a difference," said
Sen. Dan DeGrow, (R-Port Huron)
and a leading backer of the plan.
"We have a real problem in this
state with per-pupil spending," he
said. "This is a step forward in
dealing with that. This is a fair
approach to a real problem."
He said currently, the gap in
spending ranges from $2,300 per
pupil per year to about $9,000 per
pupil per year.
He said over a decade, the
legislation will shift $350 million
to $400 million from affluent to
poorer districts.
It would require wealthier
school districts to give up half of
the yearly valuation growth of

commercial and industrial property.'
But opponents attacked the
measure as unfair to more affluent
districts, which will lose some of
their growing tax base.
"This tax-base sharing
legislation is a tragic mistake," said
Senate Minority Leader Arthur
Miller, (D-Warren). "You cannot
commit highway robbery in one part
of the state and hide the crime
behind a fancy name like tax-base
Other senators warned it will
force some districts to increase
local property tax rates in an
attempt to replace the lost money.
But Sen. Virgil Smith, (D-
Detroit), defended the bill.
"We have to share the resources
of the state with all the children,
not just a privileged few," he said.
The measure passed the Senate on
a vote of 22-16. Engler backs the
idea, but some senators warned that
he risked Republican support in
some areas if he signed the bill.
The bill was hammered out in a
House-Senate conference committee
after passing each chamber in
slightly different form.

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In the eye of the beholder
First year architecture graduate student Hong Jun sketches and
contemplates an abstract sculpture in the Michigan Art Museum.

Continued from page 1
He said Mann was set free "to
facilitate Perez de Cuellar's mis-
sion. The other side is required to fa-
cilitate his mission too."
He apparently referred to the
kidnappers' demands that Israel re-
lease 20 more Arab prisoners, or
possibly Sheik Abdul-Karim Obeid,
the Hezbollah leader seized by Is-
raeli commandos in 1989.
Yossi Olmert, an Israeli gov-
ernment spokesperson, said Mann's
release was a "a positive and wel-
Continued from page 1
week. They will attempt to address
our concerns. I felt that was a gen-
uine offer."
Other assembly members voiced
concern that students seem to be
limited to an advisory role in cam-
pus policy making and said they
wanted students included in the
process in the future.
"(The Union policy) was ill-
planned and poorly implemented
and the University ought to be bend-
ing over backwards to accommodate
student concerns and student sug-
gestions," said Rackham Rep. Max
Ochoa."We just have no say at all to
what happens on campus. We have a
solely advisory capacity, not a pol-
icy-making capacity."

come development." He noted that
Israel still seeks word on five miss-
ing soldiers and added: "If more in-
formation comes our way, we will
Mann was freed at 8:40 p.m. at
west Beirut's Beau Rivage hotel and
turned over to the Syrian army,
Iran's official Islamic Republic
News Agency said. He was then
taken to Damascus.
Mann's wife, Sunnie, left Cyprus
for Damascus to meet her husband
of more than 50 years. "I'm very,
very happy," she said.
At least nine Westerners are
still missing in Lebanon.

Continued from page 1
House aide Oliver North, Allen
said. Allen said Gates told him he
had always admired North but that
"this was going too far" if indeed a
diversion was under way.
'I had what I call an
analytic judgment.
Mr. Gates may call it
speculation. That's
fair. But I call it an
analytic judgment'
- Charles Allen
senior CIA official
Pressed by Sen. Sam Nunn, (D-
Ga.), Allen said, "It was clear that I
implied the chain went from North
to Adm. Poindexter," President
Reagan's national security adviser.
Allen also differed with Gates

Continued from page 1
Security Council's president, French
Ambassador Jean-Bernard Merimee.
At a news conference in Baghdad,
Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Tariq
Aziz accused the leader of the U.N.
team of being "an officer of the U.S.
intellience service," the official
Iraqi News Agency reported.
He contended the inspectors
gathered material yesterday to use
against individual Iraqis and were
not looking at documents related to
Iraq's nuclear program.
On Monday, the same U.N. team
was detained for 12 hours in a
Baghdad building after finding what
. they said was evidence that Iraq has
been trying to develop nuclear
weapons. Iraqi troops seized the pa-

pers and returned some early yester-
day. U.N. officials said key docu-
ments appeared to be missing.
The officials said the documents
found yesterday gave a fuller pic-
ture of Iraq's secret nuclear pro-
Iraqi troops surrounded the U.N.
team yesterday and refused to let it
take away papers and photographs of
documents gathered in an unan-
nounced search at the Iraqi Atomic
Energy Commission. Iraqi officials
said the inspectors would not be al-
lowed to leave unless they surren-
dered the material.
David Kay, the American head of
the U.N. nuclear team in Baghdad,
reported that the inspectors were
holed up in six cars and a bus outside
the commission, refusing to surren-
der their evidence. He said they were
blocked from leaving by 60 armed
Iraqi security men at midday and
were still surrounded more than 12
hours later.
Kay said the team had "no inten-
tion of giving up that film," and
was prepared for a long standoff.
The inspection teams routinely

on the amount of information he had
conveyed to him about the suspected
diversion during the Oct. 1 meeting.
Gates has testified that Allen's re-
marks amounted to a brief reference
at the end of a lengthy conversation
on other issues, and called it
"extraordinarily flimsy" specula-' n
"I had what I call an analytic
judgment," testified Allen, who at
the time was the top CIA counter-
terrorism official. "Mr. Gates may
call it speculation. That's fair. But I
call it an analytic judgment."
len bsaid that at te tieh
Ale adta ttetm efeared, but had no proof, the trail
would lead to the Oval Office. But
now "I have absolutely no knowl-
edge" that Reagan was involved in
the diversion, he added.
Gates "has a faulty memory
when it comes to the involvement
of the NSC" - the National
Security Council - said panel'
member Bill Bradley (D-N.J.).
videotape and photograph the docu-
ments they examine.
Kay spoke in several live inter-
views with Cable News Network
from Baghdad, using a portable
satellite telephone.
"It's essential for the interna-
tional community's long-term sta-
bility that inspectors have the right
to freely inspect, to collect data, to.
remove it for analysis," Kay said.
Asked about Aziz's charge that
he is an American spy, Kay said:
"It's completely ridiculous and un-
Iraqi officials claimed the team
took routine personnel records un-
related to Iraq's nuclear research
Kay said, "We were taking in-
formation on the top personnel in
the Iraqi nuclear weapons program
and clandestine uranium enrichment
program as well as the financial
data on their procurement abroad of
items for their clandestine pro-
He said the team also found doc-
uments on long-range missile pro-

JSbe 3tdctian BaiIy
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter
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A with0student comedians
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Blake Robinson

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