Bright Lights...
author settles
'with A2 ex-wife
by Erica Kohnke
Daily Staff Writer
The Michigan Daily-'
Sorry, Michael J. Fox fans, but
there will be no big-name writer's
hoopla in Ann Arbor this spring.
A financial settlement was
reached Monday on the Jay and
4 Merry McInerney divorce case in
Ann Arbor, which was first filed in
Merry McInerney is a doctoral
candidate in philosophy at the Uni-
versity and the former wife of Jay
Mclnerney is the author of Bright
Lights, Big City, a bestseller which
led critics to name him "the most
*celebrated novelist of his genera-
tion," according to Spy magazine,
which covered the story of the cou-
ple's break-up in its April 1990 is-
sue. The Mclnerneys were married in
1984, the year the bestselling book
was published.
After the couple's divorce, Merry
said she deserved more credit for her
contributions to the novel including
the title, according to Spy magazine.
Had the case not been settled, a
trial date was set for early June. Pos-
sible witnesses listed for the trial,
according to the Ann Arbor News,
were Michael J. Fox, who starred in
the movie based on Bright Lights,...,
author Norman Mailer, and short
story writer Raymond Carver.
The case was resolved in Washte-
naw County Circuit Court in Ann
Arbor, where the McInerneys ap-
peared with their lawyers, Kenneth
Pratham of Detroit and Ypsilanti's
Andrew Muth.
Since the publication of the
bestseller, Jay McInerney has pub-
lished several short stories in
magazines such as Esquire, Self, and
Manhattan, inc..
His next book,Tender Offers, is
due for publication next year, and is
said to be based on the the McIner-
ney's relationship, which began in
Head women's basketball coach Bud VandeWege shows off his new
haircut at yesterday's women's softball game. VandeWege promised his
players that he would let them cut his hair if they made the NCAA
on sanc
dent Bush held off yesterday on sanc-
tions against the Soviet Union for
its crackdown on Lithuania, saying
he wanted to avoid any steps that
would "set back the progress that has
been made in Eastern Europe."
Bush said any actions that might
be taken would most likely be "on
the economic side" but would not
include a grain embargo.
"I'm concerned that we not inad-
vertently do something that compels
the Soviet Union to take action that
would set back the whole case of
freedom around the world,'. Bush said
after a meeting with congressional
Shortly after Bush spoke, Presi-
dent Vytautas Landsbergis of
Lithuania issued an angry statement
saying, "Can the freedom of one
group of people be sold for the free-
dom of another? What then is the
idea of freedom itself?"
"This is another Munich,"
Landsbergis declared, referring to the
1938 pact in which France and Bri-
tain allowed Germany to take control
of Czechoslovakia.
Administration officials had said
earlier that Bush was near a decision
on a package of economic penalties.
But participants in his meeting with
congressional leaders said he voiced
repeated concern over possible So-
viet retaliation against Lithuania
should the United States take action.
The congressional leaders gener-
ally supported him, though there
was at least one suggestion that he
postpone next month's superpower
"I think the president is proceed-
ing carefully, and think that is the
appropriate course," said Speaker of
the House Thomas Foley, D-Wash.
Sen. Claiborne Pell, D-R. I.,
chairperson of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee, said there was
"a general feeling of support for the
Wednesday, April 25, 1990 - Paae
oldso t
However, Rep. Dante Fascell, D-
Fla., chaiperson of the House For-
eign Affairs Committee said he told
Bush that a better response would be
to postpone the May 30-June 3
summit in order to "send a message
all around the world."
He said the president did not re-
White House spokesperson Mar-
lin Fitzwater declined to rule out
such a possibility, saying that:
"everything was subject to considera-
tion" except for a grain embargo.
He also said Bush indicated in his
meeting with congressional leadei
that he does not plan any interrup-
tion of East-West arms control talks.
Foley said, "I personally do not
believe that events so far occurring
should interrupt the summit."
Bush ruled out a grain embarg,
in a question-and-answer sessidn
with farm reporters.
"If we ever reached a point in our
trade relations where all trade wad,
off, then I expect that farmer woulbo
understand,' the president with op.,
markets and hurt our farmer wore
than I think it hurt the embargo,)
ordered by President Jimmy Carter %V a
response to Soviet military action in
At a briefing in Moscow, Soviet
Foreign Ministry spokesman Vadim
Perfiliev said the Kremlin's dispute
with Lithuania "is of course a prob-
lem which is purely an internal af-
fair, and any actions which could
pull the sides in the argument even
further apart could have negativ*
consequences, not only for the Sp N
viet Union but for the internatione
U.S. measures under considera-
tion included delaying or withhold-
ing a variety of planned trade, in-
vestment and other economic con-
cessions that the United States had
been prepared to grant the Soviet
Union, said officials, who spoke on
the condition of anonymity. T,
Protested intersection may not get
traffic signs without state' a roval
!)y Frank Krajenke
Daily Staff Writer tersection's classification as a trunk sures in this instance. The students primary way to slow motorists dowr
Because of a governmental glitch,
the city of Ann Arbor will not be
able to build more signs at the inter-
section of Huron and Washtenaw -
an area which students protested last
week for a lack of street signs -
without state permission, said a state
traffic official yesterday.
Students protested at the corner
because they feel pedestrians are
jeopardized by the lack of signs
warning oncoming cars.
The intersection is located on a
State of Michigan Trunk Line - a
legal term meaning numbered route,
lighway, or business loop. The in-
line invalidates the city of Ann Ar-
bor's official capacity to implement
new signs, since jurisdiction for
these roads belongs to the State
The protestors - who traversed
the intersection last Thursday at a
crossway to slow traffic as part of
the demonstration- informally de-
manded that the city establish signs
forewarning motorists of the blind
curve near the crossway .
The protestors focused on chang-
ing Ann Arbor traffic policies, but
Lansing's legal and bureaucratic
agencies regulate traffic control mea-
must petition state traffic bureaus
before officials can decide whether to
increase the number of signs at the
intersection, said Dwight Hornbach,
Michigan Department of Traffic Dis-
trict Engineer.
"Although we (Michigan De-
partment of Traffic) hold responsibil-
ity for the roads we would contact
the city, since they have an interest,"
Hornbach said.
"Legal responsibility is ours but
we would work together with the
city," he emphasized.
Ann Arbor Municipal Traffic
Engineer Nancy Gibson said the
in this instance was to "put speed
limit signs and have the police en-
force it."
"Typically we don't put a
'dangerous curve' sign in a down-
town area," she added.
First-year LSA student Mike
Bialecki, coordinator of the demon-
strations, supports Gibson's exam-
ple of police enforcement.
"I can deal with the speed limit
(enforcement). Often the police don't
enforce it, they go around the corner
just as fast," Bialecki said.
"If the police nailed someone ev-
ery once in a while then people
would slow down," he said.
German leaders set July second as a date for reunification
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BONN, West Germany (AP) -
Chancellor Helmut Kohl and East
German Prime Minister Lothar de
Maiziere yesterday named July 2 as
the day for economic and social
union of the two Germanys, a West
German spokesperson said.
Union in those areas will bring
the divided nation a long way toward
full unification after more than four
decades of separation following the
horror of the Nazi dictatorship and
In last week's story on classroom discrimination and harassment, the
Daily reported that a grader had written some remarks on his student's
paper about the material being confusing. The student says the remarks
were expressed verbally; the grader says he never made them.
What's happening in Ann Arbor todayl
defeat in World War II.
The issue of political union, or
holding an election to form a single
government, remains to be worked
Secretary of State James A. Baker
III and Soviet Foreign Minister Ed-
uard Shevardnadze, joined by their
colleagues from Britain, France and
the two German states, are scheduled
to meet in Bonn on May 5. They
will try to resolve difficult interna-
tional aspects of unification, includ-
ing Germany's future military
While early July has frequently
been mentioned as a goal for eco-
nomic, monetary and social union-
meaning the coordination of social
benefits, such as employment and
old age pensions- yesterday's state-
ment was the first confirmation of a
specific target date.
Delegation from both Germanys
are to meet in East Berlin today to
negotiate over how to best introduce
the powerhouse West German mark
into East Germany's battered econ-
The basis of the talks will be
Bonn's proposal for monetary union,
which calls for a basic 1-1 exchange
rate of East German marks for West
German marks for wages, salaries
and pensions in East Germany.
Initial steps were also taken yes-
terday toward a political union be-
tween the two countries. Kohl as-
signed a working group to put to-
Ulbe l~irb
gether a proposal for conducting the
first all-German elections, goverff-J
ment spokesperson Hans Klein an-
The announcements, made by
West German government;
spokesman Dieter Vogel, followed
three hours of private talks between
Kohl and de Maziere.
!W~l Dali
Olon e2
Philosophy Club - final meeting
at 7 p.m. at Dominick's
UM Shorin-Ryu Karate-Do
Club - beginners welcome 8:30-
9:30 p.m. Martial Arts Room of
the CCRB
UM Taekwondo Club
beginners welcome 7-8:30 p.m.
2275 CCRB
East Quad/R.C. Social Group
for Lesbians, Gay Males' and
Bisexuals - for students in
residence halls 9-11 p.m.; call
763-4186 for more information
UM Asian Student Coalition
(UMASC) - meeting at 7 p.m.
in 2413 Mason Hall
Latin American Solidarity
Committee - meeting at 8 p.m.
in the Union; see desk for room
9 I"Tatiana Zaslavskaya - Soviet
sociologist and advisor to
Gorbachev speaks at noon in the
Lane Hall Commons Room
"The Fantastic in
Contemporary Scandanavian
Literature" - Gitte Mose
speaks from 3:10-4:30 p.m. in the
East Conference Room of
Northwalk - the north campus
night-time walking service runs
from 8 p.m.-1:30 a.m. in Bursley
2333 or call 763-WALK; the final
day of service will be April 24
with service restarting in
Safewalk - the nighttime safety
walking service runs from 8 p.m.-
1:30 a.m. in UGLi 102 or call
936-1000; the final day of service
will be April 24 with service
restarting in September
ECB Peer Writing Tutors -
peer writing tutors available for
help on papers 7-11 p.m. in the
Angell/Haven and 611 Church St.
computing centers
"A Play About Love ... " -
the Residence
Theatre Troupe
p.m in room 126
films by Mekas
be shown at 7
Hall Auditoiurm
Hall Repertory
performs at 10
East Quad
Film Series -
and McCall will
p.m. in Angell
Elijah - the University Choir,
Chamber Choir and Symphony
Orchestra perform Mendelssohn's
work at 8 p.m. in Hill
Young Choreographers
Concert - performance at 8
p.m. in the Dance Department's
Studio A Theatre (behind the