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High: 80, Low: 58.
Demolish the
maintenance fee.
Page 4.
A century of editorial freedom
Vol. l, No 147copyright 1991
Vol. Cl, No.147 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, September 13, 1991 The Michigan Diy
o ifcials
'U' audit
*byHenry Goldblatt
Daily Administration Reporter
Despite strong denials from
University administrators against
allegations that it misspent $8.3
million in federal funds, state and
federal officials remain skeptical
that the University's objections
will hold true.
Four University administrators
held a press conference Wednesday
to dispute the allegations after a
*draft of the Department of Health
and Human Services (HHS) audit of
the University was leaked to the
press Tuesday.
University President James Dud-
erstadt did not attend the press con-
ference and a representative from
the President's office said Duder-
stadt, who has not commented on
the audit controversy, would proba-
# bly be releasing a statement today.
At the press conference, Univer-
sity officials claimed only $300,000
in expenses were under scrutiny by
HHS when the University and HHS
negotiated the University's indirect
cost recovery rate.
However, according to the audit,
the University reported administra-
tors' entertainment expenses - in-
cluding Christmas ornaments for
the President's tree, first-class air-
line tickets to the Rose Bowl for
the ex-University director of com-
munications and his wife - as indi-
rect costs associated with research
when negotiating with HHS to es-
tablish a new indirect cost recovery
State Rep. John Dingell (D-
Dearborn), chair of the House over-
sight and investigation subcommit-
tee, originally lambasted the Uni-
versity for the audit draft report,
saying he was disappointed that the
University seemed to have the same
attitude as Stanford University,
which billed a 72-foot yacht as an
indirect research expense.
When asked if Dingell's position
had changed since the University's
press conference yesterday,
spokesperson Dennis Fitzgibbons
answered a definitive "no."
Fitzgibbons said he felt the Uni-
versity was tossing numbers around
without any explanation.
Gary Talesnik, HHS director of
of the Office of Grant and Contract
Financial Management, said he was
skeptical of some of the expenses
University officials classified as in-
See AUDIT, Page 2
Percentage of
minorities rises
in Class of '95
Michigan and Notre Dame clash tomorrow, 3:30 p.m., at Michigan Stadium. b _ M_
Last chance for 'M' seniors
to vanquish luck of the Irish
by Bethany Robertson
Daily Administration Reporter
Entering first-year students are
part of the most diverse undergrad-
uate class since the mid-1970s, Uni-
versity officials have predicted.
But as the proportion of students
of color on campus rises, efforts to
help these students succeed must
also increase, University adminis-
trators said.
"I think now it's important not
only to concentrate on our recruit-
ing efforts, but also to intensify our
retention efforts," said John Mat-
lock, director of minority affairs.
Official numbers will not be re-
leased until October, but Director
of Admissions Richard Shaw esti-
mated that 24 percent of the enter-
ig class are students of color. This
number can be broken down to ap-
proximately 7 percent African
American, 5 percent Hispanic Amer-
ican, 1 percent Native American, and
11 percent Asian American.
"We have a delightfully diverse
incoming class," Shaw said.
But as more minority students
arrive on campus, the University
needs to pay extra attention to their
needs, Matlock said.
"If students, and I mean all stu-
dents, come here and they're not
made to feel comfortable, it has an
impact on their performance and an
impact on retention," he said. "We
call those climate conditions."
Matlock said the administration
will continue to look at issues in-
cluding campus awareness of racial
attitudes, curricula which include
the views of minorities and women,
and the number of minority faculty.
"Just getting people here is only
part of the process. Graduating them
is another part of it," Matlock said.
Some minority students said
they think the University still has a
long way to go in recruitment and
retention efforts.
"I don't feel this is an environ-
ment for African American stu-
dents at all," said LSA sophomore
Tonya Clowney. "There are too
many other things to worry about.
Everybody's assuming Black people
are here because of affirmative ac-
tion and that's not necessarily
Clowney suggested that the
University should dedicate itself to
the quality of experience rather than
the quantity of minority students
on campus.
"They must create an environ-
ment where students don't feel like
they're looking in," Clowney said.
Clowney also said the Univer-
sity must work harder to support
by Jeff Sheran
Daily Football Writer
Greg Skrepenak, Erick Ander-
son, Matt Elliott and Lance
Dottin hopped into a car and
drove. They traveled for four
years, changing vehicles, coming
closer to their destination each
year, but always running out of
Finally, they have come to a
gas station. "Last Chance for
Gas," reads the billboard. And
they know.
They know their final seasons
are upon them, and if they don't
complete their journey now,
they'll never reach their destina-
They want to beat Notre
The fifth-year seniors have suf-
fered through four consecutive
losses to the Fighting Irish and
understand the consequences of
losing tomorrow.
"We really feel this is our last
shot," Elliott said. "It's been
very frustrating to play that hard
every year and not come away
with a win."
Dottin concurred. "I can re-
member the year before I came, we
went down and beat them in
South Bend," he said. "We've al-
ways been on top.
"I was on the kickoff team
when (Rocket) Ismail returned
those kicks two years ago," he
See IRISH, Page 11
State fails to resolve budget crisis in time,
putting University in $25 million squeeze
by Stefanie Vines
Daily Government Reporter
The state is forcing the Univer-
sity to wait at least three months
before it receives $25 million in
promised state funding.
The money, which was originally
to be paid to the University on
Oct.1, will probably be paid at the
beginning of next year.
"This delay in money is a major
factor for us because it makes $25
million we aren't getting immedi-
ately," said Keith Molin, associate
vice president for Government Re-
lations and secretary to the Univer-
The state has previously paid the
University at the start of the state's
fiscal year, which runs from Oct. 1
to Sept. 30. But with 1990-91 state sity.
budget not resolved, Gov. John En- "What happened is that the state
gler delayed payment to the Univer- was out of money. But all the
sity. As a result, the University had money will be spread out over the
'We recognize the problem the state has, but
our question is, when will we get the money?'
-Keith Molin, associate vice president
for Government Relations
"We recognize the problem the
state has, but our question is when
will we get the money?" he said.
However, Greg Rosine, the As-
sociate Director of the House Fiscal
Agency, an organization in Lansing
which assists the House Appropria-
tions Committee with the state
budget, said he believes the money
will be paid back in full at the be-
ginning of next year.
"There is no question that they
(the University) will get the
money," he said.
Rosine said the only cost to the
University is that it will have to
record a deficit for its new fiscal
year which runs from July 1 to June
But Molin said the University
to use money from private grants
and other internal sources to cover
the shortfall.
Gov. Engler's press secretary
John Truscott said the money will
be paid back in full to the Univer-
next year until it is completely paid
back. That is a guarantee," Truscott
But Molin said there is no guar-
antee when the money will be re-
"Diag character Stony Burke:
more than 'just plain silly'
Burke goes mouth to mouth with Preacher Mike
will have to pay interest on the
money borrowed because of the de-
"We stand to lose as much as 6-7
percent in interest because we had to
borrow from ourselves to cover the
loss," he said.
Molin said smaller state univer-
sities are having even worse prob-
"The smaller the school, the
bigger the hit. At least we can cover
the loss right now, but other
schools such as Ferris State can't af-
ford to pay for the delay right
now," he said.
Alaina Campbell, the Legisla-
tive Director for the Michigan Col-
legiate Coalition, a student lobby-
See BUDGET, Page 2
big issue
Frustrated Democrats accused
Supreme Court nominee Clarence
Thomas yesterday of evading ques-
tions about his retreat from past po-
sitions and unreasonably refusing to
say how he would approach future
"That's the most inartful dodge
I've ever heard," Thomas was told
at one point by Sen. Joseph Biden,
the Judiciary Committee chair, after
the nominee said he "could not sit
here and decide" whether unmarried
couples had a right to privacy.
Thomas eventually said sexual
relations and childbearing by un-
married couples were protected by a
privacy right, but not before Biden
said- "Tt's uettina mnre like a de-
by Ben Deci
The limelight of Ann Arbor's
street scene has a limited capacity.
There is tough competition to join
the ranks of such local notables as
Preacher Mike and Shakey Jake.
But now there's a new name on
the Diag. Stony Burke is easily in-
dentifiable by his outlandish duds,
his dyed hair (green, red or blue de-
pending on the day), and his politi-
*cal oration.
Stony took time to talk about
himself during his typical speech
warm-up: a falafel from Oasis. In
contrast to his Diag style, Stony
was soft spoken and very polite -
he didn't even speak with his mouth
Stony was born in Romeo,
Michigan in 1953. Although he of-
ten singles out the educational sys-
tem for sarcasm, he is himself a
oarae of ,he T ;nnr;i, of Can
their political beliefs in this cold
world atmosphere. We need to try
to make this country the best it
could be. I preach revolution. Oh
yeah, one more thing," he added.
As Stony began to perform, his
soft-spoken voice was transformed
into a growl, and he punctuated ev-
ery point with a tailor-made string
Officially, only organizations
with University affiliation are
permitted to set up shop on the
Diag. A spokesperson for the Stu-
dent Organization Development
Council said the council could in-
vestigate or have a person or group
evicted from the Diag if they re-
ceived complaints.
One person who may complain
about Stony's activities is Preacher
Mike. Stony takes a decidedly anti-
evangelist stance and has taken over
the role of chief heckler during
Preacher Mike's sermons.
"I've got to get this show
started before Preacher Mike takes
my spot," is his typical opening
line. He can often be heard protest-
ing the "monks with guns" that
terrorize the Diag.
Stony will be in Ann Arbor this
semester only, while he's back in
Michigan to visit his family. Al-
though he keeps no regular schedule,
- I.' MMA