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April 09, 1990 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1990-04-09

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Page 2 -The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 9, 1990

Greeks Go
Resultsfrom Greek Week.1990
Place Team
1 AAfX, <DKT.
2.;:........ ... ..
5 A ,dDKKT nA
8 A 8 OfA4 i~
11 ZB(, TrN, AY
S13 _A , 'Y, Evans Scholars
15 XAT, EXAccacia
17 KKr-K, EAM
19 KA O, X(D, ZT

President votes
Peruvian President Alan Garcias casts his vote to choose his successor
during Sunday's presidential elections.
Continued from Page 1

a lot of attention," Gebes explained.
"We set up a number of new polling
sites in the different schools' build-
ings, and we set our polling hours
for the busiest times between
The 1987 presidential elections
attracted the same number of voters
as this year's elections. But Elec-
tions Director Staffer Zachary Kittrie
pointed out the high 1987 turnout
was the result of a controversial bal-
lot issue deciding whether PIRGIM
should receive MSA funding.
"We feel good because there were
no major ballot questions, and no re-
ally new controversial issues on the
ballot," Kittrie said. "This time the

students turned out to vote for
Kittrie and Gebes both said the
turnout should send an important
message to MSA.
"Large numbers of smaller school
voters turned out because there has
been some question as to whether
MSA was representing their schools
well," Gebes explained. "They made
it clear that they want a say in what
the assembly does."
Gebes said the turnout should tell
the assembly "the students are
watching the assembly closely;
MSA will have to make sure they
are accountable, because it's obvious
that this campus wants results."

Continued from page 1
"A lot of people were given a lot of
misinformation about us, and I think
a lot of people didn't vote because
they didn't know who to believe."
The defeated Coalition candidate
added that the Action Party had used
the events of Earth Week to their ad-
vantage unfairly.
"They had all those Earth Day
people out there working for them.
No one remembers that it was a CC
assembly member that originally
proposed the funding for Earth Day,"
Williams said. "The Earth Day peo-
ple went out and bit the hand that
was feeding them."
Both Van Valey and Williams
agreed the campaign had been overly
negative, with many unnecessary at-

tacks on the presidential candidates.
Williams said he is going to con-
test the election results, because he
had problems with the ballot-count-
ing procedures, as well as his oppo-
nents' campaigning. But Williams
said he would not approach Univer-
sity officials about the elections, as
he did with last semester's bungled
"There were a number of people
counting ballots whose political af-
filiation was not to our favor, and
there was also a lot of campaigning
going on during MSA-sponsored
Earth Week events," Williams said.
Van Valey said, however, that
she did not think Action had run a
dirty campaign.
"It's not dirty when you tell the
truth, and point out the problems
with your opponents record on the
assembly," she said. Van Valey said
she was encouraged by the election
results, and excited about the upcom-
ing term.
Dolgon said he was also ready to
go to work on pressing campus is-
sues including the code of non-aca-
demic conduct and the administra-
tion'sefforts to deputize campus se-
Student Impact Party presidential
candidate, Bobby Hershfield, won
586 votes and Student Activities
candidate Alexander Isaac garnered
155 votes.
Two of MSA's seats remain un-
decided due to a tie between write-in
candidates. Three write-in candidates,
with one vote each, tied for the
Pharmacy seat while two candidates,
with two votes each, tied for the
School of Social Work seat. The
assembly will make appointments
from the field of write-in candidates

Compiled from Associated Press and staff reports
Greek elections continue,
no party emerges as winner
ATHENS, Greece -- The New Democracy party made slight gains
yesterday in Greece's third national election in 10 months, but it needed
more to break a debilitating political stalemate, according to partial
National elections last June and again in November denied any party
the parliamentary majority needed to govern the country and opinion polls
indicated yesterday's balloting could also be inconclusive.
Returns from 4,189 of the 16,584 polling stations showed New
Democracy with 48.3 percent of the vote. That would be enough to win if
it held overall. But computer projections showed it was just a 0.5 percent
higher than its total for the same polling stations inhNovember andhshy of
a majority.
The Interior Ministry computer projections showed the Panhellenic
Socialist Movement (PASOK), Greece's second-largest party, running 2.2
percent behind November's totals.
Ferry fire kills over 150,
firefighters recover bodies
LYSEKIL, Sweden - Exhausted firefighters braved metal-melting
heat and poisonous smoke yesterday to begin removing the bodies of
about 150 victims from the Scandinavian Star ferry, which burned for a
second day.
Firefighters struggled to reach cabins where victims burned to death or
suffocated in the suspicious blaze, which began before dawn Saturday
while the ship was in the North Sea carrying about 500 tourists and
crewmembers on an overnight trip from Norway to Denmark.
The heat was so intense yesterday that it melted aluminum aboard the
bridge of the Danish-owned ship. Firefighters in masks and breathing
equipment fought through one corridor "until their gear started to burn,"
said fire consultant Olle Wennstrom. One firefighter was slightly injured,
he said.
Firefighters were seen leaving the ship in tears. Each team underwent
psychological care after being relieved, officials said.
Judge bars police seizure of
sexually explicit photographs
CINCINNATI - A federal judge barred police yesterday from con-
fiscating photographs from an exhibition of Robert Mapplethorpe's works
that led to an obscenity indictment against an arts center and its director.
U.S. District Judge Carl Rubin also ordered county and city authorities
not to interfere in any way with the exhibition while the obscenity
charges are tried in a state court.
The Contemporary Arts Center hailed the protective order, which will
let the 175-photo exhibit proceed unchanged until a jury can decide
whether its seven sexually explicit photos are obscene.
The exhibit opened to the public Saturday morning, attracting a crowd
of over 3,000 including nine grand jury members. The seven photos
include two of children either naked or partially naked, and others
depicting homoerotic acts.
Ryan White, AIDS victim dies
INDIANAPOLIS- Ryan White, who won a long court battle to at-
tend public school and overcame prejudice against himself and other AIDS
victims, lost his 5 1/2 year struggle with the deadly disease yesterday. He
was 18.
White died shortly after 7 a.m. at Riley Hospital for Children, where
he had been hospitalized since March 29 with an AIDS related respiratory
infection. He had been heavily sedated and on a ventilator.
White's mother, Jeanne, and sister, Andrea, 16, had kept a bedside
vigil, joined at times by celebrities such as singer Elton John and the
Rev. Jesse Jackson.
Dr. Martin Kleiman, White's physician throughout the illness, said
death followed a slow deterioration that had begun Saturday.
"At the end, his family and and a few of the others who loved him
were close at his side," Kleiman said. "He never regained consciousness,
and I am confident he suffered no pain at the end."

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Contragate is far from over
WASHINGTON - John Poindexter still faces a possible grand jury
appearance after his June sentencing on Iran-Contra convictions, sources
say, as prosecutors chase elusive information vital to writing a final re-
port on the Reagan era scandal.
New testimony from both Poindexter and National Security Council
staff deputy Oliver North could be compiled under a grant of immunity
from prosecution, the sources said. They said the investigation is far from
While such grand jury appearances might provide missing links to the
coverup and help prosecutors close the books on more than 3-1/2-year-old
scandal, new indictments would be likely, they added.
That was the consensus drawn from a series of interviews with sources
in and out of government in the wake of Poindexter's conviction Saturday
on conspiracy, obstruction, and lying to Congress.
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter
terms by students at the University of Michigan. Subscription rates: for fall and winter (2 semesters)
$28.00 in-town and $39 out-of-town, for fall only $18.00 in-town and $22.00out-of-town.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and the Student News Service.
ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
PHONE NUMBERS: News (313) 764-0552, Opinion 747-2814, Arts 763-0379, Sports 747-3336, Cir-
culation 764-0558, Classified advertising 764-0557, Display advertising 764-0554, Billing 764-0550


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Noah Finkel
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Karen Akedol, Marion Davis,
Tara Gruzen, Vera Songwe
David Schwartz
. Male Mier, Laura Sankey
Miguel Cruz,
Kevin Woodson
Jose Juarez, David Lubliner
Todd Dale

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Mike Gil
Steve Cohen, Andy Gottesman,
David Hyman, Eric Lemont,
Taylor Inooln
Alyssa Katz ' MinPakn
Carolyn P~or
Jon Bilk, Brent Edwards
Forrest Green Ili
Jay Pekaa

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Photo Editors
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News: Geri Alumit, Josephine Balenger, Joanna Broder, Diane Cook, Heather Fee, Julie Foster, Cathy Fugate, Ian Hoffman, Mark
Katz, Christine oostra,Frank Krajere, Rulh Littmann, JoshMitnidc, Dan Poux, Gil Renberg, Bruce Shapiro, Mike Sobel, Michael
Sullivan Noelle Vance, ElisabetWeinstein, Donna Woodwell.
Opinion: Mark Buchan, Yad CiQro, Ian Gray, Leslie Heilbrunn, Stephen Henderson, Aaron Robinson, Tony Siber, David Sood.
Sports Adam Benson, Eric Berkman Michael Bess, Andy Brown, Theodore Cox, Doug Donadson, JediDurst, Richard Eisen, Jared
Entki, Scott Erskine, Ph~i(reen, Tom Kent, Albert in, John Niyo, Sarah Osburn, Mat Rermie, Jonathan Samniok, David Schefer,
Ryan Schreiber, Jeff Sheran, Dan Zoch.
Arts: Greg Balse, Sherill L Bonnet., Mark Binelli, Kenneth Chow, Both Ccdqiitt. Sharon Gimberg, Brian Jarvinen, Scott Kirkwood,
Mike Kuiavsky, Ami Mehta, Mice Molitor, Annette Petrusso, Jay Pinka, Wendy Shannker, Peter Shapio, .Jsne Ulnalhi, Phl~ip
Washington, Mark Webster, Kim Yaged, Nabeel Zuberi.
Photo: Jennifer Dunetz, Amy Feldman, Julie Heliman, Jonathan Uss, Josh Moore, Samantha Sanders, Kenneth Smdler, Steven
Weekend: Phi Cohen, Rob Earle, Donna larlpado, Alex Gordon, Lana Trachinian, Fred Zirn


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