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October 01, 1990 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-10-01

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.C .nn October 1, 1990copgh1990
Vol. Cl, No.18 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, Otbr119 The Mcsgan ay





budget plan
to Senate

by Shalini Patel

* More than 75 University law stu-
dents signed a petition last week
agreeing not to accept jobs from 17
law firms identified by the AFL-CIO
as "union-busters."
During the next two weeks more
than 600 employers from all over
the country will be on campus to re-
cruit law students.
The boycott, orchestrated by the
Law School chapter of the National
*Lawyers Guild, a civil rights organi-
zation, began last Monday and will
continue until Oct. 12.
According to the guild, a number
of firms conducting interviews at the
University this year represent man-
agement in labor disputes. Most op-
erate within ethical boundaries, the
guild admits, but five of those firms
"go far beyond traditional labor law
representation of management."
"They will basically come in and
teach supervisors to pressure people
not to vote union, promote anti-
union speeches, and go to the edge
of legality," said University law stu-
dent and project organizer Robert
Under the National Labor
Relations Act, workers have the le-
gal right to organize, and any em-
See BOYCOTT, page 2

ident Bush and congressional leaders
yesterday forged a $500 billion, five-
year compromise package of tax in-
creases and spending cuts, spurring
Congress to quick action on a stop-
gap spending measure needed to
avoid slashes in federal services to-
The House approved the tempo-
rary financing bill just three hours
after the budget agreement was de-
scribed by President Bush in a Rose
Garden announcement.
The Senate was poised to act later
in the evening.
"It is balanced, it is fair, and in
my view it is what the United States
of America needs at this point in its
history," Bush said in announcing an
agreement that concluded budget ne-
gotiations that began in May.
The package contained $134 bil-
lion in new tax revenues, including
new taxes on gasoline, cigarettes, al-
cohol and luxury items. Medicare
costs for the elderly and disabled
were increased; defense spending was
slashed as well.
The House passed what is called
a continuing appropriations resolu-
tion to keep the government operat-
ing at full speed through next Friday
while lawmakers weigh the proposed

budget compromise.
The resolution, sent quickly to
the Senate, also includes $2 billion
in new appropriations for the Desert
Shield operations in the Persian
House Speaker Thomas Foley
(D-Wash.) praised the compromise,
but agreed with Senate Democratic
leader George Mitchell (Maine), who
said, "Now comes the hard part," in
pushing it past special interest
groups and through Congress.
The compromise would shear $40
billion off the deficit expected for the
new fiscal year. Without action, the
1991 shortfall was projected to hit
$294 billion, $73 billion higher
than the previous federal record for
red ink and almost triple the shortfall
the administration said it anticipated
in January.
White House budget director
Richard Darman attributed the higher
deficit projection to the deteriorating
economy and growing projections of
the costs of rescuing the savings and
loan industry.
"It's going to be very painful for
a lot of people," said Dole, predict-
ing a tough fight for enough votes
to get the agreement past Congress.

Touchdown JOSE JUAREZDaily
Jon Vaughn celebrates his touchdown in the first half of Saturday's game. The Wolverines defeated the
Maryland Terrapins, 45-17.

Local bars, liquor stores confiscate fake IDs

by Janice Nuttle
Either students on campus are becoming
more cowardly, or fake IDs are getting bet-
ter, because area bars and liquor retailers have
been confiscating fewer fake IDs since im-
plementing stricter policies.
Ann Marie Stadler, general manager of
the Blind Pig said, "On a busy weekend
night we turn away five to six people be-

cause their IDs just don't look right; two
years ago it was double that." Their strict
policy of accepting only drivers' licenses and
passports as IDs keeps people from trying,
said Stadler.
Checkers know what to look for on out-
of-state licenses by comparing them to those
in a book which shows all licenses in the
country. Often times, the picture, expiration

date, signature, or lamination are clues to
checkers that the ID is counterfeit.
"Most often we see people borrowing le-
gitimate IDs from their friends, we catch
them by checking the picture closely and by
asking them what their zip code or zodiac
sign is," Stadler said.
Jack Weinmann, Village Corner Party
Store personnel manager, has also seen a de-

cline in the number of fake IDs. "Before we
started prosecuting two years ago, we would
see 10 to 15 IDs on a Friday night, now we
collect 10 to 15 a month," he said. Wein-
mann attributed the decline to the store's
policy of turning fake IDs over to the police.
"We know what practically every ID in
the country looks like," he said. "Because of
extra enforcement of liquor laws, retailers

have to be extremely careful."
The Quality Bar also has a policy of
confiscating IDs, said Beth Reibel, assistant
manager. "The number of fake IDs we get on
a busy night varies radically, but there is a
definite increase when the students are in
One to seven fake IDs are confiscated on
See FAKE, Page 2

Plan drafted for
of .east Detroit

Detroit (AP) - A new proposal
would wipe out much of Detroit's
crumbling eastside and build a new
town with some self-governing
powers, including its own police de-
partment and schools with manda-
tory drug tests. 11
The multimillion-dollar plan,
drafted by Detroit-area developers and
businesses including Michigan
National Corp. and the Walbridge
Aldinger construction firm, has yet
to be handed over to the city. A pre-
liminary proposal, drafted by
Partnership to Re-invest in Detroit's
Excellence (PRIDE), was obtained
by The Detroit News for a report in
Sunday editions.
The 740-acre community, about
2 miles east of downtown in an area
now pockmarked with abandoned and
burnout buildings, would foster
"practical family values...in an at-
mosphere free of drugs, prostitution,

pornography, gambling an other
criminal activities," the proposal
The new town would be home to
about 7,500 people of mixed races
and income levels. It would have a
semi-autonomous government with
authority to control its own devel-
opment and social programs.
The community would have a
separate police department, but the
plan did not specify how Detroit
would be involved in the hiring or
running of the force. It would also
have its own school district that
would require drug tests and weapons
The plan calls for Detroit to de-
molish buildings, relocate residents,
clean up environmental hazards and1
relocate roads and utilities. When
that is completed, the developers
want the city to hand over the prop-
See DETROIT, Page 2

by the Associated Press
Saddam Hussein adopted a more
conciliatory stance yesterday in the
nearly 2-month-old Persian Gulf cri-
sis, urging peaceful dialogue instead
of "threats and warnings."
In a message broadcast on Iraqi
TV and radio, Saddam also said he
no longer opposed the involvement
of foreign powers in the search for a
settlement to the crisis, which was
touched off by Iraq's Aug. 2 inva-
sion of Kuwait.
Saddam's speech, read by an an-
nouncer, said tensions can be reduced
in the gulf "if dialogue replaces the
policy of threats and warnings, if the
language of peaceful politics replaces
the policy of troop buildups and
threats of the use of force."
"Peace could not be achieved
without the settlement of all the
problems of the region," he said.
European and Israeli military ana-
lysts say there is still a window for
peace, before the effects of sanctions
sink in further and U.S.-led forces in
Saudi Arabia become strong enough
to consider launching a military op-
eration to push Iraq out of Kuwait.
"I think another six to eight
weeks is available to prevent a con-
flict, but after that it becomes al-,
most inevitable," said Paul Beaver,
publisher of Jane's Defense Weekly.
With the United Nations demand-

Hispanic heritage-
The Mexican dance group Los Hijos de Aztlan performs at the Latino Arts Extravaganza Friday in the Pendelton
Room of the Union.

*Democrats seek to bag

'user-fee' proposal

by Donna Woodwell
Daily City Reporter
Ann Arbor residents may not end
up paying a $1 per-bag user fee for
city garbage collection after all.
Ann Arbor City Council Demo-
crats will propose a resolution at
tonight's council meeting asking for
* an average of 4.6 percent budget cuts

at the Republican Caucus last night.
"I have trouble supporting major
cuts in mid-fiscal year," said coun-
cilmember Jerry Schleicher (R-4th
"I think the proposal is very po-
litical and downright stupid," coun-
cilmember Ingrid Sheldon (R-2nd
Ward). "It is very unfair on depend

the (city council's recent) proposal
was not thought out that well." He
added he didn't think the proposal
was designed to encourage recycling
but rather to raise money to cover
the Solid Waste department's deficit.
The department needs the extra
revenue to make up for a $1.7 mil-
lion deficit. Increasing costs for

transport and dumping at the Brown-
ing-Ferris Industries (BFI) landfill in
Salem Township account for much
of the deficit.
The city's own landfill is full and
currently undergoing expansion fi-
nanced by $28 million raised in a
bond issue vote last April. These
funds are earmarked for cleaning up

the city's landfill, construction of a
recycling plant and monthly curbside
pick-ups and do not cover increases
in solid waste disposal costs.
The city's budget is determined in
April. Any changes made to the
budget needs eight city council votes
to pass.

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