The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 9, 1990 - Page 3
Conservative party
expected to prevail
in Hungary's election
BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) - Voters
choosing Hungary's first freely elected
government in 43 years gave an overwhelming
victory yesterday to Hungary's main
conservative party.
"I am completely certain that we won the
elections," Democratic Forum President Jozsef
Antall told jubilant supporters crowding party
headquarters six hours after polls closed.
"But it is not we, but the Hungarian people
who have won these elections," he said.
Final results for the 261 parliamentary seats
at stake in runoff elections yesterday were not
expected before Tuesday. But state television
showed the Hungarian Democratic Forum
winning 41.8 percent of the vote, or 116 seats,
with more than 90 percent of the votes
Their closest rivals, the Alliance of Free
Democrats, won 21 percent of the vote, or 58
The agrarian based Smallholders party won
29 districts with 11.5 percent of the vote,
while reform Communists grouped in the
Socialist Party had won 18 with 8 percent.
Eight seats were still not determined.
It was the second conservative sweep in
Eastern Europe in as many free elections. East
Germans gave conservatives a clear victory in
elections on March 18, relegating the
Communists to an opposition role.
In Hungary, 171 of the seats were voted o0
directly yesterday. Ninety seats will bo
determined on the voting percentage each party
With 43 seats won by Democratic Forum
candidates in the first round March 25, tho
'I am completely certain
that we won the elections'
- Democratic Forum President
Jozsef Antall
party had a total of 159 seats after both rounds,
according to the preliminary calculations based
on 90 percent returns.
The Free Democrats had 92 seats, while thO
Smallholders had 44 and the Socialists 32;
Others seats were shared by two smaller par,
ties. .
There are 394 seats in Parliament, including
eight seats to be allocated to national
Democratic Forum President Antall turned
58 yesterday, and a rare smile creased his face
as he was presented with a gigantic bouquet of
Modern samurai
LSA iunior Daiske Yoshida (foreground) and LSA first-year student Rafael Barretto practice "Kendo," the art of swordfighting,
in a parking lot on Maynard St.
Earth We
ay Catherine Fugate
Daily Staff Writer
Environmental concerns reach far
beyond the white middle class tradi-
4* tionally associated with environmen-
I.al movements.
This was the theme of two dis-
pussions held Friday, the final day of
Earth Week 1990.
The Earth Week 1990 Commit-
tee, along with the Futuring Organi-
zation, sponsored a panel discussion
in Angell Hall titled "Environmental
Racism and Social Equality."
Danelle Wilkins, who works
Wwith minority laborers as a member
of the Southeast Michigan Coalition
:on Occupational Safety and Health,
said minority workers traditionally
ek panels
have some of the worst jobs.
"Kids are playing in dirt, drinking
unsafe water, and people deserve
more than this," said Wilkins, refer-
ring to the children of minority la-
Bunyan Bryant, an associate pro-
fessor in the School of Natural Re-
sources, labeled environmental prob-
lems in poor neighborhoods as
"serious business." Bryant said eight
million Black children have been ex-
posed to lead poisoning from peeling
paint in impoverished neighbor-
"We cannot have peace unless we
consider both poverty and the envi-
ronment," said Bryant. "We need to
come up with a new epistemology."
Shishir Raval, a graduate student
in landscape architecture, said,
"There is a Third World within all of
us," and people must all reflect per-
sonally in solving the problem of
minority exposure to environmental
"We must ask ourselves 'how can
I affect the poorest person?"' said
"I feel that the racism that causes
waste dumps to be placed next to
poor neighborhoods is the same as
racially motivated crimes of vio-
lence," said Running Grass, who is
involved with minority poverty and
the environment through the East
Oakland, California school system.
Running Grass said the environ-
mental movement is a chance for
opposing sides - the poor and mid-
dle class - to work together.
"We should become involved
Native Americans.
"The development of the United
States has been through the underde-
velopment of Native America," said
'Energy in North America is what is
destroying indigenous people. The problem is
that North America consumes too much'
- Winona LaDuke
Native American Author
focus on racism and the environment
dian communities.
"Energy in North America is
what is destroying indigenous peo-
ple," she said. "The problem is that
North America consumes too
LaDuke encouraged North Ameri-
cans to use the Native Americans as
an example of learning to live with
the land.
"We should learn from indige-
nous people that 'sustainable devel-
opment' has always been in exis-
tence," she said. "We aren't going to
survive unless we learn how to
more deeply in our environment,
such as by knowing where our water
comes from and where it is going
to," he said.
In a second talk featuring minori-
ties and the environment, Winona
LaDuke, renowned Native American
activist, spoke on the plight of the
LaDuke told numerous stories of
how land once reserved for Native
Americans has been exploited by oil
drilling and uranium mines. She
spoke of companies' unsafe practices
which have led to high rates of
cancer and birth defects in many In-
Tufts professor discusses waste disposal
and its effects on nation's
W lhv UNaatha PEan
Dy .uinu.. .
aily Staff Writer
"Paper or plastic?" asks the gro-
cery bagger. Don't use either, bring
a cloth bag instead, said Prof. James
Noble of Tufts University's Center
;for Environmental Management last
'Friday afternoon at the School of
Public Health.
Lecturing on "Biodegradation in
Landfills: Biodegreable Plastics?,"
'Noble addressed about 100 students
and Ann Arbor residents. The Earth
Day 1990 Committee and School of
Public Health sponsored the semi-
Biodegradable plastic isn't any
abetter for the environment than pa-
per, Noble said, because the plastic
"doesn't degrade faster than paper and
if you burn it degradation is not an
Noble said 85 percent of this
America's garbage goes into land-
fills. By weight, plastic composes
seven percent of the 85 percent and
paper constitutes another 40 percent.
"There is an immense amount of
positive action in the U.S. to address
how you as a consumer can take ac-
tion," Noble said, referring to Amer-
icans' concern over environmentally
safe products.
But consumers' efforts are misdi-
rected. "It's very clear that the way
to reduce garbage is not to produce it
in the first place," Noble said.
Junk mail and packaging con-
tribute greatly to the waste disposal
problems. Ten percent of all garbage
is newspapers. Noble recommended
people take their names off junk
mail lists, not buy overly packaged
goods, and recycle.
In his research, Noble found recy-
cling directly correlates with wealth.
If you ask the rich to recycle they
will, but those with lower incomes
may or may not, he said.
Tom Lewandowski, a second year
masters student in public health, said
he was surprised paper composed
such a large percentage of waste.
Janice Meyers, a second year stu-
dent in public health, said, "I was
surprised he said paper degradates
into toxic products, where most
people think it degrades into
harmless things."
Garbage contaminates groundwa-
ter unless precautionary are taken,
Noble said. Currently all 200 of the
nation's largest landfills contaminate
the water table. Some landfills are
experimenting with liners to prevent
Noble suggested flooding the
lined landfills. The lining would pro-
tect ground water from contamina-
tion and the added water would speed
decay. Unfortunately, state laws have
prevented Noble and his research
team from testing this theory.
Water helps garbage to decay, car-
rying the bacteria through pores in
the garbage. Without water, bacteria
take 21.1 years to go through one
meter of the New York Times, No-
ble said.
"The whole thrust of landfills is
to keep them dry," said Noble, but
dry garbage does not decompose.
Conditions must be perfect for de-
composition to take place. "Chances
are 1 in 256 against degradation,"
said Noble.
Noble said landfills can be used
as gas sources for power plants be-
cause decaying garbage produces gas.
A 65 megawatt powerplant operating
in California runs by landfill gas.
"One megawatt," said Noble,
"provides enough power to provide
electricity for 3000 California
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Interv iew...
What's happening in Ann Arbor today
- ~ 4
UM Taekwondo Club -
beginners welcome 7-8:30 p.m.
2275 CCRB
UM Shorin-Ryu Karate-do
Club - beginners welcome 7:30-
8:30 p.m. in the CCRB small
Asian American Association -
general meeting at 7 p.m. in the
Trotter House
Student Initiative --- meeting
to discuss activity on campus at 7
p.m. in the Union Crofoot Room
"Literature in East Central
Europe Today"- a roundtable
discussion with George Gomori
and Ivan Klima at 3:30 p.m. in
Free Tutoring - for all lower
level science and engineering
courses; 7-11 p.m. in UGLi Rm.
207 and 8-10 p.m. in the Bursley
East Lounge and the South Quad
Dining Hall
Safewalk - the night-time safety
walking service is available from
8 p.m.-1:30 a.m. in UGLi Rm.
102 or call 936-1000
Northwalk - the north-campus
night-time walking service is
available from 8 p.m.-1:30 a.m.
in Bursley 2333 or call 763-
ECB Peer Writing Tutors -
peer writing tutors available for
help on papers 7-11 p.m. in the
Angell/Havenand Church St.
computing centers
Free Tax Help --- tax assistance
9 a.m.-5 p.m. on the 4th Floor of
the Union
Middle East Perspective --- a
Oh 12 o .I( ..m. nn lf n
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