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October 29, 1990 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-10-29

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retuu rilt

Vol. CI, No.39 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Monday, October 29, 1990 Copyri 0

by Tami Pollak
Approximately 20 protesters were
greeted with cider, doughnuts, and
~police tape when they arrived outside
University Regent Deane Baker's (R-
Ann Arbor) house early yesterday af-
Baker and his wife were waiting
outside their house for the members
of the AIDS Coalition to Unleash
Power (ACT-UP) who were once
again expressing anger with his re-
marks made at a July 1990 Univer-
sity Board of Regents' meeting.
At the meeting, Baker called for
the defunding of the Lesbian/Gay
Male Programming Office
(LGMPO), as well as the establish-
ment of a,"neutral counseling office"
as a replacement for the counseling
of LGMPO, which he accused of ad-
vising students "toward the homo-
sexual side."
The protestors' list of grievances
also mentioned anti-gay and lesbian
*actions taken by Baker during re-
gents' meetings in 1984 and 1988.
ACT-UP members ignored the
snacks as well as Baker's handshake
overtures as they began chanting
"Stop the violence, stop the hate -
how do you know your kids are
"We support the right to free
- -speech,but we're here to send the
*sgnal to all people in the adminis-
tration that we hold them personally
responsible for their words and ac-
tions," said ACT-UP member and
Rackham graduate student Pattrice
Baker threatened the protestors
with arrest if they crossed the police
caution tape stretching across his
front lawn and into the adjacent corn
Two representatives of the
Washtenaw County Sheriff's de-
partment were present during the
rally, but took no action against the
While two the drivers of two
passing cars shouted angry remarks
to the group, like, "Go away... stop
dirtying our neighborhood," many
more drivers offered peace signs and
raised their fists in support of ACT-
The protest reached a climax
when Baker refused to answer one
ACT-UP member's questions about
his feelings on gay rights because
the picketer was not a student and
because Baker felt it was "inap-
propriate to protest here on private
As a small crowd formed around
;Baker, the man shouted in response,
"You are an elected official, and I'm
a constituent. I have a vote!"
When Baker refused to reply, the
protestor grabbed his hand and said,
"There, you've just shook the hand
of a man who has AIDS," sending
Baker and his wife into the house.
"That man had every right to be
angry and to swear; he is a victim of
AIDS and a victim of the hostile
*tmosphere the words and actions of
people like Deane Baker create,"
Maurer said.

$40 billioi



House and Senate approved the
biggest deficit reduction legislation
in history this weekend after months
of negotiations.
The bill, which President George
Bush said Saturday he would sign,
would reduce the federal deficit by
about $40 billion this year and by
nearly $500 billion during the next
five years.
The budget deficit now totals ap-
proximately $300 billion.
The Senate gave final legislative
approval to the record package of
taxes and spending cuts Saturday as
Congress dashed through a stack of
major bills and towards adjournment
of its election-year session.
The Senate voted 54-45 to em-
brace the budget compromise, the
centerpiece of $496 billion deficit-re-
duction plan that reaches the wallets
of everyone from buyers of gasoline

to Medicare recipients but takes spe-
cial aim at the well-to-do.
Voting for the measure were 35
Democrats and 19 Republicans. It
was opposed by 20 Democrats and
25 Republicans.
The House followed the Senate's
approval early Saturday morning,
voting 228 to 200 in favor of the
bill. Seventy-four Democrats and
124 Republicans opposed the bill.
Bush said that as much as higher
taxes make him want to gag, the
deficit-restraining budget deal reached
by congress was a "good medicine
for the economy."
Bush, noting that the bargaining
that led to the budget has
"sometimes been painful," said:
"All political points of view have
sacrificed to bring this agreement
about. Needless to say, I don't like
raising taxes, never will. But there is
a price to divided government and

that means that I have had to com-
promise on items I feel strongly
about in order to do what I think is
best for the country."
The bill increases the taxes for all
but the very poor, reduces Medicare
benefits and payments to farmers and
establishes the first Federal effort to
provide child care and Medicare-
funded medical treatment to poor
The bill also states that the gov-
ernment will no longer guarantee
loans to students who attend schools
with high default rates, meaning
more than 35 percent in 1991 or
1992 and 30 percent thereafter.
Lawmakers said the sacrifices the
compromise demanded were necessi-
tated by years of growing budget
gaps that have weakened the econ-
Senate Budget Committee Chair
See BUDGET, Page 2

Students exempt from
some taxes in '91 budget

by Bethany Robertson
Daily Staff Reporter
Two proposals that could have
cost students and universities more
than $600 million were excluded
from the 1991 budget package which
passed this weekend, while new re-
strictions were placed on federal stu-
dent loans.
An amendmrent which would have
required University-employed stu-
dents to pay social security taxes
was dropped from the tax code, al-
lowing students to retain the status
they have held since 1937.
However, another amendment
passed which states that students

borrowing money for the first time
under the federally guaranteed
Stafford Loan program will be un-
able to receive any money until 30
days after the start of classes.
The restrictions put on student
loans could cause some problems,
said Tom Butts, executive director of
the University's office in Washing-
ton, D.C.
Butts said the purpose of the re-
striction is to cut down on the num-
ber of loan defaults the government
must pay. The majority of first-year
students who drop out of school do
so in the first month, he said.

According to statistics from the
National Education Department, the
default rate at the University is two
percent, compared to some trade
schools with default rates of 40 per-
"All of our students will be af-
fected by a proposal intended to af-
fect other students," Butts said.
He said the restriction will cause
problems for students who rely on
loan money to pay for books, tu-
ition and other expenses within the
first month.
"It creates a cash flow problem
See TAXES, Page 2

Monkey around
Dick Boyd, manager of Middle Earth, does his part to celebrate the
renovation of South University Avenue. The renovation, which included
repaving the street, installing new streetlights and planters, was
completed recently.

Student protestor sues city,
University police for assault
Civil case, counter-suit trials set for Nov. 5

by Josephine Ballenger
Daily Crime Reporter
A former University student is
suing the city and University for as-
sault and battery and deprivation of
civil rights. In turn, city police and
University security officers are
counter-suing the student for assault
and battery.
The civil cases will go to trial
before a six-person jury Nov. 5 in
Washtenaw County Circuit Court.
Judge Patrick Conlin will preside
over the cases, which involve plain-
tiff Harold Marcuse and counter-
plaintiffs Leo Heatley, director of the
University's Department of Public
Safety and Security; Douglas Bar-

bour, Ann Arbor police detective;
and Robert Pifer and Robert Patrick,
public safety officers.
Marcuse, a student who protested
the CIA's recruiting on campus on
Nov. 25, 1987, wants "a police
apology" from the officers, said the
plaintiff's attorney, J. Weber, of
Rose and Weber.
The incident occurred when Mar-
cuse and about 30 student protestors
appeared at the Career Planning and
Placement Office's outer lobby to
prevent CIA representatives from re-
cruiting students on campus.
According to Weber, Heatley and
Barbour, both dressed in plain

clothes, "wouldn't allow the
protestors to go down the hallway."
Barbour "roughed (Marcuse) up...
pulled his ear," Weber said.
But city counter-plaintiff attorney
Mary Rinne said the student kneed
Barbour from behind and bruised the
detective's arm. Marcuse also kicked
Heatley in the ankle, knocking him
down onto his knees, she said.
"Our position was that it was De-
tective Barbour that was assaulted,
not Marcuse... ," Rinne said.
"Barbour forced Marcuse to the
ground, but didn't use excessive
force," she continued. "The law
See CIVIL, Page 2



Palestinians returned to work in Is-
rael yesterday after a four-day ban,
*but some found they had lost their
jobs to Jews and others were turned
back at roadblocks.
Police had new orders barring
Palestinians with a record of hostile
activity against Israel. About 8,000
Palestinians carry green identity
cards that ban them from Israel as
security risks, according to the daily
"We will increase the list of
those not allowed into Israel," Sh-
muel Goren, government coordinator

The closure was lifted yesterday,
but Defense Minister Moshe Arens
warned he might reimpose it if vio-
lence continues.
"I hope we won't have to take
such a step," he said on army radio.
"There are tens of thousands who
work in Israel who are trustworthy
... and we want to allow them to
make an honorable living."
Tel Aviv car wash owner Nissim
Ahbari said he hired two recently dis-
charged Israeli soldiers while his
Arab worker was confined to the
Gaza Strip.
"I prefer that Jews work instead

occupied areas

his friends were looking for other
"There is always work, but the
situation is different now. There is a
lot of fear and everyone is tense," he
said on Israeli radio, without giving
his name.
Three Jews were killed in Pales-
tinian attacks, and two Palestinians
were killed by Jews in random vio-
lence that prompted Wednesday's
Israeli radio said the attacks fueled
a wave of applications by Israelis for
weapons licenses, most of which

dependence on Arab labor.
The Cabinet, meanwhile, said it
accepted the conclusions of the three-
member investigative team ap-
pointed by Prime Minister Yitzhak
Police killed 20 Palestinians and
injured 140 after Arab protesters on
the Mount, known in Arabic as
Haram es-Sharif, threw rocks at Jews
praying below at the Western Wall.
The panel said the shooting was
in self-defense but chastised senior
police officials for failing to prepare
for violence and being absent when

Dean Dingman tries futilely to recover Jon Vaughn's fumble in the second
half of Saturday's game. For complete coverage see Sports Monday.
Inspired Wolverines
shellack Indiana, 45-19
. :_ IU .. _ .

by Eric Lemont
Daily Football Writer
The number used to symbolize
Michigan's ranking in the national
polls. Now, it represents the
Wlvritnr nnc ~.rran t w.nf.nflcr tr.r

seats empty, the Wolverines traded
scores with the Hoosiers in the
second-half to coast to victory..
Indiana coach Bill Mallory said,
"Michigan came out to play and we
didn't Thev did a gond iob

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