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November 17, 1990 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-11-17
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Saturday, November 17, 1990.

The Michigan Daily

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ab td$cW uIg
Editor in Chief Opinion Editor
Unsigned editorials reprent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons,
signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily.

Movement should be focus
years, this campus has seen a broad-based
student movement protesting University
policy. The issue at hand is the University
regents' decision to deputize campus se-
curity officers without student and faculty
input or conclusive evidence that such a
move will be effective in reducing vio-
lence and crime on campus.
The large protests which have been tak-
ing place since Wednesday have shown
student apathy is coming to an end. The
students have come to realize deputization
poses some threat to every member of this
community and that they must work to-
gether to get their voices heard.
The organizing committee's decision to
sit-in at President Duderstadt's office, as
well as to set up protests in front of the
Fleming building, Duderstadt's home, and
the Michigan Union have been effective
measures for drawing attention to the is-
sue. While the movement's leaders set the
arena for dissent, much of the success lies
in the large number of students who
showed up.
This week's activities have placed stu-
dents in a position of advantage, which
should be utilized to its full extent.
The movement may become stagnant if
it relies solely on the wave of protest. The
most beneficial path for the movement to
follow would be to use the attention
brought about through protest, in order to
initiate some sort of dialogue with the ad-

sed, remain positive
Although there have been claims by
both students and the administration of the
other side's unwillingness to negotiate,
the opportunity to establish open commu-
nication still should not be overlooked.
Protest alone will not achieve the goals
of the student movement. Positive,
thoughtful action must also be included.
However, the spirit of activism should
not be abandoned. Negotiations should
take place with adequate media access and
good faith must be assured on both sides.
If this good faith is betrayed by the admin-
istration, then protest must again become
the primary focus of the movement.
In addition, it is important the move-
ment stay focused. Evident at Thursday's
rally was a tendency to cloud the issue of
deputization with other causes.
In order to achieve the goals pursued
by the anti-deputization movement, it is
imperative other goals and aims do not
confound this movement. The most effec-
tive attack will be a concentrated one, and
incorporating other issues only serves to
dilute the issue.
In addition to staying focused on the
issue of deputization, the struggle should
remain consistently against the regents.
The fight against deputization has fi-
nally come to a head, and students are ac-
tively pursuing their laudable wishes.
Only by following a positive and focused
direction will the movement continue the
success it has already enjoyed.

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Vol. CI, No. 53EXTRA

Ann Arbor. Michigan -- Saturday, November 17, 1990

CC winS
10 of 24
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seats on .
by Christine Kloostra
Daily MSA Reporter
In an election Pete Rose would V
not even bet on, the Conservative
Coalition (CC) took 10 of the 24
seats available on the Michigan Stu-
dent Assembly.
Six Action party candidates took
seats, as well as three independents.
The Abolitionist party failed to win
any seats in this election, in which z
no one was willing to predict a
Results will remain unofficial . . .
until the Election Court verifies
them. Election Director Catherine
Fugate will submit the results to they

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Student input can no longer be ignored

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NSA elections '90
court Monday.
In the highly-contested LSA race,
students voted in six CC candidates
and three from the more liberal Ac-
tion party, a significant change from
last term's results.
In last winter's elections, Action
took eight of the nine available seats
for LSA. However, the party will
maintain a majority of LSA seats
with 11 of 18.
Students in the School of Engi-
neering - usually staunch support-
See MSA, page 2

by Josephine Ballenger,
Julie Foster and Lee Shufro
Daily Staff Reporters

Students rally outside the Union Friday at noon to protest the deputization of campus security officers.

tion protests c
Students rally, march through gun.°

campus, organize movement

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- ~ protest against University deputization of
security officers, the Board of Regents
moved their monthly meeting from the
Fleming Administration Building to
Crisler Arena. In addition, the traditional
open access to these meetings was denied,
and the doors to Crisler were locked.
This act was a blatant attempt to quell
opposition to deputization. In addition, the
decision to conduct the meeting in private
is a possible violation of the state's Open
Meetings Act.
Realistically, the regents do not have to
entertain any form of open debate on
deputization. They are deputizing officers
under the county sheriff, not under the
state legislation which requires public fo-
However, the fact that a significant
number of students are extremely dis-
turbed by the issue - as well as the pro-
cess by which the question was decided
-should elicit some sort of constructive

response from the administration. The re-
gents should at least address the concerns
of the students, if not in fact concede to
The regents should take heed of this
week's activities and realize that ignoring
the students and the situation will no
longer work. This issue will not die until
the regents sit-down and talk with the stu-
dents. The rallies, protests and sit-ins
should serve as a wake-up call to the ad-
ministration; the regents must take student
input as a valuable part of the University
decision-making process.
It is time for the regents of this Uni-
versity to realize that an obstinant stance
on this issue is counter-productive and an
ineffective technique for quelling student
opposition. If the regents continue their
staunch opposition to student input, it will
eventually lead to their downfall.


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More than 1,000 students
blocked traffic and sat on State
Street yesterday at a rally in front
of the Union to protest the deputi-
zation of campus security.
Students voted down a pro-
posed boycott of University
classes, but plan to hold a teach-in
on the issue of deputization Mon-
The rally was a continuation of
a three-day protest against the cre-
ation of a deputized campus police
force and the establishment of a
code of non-academic conduct. It
was followed by an hour-long
march of approximately 800
protesters around campus.
Michigan Student Assembly
President Jennifer Van Valey pro-
posed students strike from classes
Monday. Van Valey encouraged
students to:
Boycott all University
Form picket lines around
classroom buildings;
Hold a teach-in on the stu-
dent movement and plan for future

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Encourage faculty to hold
alternative classes off campus to
discuss student rights
But students opposed the boy-
cott when Van Valey brought the
proposal to a vote by asking all in
favor of the strike to sit down in
the street. When less than half of
the crowd sat down, she resolved
to delay the strike, but said "go
ahead and have a teach-in on Mon-
day afternoon."
Several students spoke against
the strike at the rally.
LSA junior Jesse Walker said,
"I say we put off any decision
about a strike until after Thanks-
giving and until we've had a
chance to talk to more people."
LSA senior Reg Goeke said
most of the students would rather
be in class than participate in the
boycott because the majority of
students are not behind the move-
"You will not have a majority,
and it will seem like a failure,"

Tenuous re
frustrate di,,
by Josephine Ballenger that sh
Daily Crime Reporter admini

agreed Srinivas Cheruvu, an MSA
engineering rep. "I am against
deputization, but we will shoot
ourselves in the foot because a
strike will not work," he said.
MSA Vice President Angela
Burks spoke in favor of a student
strike. "The administration is

she sa
that is
for th
to pro

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It's nothing new that students and
administrators clash on University
Daily But it hasn't al-
News ways been true that
Analysis both sides have admit-
ted having bad rela-
Michigan Student Assembly
President Jennifer Van Valey has
publicly said during student protests

that c
staff is
has led
lies, m

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