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November 12, 1990 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-11-12

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The Michigan Daily -Monday, November 12, 1990 - Page 3

Search for
dean of B-
"by Shalini Patel
Daily Staff Reporter
Understanding cultural diversity
will be as essential as understanding
3;economics for the next University
-BPusiness School Dean.
The Business School Dean
Search Committee finalized a list of
M.,criteria on Friday to be used in its
nationwide search for a new dean.
The committee hopes to fill the
vacancy, created by the promotion of
,former Dean Gilbert Whitaker to
Provost, by February.
, Jennifer Spielvogel, a senior so-
cial science research associate, drafted
a specific list of measurable qualifi-
*cations from "the broad, philosophi-
cal ideas" discussed in committee.
The list consists of 12 criteria:
three minimum qualifications and
- -nine selection criteria.
The minimum requisites include
a Doctorate or the equivalent in edu-
cation and experience, communica-
tion and leadership skills as gaged by
personal interviews, and a commit-
ment to affirmative action measured
*by the success of minority students
4nd the number of minority student
programs at a candidate's current
Minority enrollment at the busi-
ness school is currently 16 percent.
. "We're looking for someone who
has a vision of where the school is
:'going, someone with admiistrative
experience, and someone who has a
commitment to managing cultural
7diversity," said Committee Chair and
Professor of Business Law George
Siedel, referring to three of the nine
selection criteria.
"Though an insider, of course,
would know a lot more about the de-
,tails of the school, I don't think it
generally follows that that person
-would have a better vision of the
4 sphool's direction," he added.
' "It's going to take a lot of work
at the beginning of the search pro-
cess because this is the criteria we're
*going to measure everyone by,"
Spielvogel said. "We can't change it
in the middle of the game."
_ Spielvogel revised her list after
;.pommittee members ranked the qual-
ifications in order of importance and
:,made suggestions in wording.
41The next step in the search, the
screening phase, involves Jerry
'Baker, the committee's contact at
Lamalie Associates, a professional
search firm.
Although Baker will do some
preliminary screening of people who
'"clearly don't meet the criteria," the
committee will review the reasons
he eliminated candidates, Siedel said.
o'. In accordance with University
*procedure, the committee approved
criteria was submitted to the Director
of Affirmative Action, Dr. Zaida Gi-
- raldo, who offered further sugges-
tions in wording.
"They are very up-to-date criteria
that current job applicants would feel
comfortable with," Giraldo said.
Jerry Baker was unavailable for




U.S. forces in



'We had to show... we were
serious,' says one official

An unidentified squirrel was caught eating the remains of a jack-o-lantern on Cross Street yesterday.
LSA Student Government

candidates to debt

by Bethany Robertson
Daily Staff Reporter
LSA presidential candidates for
the Nov. 14 and 15 elections will
discuss their parties' platforms con-
cerning the LSA student government
in a debate tonight at 6:30 in the
Anderson Room of the Michigan
The LSA debate will be similar
to debates held previously for
Michigan Student Assembly candi-
dates, said Lee Gardy, debate orga-
nizer and vice-presidential candidate
for the Students for Academic and
Institutional Development
(S.A.I.D.) party.
Party candidates said they hoped
the debate would make students more
aware of the issues important to each
"The major issue we'll bring out

is our experience," said Jefferson
Ehrlich a presidential candidate for
the S.A.I.D. party. "We plan to
bring out what we've done and
which students we've affected."
In the past, the LSA student gov-
ernment has sponsored student-fac-
ulty dinners, a campus wide gradua-
tion picnic and CRISP advice tables.
In the last year, the government has
allocated money to more than 40
groups, Gardy said.
The Modern Democratic Founda-
tion party, composed of presidential
and vice-presidential candidates Derek
Smith and Todd Lawson, hopes to
address issues affecting the Univer-
"I think we should talk about the
allocations of funds," Smith said.
"I'd like to cover the deputization of
the police force."

ite today
Conservative Coalition presiden-
tial candidate Joe Sciarrotta said his
party believes elections will be
"If anything, that's why we're
running, just to make it a competi-
tive election," Sciarrotta said. Con-
cerning the debate, he said he would
like to discuss the grading system,
tuition raises and student awareness
of the LSA government.
"We're going to focus in on re-
sponsiveness. A government can't
be legitimate if the students aren't
aware of it," Sciarrotta said.
A panel of Michigan Daily re-
porters will question the presidential
candidates. The candidates represent
their party members running for 15
positions on the executive council of
the LSA student government.

dent Bush decided to nearly double
U.S. forces in the Persian Gulf as a
signal to Iraq - and the rest of the
world - that the United States has
more than enough firepower to force
Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait if
necessary, U.S. officials said.
"We had to show the interna-
tional community we were serious,"
said one official.
Thedecision also was prompted
by Bush's determination to match
Saddam's own military buildup, the
officials said.
The officials, who spoke on the
condition of anonymity, said Bush's
decision to send in more troops and
equipment was not made overnight,
but evolved over a period of weeks.
"The situation has been evaluated
and re-evaluated as time went on,"
said one official.
The administration on Thursday
announced massive ground, sea, and
air reinforcements to the combat
power already in the gulf region.
That could mean as many as
200,000 new fcrces will be added to
the some 230,000 U.S. military per-
sonnel already there.
Bush said they were needed for an
"adequate offensive military option"
- words chosen carefully as a signal
to Hussein.
U.S. forces now in place in Saudi
Arabia and on ships in the gulf al-
ready had a limited offensive capabil-
ity, officials said. But they said the
president wanted to send a forceful
new message to Saddam by empha-
sizing the word "offensive."
Bush's decision to bolster U.S.
forces was motivated, in part, by
Saddam's own buildup in sending
nearly half of his million-strong
army to face the United States across

the Saudi border.
Saddam's dogged refusal to yield
to world condemnation, or to four
months of international economic
sanctions, was also a factor in
Bush's decision to up the stakes.
It wasn't that Bush decided at
some point that the economic sanc-
tions weren't having an impact,
aides said.
"We've always placed an empha-
sis on the sanctions," one official
said. But, he added, "We want to
maintain our credibility."
"The sanctions are not changing
his (Saddam's) mind, even though
they are having an effect o his soci-
ety." the official said. "The degree of
seriousness with which Saddam
takes international efforts is
The United States also is caught be-
tween conflicting pressures - being
urged by Britain, Saudi Arabia, and
Turkey to put more emphasis on
military action and by the Soviet
Union to exercise restraint.
"The Soviets are the lynch pin of
the coalition." one official said.
Soviet leaders have acknowledged
that force "could not be ruled out"
but said they prefer to give diplo-
macy more time before pulling the
However, Secretary of State
James Baker noted that the interna-
tional consensus against Iraq was
"solid and unified" as he ended a
seven-nation diplomatic mission to
shore up support for potential mili-
tary action in the gulf last week.
Sending new reinforcements into
the region, but announcing that they
would take up to two months to get
there, was Bush's way of trying to
accommodate both sides.

Detroit high school,

'U' join

forces in English program
by Matt Newman

Japanese change
image of emperor

While thousands of high school
seniors visit the University every
year, the 30 Mackenzie High School
seniors from a collaborative program
with the University have attracted
special attention.
The program is designed to both
help minority students' writing and
to stimulate interest in attending col-
lege. It includes writing assignments
with a focus on individual expres-
sion, rather than just concentrating
on basic English skills, and two vis-
its to the University to make stu-
dents feel more comfortable in a col-
lege environment.
The five-year-old program won
recognition as a center of excellence
from the National Council of Teach-
ers of English (NCTE) this year.
The award, given annually to one
language arts program in each state,
cited the collaboration between the

University and MacKenzie, a Detroit
high school, as "exemplary in
serving at-risk students."
The program was developed by a
former MacKenzie principle who
saw students' difficulty in getting
into college. "We had about eight or
nine students who applied to the
University at that time (1984), and
none of them were accepted to the U
of M," said Helen Didley, a coordi-
nator of the program since its incep-
Tamika Watkins, a student in the
program since ninth grade, said the
writing course differs from regular
English classes at MacKenzie. "We
work more on expressing ourselves
in writing rather than just learning
English from a textbook."
The idea attracted the attention of
Residential College and English
Composition Board lecturer Barbra

Morris when she worked on a De-
troit Public Schools-University col-
laborative committee. "I thought,
'This is perfect for me,"' Morris
Morris has worked with Didley
and the four Mackenzie English
teachers to expand the program from
ninth grade to a ninth through
twelfth program. "We wanted to
keep a steady motivation to continu-
ing on to post-secondary education,"
explains Morris.
The program is not entirely
geared towards academic improve-
ment. Last year the entire cast of the
Residential College's "Romeo and
Juliet" performed at Mackenzie. This
spring the Drama Club will work
with members of the program to put
on a performance before graduation.

TOKYO (AP) - In a solemn,
centuries-old rite at Tokyo's Imperial
Palace, Emperor Akihito formally
accedes to the Chrysanthemum
Throne today, becoming the first
Japanese monarch enthroned as a
symbol and not a living god.
Clad in ancient court costume,
seated atop an elaborate lacquered
platform under a curtained canopy
encrusted with gold phoenixes and
circular mirrors, Akihito will face a
courtyard lined with ceremonial
Next to him on a smaller plat-
form will be Empress Michiko.
Prime Minister Toshiki Kaifu will
lead the 2,500 guests in three cheers
of "Banzai!" - "May you live ten
thousand years!"

Critics say the 30-minute cere-
mony - and a series of accompany-
ing rites to be held in coming weeks
- are based too closely on the tradi-
tional religious rituals used for Aki-
hito's father and grandfather, who
were enthroned as living gods.
Under Japan's postwar constitu-
tion, the emperor is simply a na-
tional symbol.
Leftist radicals have vowed to dis-
rupt the ceremonies and have claimed
responsibility for a series of bomb-
ings and arson attack in recent
On Sunday, two bombs exploded
at the house of U.S. Consul General
Gregory L. Johnson in Nishi-
nomiya, in western Japan.

What's happening in Ann Arbor today

'U' prof. honored for water quality study

U MA SC (University of Michigan
Asian American Student Coalition),
weekly meeting. For info, Weston
Woo (995-7008). 2439 Mason Hall,
Circolo, The Italian Conver-
sation Club, weekly meeting.
MLB Fourth Floor Commons, 3:00.
Indian American Students As-
sociation, weekly meeting. Union
;Tap Rm., 8:30.
Undergraduate Philosophy
Club, weekly meeting. "Critiques of
Liberalism in Recent Political Phi-
losophy," Prof. S. Darwall, speaker.
2220 Angel Hall, 6:00.
Indian and Pakistani
American Students' Council,
weekly discussion. Trotter House,
Women In Communications,
addressed by Prof. Dick Campbell.
2050 Frieze Bldg., 5:00.

"Modelling the Nitrogenase
Active Site: Are We Getting
Close?", sponsored by Chem.'
Dept.; Prof.sDimitri Coucouvanis,
speaker. Rm. 1640, 4:00.
Safewaik functions 8-1:30 am
Sun.-Thurs., 8-11:30 Fri.-Sat. Call
936-1000 or stop by 102 UGLi.
Northwaik functions 8-1:30 am
Sun.-Thurs., 8-12 Fri.-Sat. Call 763-
WALK or stop by 2333 Bursley.
ECB Peer Writing Tutors avali-
ble to help with your papers Sunday-!
Thursday, Angell/Haven Computing'
Center, 7-11:00.
U of M Shorin-Ryu Karate-do
Club. For info call (994-3620). Ev-
ery Monday, CCRB, Small Gym, 8-
9:00. 1
The Yawp, a publication of student
writing, is looking for poetry, short
stories, and art; deadline, Dec. 1.
Submit to 7611 Haven Hall.
The Program in Linguistics
and the Michigan Linguistics
Student Association is holding
a 'meeting with professors for

by Brooke Mayer
A Natural Resources professor
who has spent the last six years ana-
lyzing the water quality of more than
150 U.S. rivers has been named the
1990 winner of the National Wildlife
Federation's National Conservation
Achievement Award in the education
Prof. Bill Stapp, a University
professor since 1963, has been given
the award largely in recognition of
his recent project: "Global Rivers
Environmental Education Network"
The program is designed to link
teachers, students, administrators,

and professionals throughout the
world and entails cross-cultural anal-
ysis and study of water quality in ev-
ery continent but Antarctica.
Since its inception in 1984, hun-
dreds of researchers and students have
joined the program, using computer
links to convey information across-
six continents on the water quality
of various rivers.
For instance, a school in Flint is
linked to a Russian school studying
the Black Sea, and a school in Sagi-
naw is linked with one in Australia.
People discuss information by
computer relating to regional water
history and water quality tests. They

also exchange information on one
another's cultures.
The purpose is "for students to
develop an interest, awareness and
understanding of their environment
and empower them to take appropri-
ate action to improve the water qual-
ity and thus the lives of the people
who depend upon it," Stapp said.
Using the data gathered through
the system, each area devises an
"Action Plan," which is a schedule
of how the people involved will use
the information to improve their wa-
ter quality.

"The extreme importance of
GREEN can be understood by the
awareness of four facts," Stapp said.
These include:
85 percent of people in the
world live along rivers or where con-
tinents interface seas.
1 in 4 hospital beds in the
third world are occupied by people
with water-born diseases. (malaria,
70 percent of people do not
have access to clean drinking water .
90 percent of children under 5
have health problems that could be
reduced by clean drinking water.

Pravda reports Soviets illegally armed 'to teeth'

MOSCOW (AP) - Law en-
forcement authorities estimate that
Soviets have 3.6 million illegal
guns in their hands, leaving the in-
creasingly restive population "armed
to the teeth," a newspaper reported
The article in Komsomolskaya

Pravda was the latest in a series of
reports about rising lawlessness in
the country and appeared less than a
week after a gunman opened fire in
Red Square while president Mikhail
Gorbachev and other leaders were re-
viewing Revolution Day festivities.
Four months ago, Gorbachev

ordered illegal firearms to be turned
in, but the newspaper reported
widespread disobedience of the de-
cree, with the Interior Ministry say-
ing that individuals surrendering
only 20,100 guns, 700,000 rounds
of ammunition and 3 tons of

Of the 3.6 million illegal
firearms in circulation, 25,000 are ri-
fles, the Interior Ministry said.
"Our impression is the country is
armed to the teeth," correspondent D.
Muratov wrote. Guns are also being
used in more ordinary crimes as the
Soviet economy deteriorates.

U Speakers

"Soviet Journalism: Theory


"~vptJurais:ThoyV[II1 " 1x:11

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