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September 13, 1991 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1991-09-13

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The Michigan Daily-Friday, September 13, 1991 - Page 3

.by Jami Blaauw
Daily Environmental Reporter
A few years ago, photojournalist
Lenny Kohm took pictures of wine
,,bottles for a living. 'Now, after an
arctic photo assignment with
-Audubon magazine and six months
living with the Gwich'in Indians,
he finds himself an unlikely envi-
ronmental crusader.
Kohm and Glenna Frost, a native
'Gwich'in Indian from the Arctic
National Wildlife Refuge, stopped
'in Ann Arbor last night as part of a
,in AnAbrls ih spr fa
national crusade to protect the
refuge from industrial develop-
The pair have been travelling
across the country for the last five
weeks with a slide-show presenta-
tion and lecture, hoping to defeat
anti-refuge legislation making its
way through the Senate.
"The Johnston-Wallup Bill,
touted as an energy policy, is actu-
oally a wish list for industries," said
-Kohm of the legislation he is now
lobbying against.
The bill would allow drilling
-on more than a million acres of the
'Arctic Refuge called the Coastal
Plain - an area which is a vital
calving ground for the Porcupine
Caribou herd that indigenous tribes
of the arctic have subsisted on for
thousands of years.
"The Coastal Plain is the biolog-
ical heart of the entire Arctic
Wildlife Refuge system," Kohm
said during his lecture at the School
of Natural Resources. "To stand in
the midst of it is an awesome spec-
tacle and I believe if we could ship
Congress out there, we'd have no
trouble protecting it."
Leading the opposition to the
'bill are Indian and Eskimo tribes
who rely on the massive Porcupine
Caribou herd.
"The caribou provide us with
food, clothing, medicine, and shel-
ter," Frost said. "Caribou have been
a part of our culture and way of life
"for 30,000 years. The region they
want to develop is very sacred to
This trip was Frost's first to the
Continental U.S., and despite the in-
tense schedule, she noted, "I feel re-
sponsible as a Gwich'in person to do
;what I can to protect this area and
what I feel is our rights."
After a presentation devoted to
threats facing the refuge, Kohm
later emphasized the need for action
to save what he called "the last re-
maining wilderness."
Kohm stressed a national pro-
gram to conserve energy rather than
4the exploration of fresh natural re-
sources that he said imperil people
as well as the environment.
0 "After the overwhelming popu-
larity of Dances With Wolves, I
have a hard time understanding what
.As happening now," said Kohm.
"We're doing the same thing to the

Arctic Indians in the name of fuel
that we did 100 years ago to the bi-
son and the Plains Indian."
The presentation was organized
by Natural Resources senior Eric




seek better ties

by Ken Walker
Daily City Reporter
Trying to improve relations,
Greek system members and Ann
Arbor police officers searched for
common ground last night on the
controversial issue of fraternity
parties and how they are patrolled.
The purpose of the meeting,
which was held in the Union's
Kuenzel Room, was to open lines of
communication between the Greek
system and the police department,
said Interfraternity Council Co-
ordinator Joe Foster. "I think what
people came here to do is to
understand what is happening -
what they can do when hosting par-
ties," Foster said about the Greeks'
desire to improve community rela-
While fraternity members at the
meeting voiced a desire for objective
and consistent enforcement of city
ordinances, Foster said he under-
stood the need for some subjectivity
on the part of police officers.
"There is an issue of subjectivity
every time people enforce a law,"
Foster said, adding that fraternity
members are concerned they may be
discriminated against when ordi-
nances are enforced. "I think anyone
would have that concern."
Chief Deputy of Ann Arbor Po-
lice Craig Roderick sympathized

with the fraternity members' sen-
"We understand their concerns,"
said Roderick. "They don't want= to
receive a ticket when a different of-
ficer would respond differently.-
"But I think it's wrong for 'a
person giving a party not to want
the officer to use discretion. By and
large, the decisions our officers
make are based on fact and take into
account extenuating circum-
Delta Tau Delta President Scott
Eberhardt expressed a concern
among fraternity members that po-
lice use "devious and underhanded"
tactics, such as using fake student
I.D.s and forged party invitations, to
test fraternities' efforts to control
access to their parties.
However, Roderick said the
overriding goal of the police de-
partment was to prevent minors
from entering parties where alcohol
is served, and undercover agents
would continue to use false identi-
fication to test fraternities' efforts.
"It is no problem for us to ac-
quire student I.D.s if that's what we
need to do," he said.
"Our concern is open parties
where doors are thrown open and
anyone is let in and alcohol is served
to anyone who brought a cup or re-
ceptacle with them."

These bicycles were here yesterday, but they could be gone tomorrow. Ann Arbor police say registered bikes
are more likely to be recovered if they're stolen.
Cops try bike registration
against vicious cycltheft
by Melissa Peerless

Daily Crime Reporter
After class, hundreds of stu-
dents head for bike racks to pick up
their bikes.
At the end of each day, officers
from the Ann Arbor police and the
University Department of Public
Safety and Security (DPSS) tally
the stolen bike reports they re-
"Bike larceny is a very lucrative
business in this city and on this
campus. Someone is making big
bucks selling these stolen bikes,"
said Jerry Wright, director of
Crime Prevention for the Ann
Arbor Police Department
Wright added that although
there is never a guarantee that a
stolen bike will be recovered, those
registered with the city are much
easier to find than unregistered
But some students said they
don't think public safety agencies
publicize the location- or the ne-
cessity- of registering bikes.
"I've never heard a single thing
about how or where to register my
bike. I wouldn't know what to do
if it got stolen, either," said LSA
sophomore Blake Martin.
Although students usually have

to trek to the City Clerk to regis-
ter their bikes, DPSS is registering
bikes on the Diag today, from
To register a bicycle, students
need to bring a valid driver's li-
cense or state I.D., a description of
their bike including model and
color, their bike's serial number
and $2.50.
"Our focus is to cut down on
the great number of bikes stolen on
campus. We are trying to make the
registration process as easy as pos-
sible for the students, so we are do-
ing it right on campus and charging
the same fee as the City Clerk,"
said DPSS Lt. Vernon Baisden.
"Students are the primary vic-
tims of bike theft," Baisden added.
And the victims are numerous.
In the first six months of this
year, 147 bicycles were reported.
stolen from the University cam-
Ann Arbor police received 222
stolen bicycle reports in July and
August alone.
Kaori Saito, an LSA sophomore,
had her bike stolen from outside of
her residence hall last year.
"I always locked my bike, but I
guess someone figured out how to
unlock it. I went out to ride some-

where, and my bike was just gone,"
she said.
Whoever took Saito's bike re-
turned it later that day. However,
most victims of bike theft are not
as lucky.
Vickie Plotner, an owner of the
Campus Bike and Toy Center, said,
"We see people who just bought a
bike back within a week to buy an-
other one because their new bike
got stolen."
Campus Bike will register
newly purchased bikes in the store.
Plotner also said they never let a
customer leave with a new bike but
without a lock.
"The main thing to prevent bike
theft is to make sure that the bike
is locked with a U-lock. I don't
know of a cable lock that can't be
cut," she said.
But no matter how strong locks
are, police say more bikes are taken
each day and bike owners should
take this opportunity to protect
"I think it's a good service that
the police are providing. It's nice
that they are doing things for stu-
dents instead of just breaking up
parties," Martin said.

City looks to privatize parking system

by David Rheingold
Daily City Reporter
City officials are considering
privatizing the management of the
Ann Arbor parking system in an ef-
fort to improve department effi-
During a joint work session be-
tween the City Council and the
Downtown Development
Authority (DDA) last night, mem-
bers discussed the possibility of
handing over the department's
management to the private sector.
"The city of Ann Arbor has a
very poor track record in maintain-
ing and operating our parking struc-
tures. Some specialized help in this
area might improve matters," said
Mayor Liz Brater, reading from a
prepared statement.

The council and the DDA
discussed the issue while debating a
proposed agreement between the
city and the DDA to fund the
reparation of decaying parking
The council's Democrats have
been at odds with the DDA since
they halted its plans for a proposed
parking structure in May.
Last night, Brater introduced a
three-pronged plan to repair the ex-
isting structures, improve down-
town retail management, and en-

courage Ann Arbor residents to rely
on the city transportation system.
Brater also mentioned handing
over the parking system's manage-
ment to a private corporation, point-
ing to the cities of Birmingham and
Kalamazoo, which improved finan-
cially after nonprofit corporations
took control over their parking sys-
City officials said the change
would affect the top levels of man-
agement, not the workers.

n n c murcA man and his dogs
Hot dog vendor John Cogswell ponders the rising cost of relish
yesterday while awaiting the lunch crowd.

....... ........



History is happening in the USSR and Eastern Europe.
Learn one of the key languages of that region; go there and
experience the difference for yourself. The Slavic Depart-
ment offers courses at various levels in the following lan-
guages and literatures: Russian, Polish, Czech, Serbo-
Croatian, Ukrainian, and Armenian. Also a new course:
The Culture of Central Europe, Slavic 225. CALL 764-5355.

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What's happening in Ann Arbor today
Meet ings "The Elixir of Memory and Wisdom,"
T. Keith Dix of the University of North
Sunday Carolina. Angell Aud D, 8 p.m.
RC Writers, mtg. East Quad, Greene Furthermore
i nuFurthermore

under HELP WANTED for details, or call 764-2547.

A .
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il .

"Stable Isotope Profile Across the
Orthoamphibole Isograd in the
Southern Marginal Zone of the
Limpopo Belt, South Africa," Torsten
Venneman. Chem Bldg, rm 1640,4 p.m.
"Picturing the Word: Rembrandt as
Printmaker," Celeste Brusati. Angell

"God's Stepchildren" and "Murder
in Harlem," films. Angell Aud A, 7
U-M Ninjitsu Club, every Friday. Call
662-2306 for info. IM wrestling room,
Study Abroad in Great Britain,
Australia, New Zealand. Info table,
Union, 11-2:30, mtg, International

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