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November 26, 1990 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-11-26

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Page 4- The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 26, 1990
01i fidigt al
420 Maynard Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109

Editor in Chief

Opinion Editor

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Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons,
signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily.
From the Daily
The ball is rolling
Don't let anti-deputization movement lose steam

as a result of the deputization of
University security officers came to a
head before Thanksgiving break. The
protests and demonstrations brought
the issue to the forefront not only on
campus, but state-wide.
As classes resume and students be-
gin worrying about finals, it is impor-
tant for the movement to continue and
retain its fervor. The Thanksgiving lull
should not markthe end of the strug-
gle, for it's far from over. Only
through persistence will the goals of
the movement be obtained.
In fact,"it is still necessary for more
students to get involved with the anti-
deputization effort. Already, many stu-
dents who are not traditionally active in
campus politics have become part of
the movement, but there are still many
students who remain uninformed or
President Duderstadt still does not
believe studentS oppose the deputiza-
tion of campus security officers.
Though the more than 1,000 people
who attended the rally or teach-in rep-
resent the largest protest movement in
years, he said the students opposing
deputization are in the minority.
In fact, Duderstadt said more than
50 percent of the students who send
him messages via MTS support the
switch to campus police. Though these
students hardly indicate a representative
sample, those who oppose the regents'
decision should make their opinions

known to the president, who reads all
his electronic mail personally.
In addition, it is important that the
movement retain its narrow focus on
the issues of deputization and campus
democracy. Clouding these issues with
the goals of other causes, however
laudable, will only undermine the cur-
rent strength the movement is enjoying.
Efforts by campus radicals to ex-
pand the focus of the movement to en-
compass the usual array of University
and world problems will'only serve to
undermine any progress which has
thus far been achieved. While opposing
racism, sexism and homophobia are
goals which should be praised and pur-
sued, the transformation of the anti-
deputization movement into a leftist
potpourri of complaints will alienate
conservative students and jeopardize
any chance of success.
The University's ills should be ad-
dressed, but not necessarily all at once.
The attractiveness of the effort to op-
pose campus police, and what accounts
for most of its success, is that criticism
of deputized officers transcends the
political spectrum. It is a movement
that conservatives, moderates, liberals
and radicals can all support, thereby
providing the broad base of support
crucial to any opposition to administra-
tive policy.
The protest of deputization is off
and running. It's now up to both stu-
dents and campus leaders to see that it

EE- e M- + A LTROL9e JE DD TBk A00 E TLE C
Students should study less, and learn a little more

By Christopher Norman
"Can you believe what has been hap-
pening in Eastern Europe and the Soviet
Union lately?"
"I guess so. Did you get that assign-
ment done?"
"Do you think we are going to war in
the Middle East?"
"I have no idea. Let's get a study ses-
sion going for next week's test."
Do you find yourself involved with the
everyday struggle of homework and school
so much that you forget there is a world
outside the University of Michigan? Is it
hard to keep up with current events? If it
is, stop, take your nose out of your book,
look around, pick up a newspaper, or turn
on the news.
Not only are current events interesting,
they are important. We are now in a period
of history that could not have been read
about 10 years ago and cannot be lived 10
years from now. This "current events
class" is a class that everyone has access
to and should not miss.
People now talk about the fall of
Soviet communism, the reunification of
Germany, or the installation of market
economies in the Eastern Bloc and the

Soviet Union like it has been going on for
centuries. It was not many years ago when
people said they would never in their life-
time see the fall of Soviet communism.
It also was not many years ago when
President Reagan called the Soviet Union
an "Evil Empire" on national television.
Now, this "Evil Empire" wants to team
up with the United States and help stop
aggression. These changes are incredibly
historical and are packed with several dif-

Isn't it our duty to keep up with the
current developments in and outside of this
country and help give our leaders the direc-
tion of the people? Could you possibly
imagine University graduates leaving
school, having a great amount of knowl-
edge, and at the same time being totally
ignorant of the real world, or wonder what
a Middle East vet is? This might seem A
little overboard, but is it really?
Being educated means more than get-
ting a degree. It also entails being aware of

Being educated means more than getting a degree. It
also entails being aware of current surroundings and

European summit

ferent educational angles.
Besides the Soviet Union reshaping the
international arena, the United States is on
the brink of an all out bloody war in the
Middle East. The U.S. is leading a mili-
tary coalition, not only with NATO allies,
but also with Arab nations. The United
States also has embargo participation from
countries like the Soviet Union, Japan,
and numerous others. It might be hard to
find a period in history that share all of
these unique qualities.

current surroundings and issues. It does
not take more than 15-20 minutes a day
for this type of education. The beauty is
this "class" will never be closed, there will
never be a line, and there is no tuition.
What more do you want? This is a pe-
riod of time when the U.S. is making crit-
ical decisions that have implications both
domestically and internationally. You can-
not voice your opinion for or against these*
decisions if you do not know these deci-
sions are being made.

Attending nations show

commitment to peace
signed an agreement which promised
that no signatory would begin an armed
attack against another. This accord of-
ficially ended the Cold War and ush-
ered in a new era of peace in Europe as
well as an official cessation of East-
West tensions.
In the third treaty, the leaders de-
cided to institute a permanent CSCE
secretariat in Prague, Czechoslovakia
that would serve as a Pan-European
United Nations where nations could
discuss conflicts before they erupt into
armed combat.
The CSCE summit effectively
brought together the leaders of Europe
and North America for the purposes of
constructing a lasting peace and build-
ing a mutual trust. The nations present
accomplished these missions and the
world is safer for that.
The threat of war, at least for the
time being, is virtually obliterated from
the European continent. This can only
be viewed as a positive measure and
the participants in the CSCE deserve
congratulations for their efforts and the
eventual outcome.

Norman is an LSA sophomore.

mit in Paris - the Conference on
Security and Cooperation in Europe
(CSCE) - concluded last week as a
rousing success. All the nations of
Europe except Albania participated,
with the United States and Canada
representing North America. The
summit served to unite in peace a con-
tinent which has historically been torn
by tension and war.
The leaders - including President
Bush of the United States, President
Mikhail Gorbachev of the Soviet
Union, Chancellor Helmut ,Kohl of
Germany, President Francois Mitterand
of France, and outgoing British Prime
Minister Margaret Thatcher - dis-
cussed the promising future of a
peaceful Europe that would resolve
disputes by discussion instead of by
the use of force;
The first pact, the Conventional
Forces in Europe (CFE) treaty, was
signed at the outset of the conference
by the leaders of the 22 member states
of the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (NATO) and the Warsaw
Pact. The CFE limits the size and num-
ber of conventional forces and troops
stationed on the continent and includes
methods to verify compliance by all
The leaders of all 34 nations then

Black bands: Where
is the 'U' diversity?
To the Daily:
I am an African-American doctoral stu-
dent in Music and I was taken aback by
comments made by the Office of Major
Events and the U-Club in the article
"MAC investigates 'U' venue band book-
ings." (11/12/90).
I attended all but one of Tracey Science
Quartet's performances at the U-Club, and
each night there the place was packed -
wall-to-wall people. Rarely an empty seat
in the house. And now I see in this article
that the U-Club and other 'U' offices are
admitting "that bringing Black bands to
campus posed an economic risk."
Mark Mitchell, a member of the
African-American jazz band Tracey Science
Quartet, also informed me that one of the
managers at the U-Club told him that the
U-club had lost about $75-80 each night
they performed.
I cannot believe that a "business"
establishment that can pack their house
with "potential consumers" at a jazz event
by a group of extremely talented
University music students with a strong
following of African-Americans, would
not renew their contract because they lost
less than $100 a night. Wouldn't it have
been more effective to try to meet not
only the musical demand of the crowd, but
also find out what these potential con-
sumers would buy while there?
Most African-American students are
not major alcoholic beverage consumers.
The U-Club needs to sell food, or charge
$1-$2 at the door. Whether they are a great
band or a horrible band, if the band had a
consistently large following that is busi-
I demand not only that the U-Club re-
hire the Tracey Science Quartet for an ex-

To the Daily:
Until last Thursday, I was a student
employee of the Department of Public
Safety. I didn't agree with deputization,
but I felt that my job of maintaining the
emergency phones was important enough
to warrant my keeping the position.
Last Thursday, during the rally, I was
in the squad room of Public Safety when
two officers walked in. They were both
talking about the protest. One of the offi-
cers held up the poster of a cop holding a
gun to a protestor's head. He said,
"That's me," pointing to the cop. "Just
put my face in there."
Two more officers walked in and be-
gan talking about the protestors. One of
them started talking about how many
guns he could get in 15 minutes and how
they should use them to blow away the
people demonstrating. The other officer
said they should start gassing them.
I decided right then that I could no

longer work there. I got my coat and left.
The next day I officially quit.
It's not just a question of ethics any-
more, of the students' rights to govern
themselves and choose whether or not
they want to arm the campus police. It is
a question of fear. DPS talks about sensi-
tivity training, but I do not see it evi-
denced in its officers.
Another student told me she was ha-
rassed by DPS officers while waiting
outside her classroom. The officers told
her they needed guns so they could con-
trol troublemakers like her.
We students decided against arming
campus police and the regents have de-
cided that they know better. They want to
protect us, they say. They want to. make
campus safer. How can campus become
safer when the people who are supposed
to protect us see us as the enemy?
Kellie R. K. Goodman
LSA senior

Arming officers won't make them sensitive

'There are no victors'

To the Daily:
Outside my dormitory window
The University's marching band
Over the song of protestors' chant.
Unified within themselves
Their discordant echoes
Mock the University's intentions,
Symbolic of what's inane-
Not educational goals nor idealism.
The screamers
Corrupt the causes of their predecessors
The administration
Fuels the fury
With induced actions
That veil or expose
Their true intentions
Because no one knows

So that the sky seems to wave -
An all-encompassing banner
That spreads the enduring
Resonance of the protestors
As the blare of the band
Ceases, momentarily.
It's playing won't continue
All night
Though the protestors might,
But it's only a night
And as the crowd
Conjures an additional
Cry of dissatisfaction
I know they'll die down
Once again.
And the administration
Will remain
Tomorrow and all the days after.
The crnwd can nnlv



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