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November 27, 1990 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-11-27

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Alb Mdtgatl 71vclly

Copyright~ 1990
Vol. Cl, No.58 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, November 27, 1990 o Michigan Daoly
The-Mc- - -Deil


arrives in
for talks
- President Bush conferred with
President Carlos Salinas de Gortari
yesterday in a state visit expected to
focus on U.S.-Mexican trade barriers
and the Persian Gulf crisis.
Making his first official visit as
president, Bush said maintaining ex-
cellent relations with Mexico was
one of his "most important foreign
policy objectives," But even before
his guest arrived, Salinas signaled
difficult talks, accusing the United
States of trade protectionism.
"Today, American products can
enter the Mexican market without
restriction," he told the Monterrey
daily El Norte. "But ours are detained
at customs, and there are always
many restrictions."
Bush, in a statement coinciding
with his arrival, noted that he'd vis-
ited Mexico "more often than any
other country" and said he had
"developed especially deep ties and
respect for its people."
On landing at the airport in Mon-
terrey, about 60 miles southeast of
this small farming and cattle com-
munity, Bush got a red-carpet greet-
ing. He then accompanied Salinas by
helicopter to a charro - or rodeo -
in the Mexican president's home-
The pair put pleasure before
business, sitting side by side in
shirtsleeves under a glaring sun and
watching Mexican dancers frolick be-
fore walking through the packed
streets of the town square to a lun-
cheon and talks.
White House spokesperson Mar-
lin Fitzwater told reporters the ad-
ministration believes U.S.-Mexican
relations "have never been better,"
and said Bush would herald the trip
as "a promising moment in our
shared history."
Bush wants a free trade agreement
with Mexico akin to the pact the
United States reached with Canada
two years ago. But even as the
United States and Mexico worked
towards achieving such an accord by
1992, trade frictions remain.
And while the Persian Gulf crisis
has focused attention on Mexico as
an oil-producing nation, Salinas has
resisted Bush administration sugges-
tions that the state-run industry be
opened up to U.S. investment as
part of the free-trade negotiations.
Mexico increased its oil produc-
tion to help offset lost production
from Iraq and Kuwait, boosting its
exports to the United States by
100,000 barrels a day. There are 42
gallons in each barrel.
But Mexico seems unwilling to
consider easing its monopoly on oil
production and distribution, and
wants its large oil industry excluded
from the free trade talks.
In his statement Bush listed the
Persian Gulf crisis at the top of his
agenda for the talks. He said he also
wanted to discuss other energy issues
and narcotics cooperation along with
the free-trade agreement.
Salinas seemed focused on a more
modest agenda. "We are going to

negotiate exclusively aspects of
trade, goods and services. This will
be the main thrust of negotiations,"
he said.
In the newspaper interview, Sali-
nas said he was concerned that pro-
tectionist attitudes in the United
States were making it hard for Mex-
ico to ship agricultural products and

to se

id Iraq


Iraq must leave b.,y Jan.

LSA junior Bill Baird studies a perplexing book yesterday in the law library. The period after Thanksgiving has
traditionally been a stressful time for students.
Students start seasonal stress

or face mili
The Soviet Union and China joined
the United States, Britain and France
yesterday in delivering an ultimatum
that gives Iraq until January to with-
draw its troops from Kuwait or face
a military strike.
The nations - the five perma-
nent Security Council members with
veto power - agreed yesterday on a
draft resolution that allows the use
of "all necessary means" to liberate
Kuwait and restore its government.
The draft contains optional dead-
line dates - Jan. 1 or Jan. 15. It
gives Iraq one last chance in "a pause
of goodwill."
The deadline in the final resolu-
tion, to be adopted Thursday, will be
decided in consultations among the
15 council members, diplomats said.
Yesterday's accord ends specula-
tion the Soviets and Chinese might
abstain. Previously, the Kremlin and
Beijing pledged only not to veto the
The broad coalition against Iraq's
invasion of Kuwait now has passed
its toughest test - authorization of
military force.
The resolution demands that Iraq
withdraw and authorizes "all neces-
sary means" - meaning military
force - to drive Iraqi invaders from
Kuwait. But it decides "to allow Iraq
one final opportunity, as a pause of
goodwill," to leave the sheikdom it
invaded Aug. 2.
The measure is expected to be

tar y strike
adopted at an extraordinary session of
foreign ministers. It would mark the
second time in U.N. history the
Security Council authorized military
action to counter aggression. The
first time was in 1950 during the
Korean conflict.
The council also authorized mili-
tary action to enforce the maritime
embargo of Iraq and the blockade
against Rhodesia - now Black-ruled
Zimbabwe - in 1966.
Kuwait was preparing a presenta-
tion for the Security Council today
- including a videotape - to por-
tray what it describes as Iraqi atroci-
ties since the invasion, including the
murder of children and looting of
The resolution text, obtained by
The Associated Press, says that
despite all U.N. efforts "Iraq refuses
to comply with its obligation" to
heed U.N. resolutions demanding
withdrawal from Kuwiat "in flagrant
contempt of the council."
Meanwhile, Mikhail Gorbachev
warned Saddam Hussein yesterday
that his aggression against Kuwait
would be punished and vowed the
alliance against Iraq would not be
As Gorbachev addressed the
Supreme Soviet parliament, the
Bush administration called up com-
bat reserve troops from four states.
Oil prices jumped $2 a barrel
amid speculation about war in the

by Jay Garcia
and Kristine LaLonde
Daily Staff Reporters
Papers. Exams. Finals.
Boyfriend troubles. Girlfriend
troubles. Cat troubles. CRISP.
Overrides. Graduation. Your first
college exam...
The list never ends, and the re-
sult is stress.
The time between Thanks-
giving and winter break is a time
of joy and anticipation for the
children of the world, but for
University students, it's a time of
hellish pressure.
All over campus students are
preparing themselves for the up-
coming weeks. Everyone has a
story of an "impossible" amount

of work, and in the libraries, stu-
dents are attempting to "out-
stress" each other.
"I'd say I'm pretty stressed. I
'I'd say I'm pretty
stressed. I have two
papers and five
exams before finals
even start'
- Sandra Marotti
Phys. Ed. junior
have two papers and five exams
before finals even start," said
Sandra Marotti, Phys. Ed. junior.
"I'm behind in all my classes.
It's hard to believe I have to get

everything done in three weeks,"
said Karen Ludema of the School
of Education.
"Combining all my classes, I'd
say I'm 1,000 pages behind, at
least," said Jo Ginsberg, a third-
year law student.
"I'm trying to get caught up
right now. Come next week I
know I'm going to be majorly
stressed out," said Melissa Naser,
a Nursing School sophomore.
Many students expected to
catch up with all their work during
the Thanksgiving break but found
themselves distracted.
"People expected to get a lot
done (during Thanksgiving break)
See STRESS, Page 2





WARSAW, Poland (AP) -
Prime Minister Tadeusz Mazowiecki,
resigned yesterday along with his
government a day after a political
neophyte dealt him a humiliating
defeat in presidential elections.
"It is impossible for me to re-
main the prime minis-
ter," Mazowiecki said in an inter-
view with state radio before he an-
nounced he was stepping down.
He had finished third in presiden-
tial elections on Sunday, thus failing
to qualify for a runoff with Solidar-
ity leader Lech Walesa, who finished

Mazowiecki was kno
.the race by the stunnings
finish of Stanislaw T
wealthy businessperson m
to Poland this fall after
Canada and Peru.
"I will win these
Tyminski told supporter
rious at his Warsaw hea
am not afraid of Wale
afraid of anyone."
Mazowiecki, 63, th
Communist prime min
East bloc, had said he
down as prime ministeri
presidential race.

cked out of He told state radio he and his
second-place government could not be responsible
yminski, a "for promises made by the other
who returned candidates."
21 years in News of Mazowiecki's resigna-
tion drew an angry reaction from
elections," Walesa, who had tapped hint for the
s and the cu- post of prime minister, then split
dquarters. "I him over the pace of reforms in the
sa, I am not post-Communist era.
"That's great responsibility,"
e first non- Walesa said sarcastically, contacted
nister in the at his home by The Associated
would step Press. "Now, let the Poles see this
if he lost the responsibility, this patriotism and
See POLAND, Page 2

Senator's a
Dennis DeConcini once asked an
aide if there was a way to "bring
heat" on the nation's top savings and
loan regulator, the aide told the
Senate Ethics Committee at the
Keating Five hearings yesterday.
The staff member said she advised
her boss after his December 1986
query to do nothing and stay out of a
feud between savings and loan owner
Charles Keating Jr. and chief regula-
tor Edwin Gray.
Nearly four months later, the aide
said, she told DeConcini it could be
politically disastrous for him to in-

ide testifies
tervene on Keating's behalf with
Gray, but he "thanked me for my
suggestion and said he was going to
go ahead anyway."
DeConcini's aide on banking is-
sues, Laurie Sedlmayr, testified on
the fifth day of hearings into the in-
tervention of five senators who met
with regulators on Keating's behalf:
DeConcini (D-Ariz.); Alan Cranston
(D-Calif.); John McCain (R-Ariz.);
John Glenn (D-Ohio) and Donald
Riegle (D-Mich.).
Gray was scheduled to follow
Ms. Sedlmayr to the stand. He will
be a key witness because of his

in hearing
House testimony a year ago that
DeConcini offered a deal on
Keating's behalf when four senators
(all except Riegle) met with him on
April 2, 1987 in DeConcini's office.
DeConcine has vigorously denied
proposing a deal.
Sedlmayr said she was aware
Keating wanted Gray out of office
and that DeConcini also wanted him
DeConcini wrote her a memo on
Dec. 11, 1986, citing press accounts
of potential financial and ethical
problems facing Gray and asking,
"Anything we can do to bring heat?"

Ho ho ho! ..n,---.
Engineering student Eric Smith hoped to tap into people's holiday spirit
yesterday on the Diag where he collected contributions for the United
Negro College Fund.

Three lobby for support in England; Thatcher backs Major

LONDON (AP) - Three candi-
dates to succeed Prime Minister
Margaret Thatcher lobbied for sup-
--.. _ A__TT. -- C r ....... ...

argued that their candidates would be
better able to lead Britain if war
broke out in the Persian Gulf.
A/:.-qeraA u~nn nth nir tal

and final ballot would be held on
Mrs. Thatcher's aides put out the
...-2 tht . faurneaMainr_ wh n as

Many of Major's prominent
backers are Mrs. Thatcher's ardent
sunnorters in the right wing of the

be war in the Middle East, Michael
Heseltine is perceived as the best war
leader for this country," countered
Sir Neil MacFarlane. a leader of the

ballot, lawmakers will vote for their
first and second choices. If no one
wins a majority of the first-choice
votes, then the third-place finisher

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