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September 27, 1990 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-09-27

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The Michigan Daily -Thursday, September 27, 1990 - Page 3

'1ation aimed at quickening the pace
kof Great Lakes cleanup has cleared
'thie House, and an aide to Sen. Carl
'Levin said yesterday the Senate was
expected to vote soon on similar
Meanwhile, the Senate Environ-
Pvment Committee has voted to estab-
61ish a program to combat the spread
sgpf zebra mussels in the lakes.
Supporters of both bills are push-
ning for floor action before Congress,
,concludes its business next month,
-thoping they will not fall through the
cracks in the rush to adjournment.
With little debate and no fanfare,
Rie House on Monday approved the
,treat Lakes Quality Act on a 376-37
vote. The bill would put into law
some provisions of an agreement be-
_4ween the United States and Canada
o implement joint anti-pollution
,programs for the lakes.
It would establish deadlines for
crafting cleanup plans for 42 of the
lakes' most polluted sites, as well as
Yverall lake management plans.
It would require states to develop
'water quality standards consistent
with the agreement. The Environ-
ts9pnental Protection Agency would be
.,ordered to develop guidelines on pol-
tklution limits.
The bill would authorize spend-
ing $180 million to implement the
*cleanup programs, such as demon-
i, stration projects to sanitize contami-
ated sediments, and conduct re-
It would take a separate vote,
however, to actually include the
' "money in the federal budget.
Rep. Bob Davis (R-Gaylord)
acknowledged it would be difficult to
procure the funds in a time of bud-
,,getary restraint.
"There is no doubt we are gong


USSR ends
MOSCOW (AP) - The Soviet legislature
formally ended decades of religious repression yesterday,
passing a law on freedom of conscience at a time when
Soviets are flocking to churches in record numbers.
"Our people suffered to get this law," said Mikhail
Kulakov, a leader of the Soviet Union's Seventh Day
Adventists, who have been persecuted for evangelical
The law forbids the government from interfering
with religious activities, improves the legal status of
religious organizations, and gives Soviet citizens the
right to study religion in homes and in private schools.
The Soviet constitution has long guaranteed
freedom of worship, but in the past the Communist's
Party's ideological opposition to religion as the "opiate
of the masses" made that guarantee hollow.
In practice, the government discouraged religious
services, closed churches and synagogues, imprisoned
religious leaders, and preached atheism.
"The most important thing for us is not only that
the law is passed, but that it begins to work," said
Adolph Shayevich, Moscow's chief rabbi.
Peter Reddaway, an expert on Soviet religion at
George Washington University in Washington, said in a
telephone interview "there is reason for optimism the
law will be respected."
He noted that official tolerance for religion has
increased since President Mikhail Gorbachev came to
power in 1985. Gorbachev's mother is a practicing
member of the Russian Orthodox Church, and last year
he acknowledged he was baptized as a child.
"The authorities have been loosening restrictions for
a couple of years, and now they're, putting it in
writing," Reddaway said.
He said Western experts estimate that a quarter of the
285 million Soviet people practice religion, and the
number is rising fast.
Among signs of religious revival are increasing
numbers of seminarians and the reopening of churches
that were used as storehouses, garages, and even
Three years ago, Gorbachev held talks with the held
of the Russian Orthodox Church, the first such meeting
in more than 40 years. In December, he met Pope Jolhn
Paul II at the Vatican.
Bibles are no longer confiscated at Soviet borders,
holiday church services are shown on television, and
religious publications are flourishing.


Wheelin'-n- Dealina
Ann Arbor resident Linda Siglan signs up on the Diag to win a Pontiac convertible in a drawing
benefit Students Against Drunk Driving (SADO).

which will

to have to prove the value of this
program," Davis said. But he said
some financial support was crucial.
The U.S.-Canadian pact has been
criticized because "there has never.
been enough money to genuinely
implement its goals," he said.
The Senate bill is identical to its
House counterpart in many respects,
although it would spend only $25
million. It has been attached to an
omnibus coastal protection bill
sponsored by Majority Leader
George Mitchell (D-Maine).
An aide to Levin, the Great Lakes
bill's Senate sponsor, said the pack-
age was expected to reach the floor

Local resident strikes
police officer on patrol

by Josephine Ballenger
Daily Crime Reporter

An Ann Arbor police officer was injured by
a "streetperson" on the 600 block of Church
Street Sunday night, according to Ann Arbor
Police Department reports.
Officer Michelle Smith, who was
accompanied by another officer in a police car,
was struck in the face by a woman identified as
living at the shelter at 420 W. Huron. The
suspect, who struck Officer Smith after
jumping into the patrol car and being asked to

exit, was taken into custody for assault.
HAn unarmed robbery took place outside
Kroger's on S. Industrial, where three men
took a jacket and Walkman from a male victim
Sunday evening: The thieves fled in a car.
HA room at Mary Markley Residence Hall
was entered through an unlocked door last
Tuesday. A wallet and $20 cash were taken.
ETwo bicycles were taken from a closed
but unlocked garage of a residence on the 2100
block of Thayer Saturday.

'Sen. inves
Sby the College Press Servic
To get a prospective student to
enroll, trade school owner Tommy
Wayne Downs said he once accom-
panied the student to a pawn shop to
rget the money he needed for a tuition
down payment..
Then, as Downs admitted to the
Senate's Permanent Subcommittee
on Investigations Sept. 12, he
helped the student get a federally-
guaranteed college loan, and reim-
bursed himself for the student's
down payment. From the rest of the
loan check, he took the remainder of
what was owed for tuition to his
t school.
The testimony was part of the
Senate's look into how trade schools
typically private businesses that
offer two-year courses in trades rang-
ing from paperhanging to automo-
dive mechanics to secretarial skills'
- may have helped push the federal
student loan program default rate up
to crisis proportions.
Only 22 percent of college loans
made nationwide went to trade
school students; but trade school

tigates bad trade school loans

student loans make up 44 percent of
the loans that are in default, U.S.
Dept. of Education figures indicate.
Critics say it is because trade
schools are too loosely regulated,
and that, as a result, some unscrupu-
lous ones really don't deliver the ed-
ucation they advertise.
"Far too many of these bad
schools continue to be licensed, ac-
credited and certified for federal
funds," Subcommittee Chair Sam
Nunn (D-Ga.) said.
"Obviously, the student loan
program as now structured and ad-
ministered is based on a quantity of
students rather than on quality of ed-
ucation," Nunn added.
Once trade schools get a student
to enroll, they help the student get a
federal loan. The student then uses
the loan money to pay the school.
The student, of course, must then
repay the loan to the bank. If the
student fails to repay the bank, the
federal government, which guaran-
teed the loan, ultimately pays the

Some students either can't get
appropriate jobs after finishing the
courses, or for other reasons can't
repay the debt to the government.
Since 1985, the amount of
money in default has nearly doubled
to $2 billion a year.
The $2 billion that goes to repay
banks could instead be lent to stu-
dents at reputable trade schools, as
well as at more traditional nonprofit
four-year and two-year campuses.
The problem is made worse be-
cause some trade school operators re-
cruit people who, though they may
profit greatly from more education,
need grants - notb loans - to get it.
"In the proprietary school busi-
ness, what you sell is basically one
thing," Downs told the subcommit-
tee. "You sell dreams.
"So 99 percent of my sales were
made in the poor, Black areas of
Nashville," said Downs, who has
been a recruiter, financial aid officer
and owner of trade schools in Ten-
nessee and Pennsylvania.
Downs' testimony was part of
two-day hearings focusing on how
the government regulates trade
schools. They continue hearings first
held in February.
In conjunction with the hearings,

Education Secretary Lauro Cavazos
announced Sept. 10 that his depart-
ment, which oversees most federal
college programs, will conduct spe-
cial reviews of the loan practices at
89 institutions, mostly trade
schools. Students at those institu-
tions accounted for 30 percent of all
the loans that went bad in 1988.
Cavazos also ordered a special re-
view of seven agencies that accredit
trade schools. Without
"accreditation," a school would be
barred from accepting students who
use federal college loans to pay for
"I am convinced that any accredit-
ing agency that takes its role seri-
ously must be concerned that institu-
tions with high default rates are held
accountable," Cavazos said in an-
nouncing the special reviews.
But Cavazos' review of the ac-
crediting agencies angered Robert
Taylor of the National Association
of Trade and Technical Schools, a
Washington, D.C.-based group that
promotes proprietary schools'

U U u-u


to be a part of the
Homecoming '90
Planning Committee

t 9
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What's happeningi
International Student
Affairs - 5:30 p.m. International
Society of Women
Engineers (SWE) -General
meeting, 6:15 p.m. 1200 EECS.
Contact Trudy Robertson 763-
Inter varsity Christian Fel-
lowship - 7 p.m. Kuenzel Rm.,
Paleste Solidarity
Committee - Mass meeting, 7
p.m. International Center.
Pre-Med Club -
Organizational meeting. 6:30
Pendleton Rm. Union. Contact
Kim Schlechter 994-8701.
Michigan Economic Society
- Mass meeting. 4 p.m. 1800
Chem Bldg.
Wildlife Conservation
Raiey - Mass meeting. 8:15

in Ann Arbor today
"Fact and Fancy: The
Literary Construction of Male
Love in Seventeenth Century
Japan - Paul Schalow,
Associate Professor of Japanese,
Rutgers University. Noon Lane
Hall commons room.
People Power: The.
Leadership Seminar - Register
now at SODC, 2202 Mich. Union
University of Michigan
Handbell Ringers - Handbell
ringers needed for ensembles. You
need only to read music. 4:10
p.m. 900 Burton Tower.
Los Vend idos - *A one-act
comic, Hispanic play. 12:15 p.m.
Pendleton Rm. Union.
Tau Beta Pi - Free tutoring
in lower level math science and
engineering courses. 8-10 p.m.
Rm. 307 UGLi.
Michigan Crew Novice Prac-
*inn. -. u&-r ft,-mnnfnr then


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