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April 25, 1990 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1990-04-25

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Page 2-The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, April 25, 1990

Dog days
Pete the dog looks on while MSU student Lisa Tomson studies on the bank of the Red Cedar yesterday afternoon.

Continued from page 1
about Asian American affairs for the
personal assistant to the secretary of
defense," Feigenbaum said.
Feigenbaum said he lectured to
Chinese students and businesspeople
about American politics and the

American way of life during his
summers in Beijing.
"The students movement (last
year) had a lot to do with their expo-
sure to kids like me who were Amer-
ican and spoke with them about our
freedom and way of life."

The "Happy Birthday Israel!" ad which ran in
yesterday's paper contained an error.
The sponsor of the message should have read:

Continued from page 1
they are locked out. "It happened to
me and it was very frustrating," he
On the first morning,rthe contes-
tants filmed some promotional
commercials for Jeopardy. "It was
the dumbest experience I've ever
been a part of," Miller said.
Miller testified to Alex Trebek's
pompous attitude. "Alex was very
aloof," Miller said, "He didn't want
to have anything to do with us."
Miller said that during the taping of
the commercials, Alex said, "Let's
get this over with as soon as possi-
Still, Miller said he had a great
time and that the experience was
worthwhile. "Everybody should
watch every night, all the games
were very close," he said.
Miller said watching the show
will never be the same. "You can't
yell at a guy for not knowing the an-
swer to a question when you know
how nervous he is," Miller said.
One contestant said (to Miller)
that he could never watch the show
again, but Miller disagreed. "It's cer-
tainly the best show on the televi-
sion, but Alex is still a jerk."
The winner of th(. Tournament
receives $25,000; the student in sec-
ond place $10,000; the third place

I " V

TAGAR: Zionist Student Activists
(TAGAR does not necessarily
endorse the Daily's opinion or
agree with it's editorial policies)

winner $7,500; the six semi-finalists
$5,000; and the six quarter finalists
"I expected to come home with
the money, but they aren't going to
send us the money for four months,
so I am still broke," he said. Miller
isn't letting anyone know how he
fared on the show.
The College Tournament will air
for two weeks, starting on May 7.
Continued from page 1
cil) should have some sort of ac-
countability to the University," said
Sam Walker, a member of a campus
Josh Greenblatt, president of
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, said Univer-
sity participation in the governing of
the Greek system "would infringe on
individuals' rights."
Greenblatt expressed concern
about the kind of sanctions that
could be imposed if the University
participates in governing the Greek
system, such as suspension from
class or hold credit.
"This is a non-school related
thing, so it doesn't make sense to
me," he said.
Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Ar-
bor), said University intervention in
Greek system affairs raises the ques-
tion of free speech.
"At some point there's a limita-
tion on the matter of free speech," he
said. "One person's free speech is
another person's offense," Baker
"By and large, the University's
policy toward such groups... is to let
them run their own affairs."

Compiled from Associated Press and staff reports
Japan to extradite Chinese
man facing hijacking charges
TOKYO - Japan agreed to extradite a Chinese man to Beijing to face
hijacking charges after receiving assurances he will receive no more than
10 years in prison, the Foreign Ministry spokesperson said yesterday.
Spokesperson Taizo Watanabe said an order to surrender Zhang Zhen-
hai, 36, to Chinese authorities was drawn up yesterday. The Chinese Em-
bassy did not say when it planned to take custody of the accused hijacker.
Human rights groups and Zhang's lawyers had urged Japan to grant
Zhang political asylum or allow him to be tried in Japan. They said he
had been politically active in China and faced execution.
"We do not share the view that he was poitically involved." Watanabe
said. "That is why we have decided that he should be tried in China."
Zhang hijacked a Chinese jetliner with 223 people aboard on a Beijing-
Shanghai flight on Dec. 16. He demanded to go to the United States.
Telescope launches into space
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - Seven years late, the Hubble Space Te-
lescope is where it belongs, out of this world and in search of others so
distant that they may have been formed at the beginning of time.
Less than five hours after it rode into space aboard the shuttle Discov-
ery yesterday, the $1.5 billion telescope sent its first test radio signal. At
the sign of life, applause and cheers erupted in Mission Control in Hous-
The telescope was supposed to be launched in 1983, but technical
problems and the Challenger accident delayed its deployment. It suffered a
further delay two weeks ago when the countdown was stopped at the four-
minutes-to-go point because of a faulty hydraulic unit on the shuttle.
While it remained on Earth, the telescope cost $7 million a month to
exercise and keep in readiness. In its first day in space, that checkout and
testing continued remotely under control of the Goddard Space Flight Cen-
ter in Maryland.
Bush signs bill to record
crimes against minorities
WASHINGTON- President Bush on Monday signed a bill requiring
the government to keep track of crimes against minorities, saying "hate
crimes cannot be tolerated in a free society."
At a White House ceremony attended by leaders of various minorities
including gay-rights advocates, Bushcalled theameasure "a significant step
to help guarantee civil rights for every American."
Under the legislation, the Justice Department will keep statistics on
offenses related to race, religion, sexual orientation and ethnicity as part of
the FBI's annual uniform crime report.
Approval of the so-called "hate crimes" bill followed complaints about
a wave of such offenses on the part of neo-Nazi "skinheads" and others.
"Bigotry and hate regrettably still exist in this country and hate breeds
violence, threatening the security of our entire society," Bush said.
Job costs cause inflation rise
WASHINGTON - Americans' pay and benefits shot up 5.5 percent
over the last 12 months, the largest jump in six years, the government
said yesterday.
Health insurance costs alone rose 12.1 percent.
One economist called the continued surge in wages and medical care
costs "a big negative on the inflation outlook." Others agreed, saying in-
flationary problems can't be explained way by citing temporary factors,
such as December's frigid temperatures.
Consumer prices this year have been rising at an annual rate of 8.5
percent, the highest in eight years.
The rising cost of wages and benefits may increase pressure on Federal
Reserve policy makers to push interest rates higher in an effort to slow
the economy and lower the inflation rate, analysts said.
The 5.5 percent rise in overall employment costs was the largest 12-
month advance since the 12 months ending with March 1984, the gov-
ernment said.
Daily marks two milestones
This paper marks the end of two great eras. Today the Daily celebrates
a the publication of the last issue in the 100th volume of the Michigan
Daily, marking the completion of 100 years of editorial freedom.
We also bid farewell to the great, but not late, Julian Nowak, the
Daily's keyliner (that's lay out dude to you and me) for the past year.
So at the present time, we don't know exactly how to feel, awed or

The 100 year anniversary has been looked forward to with such antici-
pation that somewhere back in history, over anxious senior editors unwit-
tingly put us a year ahead of ourselves. Hence the two years celebrating
99 years of editorial freedom.
Julian, who has inspired much fear in deadline-weary editors with his
huge chart of who is late and who is great, will be sorely missed. It just
won't be the same without symphonic renditions of 'Eye of the Tiger.'
Julian, the next 100 won't be the same without you.
- Josh Mitnick
able 0f tictgt Emig
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter
terms by students at the University of Michigan. Subscription rates: for fall and winter (2 semesters)
$28.00 in-town and $39 out-of-town, for fall only $18.00 in-town and $22.00 out-of-town.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and the Student News Service.
ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard, Ann Arbor, Ml 48109.
PHONE NUMBERS: News (313) 764-0552, Opinion 747-2814, Arts 763-0379, Sports 747-3336, Cir-
culation 764-0558, Classified advertising 764-0557, Display advertising 764-0554, Billing 764-0550


The Daily apologizes for this error and for any
inconvenience caused to TAGAR or our readers.
TAGAR wishes to congratulate Israel on it's 42nd birthday,
along with the Senators, House Representatives, inviduals,
friends, and supporters listed in the April 24 ad.


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Editor in Chief Noah Finkels
Managing Editor Kristine LaLonde Associate Sports Editors Steve Cohen, Andy Gottesman,
News Editors Karen Akertof, David Hyman, Eric Lemont,
Taylor Li:
Tara GzenVerad ne r E trAy r n
Opinion Page Editor Davidc Jwa Ar dEiookFa osat Frgahn
Asociate Editor I. Matthew , KK F er uchLitPmCx nri;BreEdard
Weekend Editors Miguel Cru , D iln Jnldrtd d
KevinRb Music Forrest Green l,
Photo Editors Jose Juarez, David Lubier Theater Jay Pekala
List Editor Todd Dale
News: Geri Alumit Josephie Balenger, Joanna Broder, Dane Cook, herie Curry, Heather Fee, Jue Foster, caty Fugate, Ian
Hoffman Mark Katz, Cihistine Kloostra,Frank Krajenkes, Ruth Littmann, Josh Mitrick, Dan Poux,Gi hRenbeg, Bruce Shapiro, ike
Sobiel, Michael Sutlivali Noelle Vance, Elisabeth Weinstein, Donna Woodwell
Opinion: Mark Bu san, Yael Citro, tan Gray, Leslie Hbruri, Stephen Henderson, Aaron Robinson, Tony Siber, David Sood.
Sports: Adam Benson, Eric Berkman, JidcalBess, Andy Brown, Theodore Cox, Doug Donaldson, Jeri Drst, Richard Eisen, Jared
Endn, Scott Erskdne, Phil Green, Tom Kent, Albertin, John Niyo, Sarah Osburn, Mat Rennie, Jonathan Sanic, David Schecter,
Ryan Scheieber, Jeff Shoran, Dan Zoch.
Arts: Greg Baise, Sherrill L Bennett, Mark Binelli, Kenneth Chw Beth cdquitt Sharon Grimberg, Brian Jarvinen, Scott Kirkwood,
Mike Kuniavsky, Ami Mehta, Mike Molitor, Annette Petrusso, Jay Pinka, Wendy Shanker, Peter Shakeo, Jusine Unadn,. Phdii
Washington, Mark Webster, Kim Yaged, Nabeel Zuberi.
Photo: Jennifer Dunetz, Amy Feldman, Julie Hdian, Jonathan Liss, Josh Moore, Samantha Sanders, Kenneth Smllor, Steven
Weekend: Phil Cohien, Rob Earle, Donna ladipalo, Alex Gordon, Nana Trachtman, Fred ZTnn.



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