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September 19, 1991 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1991-09-19

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Cool, some clouds;
High: 58, Low: 38.
Mostly sunny;
High: 60, Low: 42.

t t

Drop dead Freddy.
Page 5.

A century of editorial freedom
Vol. Cl, No. 151 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, September 19, 1991 *rig~ @1D91





- plans to
'U' bylaw
by Henry Goldblatt
Daily Administration Reporter
University President James
Duderstadt said in an interview yes-
terday that he has no plans to con-
sider changing University Regental
Bylaw 14.06 to include lesbians and
gay men despite calls for its modifi-
cation by a University task force re-
port issued this week.
The report, titled "Opening the
Doors for Lesbians and Gay Men at
the University of Michigan," rec-
ommends a bylaw change and the
removal of the Reserved Officers'
Training Corps (ROTC) from cam-
pus unless the Department of
Defense changes the military admit-
tance policy regarding homosexuals.
The current regental bylaw pro-
hibits discrimination on the basis of
race, sex, color, religion, creed, na-
tional origin, ancestry, age, marital
status, or Vietnam. veteran era sta-
tus. However, the bylaw excludes
lesbians and gay men.
Committee members said they
wanted to see the bylaw changed be-
cause the separation of the
Presidential Policy from the bylaw
indicates that discrimination on the
basis of sexual orientation is less
significant than discrimination
against other groups such as racial
or religious minorities.
Moreover, they said this exclu-
sion demonstrates the University's
lack of commitment to the lesbian
and gay community.
Duderstadt said the University's
Presidential Policy, implemented in

Bush to send
planes to help

'Hands-On' experience
Alex Puzey, 4, of Bloomfield, plays in the bubble capsule at the Hands-On Museum, on the corner of 5th and
Huron streets in Ann Arbor.

find Ira
Ariz. (AP) - President Bush de-
clared yesterday he will send war-
planes to escort U.N. helicopters
searching for hidden Iraqi weapons
if Saddam Hussein continues to im-
pede the inspectors. Bush said he was
"pretty fed up" with Saddam but
not looking for a new war.
Bush and other top administra-
tion officials sought to cut short
any speculation that new fighting
was is store. "This is not Desert
Storm II," one senior aide said.
In regards to Saddam, the presi-
dent said, "There's just determina-
tion ... that he will comply" with
the United Nations mandate for in-
spection and destruction of Iraq's
nuclear and other major weapons fa-
National Security Adviser Brent
Scowcroft said the warplanes
would provide air cover for the he-
licopters should Saddam continue
placing restrictions on inspections,
but "if he will comply with the
U.N. resolutions there won't need
to be an executive order."
He said that Saudi Arabia had re-
quested and would receive Patriot
missiles for defensive purposes.
Presidential spokesperson Marlin
Fitzwater said later, "We believe
Iraq still possesses several hundred
Scud missiles of the type used
against Saudi Arabia during the
Gulf War."
Bush, asked about the possibility
of renewed military conflict, said,
"I don't think Saddam wants that.
I'm confident he doesn't."

4Ucops investigating
Angell Hall incident
by Christine Kloostra side CRISP. Two security officers It quotes the campus police r
Daily Staff Reporter were also present at the scene. ual, which says that weapons sh

qi arms
Bush added, "I'm plenty fed up. I
think the man will see we are very
serious about this ... He knows bet-
ter than to take on the United States
of America."
Bush made the comments during
a hike to the Grand Canyon on a trip
to promote his environmental poli-
Iraq's ambassador to the United
Nations, Abdul Amir al-Anbari,
dismissed the situation as "a tem-
pest in a teacup," but added, "Of
course, is the coalition led by the
United States wants to commit an
aggression against Iraq's people,
certainly they are capable of doing
Al-Anbari said Iraq had been
fully cooperating with the United
Nations and was trying to make ar-
rangements so the weapons inspec-
tors could do their job without vio-
lating Iraq's national sovereignty.
At United Nations headquarters,
Security-General Javier Perez de
Cuellar said he saw no sign the
Iraqis were ready to drop their re-
sistance to weapons inspections.
The senior official traveling
with Bush said, "There are some
units that will definitely go in (to
Saudi Arabia) ... some within the
next day or so." He spoke on the
condition of anonymity.
Pentagon sources, also speaking
privately, said one U.S. air wing had
been ordered to prepare to fly to the
region. Supporting forces would be
included in the package, the sources
See IRAQ, Page 2


The Department of Public Safety
is investigating the procedures used
by campus officers in the arrest
Tuesday of a suspected felon, accord-
ing to a statement released by the
University yesterday.
The suspect, Kenya Tate, who is
not a University student, was chased
from the CCRB to Angell Hall late
Tuesday afternoon by campus police.
Two deputized campus officers
pulled their guns on Tate after he
had been brought to the ground out-

"The indication is that policies
and procedures were followed," the
statement said.
However, some students who
protested the formation of the dep-
utized police force last fall dispute
the fact that correct procedures
were followed.
The students, former members of
MSA's Students Rights Commis-
sion, cited a University fact sheet
dated Oct. 25, 1990, detailing the
campus police's policies.

only be used "to protect others who
are under immediate threat of death
or serious injury and only if there is
no apparent alternative and if the
safety of bystanders will not be un-
reasonably jeopardized."
Tate was arrested after a check on
his identification revealed that he
had three outstanding warrants -
one felony and two misdemeanors,
police said.
See ARREST, Page 2

-Fraternities nationwid

by Gwen Shaffer
Daily Higher Education Reporter
If nuclear facilities have the
fifth most expensive liability in-
surance, what do you think has the
sixth highest? Unless you guessed
fraternities, you're wrong.
In response to rising liability in-
surance costs, national chapter man-
dates, and pressure from university
administrations, many campuses are
implementing bans on kegs at fra-
ternity parties.
At Michigan, kegs are still an ac-
cepted part of Greek social func-
tions. However, the tap might soon
run dry. In response to a national
trend of tougher alcohol regulation,
the Interfraternity Council (IFC) is
considering going to a BYOB policy
at future parties.

"Michigan is practically in the
Dark Ages as far as alcohol goes.
The open distribution here is greater
than on most campuses," said IFC
President Matt Commers.
University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign IFC President Chris
Goelkel said he believes the in-
creased number of lawsuits brought
against fraternities is a major moti-
vation behind the stricter alcohol
policies being enacted nationally.
"People used to think if you
drink and there is an accident, it's
your fault. Now the thinking is, if
you were serving it's your fault," he
Every fraternity interviewed
agreed that sky-high liability insur-
ance rates are the primary incentive
for policy changes.

The University of Arizona began
enforcing a no-keg policy last year.
University of Arizona Greek Life
Coordinator Dan Maxwell said the
reasoning behind the policy was
complex since alcohol abuse affects
so many aspects of the university.
"There was concern with minors
getting sick, illegally pulling .fire
alarms, and causing other problems
for the residence hall staff to deal
with. Also, fraternities were violat-
ing our national policy (by serving
alcohol)," Maxwell said.
University of Arizona senior
Dolley Menashe said the new BYOB
policy has not adversely affected the
social scene on campus.
"The atmosphere is the same. The
parties are crowded, only the beer
isn't flowing. If you are a new stu-

e banning keg
dent, you won't notice. Now frater- Menashe said she believes the
nities limit the number of beers you BYOB policy is creating a new
can bring into a party to six beers problem instead of resolving
'The atmosphere is "I think it's worse because now
.eh people are going to drink before
the same. The parties they go out, so there is concern over
are crowded, only the drinking and driving," she said.
beer isn't flowing. If Since the University of Florida
you are a new changed to a BYOB policy last fall,
student, you won't many parties there have also moved
.tuent ,off-campus, said IFC Vice President
notice Todd Silverman.
- Dolley Menashe "Drinking and driving isn't re-
Univ. of Arizona senior ally a worry because we have Greek
Advocacy for Mature Management
of Alcohol, which works out. We
for every four hours, and police card always have a designated driver and
you at the door. People who have that stuff," Silverman said.
good fake IDs will be fine," Silverman said keg parties are
Menashe said. "pretty much obsolete" on campus

and that BYOB parties are limited
to closed socials with sororities and
date parties.
None of the schools interviewed
said rush numbers had dropped as a
result of stricter alcohol policies.
Silverman said that since there
was no decline in the number of
rushees at school, alcohol was ap-
parently not the main draw to the
Greek system in the first place.
"We have 35,000 students here.
If they want alcohol, they can find
it - they don't need frats when
there are a million other people who
will supply it to them," he said.
At some universities, the rules
are even stricter. Not only are kegs
outlawed, but complete bans on al-
cohol at certain times have been
See BYOB, Page 2

Higher education
debate nearing end

Geography program
seeks minority grads

by Stefanie Vines
Daily Government Reporter

Some fights are fought in the
boxing ring, others on the battle-
field, but the final stages of the bat-
tle over the state budget will be
played out in the halls of the state
capitol today.
The battle between Sen. John
Schwarz (R-Battle Creek) and Rep.
Morris Hood (D-Detroit) continues
in Lansing today when debates on
the higher education budget resume.
Schwarz and Hood, co-chairs of
the Senate and House higher educa-
tion subcommittees, are expected to
release a joint report today on the
higher education bill if they can
reach agreement on the issues of tu-
ition caps and state funding of uni-
versity buildings.
Schwarz and Hood, along with
four other committee members,
were scheduled to meet Tuesday to

wording in the bill. I won't support
anything that deals with autonomy
in tuition since that is something
universities should control, not the
state," Schwarz said.
Schwarz also opposes the prac-
tice of state funding for new univer-
sity buildings.
Once negotiations clear up these
points of disagreement, passage of
the bill is highly likely, Schwarz
"Once we finish the report and
agree on the bill, we will almost
guarantee passage of it," Schwarz
said. "I can't remember a time when
the legislature failed to pass a bill
which the committee
Despite his hard line stance on
tuition caps, Schwarz said he is con-
fident that the other issues will be
resolved very soon.
44T t.. _ 1.t 1 1 n m frM % fx

by Rob Patton
Daily Minority Issues Reporter
University Professor Donald
Deskins, a leader in a movement to
increase minority enrollment in ge-
ography graduate programs more
than 20 years ago, is involved in a
new program to reverse recent
trends of falling enrollment in that
The project, sponsored by the
American Association of Geo-
graphers, will allow students to
participate in summer programs at
Hunter College of the City
University of New York, Louisiana
State University, and the University
of South Florida.
Students will also be able to in-
tern in graduate geology research
"The summer programs will fo-
cus on sharpening statistical and an-
alytical skills, all the things that
nres tvicrtrl of crammen1 rnryr',me

Black (geography) Ph.D.s total un-
til that time. About 30 people got
degrees throughout the seventies,"
he said.
Deskins said the increase was di-
rectly related to the recruitment
"The numbers increased mainly
because we had summer programs,
'What this is, is some
of the folks from the
1970s trying to
reverse the decline of
the past decade'
- Donald Deskins
University professor

fellowship monies, that sort of

is "5

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