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October 11, 1990 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-10-11

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The Michigan Daily -Thursday, October 11, 1990 - Page 3

Ann Arbor bike


thefts rise in


President jogs
budget plans into
party turmoil

6)y Jon Rosenthal
Bike thefts in Ann Arbor are on
The 352 bicycle thefts in Ann
Arbor during the first nine months
df this year has exceeded the 348
thefts recorded for all of last year, ac-
cbrding to the Ann Arbor Police De-
These thefts are more than petty
larceny. Last year's Ann Arbor bike
thieves stole merchandise worth a to-
1 of $84,000.
As a result, the Department of
Public Safety is preparing a presen-
tation for next summer's first-year
student orientation explaining the
best methods to prevent bike theft..
The department is also trying to
focilitate bike protection. "The older
model bike racks weren't suitable for
mountain bikes," said Sgt. Vern
aisden of the University Depart-
ent of Public Safety, "The Univer-
sity embarked upon a project to in-
troduce more of the U-shaped bike
racks which seems to have been a hit
with most people on campus."
;Sgt. Baisden recommended own-
ers remove their bike's seat or lock
their bikes to a solid object with a
sturdy U-bolt lock or with a thick

link chain. Students should put the
lock or chain through the frame and
the front wheel.
"It is amazing to me why people
will spend four, five, six hundred,
maybe even a thousand dollars for a
bike and won't spend ten or fifteen
dollars to buy a good lock or that
they'll buy the lock and then won't
use it," said Sgt. Baisden.
In order to make it easier to find
stolen bikes the Ann Arbor Police
require each bike owner to register
the factory-stamped serial numbers
of their bike with the police depart-
"The biggest problem we're see-
ing is these kids don't record their
serial numbers" said Naomi Loy, co-
owner of the Student Bike Shop.
"If it has been reported stolen
anywhere in the U.S., it shows up,"
Loy said. As a result, most bike
thieves will sell the bikes on the
street because they know the danger
of store sales. Some bikes are recov-
ered but even then there are prob-
"Recovery is very minimal" says
Sgt. Baisden "and sometimes (if its
unregistered), we can't get (the bike)
back to the owner."

Confusion over President Bush's po-
sition on higher taxes slowed con-
gressional efforts yesterday to start
work in earnest on a new budget
agreement. Bush showed no inclina-
tion to clarify matters, saying, "Let
congress clear it up."
Congressional Democrats com-
plained that an apparent Bush rejec-
tion of higher taxes on the wealthi-
est Americans - a reversal of the
position he took at his news confer-
ence Tuesday - would make it
tougher to forge a budget
But there was no shortage of op-
tions, as both Republicans and
Democrats began floating new ver-
sions of tax and spending plans on
Capital Hill.
Senate Minority leader Bob Dole
and other lawmakers who met with
the president Tuesday night said he
had not ruled out the tax boost at
that private meeting, as reported by
Sen. Bob Packwood (R-Oregon).
White House spokesperson
Marlin Fitzwater told reporters that
Bush "listened to" the GOP lawmak-
ers rather than stating a position.
Bush, on a campaign trip in the
South, was asked repeatedly about
the matter, but turned away the ques-
tions with wisecracks.
He was asked as he jogged during
a break in St. Petersburg, Fla., if he
would care to clear up the confusion.
"Confusion?" he responded.
Was he giving up on a capital
gains tax rate cut, the item the
Democrats supposedly were to trade

for his support of higher income
taxes on rich people?
"Read my hips," he said, point-
ing, as he jogged by.
Could he clean up his position?
"Let congress clear it up."
The Senate Finance Committee
indefinitely postponed a meeting at
which it was to discuss a budget
package written by its chair, Texas
Democrat Lloyd Bentson, generally
in line with the tax trade Bush en-
dorsed at his news conference.
"I had the deal all worked out un-
til the president changes his position
on taxes," said Bentson.
Across the Capitol, the House
Ways and Means Committee consid-
ered a plan written by its chair, Rep.
Dan Rostenkowski (D-Illinois). The
package was similar to the measure
Bentson's panel had readied, al-
though it would add restrictions on
tax deductions available to people
earning more than $100,000 an-
It also would add private planes
worth more than $100,000 to the
list of luxury items subject to a new
10 percent tax, and place a 2-cent-
per-gallon tax on petroleum prod-
ucts-excluding home heating oil.
Facing an Oct. 19 deadline, con-
gressional committees must work
out tax and spending details adding
up to a $500 billion reduction in the
federal deficit over the next five

Lower, and a little to the left... .
LSA seniors Sam Salvi and John Boundas, members of Sigma Chi fraternity,
are decorated in honey (among other things) by members of the Kappa
Kappa Gamma sorority to kick off the start of Derby Days, a "charity fund

*Israelis name panel to

Israeli government yesterday named a
panel led by a former chief of the
Mossad secret service to investigate
the killing of 19 Palestinian rioters
on, the Temple Mount.
The investigation was ordered by
I'rime Minister Yitzhak Shamir be-
Sre the U.N. Security Council was
to begin debate on condemning Israel
for using police force against rioters.
The Security Council also was ex-
pected to order a U.N. inquiry into
Monday's bloodbath.
:Israeli security forces killed 19
Arabs and wounded 140 in Monday's
clash outside the Al-Aqsa mosque,
islam's third-holiest site. It was the
bloodiest confrontation of the 34
9nonth old Palestinian uprising
tgainst Israeli occupation, and it
raised an immediate world outcry.
The three-man committee was or-
dered to investigate events leading to
the riot and the conduct of paramili-
tary border police in opening fire
with live ammunition on the
Temple Mount.
However, Israel radio reported
hat it will not have the power to
subpoena reluctant witnesses, nor

will its recommendations be
Yossi Ahimeir, Shamir's
spokesperson, said the investigation
would be headed by reserve Major
General Zvi Zamir, who was head of
the Mossad from 1968 to 1974. The
other members will be Yaacov
Neeman, a prominent attorney, and
Chaim Kubersky, a former director
of the Interior Ministry.
Asked what powers the commit-
tee would have, Ahimeir said it
could make "every recommendation
they see fit and the prime minister
will decide what to do with it."
Ahimeir said the panel would re-
port "as soon as possible."
When asked whether its hearings
would be public, he replied that they
"involve security and operational de-
tails so, if necessary, discussions
will be subject to the usual security
Members of the U.N Security
Council on Tuesday debated a resolu-
tion condemning the shooting and
calling for a U.N. investigation,
with the United States prepared to
cast a rare vote against its ally in the

President Bush criticized Israeli
forces for not acting "with more re-
straint." And yesterday, China,
Zimbabwe and Kuwait's govern-
ment-in-exile added their voices to
those condemning Israel for the
"It will now be investigated by
ourselves. We don't need a probe by
international factors," Ahimeir said.
"The marginal point of whether it
was excessive force or not is to be
Ahimeir also said he hoped "our
position will be understood, we re-
acted against provocation that was
planned against Jewish
In the occupied territories, sol-
diers kept more than a million
Palestinians under curfew for a third
day to contain unrest triggered by the
violence at the Old City site, which
is holy to both Jews and Moslems.
In a leaflet issued Tuesday, the
PLO-backed leaders of the
Palestinian uprising urged revenge
attacks on soldiers and Jewish
"Every soldier and settler in the
land of Palestine is a target that

should be liquidated," it said.
The government published a full-
page ad in leading dailies urging
Israelis to respond to Monday's riots
by showing up at the Wailing Wall
for "Simchat Torah" holiday celebra-
tions tonight.
The holiday, which means "Joy
of Torah" marks the end of the eight
day Sukkot, or feast of Tabernacles,
and' is celebrated by dancing while
holding the Torah of biblical scrolls
at synagogues.
Police chief Yaacov Turner denied
reports in Israeli newspapers that
suggested his troops had failed to
heed intelligence information to ex-
pect Monday's riot, and to deploy
The riot began when Palestinians
hurled rocks at Jewish worshippers
at the Western Wall, Judaism's holi-
est site and just below the Al-Aqsa
mosque. Twenty-eight Jews were in-
jured by rocks.
Police then charged at the rioters
on the Temple Mount, initially fir-
ing tear gas. According to Israeli of-
ficials, the troops, heavily outnum-
bered, only later opened fire with
live ammunition.

Supreme Court justices
deliberate sex bias case

of the Supreme Court's nine justicesl
gave a chilly reception yesterday to
an employer's "fetal protection"
policy that excludes all women of
childbearing age from some
hazardous jobs.
In a case that could affect
millions of working women,
Justices John Paul Stevens, Antonin
Scalia and Sandra Day O'Connor
voiced doubts about the wisdom and
legality of such a policy.
The court is expected to decide by
July whether the policy amounts to
illegal sex discrimination.
The three justices, along with
Justice Anthony Kennedy, dominated
an hour-long argument session.
They posed numerous questions to
the two lawyers before them, firing
their most biting inquiries at Stanley
Jaspanwho represented the

Milwaukee-based Johnson Controls
Stevens seemed dubious when
asking Jaspan about the overall risk
posed to women working at Johnson
Controls' 13 battery-making plants.
When Jaspan argued that
exposure to lead, the principal
material used in making batterigs,
"poisons the fetus and causes
permanent brain damage," Stevens
interrupted to ask, "How often does
this happen?"
He asked whether "the slightest
risk" was enough to render
inapplicable a federal law, Title VII
of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,.
banning on-the-job sex bias.
"You are not coming to grips
withm the effect of the Pregnancy
Discrimination Act," O'Connor told



Co-op, fraternity
broken & entered,
stero, cash taken

What's happening in Ann Arbor today

Society of Women Engineers
meeting. 1200 EECS. 6:15 p.m.
Michigan Video Yearbook
Weekly Meeting. Fourth floor
Michigan Union. 6:30 p.m.
Men's Support Group Mass
Meeting. Sexual Assault Pre-
vention and Awareness Center. 580
Union Dr., #L107 - Winchell Hall,
W. Quad. 7 p.m.
International Student Affairs
Commission. International Center.
6:15 p.m.
Public Interest Research
Group In Michigan (PIRGIM)
meeting. Wolverine Rm., Michigan
Union. 7 p.m. Call: Jodi Goldman,
Rainforest Action Movement:
Action-Planning for upcoming
World Rainforest Week. Rm 1520,
Dana Bldg. (School of Nat.
Resources) 7 p.m.
U of M Ski Team Mass
Meeting. Pendelton Rm, Michigan
Union. 7 p.m.
"DNA Electrophoretic Mo-
bility in Agarose Gels - a Bio-
physical Investigation Inspired
by the Human Genome Project"
- Prof. Benjamin Chu of the State
University of New York-Stony
Brook will speak. Rm. 1640 New
aChem. Bldg. 2:15 p.m.
"Attachment to Schooling
Among Black Inner-City Young
Women" Sandra Danziger, asst.
prof. of Social work, will speak as
part of the Michigan Program in
Child Development and Social
Policy Seminar Series. Develop-
mental Area Lounge, third floor,
* Iauen 1 1An m

Rackham 4 p.m. Call: Judy Maas,
"Endless Omiyage" Martha
McClintock, Ph.D. candidate, will
speak as part of the Center for
Japanese Studies Brown Bag Lecture
Series. Lane Hall Commons Rm.
A colloquium on critical
theory. "End and Ending: On the
Lyric Technique of Some Wallace
Stevens Poems" by Timothy Bahti.
Rackham. E. Conferenc y Rm. 8
Inter Varsity Christian
Fellowship. Mini Concert of
Prayer. E. Quad, Rm. 126.7 p.m.
In Focus Filmworks. New Stu-
dent Film Production Company.
Bring ideas. 2520 Frieze. 6:30 p.m.
Northwalk. Free escort across
campus. 8 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Call:
763-Walk or Stop by 2333 Bursley.
Safewalk: Free escort across
campus. 8 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Call 936-
1000 or Stop by 102 UgLi.
Women & Spirituality (Journey
Women) with Liza Bancel. Guild
House. 7 p.m.
U of M Cycling Men's Ride
and Women's ride. Leaves from
the steps of Hill aud. Men's: 3:30
p.m. Women's: 5:30 p.m.
"Study Abroad in Australian
and British Universities." U-M
International Center. 7 p.m. Call:
School of Social Work:
Resumes & Cover Letters. Frieze
Bldg.:15-1:30 p.m.
B PP 2Question/Answer Ses-
sion. School of Education. 3 p.m.
Employer Presentation:
Merck& Co. Inc. 6-8 p.m.

by Josephine Ballenger
Daily Crime Reporter
An unknown suspect removed
stereo equipment from Nakamura
Cooperative House, 807 S. State
Street, at approximately 3:30 a.m.
October 4. Residents reported the
theft to the Ann Arbor Police
Department that day.
President Josh Green said the res-
idents speculate the suspect gained
entry through an unlocked window
on the first floor. Residents esti-
mated the value of the tape-deck and
stereo receiver at around $400.
Curiously, Green noted, the speakers
were not taken.
A woman reported to Ann
Arbor police that a male suspect hit
her in the face with a book - a
felonious assault - in the
University Medical Center smoking
lounge. Witnesses disagreed, accord-
ing to the report.
Phi Alpha Kappa, a graduate
social fraternity at 1010 E. Ann, was
broken into and entered at around
1:30 p.m. October 8. A man took
$150 from a room, police reports
said. The money was taken from a
cash box in the business manager's
room on the third floor, President
Tom Sharda elaborated. Several fra-
ternity members saw the suspect,
Sharda said, and questioned the man,
who said he was there to buy a mo-
torcycle from a member.
An unknown suspect entered a
private residence on the 400 block of
Ashley by opening an unlocked win-
dow and climbing in sometime be-
tween 11 p.m. Oct. 8 and 6:50 a.m.
Oct. 9. A television, VCR, and

tapes were taken.
p An attempt at strong-armed
robbery occurred at 7:15 p.m.
October 7 at Total Realty of 2020
W. Stadium, according to police re-
ports. The complainant told police
she was working alone when a man
grabbed her and demanded money. He
released her when a customer drove
A number of vehicles were
stolen or broken and entered in the
S. State-Packard area, a predominant
student residential area:
s a blue and gray, two-door '90
Plymouth Sunbird was taken from

Food Bys

the 900 block of Packard Oct. 5;
a '74 Volvo, blue with four
doors, was stolen from the 700
block of Dewey Oct. 8;
a window of a car parked on
the 100 block of E. Hoover was
smashed Oct. 4 or 5 , and the stereo
and tapes were taken;
an unknown suspect took
tools and a work belt from a vehicle
on the 1000 block of Greene Oct. 4
or 5. The owner had left one of the
windows open.
In addition to the S. State-
Packard area incidents, a radar detec-
tor and a jacket were taken from a car
on N. University with rolled-down

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