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November 19, 1990 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-11-19

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Vol. CI, No. 54 Ann Arbor, Michigan --Monday, November 19, 1990 Coyngh© 190

'U' plans
by Gil Renberg
nd Purvi Shah
aily Staff Reporters
The Washtenaw County Demo-
cratic Party, the Ann Arbor Demo-
cratic Party, and the Feminist Wo-
men's Union have voiced their op-
position to the deputization of cam-
pus security.
The County Democrats met at a
convention Saturday and passed a
resolution criticizing the Univer-
ity's establishment of its own
0kmed police force.
The resolution, said First Vice-
Chair Jim Dries, will be passed on
to the Resolutions Committee of the
state's Democratic Party. He does
not expect the resolution to be acted
on before the party's January
Though the resolution cannot
force the University's Board of
regents to rescind their decision,
Dries said, "I would hope that the
regents would consider it."
The Ann Arbor chapter of the
democratic party met Thursday and
also came out with a resolution in
which its members unanimously re-
peated its "long-standing concerns"
over deputization.
Claiming that deputization "di-
rectly impacts the jurisdictional and
financial concerns of the city and its
See SUPPORT, Page 2






Gul? (
by Chris Afendulis,
Jay Garcia
and Nick Thorndike
Daily Staff Reporters
James Akin's keynote speech at
last night's teach-in on the Persian
Gulf set the stage for twelve smaller,
more specialized classes held in Ma-
son Hall classrooms.
One class, titled "International
Law and the Persian Gulf," discussed
possible law violations that occurred
during the Gulf crisis and historical
precedents for the events since the
Law Prof. Gennady Danielenko
led the class and answered questions.
He spoke about the situation the
U.S. government seems to be headed
towards. The U.S. government has

assumed "an action under the U.N.
flag would be ineffective," he said.
"The U.S. should try not to go
on alone," and "should not create a
division in the international com-
munity," he added.
In conclusion, Danielenko specu-
lated that "the (U.N.) Security
Council is probably going on to
adopt a stronger resolution."
Another class, Arab Points of
View, was led by Paul Vincent of
the Iraqui- Chaldean Foundation and
Osama Siblani, publisher of Arab-
American News. Among other
things, the portrayal of Saddam Hus-
sein in the media was discussed. "He
was classified as a Hitler in the me-
dia," Vincent said.
See TEACH-IN, Page 2

English Prof. Bert Hornback sings to entertain the crowd while technical difficulties were fixed at the beginning
of last night's teach-in on the Persian Gulf Crisis.


Akins warns
war likely in
Persian Gulf

by Chris Afendulis
Daily Staff Reporter
With dozens of spectators sitting at his
feet, former U.S. Ambassador to Saudi
Arabia James Akins delivered the keynote
address at the University's first teach-in on
the Persian Gulf.
Akins, now a private consultant on the
Middle East in Washington, D.C., spoke to
a crowd that filled every nook and cranny of
Angell Hall Auditorium B. Others watched
the event on closed-circuit TV in Audito-

rium D.
Due to the large turnout, teach-in orga-
nizers arranged for Akins to deliver the ad-
dress a second time.
Akins' speech dealt with causes. for the
current crisis, details of the Iran-Iraq war,
and possibilities for resolving the crisis.
"We are now, quite clearly, headed to-
ward war," he said to begin his speech,
adding that if war did break out, he believed
it would be over by next summer.
Akins addressed the possibility that the

U.S. may have given Iraq a tacit "green
light" to invade Kuwait as a pretext to send
American troops into the gulf, saying
"There-is no, question of our interest in
Saudi Arabia."
He also said our mission to defend Saudi
Arabia from Iraq may be misleading, saying
Saddam Hussein would not attempt an in-
vasion in the face of U.S! troops.
"(Saddam) is not irrational and he is not
suicidal," Akins said.
See AKINS, Page 2


Students elect

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by Christine Kloostra
Daily MSA Reporter
For the first time in 16 years,
the Students for Academic and
Institutional Development (SAID)
has lost their majority on the LSA
Student Government (LSA-SG).
The Conservative Coalition
(CC) took nine of the 17 seats on
LSA-SG, including the president
and vice president positions. SAID
} took the remaining eight seats.
SAID members expressed opti-
mism at the prospect of working
with CC, the first party to field
candidates for both LSA-SG and the
Michigan Student Assembly.
"I don't think that will be a
problem," said Allison Buck, a
winning SAID candidate, adding
that during the election CC mem-
bers said they would keep the gov-
ernment apolitical.
"I'm hoping for the sake of stu-
dent government that's true," Buck
Joe Sciarrotta, the presidential-

elect, said, "We'll make sure it
stays nonpartisan and nonpolitical
and works for the benefit of the stu-
LSA-SG, the body governing
students in LSA, has sponsored ac-
tivities such as CRISP advice ta-
bles and a picnic for graduating se-
niors. The body had also brought in
speakers, including Dick Vitale and
Arthur Schlesinger.
Sciarrotta's plans include oppos-
ing proposals for mandatory four-
year English and moral course re-
quirements and altering the grading
system to give above a 4.0 to stu-
dents receiving an A plus.
LSA-SG elections were held in
conjunction with MSA elections
last Wednesday and Thursday. More
than 3,200 students cast ballots
CC took 10 of the 24 available
seats on MSA. The Action party
took six, while write-in candidates
and independents took the remain-
ing eight positions.

Individual Winners (By School):

Julie Davies (CC)
Elissa Silverman (Action)
Kim Watson (Action)
Greg Morrison (CC)
Jay Goldberg (CC)
James Green (CC)
Megan Landers (Action)
Brett White (CC)
Jonathan Line (CC)
Deborah L. Billings (Action)
Corey Dolgon (Action)
Timothy Paul Darr (CC)

Jennifer Ane Starrman (CC)
Sreenivas D. Cherukuri (CC)
Brian S. Kight (Independent)
Social Work
Marilyn Freeman (Write-In)
John R. Naatjes (Independent)
Andrew Kanfer (CC)
Not Available

Library Science
Pedro Padilla (Write-In)
Physical Education

William Andrew (Independent)
Public Health

tapes will
not air
on CNN
Supreme Court refused by a 7-2 vote
yesterday to give Cable News
Network permission to broadcast
tape recordings of conversations be-
tween Panama's Gen. Manuel Nor-
iega and his lawyers.
Noriega is awaiting trial on
charges of taking $4.6 million in
payoffs to protect cocaine trade
through Panama. He is being held in
a federal prison near Miami.
The court rejected an emergency
request by CNN that was aimed at
lifting a federal judge's order forbid-
ding the broadcasts until he Obuld de-
termine what the tapes disclose.
The emergency request has called
the Nov. 8 order by U.S. District
Judge William Hoeveler in Miami
an unconstitutional "prior restraint"
of free speech. But only two jus-
See TAPES, Page 2

w r

Paul Oppedisano (Action)
Christa Sinz (Write-in)
Mark LePage (Write-In)

President: Joe SCiarotta (CC) Vice President: Andrew Petrella (CC)

Mark Bernstein (SAID)
Allison Buck (SAID)
Brian Callahan (CC)
Karen Eleveld (SAID)
Carrie Friedman (SAID)

Claudette Grinnell (CC)
Timothy Hurd (CC)
Heather Johnston (SAID)
Alexander Kazerooni (CC)
Jocelyn Lupert (SAID)

Trish Mattoff (SAID)
Anne Mueller (SAID)
Rob Reilly (CC)
Brian Schefke (CC)
Vince Wilk (CC)


Third in


Sunrunner takes third in World Solar

by David Rheingold
Daily Staff Reporter
ADELAIDE, Australia - The
cheer, "Go Blue!" has resounded
through many places in the world:
the Rose Bowl in Pasadena
California, the stands at Michigan
Stadium, and the King Dome in
I Now Adelaide, Australia can be
added to the list.
Members of the Michigan Solar
Car team joyously shouted "Go
Blue!" while celebrating their third
place finish in the World Solar
Challenge 1990 on Saturday.
The Sunrunner crossed the finish
line at 2:54 p.m. (Australia time)
just six minutes ahead of HOXAN, a
Japanese solar cell manufacturer.
1 The Sunrunner had had a seven

General Motors' Sunraycer in 1987.
Honda arrived in second place at
12:43 p.m. on Saturday. Many of its
team members remained at the finish
to celebrate with Michigan. After the
Sunrunner pulled in, friends and
competitors merrily sprayed each
other with champagne and exchanged
team uniforms. Sunrunner driver
Paula Finnegan proudly wore a
Honda jumpsuit.
"We made it! 3,000 K! Third in
the world!" said System Coordinator
member Justin Beres.
"That's what's awesome. Third in
the World. You figure we're just col-
lege students, most of us have a year
or two years to go, and we're com-
peting against multi-million dollar
corporations," Beres said. "This is
our first car - a world-class car. We

r Challenge
runner had a separate aluminum
frame and Kevlar body. This made it
heavier than other cars which had
monocock and were therefore lighter.
Honda's canopy, for instance, had
built-in wheel wells.
Gears: Unlike some of the
other cars which could change gears
to adapt to the terrain or climate dur-
ing the race, the Sunrunner gears had
to be changed manually. Such a
switch took a costly 20 minutes -
too long since its nearest competitor
was only minutes behind.
* Solar Cells: The Sunrunner's
array, composed of mono-crystalline
silicon, was 16 percent efficient -
that is, it converted 16 percent of
the sunlight into electrical energy.
Biel, Honda, and HOXAN all had
advanced solar cells that were 19 per-

makes a
diving catch
with his
feeti ust
barely in
bounds for
a first
quarter TD
in the
35-18 victory

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