Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, February 26, 1990
Honorary degree recipient
President George Bush receives an academic hood representing his honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree from Johns Hopkins president
Steven Muller during ceremonies at the university in Baltimore.
Mandela tells warring factions to fight
for racial equality, not against each other
DURBAN, South Africa (AP) -
Nelson Mandela, seeking to end four
years of fighting among Black fac-
tions in Natal Province, appealed to
the warring groups yesterday to put
down their weapons and fight to-
gether for racial equality.
Mandela, released Feb. 11 after
27 years in prison, still supports the
low level armed struggle waged by
his African National Congress
guerilla movement.
But he said the Black-on-Black
fighting in the southeastern province
hindered the battle against apartheid,
South Africa's policy of racial seg-
"Even now as we stand together
on the threshold of a new South
Africa, Natal is in flames," Mandela
told an estimated 100,000 people
who filled three adjacent soccer
"My message to those of you in-
volved in this battle of brother
against brother is this: take our
guns, your knives, and your pangas
and throw them into the sea," Man-
dela said. Pangas are similar to ma-
Mandela and his wife, Winnie, ar-
rived by helicopter to rousing cheers.
He spoke from 4-story-tall platform
draped with huge flags of the ANC
and its ally, the South African
Communist Party.
Many in the mostly Black crowd
waved the green, black and gold ban-
ner of the African National Congress
and chanted "ANC! ANC!"'
About 3,000 Blacks, mostly Zu-
lus, have died since 1986 in the
power struggle in Natal. The main
combatants are the ANC-aligned
United Democratic Front and
Inkatha, a relatively conservative
Zulu political group headed by Man-
gosuthu Buthelezi.
Buthelezi is a staunch opponent
of apartheid, but he differs with the
ANC over the best way to fight it.
The ANC favors sanctions, boy-
cotts, strikes and guerilla attacks to
put pressure on the government.
Buthelezi does not endorse any of
these action and is a proponent of
capitalism in contrast to the social-
ist-oriented ANC.
While the most intense battles
have been in the townships around
Durban and Pietermaritzburg, 50
miles inland, the fighting has spread
throughout Natal.
Several of Mandela's ANC col-
leagues, including Walter Sisulu,
have been in Natal since Thursday
meeting with leaders of the Front,
Inkatha and local clergy.
Mandela made several concilia-
tory remarks concerning Inkatha and
Buthelezi, whom he praised for de-
manding the ANC be legalized and
political prisoners be released. Presi-
dent F.W. de Klerk on Feb. 2 legal-
ized the ANC, which had been
banned since 1960.
Mandela also praised the Zulu
leader for refusing to negotiate with
the white-led government while
other Black groups were outlawed
and their leaders imprisoned.
"This stand of Inkatha has con-
tributed in no small measure to mak-
ing it difficult for the (white) regime
to implement successive schemes
designed to perpetuate minority
rule," Mandela said.
Inkatha leaders took the unusual
step of urging their supporters to at-
tend the rally to hear Mandela.
Continued from Page 1
"we've recently tried to be more pro-
active by installing more lights and
having more programs like Safewalk
(a free night-time walking service)."
Yet others say that crime statis-
tics may be misleading.
Vice President of Government
Relations and Secretary of the Uni-
versity Richard Kennedy commented
it would "be difficult to come up
with uniform ways to report the
statistics because there are so many
different campus settings." Because
some universities are more integrated
into their host communities,
Kennedy added, "It would be difficult
to relate one university to another."
Michigan Student Assembly
Rackham Rep. Corey Dolgon said,
however, that crime statistics are
misleading only if taken out of con-
"I would support the University
opening up their books in all things
because it limits the possibility of
deception," Dolgon said.
"It is to the University's advan-
tage that people don't have accurate
information," Dolgon added, "on the
one hand they can downplay crime
when they're recruiting or fundrais-
ing, on the other hand they can up-
play crime when they want to in-
crease their security force."
Executive Director of University
Relations Walt Harrison said he
agreed with the spirit of the bill but
saw it as "yet another federal regula-
tion the University will have to
comply with. We're virtually re-
quired to report whenever anyone
sneezes, why not crime?"
Compiled from Associated Press and staff reports
Bush-Kohl discuss German,
reunification at Camp David
THURMONT, Md. - President Bush and West German Chancellor
Helmut Kohl held talks Saturday to discuss the Polish border question and
German reunification.
Kohl spent the weekend with Bush at the president's snow-swept re-
treat at Camp David.
During three hours of talks Saturday afternoon, Kohl and Bush dis-
cussed ways to approach the problem of Polish borders, West German
spokesman Dieter Vogel told reporters.
The two leaders were meeting again after dinner on Saturday and the
resuming their talks after attending church yesterday, he said.
Kohl reiterated his assertion that only a reunified Germany could give a
final guarantee to Poland that the border question is closed, Vogel said.
Poland is worried about demands by some German conservatives that
Germany be allowed to retake territory that was within German borders
until it was transferred to Poland by the Second World War victors.
Sajudis defeats Communist
Party in Lithuanian elections
VILNIUS, U.S.S.R. - The leader of the Sajudis reform movement.
said Sunday that independence for Lithuania could be achieved this year
after his group claimed a landslide victory in the Soviet Union's first
multiparty elections.
In balloting for the Baltic republic's 141-seat parliament Saturday,
voters appeared to have chosen the first legislature not dominated by the
Communist Party.
The main contenders were the Sajudis Popular Front, which has led the.
drive for independence, and the reformed Lithuanian Communist Party.
Unofficial returns showed that of the 90 races decided, Sajudis-endorsed
candidates took 72 seats and non-Sajudis candidates took 18, said Rita
Dapkus, head of the Sajudis information agency.
Turnout around the 2.56 million eligible voters was about 75 percent,
officials said.
Governors call for education
funding from peace dividend
WASHINGTON - The nation's governors put their stamp yesterday
on national education goals, but got no encouragement from the White
House for the prospect of financial help from a "peace dividend."
"Our aim is excellence in education," said Gov. Bill Clinton of
Arkansas, as he offered the goals to the National Governor's Association
for approval.
The governors also adopted a resolution urging the president to allocate
any defense budget savings toward education as well as reducing the federal
budget deficit and other domestic needs.
"We have to get this peace dividend," said Gov. Roy Romer of
Colorado "or else we're going to have to make some other change in this
country's policies or else we're never going to close the gap we that
we've created (between American and foreign educational systems)."
Forbes dies of heart attack
NEW YORK - Malcolm Forbes, the multimillionaire magazine
owner, motorcyclist, balloonist and self-proclaimed "capitalist tool" who
reveled in life and free enterprise, has died of a heart attack at age 70.
The owner of Forbes magazine died in his sleep Saturday afternoon at
his 40-acre estate in Far Hills, New Jersey.
"I don't know anyone who enjoyed life so much or gave so much
back," said Barbara Walters. Walters was a guest along with billionaire
developer Donald Trump, Chrysler Chair Lee Iacocca, Former Secretary of
State Henry Kissinger and 1,000 others at Forbes' $2 million 70th
birthday bash last fall in Tangier, Morocco.
Various estimates placed the worth of Forbes, chair and chief
shareholder of Forbes Inc., at anywhere from $400 million to $1 billion.
"It's not how much money you have but what you do with it," Forbes
once said. "The joy of living is incredible. We work hard at the things we
have to do, so why not take time to enjoy the things we want to do?"
Shuttle launch delayed again
CAPE CANAVERAL - The countdown resumed yesterday for the
nighttime launch of shuttle Atlantis after technicians fixed a computer
problem that caused a fourth postponement of the secret military mission
31 seconds before liftoff.
But forecasters said a cold front was expected to bring clouds and high
winds, reducing to only 42 percent the chances that weather would be
good enough to launch the shuttle with its spy satellite this morning.
Bad weather and the illness of Atlantis' commander resulted in post-
ponements Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The weather was perfect yester-
day morning, before liftoff was halted by the computer problem with 31;
seconds to go.
The computer is one of two used by the Air Force to provide informa-
tion on the shuttle's course after liftoff. If the shuttle strayed off course
and threatened a populated area, a range safety officer on the ground could;
destroy it.
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter
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