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September 18, 1991 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1991-09-18

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Chance of rain, cold;
High: 64, Low: 45.
Partly sunny;
High: 60, Low: 41.


research is
Page 4.

A century of editorial freedom
Vol. C, No. 150 Ann Arbor, Michigan -- Wednesday, September 18, 1991 hCoprMcight Daily_
S'~, x~*~'. jj}npolice draw
....... 'N..weapons during


-campus chase

Final preparations
David Kelsey, owner of the Michigan Union Subway shop, makes last-minute measurements for today's opening.

'U' officials will not examine
police tear gassing incidn
by Bethany Robertson and the city police want to work very Harrison said. "Somehow or other, wv
Daily Administration Reporter much together." have to find a way to address the

by Lauren Dermer
University Department of Public Safety
and Security (DPSS) officers - with semi-
automatic pistols drawn - arrested a sus-
pected felon yesterday afternoon in Mason
Hall after a cross-campus chase on foot.
The suspect was arrested by DPSS officers
and then turned over to the Ann Arbor Po-
lice Department.
Neither DPSS nor Ann Arbor police re-
leased his name, the names of the arresting
officers, or details of the charges against him.
A police report has not yet been released.
However, one of the DPSS officers on the
scene has been identified as Lt. Joseph Pier-
The incident frightened a number of by-
"I didn't know what was going on," said
Edna VanHorn, a Building Services worker
who witnessed the chase. "I was just so
scared when I saw the guns."
Laura Yntema, an LSA senior who was
also in Mason Hall at the time, said, "I saw a
man enter the building, followed by three
cops. The next thing I heard was a cop
scream: 'Stop, or we'll shoot!"'
The suspect was unarmed.
A number of students were in the imme-
diate vicinity of the arrest, which took place
outside CRISP at approximately 4:40 p.m.
"Police were jeopardizing the safety of
the students with the use of guns," said LSA
senior Brian Erdstein, who witnessed the ar-
rest. "This is a good example of how guns on
campus are dangerous."
DPSS Dispatcher Duane Lee, when told of
the fears of bystanders at the scene, said,
"Guns are for the protection of the students.
They are not intended to threaten the stu-
DPSS Director Leo Heately and Executive
Director of University Public Relations
Walter Harrison did not return calls from

the Daily last night regarding University po-
lice weapons policy.
Ann Arbor Police Department Capt. Dan
Branson said he was unsure of University po-
lice weapons policies. "Each department has
its own policy, which is of course in accor-
dance with the law. I honestly don't know
the University police policy."
After the arrest, University police and.
safety officers shook hands and joked about
the incident, which left several officers
breathing heavily.
Piersante said later that the perpetrator
had entered the Central Campus Recreation
Building (CCRB) without proper identifica-
tion and was allegedly seen holding a mari-
juana cigarette.
'The next thing 1 heard was
a cop scream: "Stop, or,
we'll shoot!"
-Laura Yntema
LSA senior
After security was called to the CCRB,
Piersante added, a check on the suspect's iden-
tification revealed he had three outstanding
warrants - one felony and two misde-
Branson said the Ann Arbor Police De-
partment "took possession of the individual
because the felony warrant that was out-
standing originated through this depart-
ment." Branson said he was not aware of any
outstanding misdemeanor charges.
"The individual is an outstanding nar-
cotics felon," Branson said.
The suspect is now being held in the
County Jail. His arraignment is scheduled
for 9 a.m. today.
--Daily Staff reporter Matthew Pulliam
and News Editor Philip Cohen contributed to
this report.


University officials said they have no
formal plans to meet with city adminis-
trators to discuss the violence that erupted
between students and police officers early
last Saturday morning.
Executive Director of University Rela-
tions Walter Harrison said the University
and city officials have an ongoing working
relationship, but that there are no special
plans to discuss last weekend's
"I've spoken on the phone in just a
*broad way to say we want to help out,"
Harrison said. "Both University officials

City police officers used tear gas and
Mace to disperse a pre-football game
crowd on South University early Saturday
morning. Students threw stones and bot-
tles at officers and police cars, but there is
still some debate over whether the student
attacks began before or after the police
started taking action.
Rather than focusing on the relation-
ship between the students and police, Har-
rison said both the University and the city.
need to confront the problem of alcohol on
and around campus.
"The root cause of all this is alcohol,"

Harrison said he does not have exact an-
swers to the problem of drunkenness on
campus, but that educating students to
make their own decisions is the way to
The deputized University police force
was also involved in Saturday's melee, but
only in a limited capacity, said Leo Heat-
ley, director of the Department of Public
Safety. The violence occurred off campus
grounds, so University officers were there
mainly as reinforcement to other officers
See POLICE, Page 2

MSA restores $2,000

Val co-op change
to all female house

ofAATU' s
by Purvi Shah
Daily MSA Reporter
The Michigan Student Assembly
put its final stamp of approval on
the 1991-92 fiscal budget last night
after deciding to cut $2,000 less
than had been planned from the Ann
Arbor Tenants Union's (AATU)
This brings the AATU's total
budget to $28,940. The $2,000 will
come out of the MSA general bud-
*get, decreasing it to $153,450. Inter-
nally, the accountant's salary will
be cut from $24,000 to $22,000.
The Board of Regents has man-
dated that MSA hire an accountant
for the three organizations to insure
fiscal responsibility.
The budget for Student Legal
Services (SLS), which was also a ma-
jor point of debate, remained at
"All I see is if you take any or-
ganization and cut it in half, it's not
going to work effectively," said
Jong Han, who sponsored the
amendment to increase AATU's
The increased funding of AATU
was protested. "If I had it my way, I
wouldn't give them a dime. They
have proven to be irresponsible,"
said LSA Rep. Priti Marwah.
Engineering Rep. Brian Kight
said that the AATU should receive
some money, but that the MSA
funding should eventually be phased
out. "Over the next few years, we
should scale it down to where it's
viirtually nothing. Two thousand
dollars more is $2,000 too much,"
he said
SLS was given a 9 percent in-
crease, which is less than the infla-
tion rate. "The last five years we

provide services for students. With
the AATU's budget cut in half,
there may be an increased calling for
our services which we're going to be
ill-equipped to meet."~
The SLS Board also discussed the
possibility of charging students for
services yesterday. The legal ser-
vices at the University of Min-
nesota are funded from student fees
and from a $50 to $100 counseling
fee. "We're talking about the possi-
bility of doing something similar,"
Roumel added.
Additionally, SLS has been
charging a $5 to open cases the last
couple of months.
During constituents' time, RC
Junior Conan Smith raised his ap-
'if 1Ihad it my way, I
wouldn't give them a
dime. They have
proven to be
- Priti Marwah
MSA representative
prehensions about the use of tear gas
and Mace on the crowd on South
University Street Saturday morning
by the Ann Arbor Police Depart-
ment. "The police have created an
atmosphere of fear. We're losing
some of our freedoms," he said. "I
would really like MSA to step out
and do something about it instead of
just writing a resolution."
Students' Rights Committee
Chair Michael Warren commented
that he was setting up a subcommit-
tee to investigate the incident.

by Purvi Shah
Daily Staff Reporter
The Intercooperative Council
(ICC) converted Vail co-op into an
all-female house during the sum-
mer in an effort to increase occu-
Spancy and solve problems within
:gthe house.
Before the change was insti-
tuted, as few as four people had
signed up to live in the house. There
are now 22 women living in Vail.
Vail had been afflicted by many
problems in the past few years, in-
Scluding strained relationships be-
tween men and women, budget
worries, cooking hassles, and poor
physical house conditions.
"The house was falling into dis-
array. There were physical prob-
~.lems dealing with the house - like
the outside appearance," said Eileen
"NMcComb, current VailPresident.
Problems at Vail culminated in
accusations of sexual harassment.
"Women felt really silenced by
.the men living here," McComb
said. "There was a lot of sexism
going on. There was sexual harass-
One house member was accused
of sexual harassment. Under ICC

rules, he faced an expulsion trial to
determine innocence or guilt. If de-
termined guilty, the person is
thrown out of 'the house. The re-
quired majority vote to remove the
alleged harasser failed.
"The problem that the house
was having before was an extreme
overbalance of men to women,"~
said Alan Ristow, who was the
Vail summer house manager. "In
the most notable case, the person
wasn't expelled but the vote was
evenly split along male-female
ICC President Michael Kwun
pointed out that the charges against
the alleged harasser were not
proven. "Regardless of what peo-
ple feel, he wasn't expelled," he
said. "We're talking about some-
one who, by our system, wasn't
found guilty."
Ristow said that a few years ago
Minnies co-op residents had the op-
tion to eat at Vail, along with Lin-
der house residents who already
boarded there. This system created
factions within Minnies and
strained relations between Vail
See VAIL, Page 2

Vale co-op was changed to an exclusively female house this summer.

City allows early retirement for 38 employees

by David Rheingold
Daily City Reporter
Thirty-eight city employees are
now eligible to retire without
penalty under a resolution passed by
the City Council Monday night,
which extends former City Attor-
ney R. Bruce Laidlaw's early re-
tirement plan to other public

years for full benefits.
The resolution came nearly two
months after the City Council en-
ticed Laidlaw to resign from his
post as city attorney by offering a
package including $35,000 in sever-
ance pay and a penalty-free retire-
ment at age 50.
But -Laidlaw's departure raised
the issue of discrimination favoring

ately retired.

The resolution passed by a 7-4
party-line vote, with Kurt Zimmer
(D-4th Ward) joining the Republi-
can minority.
During the meeting, even Repub-
licans admitted they thought the
window fairly dealt with the issue.
"I appreciate the fact that you
na . 4 .i .n tonn nn the wn-

retire during the window period.
Zimmer said he also feared the
window might provide an incentive
for well-experienced officials to
"I think it will encourage them
to leave," Zimmer said.
Voting for the resolution were
council members: Ann Marie

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