Page 2-The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, September 18, 1991
Army: Tank forces
were responsible for
friendly fire deaths
Baker conditi onally
favors Israeli loans
worst U.S. instance of "friendly
fire" in the Persian Gulf War was
caused mostly by American tank
forces mistaking a fairly harmless
grenade assault for enemy tank fire,
according to Army records.
Six U.S. soldiers were killed, 25
were wounded, and five M1-Al
tanks and five Bradley fight vehicles
were destroyed by fire from their
own forces during a running battle
against units of Iraq's Republican
Thirty-one American
casualties were
blamed on friendly
tank fire, the report
Guard on that pitch-black morning
of Feb. 27, the records said.
The Army said the major -
though apparently not sole -
source of the confusion was the im-
age presented MI-AI gunners when
rocket-propelled grenades fired by
Iraqi infantrymen exploded harm-
lessly off the thick skins of other
American tanks. Viewing the dis-
tant action through thermal - heat
detecting - sights, the gunners
mistook the grenade flashes as hos-
tile cannon bursts from the tanks
themselves, and then fired at them,
the documents said.
The records were released to The
Associated Press in response to a
Freedom of Information Act re-
quest. The Army earlier acknowl-
edged it lost a total of 21 soldiers
to friendly fire in the course of the
100-hour ground war, but it had not
previously disclosed such details of
how the mistakes were made.
"It was confusing, it was dark, it
was scary," said Col. David S.
Weisman, commander of the 3rd
Brigade, whose three armored bat-
talions fought what he called the
most demanding and difficult battle
any soldier would ever encounter.
Weisman's brigade of 4,400 sol-
diers lost only six men in the
ground war - all in the friendly
fire incident of Feb. 27.
In a telephone interview
Monday, Weisman defended his
troops' actions, saying that al-
though mistakes may have been
made, the brigade fought brilliantly
and without the aid of a fool-proof
system of distinguishing between
friend and foe.
"We knew that control (of
friendly tank fire) was going to be a
problem," he said. "Our equipment
is so lethal that there is no room for
Fatigue may have contributed to
the problem that day. The 3rd
Brigade had raced more than 60
miles into Iraq when the big battle
began. The soldiers had gone for as
long as 36 hours without sleep, ac-
cording to the investigation reports.
CAIRO (AP) - Secretary ,of
State James Baker told Israeli
Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir
yesterday the Bush administration
will support the housing-loan
guarantees Israel is vigorously
seeking - if Israel accepts a four-
month delay and limits on where
the money can be spent.
Baker's proposal was part of an
effort to end an acrimonious
squabble that has upset U.S.-Israeli
relations and threatened efforts to
convene a Middle East peace con-
ference next month.
Shamir said after the talks, "We
have achieved a certain progress,"
but he added that the question of
the $10 billion in loan guarantees
was "not yet resolved."
Baker, rejecting a main Shamir
demand, said the United States
would insist on a condition that
none of the money be used for set-
tlements in the disputed territories
of the West Bank and Gaza.
A senior administration official
traveling on Baker's plane said the
secretary of state believes that if
that condition is dropped Arab
countries "won't come to the
table" for the talks Baker has been
struggling to arrange. "That just is
something we are not going to
agree to," said the official.
After his meeting with Shamir,
Baker flew to Egypt to confer with
President Hosni Mubarak. Before
he returns to Washington, Baker
also plans to visit Syria and Jordan.
The furor over the loan guaran-
tees has reverberated both domesti-
cally and internationally and has
prompted unusually harsh ex-
changes between the president and
'We have achieved a
certain progress'
- Yitzhak Shamir
Israeli Prime Minister
U.S. supporters of Israel as well as
between Bush and Israeli govern-
ment officials.
At a news conference last week,
Bush called his request for a 120-
day delay a "pause for peace" in the
Middle East and threatened to veto
legislation that would approve the
guarantees immediately.
Harrison said. "We stand by to help
as directed"
Although many students live off
campus - off of the University Po-
lice force's turf - Harrison said
that all areas of the police, the Uni-
versity and students still need to
work together.
A demonstrator from the right wing Kach movement protests
Secretary of State James Baker's visit to Jerusalem. Baker met with
Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir amid tension over the U.S. delay of
loan guarantees for Israel.
Continued from page 1
- until the crowd started moving
towards campus areas such as the
Diag and residence halls.
"The crowd becomes angry and
then it moves over into our cam-
pus," Heatley said. "That's what we
were trying to respond to."
Ann Arbor Staff Sgt. Khurum
Sheikh estimated between 50 and 70
officers from Ann Arbor and sur-
rounding cities and counties re-
sponded Saturday morning. The
University police force has only 11
members so far, and not all of those
officers were available Saturday.
Campus police officers are sup-
posed to be working with students
as much as possible, Harrison said,
but when those students have prob-
lems off campus, under the domain
of the city police, University police
play a limited role.
"Since it's Ann Arbor jurisdic-
tion, they basically call the shots,"
Continued from page 1
and Linder. Minnies now boards
solely at Michigan house and Linder
boards only at Vail.
Ristow added, "These two
houses (Minnies and Linder) have
been running great since then, but it
didn't directly address the problem
of Vail."
A committee was formed by the
ICC this summer to resolve the
problems facing Vail.
"The idea (of an all-female
house) has been tossed around for
quite a number of years. Vail's been
experiencing vacancy problems the
past couple years," Kwun said.
"Essentially there was a group -
an ad hoc committee - working on
Vail. They proposed we turn it into
an all-women's house. When the
Board discussed it, there seemed to
be a desire for this. It certainly can't
do worse."
The Board decided that if a cer-
tain number of women did not sign
up to live in the house by a desig-
nated date, then the decision would
be reversed. But 10 to 15 women
pe (
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came the day after the decision was
made to inquire about living in Vail,
settling the question of whether
there was a demand for an all-fe-
male house, Kwun said. Vail is the
first co-op to be reconverted into a
single-sex house since the co-ops
were integrated in the '70s.
Henderson house is a University-
managed co-op which also is limited
to female members.
An estimated $50,000 was spent
on Vail house this summer refur-
bishing the kitchen, dining area, and
the outside of the house.
Previous co-op members were
encouraged to sign up for Vail house
and were given the choice of obtain-
ing a single room for an estimated
$30 to $40 above the price of a small
There is some disagreement over
whether the house will stay all-fe-
male. "I think it'll stay a women's
house because there's so much inter-
est in the ICC and on campus," said
Vail committee member Amy Mer-
icle. "It's just a house where women
can be at the forefront. It's just kind
of a special place for women.
There's a lot of energy in this house.
It's really exciting."
Tim Cupp, a resident of Minnies
co-op, maintains the house will
eventually reintegrate. "This is one
way to solve the problems - prob-
ably the easiest way. In a few years
everyone will have forgotten that in
1991 there was thatbig deal and
they'll let men in and the house
will be great.,
The idea of an all-female co-op
may seem strange, considering that
cooperatives are designed to break
barriers among all humans. How-
ever, co-op members argue that the
all-women's house does not conflict
with the notion of a co-op.
"I would feel that way more if
we didn't have male boarders,"
McComb said. "I can see where
some people will say it's a step
back. We're not a separatist house.
We don't hate men."
Kwun agrees. "It's not really a
threatening environment. One-quar-
ter of (boarders) are male. I don't
think women at Vail are hostile to
us eating there. I haven't experi-
enced any difficulty."
There are other special interest
houses in addition to Vail, including
two vegetarian houses. "There's
some structural differences, but
that's about it," Ristow said. "We
don't really feel that we're denying
men anything they have a right to by
not including them at Vail. The ICC
as a whole is open to men and
women equally."
Vail members stress the im-
provement the change has created.
Graduate student Jennifer Parron
sees the house as being cleaner with-
out males.
"There's a lot of positive energy
from the old people and the new,"
McComb said. "There's a lot of
comfortable space for women to
speak which you don't find in co-ed
housing structures.
"We'd like to make Vail an ex-
citing feminist center for women of
the ICC. Everyone has their own
little vision they want to obtain
without stepping on anyone's toes.
It's all coming together without
any thought or plan. We all seem to
work together really well."
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