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November 07, 1990 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-11-07

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Page 10-The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, November 7, 1990

League coaches find
Big Ten ver offensive
by Eric Lemont
Daily Football Writer
So whatever happened to...
...the rough and tumble, knock 'em down, drag it out type football bat-
tles that bore the fans and lead to 5-3 games won on safeties?
Who knows. They sure haven't been seen lately in the Big Ten. Michi-
gan may have pounded Purdue last Saturday, but its 38 points were mediocre
at best - at least by league standards. In fact, of the five winning teams last
weekend, Michigan was only the fourth highest scoring team.
Consider the following scores:
Iowa 54, Illinois 28
Ohio State 48, Northwestern 7
Michigan State 45, Indiana 20
Michigan 38, Purdue 13
Minnesota 21, Wisconsin 3
Are these football scores or Rosanne Barr measurements?
"You're seeing more points scored than you ever have," Michigan coach
Gary Moeller said. "I think maybe skill players are better than they've been
in the past. Due to the wide open offenses, they're stretching things out."
Said Minnesota coach John Guttekunst: "I think they (coaches) are sur-
prised in the way that you now see the Big Ten teams able to run the ball,
and throw the ball with excellent receivers.
"Teams that can run the ball and play-action when they want to can see
tremendous seams down the field."
EYEING IOWA: The only trend rising as fast as football scores seems
to be the respect for Iowa in the eyes of Big Ten coaches. They point to ev-
erything from unity to revenge to the ability to win on the road as sources
for Iowa's 5-0 Big Ten record (7-1 overall).
Illinois coach John Mackovic made a point of opening his teleconference
yesterday by lauding the Hawkeyes.
"I just want to start by congratulating (Iowa coach) Hayden Fry and the
job he did. I just want him to know and his team to know how much I re-
spect the job they did.
"They've played great games on the road this year. If you beat three top
contenders (Illinois, MSU and Michigan) on the road you've got to be
something special."
Earlier in the teleconference, John Cooper, whose Ohio State team faces
Iowa this weekend, also had nothing but superlatives for Iowa, comparing
them with Washington as one of the two hottest teams in the nation.
Fry, however, listened with a deaf ear.
"The first thing I did Saturday was show the team a newspaper clipping
of the top ten teams and how four of the top five lost. And then I explained




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Iowa's Matt Rodgers has
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by Matthew Dodge
Daily Sports Writer
Big bad Illinois got its butt
The Fighting Illini came to Ann
Arbor as the No. 16 team in the na-
tion with the cockiest squad in the
Big Ten, but left town as the vic-
tims of a major upset - an upset by
a Michigan team which had strung
together 21 consecutive Big Ten
Did the Wolverines just catch
Illinois on an off-night? Didn't the
Illini suffer injuries to three seniors?
Maybe so, but it is difficult to feel
bad for a team whose attitude makes
LA Law's Rosalyn Shays look as
saintly as Murder She Wrote's An-
gela Lansbury. All the talk, all the!
smirks, and all the odds in the world
blew up in the faces of the Fighting
Illini. The Michigan volleyball team
stomped the Illini in three straight
games, 15-13, 15-13, 15-10.
"I think we surprised them," said
Michigan head coach Peggy Bradley-
Doppes, who received a victory hug
from Athletic Director Jack Weiden-
bach after the match.
Surprise does not begin to de-
scribe the way the Illini felt after the
match. However, the only surprise
to which the visitors admitted was
the extreme extent of their lackluster
"We self-destructed in every op-
portunity," Illinois coach Mike
Hebert said. "We flat out didn't
So did Michigan win the match,
or did Illinois lose it?
"We made about as many errors
as we have since I've been at Illi-
nois," Hebert said.
"It's our fault that they did play
good," Illinois offensive hitter Petra
Laverman said. "A team only plays
as good as you let them - and they
really played good."
This scenario would seem plausi-
ble, except that the Illini just never
took the Wolverines seriously. Illi-

nois hitters frequently shrugged off
critical mistakes by smiling as if
they hadn't a care in the world, and
servers routinely giggled after shank-
ing a serve into the net.
"I thought they came in here with
a cocky attitude," Michigan offen-
sive hitter Julia Sturm said.
The tension between the young,
enthusiastic Illini and the business-
like Wolverines was turned up even
before the match began. Hebert
started the match with five rookies
on the floor. The pregame 'probable
starters' lineup listed only three.
Michigan saw this as a strong
statement by Illinois that the match

"If they took it as an insult that's
their problem," Hebert said.
Sorry coach, the scoreboard sayW
it is your problem.
As Bradley-Doppes begins to hit the
recruiting trail this week, she needs
to look no further than her own
A timeless tradition of the
Wolverines is a serving contest
which allows fans to serve a ball at
target across the court in the hope of
winning various prizes.
The winner during Friday's Pur-
due match was Nicole Collias, who
is the younger sister of Michigan
rookie Joanna Collias. Upon hearing
the news, Bradley-Doppes joked,
"What's she doing tomorrow
The only problem is that by al-
lowing Collias to enter the contest,
Michigan violated an NCAA regula-
tion forbidding high school players
- who could be seen as recruits -
from participating in such events.
OVERRATED?: Michigan see4,
senior offensive hitter Julia Sturm as
a star. The Wolverines portray her as
a diamond in the rough, as a player
who would star on any of the high-
powered Big Ten squads.
A touch of controversy was
stirred up Friday when the coach of
one of those strong schools claimed
"She wouldn't be a dominant
player," Purdue coach Carol Dewey
said. "She would probably be just a
role player."
After her play on Saturday, try
telling that to Illinois coach Mike


was already in the bag.
Hebert could not have made a
worse move, although he claims that
the lineup had been in place for four
Regardless, the Wolverines felt
"When they looked across the net
and saw that, I think for the first
time this season, our kids got mad,"
Bradley-Doppes said.
And they never looked back.
Michigan poured on the intensity for
three solid games as Illinois drowned
in a sea of Blue enthusiasm and


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