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March 21, 1990 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-03-21

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The Michigan

Daily - Wednesday, March 21,1990-- Pages

Census counts


1 .







by the Associated Press
A legion of clipboard-toting
counters set out yesterday for
shelters, subways and steam grates
in the broadest attempt ever to find
out the extent of homelessness since
it became a national disgrace in the
No one expects the $2.7 million,
one-night U.S Census Bureau effort
to yield a precise tally of Americans
with no fixed address. Critics fear an
undercount will discourage the
government from housing and
feeding the homeless.
"It's akin to looking for needles
in haystacks," said David Hayden,
founder of the advocacy group
Justice House Community in
suburban Washington, D.C. "If
people with clipboards can find
them, so can people with 2-by-4s
who want to rob them. They should
spend the money on decent,
affordable housing."
But the Census Bureau has hired
15,000 enumerators - the federal
euphemism for headcounters - to
find the homeless in their untidy
world of shelters, roosts and
hideouts. The government wants to
know their name, age, sex, race and
marital status.
"This may give us the first
handle on the magnitude of the prob-
lem but not necessarily the true size
of it," said Kenneth Meyer, assistant
regional census manager in New
Estimates of the homeless
population now range from 250,000
to 3 million. .
The counters, many of whom are
homeless and will be paid $7.50 an

hour, got six hours of training
before hitting the streets. In New
York City alone, 2,167 sites have
been tagged as places where the
homeless congregate.
The Michigan search centered in
decaying pockets of Detroit but also
included such areas as resort-rich
Traverse City.
"There's homeless everywhere,"
said regional census spokesman Jerry
Blocker in Detroit. "You just have
to look hard in some places."
Ashley expected to find only
about 80 percent of Lansing's esti-
mated 1000 homeless, even less if
the night was cold. Bad weather
would drive them into abandoned
buildings and other corners of the
city census takers wound not dare
Twenty homeless applicants
passed the literacy test and got se-
curity clearance at one of three
Detroit census offices. But when it
came time to hire, the office could
locate only three to tell them they
had the job.
If census workers could not get
detailed information from they were
interviewing, they were told to just
take down head counts and make
their own guesses as to age, sex and
race, Blocker said.
The count was complicated by
last-minute changes.
Shelters for women hiding from
spouse abuse were taken off the list.
Workers feared that photographers

by Daniel Po
Daily MSA Rep
University e
code of non-acad
deputize and arm
ficers have arou
versy on campus
Last night, th
Assembly voted
sues on the Apr
so students cant
to the assembly
on these controv
The referend
Shall th
MSA, or any ot
ments approve ac
of non academic
procedures with
the CODE draf
dures to the stud
Shall MS/
dent governmen
University of M
its own armed se
It is importan
to a student
Rackham repr
Dolgan, authorc
dum, because M
tive in fightingt
"Although M
to address these]
conservative rep
out the student1
the administrat
Dolgan said. "If
needed an oppo
Women's Iss
sophomore Jenn
Dolgan propose
dum. Van Valey
tance of studen
"4 L;.t..a . .

le, u


F '

'90 ballot
)ux ready too small number of campus
orter security officers.
fforts to institute a "I don't see how a campus safety
emic conduct and to officer with a gun is going to pre-
campus security of- vent someone from date raping me,
sed student contro- or racially harassing me on the
for several years. street," she said.
e Michigan Student The assembly approved another
to put these two is- referendum dealing with tbe
il 4th and 5th ballot International Student and Minority ,
voice their opinions Affairs Commissions.
and administration The referendum will decidel
ersies. whether ISAC or MAC can select
ums ask students: their own chairs. Presently, the
e administration, assembly selects the chairs for all ot
her student govern- the commissions.
comprehensive code However, the referendum would
conduct or hearing require MSA approval of the com--
out first submitting mission chair before he or she could
t or hearing proce- take their seat.
ent body for a vote? MAC Chair and Engineering
A or the other stu- sophomore Ravi Gadhia said hem:
nts approve of the wanted to students to support the
ichigan establishing proposal, but would press for further
curity officers? action to ensure MAC's autonomy.
it to put these issues "The intent of the original pro,
vote, explained posed change was to guarantee that,
esentative Corey ISAC and MAC elect their own.
of the code referen- chairs with the simple reasoning thaC
SA has been ineffec- members of the minority commuU
the administration's nity and international students are,
most qualified and best able to select8
[SA reps are elected their own chairs," Gadhia said.
issues directly, many He went on to say that, while the;
as have been selling amended ballot question is a com-2
body by supporting promise, MAC and ISAC are not.;
ive power plays," satisfied.
felt the student body "After bringing it up with MAC
ortunity to stop the and ISAC, it was decided that the
amended proposed change would be,
ues Chair and LSA supported, rather than pull it from'
lifer Van Valey and the ballot," the MAC chair said.
d the second referen- "However, regardless of the outcome
stressed the impor- MAC will attempt to change tbre
t input on these is- MSA Constitution in the manner we
had originally intended next fall."

AP Photo
A homeless man sits huddled against the side of a building during a rain
storm in New Yrk, yesterday. A legion of census -takers set out later in
the day for subways and city streets to count the city's homeless.
and television cameras might give 30,000 homeless people live in the
away the location of women in Detroit metropolitan area.
hiding, a Michigan census official Another count March 31 will
said. survey YMCAs, carnivals, fair-
United Community Services in grounds, racetracks and
1984 estimated between 25,000 and campgrounds.

See news




Call the Daily at 764-0552

W~hat's happening in Ann Arbor today

clinics turn away
AIDS victims

UM Hellenic

Students ---

meeting at 8 p.m. Union
Crowfoot Room
Philosophy Club --- meeting at 7
p.m. Philosophy Commons
Room, 2220 Angell Hall
UM Shorin-Ryu Karate-Do
Club --- beginners welcome 8:30-
9:30 p.m. Martial Arts Room of
the CCRB
UM Taekwondo Club ---
beginners welcome 7-8:30 p.m.
2275 CCRB
East Quad/R.C. Social Group
for Lesbians, Gay Males and
Bisexuals --- for students in
residence halls 9-11 p.m.; call
763-4186 for more information
UM Asian Student Coalition
(UMASC) -- meeting and sexism
workshop at 7 p.m. in the Room
2413 Mason Hall
Students Fighting Anti-
Semitism --- meeting at 7:30
p.m. at Hillel
UM Sailing Team --- open
meeting at 7:30 p.m. in Room 26
Angell Hall
Latin American Solidarity
Committee --- meeting and video
on El Salvador at 8 p.m. in the
Union; see desk for room
"Arrival Agents - The Search
for Selectivity" --- Gertrude B.
Elion speaks at 11 a.m. in the
Rackham Amphitheater
"Fact and Value" --- a
discussion of Leonard Peikoff's
article at 8 p.m. in Room A of
the Michigan League
"Nancy Cruzan's Right to Die
and The Supreme Court" ---
Carl Cohen speaks at noon in the
South Lecture Hall of Med Sci II
"Making Molecules Visible or
How to Get into the Guiness
Book Without a Bicycle" ---
Lawrence Barsell speaks at 3 p.m.
in Room 1640 Chemistry Bldg.
"Adaptive Ordinal Urn
Models" --- Nancy Flournoy
speaks at 4 p.m. in the
Auditorium of the Thomas
Francis Bldg. SPH II
Evening with Survivors ---
women surviviors will speak of
their vznrienre 1mrinn the

"Analytical Seminar"---
Mahvash Banisalam speaks at 4
p.m. in Room 1650 Chemistry
"The Process of Discovery in
Science and Art" --- the
Residential College will host a,
discussion with Robert Root-
Bernstein at 4 p.m. in Room 126
East Quad
"Revolution in Hungary: The
Grassroots Perspective" --- Eva
Huseby-Darvas speaks from noon-
1, p.m. in the Lane Hall
Commons Room
"Latin America: What is to be
Done?" --- Bruce Cameron,
Leonel Gomez, Robert Kagan, and
Daniel H. Levine speak at 8 p.m.
in the Unioknn Kuenzel Room
"Fragmentation and
Redemption: The Social and
Religious Context of the
Christian Doctrine of
Resurrection in the Early
Latin West" --- Caroline Bynam
speaks at 4 p.m. in the Rackham
Free tutoring - for all lower
level math, science and
engineering courses in UGLi 307
from 8-10 p.m.
Northwalk - the north campus
night-time walking service runs
form 8 p.m.-1:30 a.m. in Bursley
2333 or call 763-WALK
Safewalk - the nighttime safety
walking service runs from 8 p.m.-
1:30 a.m. in UGLi 102 or call
ECB Peer Writing Tutors -
peer writing tutors available for
help on papers 7-11 p.m. in the
Angell/Haven and 611 Church St.
computing centers
One Man Show --- Kurt Kren's
film will be shown as part of the
Avant-Garde Cinema Series at 7
p.m. in Angell Hall Aud C; $1
donation suggested
Career Planning and
Placement --- public service:
professional perspectives 6:10-
7:30 p.m. Union Pendleton Room
Best of the Open Stages --- as
part of the 25th anniversary
celebration The Ark will feature
performances by a host of local
amateur nerformers

who arrange for abortions at many
New York City clinics often find
their appointments canceled once
they reveal that they are infected
with the AIDS virus, an informal
survey suggests.
Callers from the city's human
rights commission made appoint-
ments with 30 abortion clinics and
physicians that advertised in the
Yellow Pages. Twenty canceled the
appointment after the caller said she
was infected with the human
immune deficiency virus, or HIV,
but has no symptoms of AIDS.
Katherine Franke, a commission
lawyer who led the informal study,
said 12 clinics said they did not have
adequate infection control while
others said abortion on an HIV-
infected woman was too complicated
a procedure for them to handle and
referred the caller to a hospital.
"Those were the nice responses,"
she said. "On the other end, we had
some that just hung up or said 'We
can't treat your kind.' Many were
very hostile. One nurse responded,
'That's OK, we'll do an abortion for
any kind of blood type."'
Most women with HIV simply
don't tell - "That's they way they
get abortions," Franke said.
But for women who do and are
refused or referred to a crowded
public hospital, the result may be
delay in getting an abortion, which
increases chances of complications.
"The later the abortion, the less safe
it is," she said.
The chances that a woman will
pass the AIDS virus to her baby are
estimated at between 20 and 50
Los Angeles obstetrician-
gynecologist David Grimes said that,
in his experience, half of HIV-

infected woman opt for abortion and
half give birth.
While physicians outside New
York said they too had heard of in-
stances in which HIV-infected
women have been refused treatment
or referred elsewhere, many said they
did not see a widespread problem.
Indeed, Grimes, the chairperson
of Planned Parenthood's medical
advisory committee, said, "I think
the community is meeting the need,"
but added that the situation may be
different in East Coast cities, where
more women have HIV.
He did say he often sees patients
referred by other physicians who feel
inadequately prepared to treat HIV-
infected women.
Although women who are HIV-
positive but have no symptoms of
AIDS and no other diseases are
generally at no greater risk than non
HIV women for abortion, he said,
women whose immune systems are
compromised - whether by AIDS
or some other disease - are more
appropriately treated in a hospital.
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I think it is vital to have a stu
dent vote on any administrative ac
tion that will affect them directly,'
she said.
Van Valey went on to point oui
that according to the recently releases
report from the University's Tasi
Force on Safety Issues, the tw(
largest crime problems on campus
are acquaintance rape and racia
Neither of these, she argued
would be curbed by arming an al

Fridays in The Daily

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