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September 25, 1991 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1991-09-25

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Chance of rain;
High: 59, Low: 42.
Chance of rain;
High: 54, Low: 39.

4v 4

One Banana,
Two Bananas
humanizes MS.
Page 5.

A century of editorial freedom
opyringt 1991
Vol. Cl, No. 155 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, September 25, 1991 he Min aily

s detain
more U.N.
Iraqi troops yesterday detained 44
U.N. inspectors for the second time, .
and officials accused them of being
spies. The inspectors said they
videotaped documents showing
which foreign companies supplied
materials for Iraq's secret nuclear
weapons program.
President Bush condemned
Baghdad's "unaceptable behavior,"
and warned Saddam Hussein not to
"miscalculate" as he did during the
Gulf War.
"We don't want to see any more
anguish inflicted on the Iraqi peo-
ple, but overriding that is the inter-
national community's determina-
tion that these resolutions be fully
complied with," Bush said in New
The U.N. Security Council de-
manded that Iraq release the inspec-
tors before an emergency council
meeting last night. The council also
demanded the Iraqis agree to allow
U.N. helicopter flights to search for
hidden weapons in Iraq without re-
It "would be in their interest"
to meet the deadline, said the
See IRAQ, Page 2
by Lynne Cohn
Daily Faculty Reporter
Students with learning disabili-
ties (LD) say it's hard enough cop-
ing at the University without the
added stress of an LD. Sometimes,
however, an understanding profes-
sor or a helpful TA can make all the
Mark Freyberg, a sociology TA,
received an award for exceptional
work with an LD student last term.
"Teachers are probably the main
resources that students have, but
they don't see us as resources "
Freyberg said. "That's the fault of
our system. That's why it often
takes a request from a student to get
extra help."
Emily Singer, LD coordinator in
the Services for Students with Dis-
abilities office, said awards are

free hostage
n ebDanon

DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) - In
another breakthrough in the hostage
crisis, kidnappers freed 77-year-old
Briton Jack Mann yesterday after
holding him for 865 days, and a
Shiite Muslim leader said an Amer-
ican hostage may soon follow.
Mann was led by officials into a
packed news conference at the Syrian
Foreign Ministry.
"This morning I started another
dreadful day. ... I wondered how
many more months I've got to stay.
... I wondered how much longer,
how much longer, how much longer.
Wondering how many more months
I've got to stay here," the white-
haired, former World War II pilot
"My voice has gone after 2 and
1/2 years of chaining, of saying: 'Do
this, do that. Don't do that!' or 'Be
quiet!"' Mann said.
Prime Minister John Major of
Britain said he had heard that Mann
was "a little unwell," and a 10
Downing Street spokesperson had
said the government was
"disturbed" about reports of
Mann's health.

U.N. Secretary-General Javier
Perez de Cuellar has sought a broad
exchange involving the Western
hostages, an accounting of five miss-
ing Israeli military personnel and
the release of hundreds of Arabs
held by Israel.
Perez de Cuellar said in state-
ment yesterday he was "encouraged
by this further step in a process
which he hopes will lead to a full,
speedy and satisfactory solution of
the problem of all detainees and
missing persons."
"I hope it's not the end of the re-
lease program," President George
Bush said in New York. "There are
many more. ... It's so tragic." He
said the United States could not
have normal relations with Iran as
long as any hostages are held.
Hussein Musawi, a leader of
Hezbollah, the umbrella group for
most of the factions holding West-
erners, told reporters in the Bekaa
Valley town of Sohmor: "If things
continued to proceed normally an
American hostage will be released.
Maybe within a week or less than a
See HOSTAGES, Page 2

Hope you like 8 o'clocksB
CRISP temporary employee Zahara Harris prepares for a hectic day of drop/add. Today is the last day for
students to change their schedule without late fees. Harris enjoys pronouncing strange student names.

TAs help learning

disabled students

given to recognize faculty effort
with LDs because a student feels
that his or her instructor has been
"Anyone who's qualified gets an
award," Singer said. "It's to recog-
nize that professors are helping stu-
dents and being accommodating."
Psychology Prof. Karl Rosen-
gren said he tries to "find out some-
thing about the individual student
and what problems they might have
with the way material is presented
in class or on exams."
Jonathan Ellis, an LSA sopho-
more with a 3.8 GPA, said Michael
Davis, his psychology TA, allowed
Ellis to give an oral presentation in-
stead of a research paper.
Ellis said his LD affects his read-
ing and spelling skills, and as a re-
sult, he said he does better verbally

than written.
Davis received an award recog-
nizing the time and effort he gave to
helping Ellis.
Ellis said people have only re-
cently begun to understand LDs.

if (LDs) are psychological or bio-
"A learning disability has no
correlation with intelligence. Yet
the problem with having a learning
disability is teaching other people

I've always tried to provide (students with
learning disabilities) a little bit of extra time
to prepare for an exam and make sure they
don't feel pressured. I always try within
what's practical to make sure they realize
that I'm accessible to them'
- Physics Prof. Walter Gray

"I've always tried to provide
them a little bit of extra time to
prepare for an exam and make sure
they don't feel pressured," Gray
said. "I always try within what's
practical to make sure they realize
that I'm accessible to them."
"Very generally, part of the
problem is the question of aware-
ness," said Richard Jahiel, a first-
year medical student. "There is not
very much knowledge about what an
LD constitutes."
Jahiel, himself an LD student
who suffers from dyslexia, obtained'
a master's degree at Harvard and an
undergraduate degree from MIT.
Like most LD students, he has the
ability to succeed. It just takes him
"LD students in general experi-
ence the kinds of problems that

normal students do but to a much
exaggerated state," Jahiel said.
Shelly Kovacs is a counselor in
academic services who frequently
counsels LD students. "The faculty
do a range of things including offer-
ing alternative testing outside of
the classroom or adapting the test,"
she said.
Kovacs provides legislative in-
formation to LD students about
their rights on campus, and she said
she encourages students to meet
with their instructors.
"Sometimes people don't under-
stand they are bound by legisla-
tion," she said. "I've been surpris-
ingly pleased with the response of
faculty and TAs, although we've
had a few instances where faculty
have been difficult."
See FACULTY, Page 2

"In the 1960s, anyone with a
learning disability was thought to
be brain damaged," he said. "Only in
the past 10 years have they done real
research on it, and they don't know

that you learn differently," he
Physics Prof. Walter Gray re-
ceived LD awards both terms last

MSA proposes code change

Automatic group recognition gets first

by Purvi Shah
Daily MSA Reporter
A proposal to change the
Michigan Student Assembly's code
and constitution to allow automatic
student group recognition was in-
troduced at the assembly's meeting
last night.
The proposal will be debated
next Tuesday. Although the code
can be amended by the assembly,
constitutional changes must be rati-
fied by three-fifths of the student
Changing only the code would
still allow for automatic student
group recognition, but a constitu-
tional amendment would ensure a
more permanent change of policy,
said Engineering sophomore Brian

Kight, vice-chair of the rules and
elections committee.
The rules and elections commit-
tee also proposed that assembly
documents be recorded and open to
the public, since a public record does
not exist.
In other business, progress con-
cerning attempts to change the new
University policy banning access to
non-students and students without
identification from the Union on
the weekend was discussed.
MSA President James Green re-
ported that in a meeting of student
leaders with Vice President for
Student Services Mary Ann Swain,
that the administration viewed the
policy as open to amendments.
"It was a very productive meet-

ing. Just about every student there
expressed their grave concern about
the Union policy," Green said. "It
was a consensus that there was kind
of a siege mentality at th1 Union.
"Essentially what they said to
me was that they screwed up and
they apologize. Their explanation
for doing this was generally to
make students feel more secure at
the Union," he said.
Green did not know when the
policy would be changed.
"This is not a closed field. We've
had several meetings so far, and
we'll have several more. I took Dr.
Swain at her word that this could be
changed," he added. "They haven't
said they're going to change it next
See MSA, Page 2

Gates' role
in Iran=
pivotal figure in the Iran-Contra af-
fair testified yesterday that in 1986
he clearly laid out for CIA director-
designate Robert Gates evidence
pointing to a White House diversion
of money to Nicaraguan rebels.
The testimony by senior CIA of-
ficial Charles Allen followed
Gates' assertion that he couldn't re-
call being told of a White House
role in the possible diversion.
The question of what Gates knew
about the 1985-86 diversion of
money to the Contras from U.S.
arms sales to Iran has been at the
heart of the debate by the Senate
Intelligence Committee on whether
to confirm Gates.
Gates has told the committee in
sworn written responses to its
questions that "to the best of my
recollection, Mr. Allen never men-
tioned to me or speculated that any-
one in the U.S. government, includ-
ing the ... White House" was in-
volved in the diversion, which oc-
curred despite a legal ban on U.S. aid
to the rebels.
Allen told the panel that he had

Black youth
DETROIT (AP) - A long-held
belief that a Black person can't be
successful without acting white is
holding back many black young-
sters' school performance, a psychi-
atrist says.
Tamala Evans has firsthand ex-
perience with the dilemma. She gets
good grades, and that doesn't suit
some of her classmates at Lathrup
High School in Southfield.
"They say I act white because I

held back by
"That is, there is some associa-
tion that Black is bad and dumb andl
that white is smart," he told the
Detroit Free Press for an article in
yesterday's edition. "And there's
also some feeling that in order to
achieve, that somehow you have to
adopt white styles."
Self-hatred rooted in slavery and
lack of education in Black history
for youth leads to peer pressure
against doing well in school, said

American and successful, so that
Blackness is not perceived as anti-
thedcal to success, to virtuousness,
to goodness, it would be easier for
them to strive," said Rutgers Uni-
versity anthropologist Signithia
Fordham. She is writing a book:
"Acting White and Book Black
"It's frightening," said Mignon
Oldham, an English teacher at Re-
' >;c.on . n


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