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February 23, 1990 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1990-02-23

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Page 2-The Michigan Daily - Friday, February 23, 1990
1st Lady I' ' p L;\L

comes to
YPSILANTI (AP) - Longtime
literacy advocate Barbara Bush en-
couraged adult education classes yes-
terday at Ford Motor Co. to press on
with training and set examples for
their children.
"You ought to be very proud of
yourself," Bush told a group of stu-
dents gathered around her at the Ford
Ypsilanti Plant. "You can't legislate
family... you can certainly set an ex-
ample for them."
Bush, accompanied by Ford
Chairman Donald Petersen, sat in
through the UAW-Ford Skills En-
hancement Program.
The program started in 1982 and
offers United Auto Workers union
members at Ford classes in reading,
writing, math and computers and
other basic skills. Many seek high
school equivalency diplomas. Last
June, Ford opened the program to
spouses of employees.
"I haven't seen anything quite
like this," Bush said. " I suspect
people are going to copy them all
around the country. It does make for
happier long-term workers."
Bush, who has crusaded for adult
literacy and advanced education since
before her husband became president,
left for Cleveland after the Ford visit
to attend the 15th Anniversary Cele-
bration Dinner for Project Learn
Adult Literacy Center.
The Ypsilanti plant, 30 miles
west of Detroit, is one of 50 Ford
plants across the country that offers
learning centers. More than 17,400
people have participated, with nearly
1,000 earning high school credit, 60
of which earned high school diplo-
mas and 320 high school equiva-
lency diplomas, Ford officials said.

Ihirty-five angry men W'r~~
About 35 people demonstrated outside the Berrien County Courthouse in St. Joseph, Michigan, yesterday
morning as part of a protest against a prosecutor's ruling that the shooting of a Benton Harbor resident by a
city police lieutenant on January 18 was justified. Benton Harbor City Manager Steve Manning on Tuesday fired
Lt. Marvin Fiedler after investigating the shooting death of Norris Maben, who Fiedler apparently believed was
a murder suspect. Some community members believe Fiedler should be prosecuted.

Continued from page 1
"The government of the United
States must be satisfied that there
will continue to be open political
space in Nicaragua. Then we can
consider beginning to look at how
we might normalize" relations, in-
cluding lifting the trade sanctions.
The Nicaraguan government, in
denying visas to congressional ob-
servers appointed by President Bush,
argued that the observers could not
be objective because the United
States is providing money to the
Chamorro campaign.

Continued from page 1
Reagan testified, "It was my im-
pression" that National Security
Council aide Oliver North's assis-
tance to the Contras was limited to
"communicating back and forth...
had any inkling that we were guiding
their strategy in any way," Reagan
testified under questioning by Webb.
Asked what he thought North
was doing, Reagan said that "you
have to have people that can be
available to make contact with the
leaders of the Contras ... sometimes
closer than just writing a letter."
"It was my understanding because
his name would crop up in memos
and so forth that that's what he was
doing," the former president added.
Iran-Contra prosecutors used
cross-examination of Reagan to in-
troduce evidence that Poindexter lied
to Reagan about the secret aid opera-
tion after a C-123 cargo plane was
shot down over Nicaragua during a
supply flight on October 5, 1986.

Continued from page 1
of David Webster, a Johannesburg
human rights activist, and Anton
Lubowski, a civil rights lawyer and
pro-independence activist in
De Klerk last month ordered a
judicial inquiry into charges that mil-
itary and police squads murdered
government opponents. The com-
mission is expected to investigate
the unsolved killings of at least 60
activists in the past decade.
Three former policemen have
confessed to serving on death
squads. Several active police officers
are under investigation.
The activists"allegedly killed by
the death squads include members
and supporters of the ANC.
Although it was legalized Feb. 2
as part of de Klerk's peace initiative,
the ANC says its guerrilla remains
one of its tactics in trying to pressure
the government to end white-minor-
ity domination.

Compiled from Associated Press and staff reports
Engler proposes to cut taxes
LANSING - Senate Majority Leader John Engler, searching for alter-
natives to Gov. James Blanchard's programs, proposed yesterday to cut
property taxes in Michigan by almost a billion dollars over three years.
The key part of the plan would reduce property tax assessments for
school operations by 20 percent over three years. Senior citizens would
pay no property tax for schools.
Engler unveiled his tax-cut plan as a Senate GOP proposal. But it was
also seen as another partisan weapon in his campaign for the governor's
Engler acknowledged the tax plan highlighted a difference with Blan-
chard, but said it was consistent with GOP efforts to cut taxes.
"Michigan's excessive property tax burden is stifling our state's growth
and development," he said. "It's not enough to talk about just capping
property taxes or limiting increases."
E. German Gov't proposes
reductions in armed forces
EAST BERLIN - The two Germanys should reduce their combined
military by two-thirds when they unite, and some U.S. and Soviet
soldiers should remain during the unification process, the East German de-
fense minister said yesterday.
Adm. Theodor Hoffman said the armed forces should be purely defen-
sive and both states should remain in their respective alliances until they
are reunited under a new European security system.
Hoffman said a joint German military should be reduced to about
300,000 men initially, and later to 150,000-200,000.
All three services - army, navy and air force - should be retained be-
cause all are essential to defense, he told a news conference.
Until a new European system suppliants NATO and the Warsaw Pact, 9
Hoffman said, U.S. and Soviet soldiers should remain on German territory
"even if this becomes symbolic at a certain time."
Rocket explodes after launch
KOUROU, French Guiana - An Ariane 44-L Rocket with two
Japanese telecommunications satellite aboard exploded Thursday shortly
after blasting off from the launch pad at the Ariane space center.
Arianespace President Frederic d'Allest said the four-engine rocket blew
apart because of what appeared to be a problem with its propulsion sys-
tem. "The launch was a failure," said d'Allest. "The launch vehicle ex-
ploded just a bit more than two minutes after the firing following an fire
in the propulsion."
Witnesses who watched the flight on TV monitors at the center said as
fire appeared to break out before the rocket was due to detach 2 minutes,
30 seconds into flight.
The rocket lifted off at 8:17 PM and roared upward over the Atlantic
Ocean, lifted by four strap-on liquid propulsion boosters.
"We are going to analyze the failures to explain to explain the catas-
trophe of this flight as rapidly as possible," d'Allest said.
Bush opposes new sanctions
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Bush administration opposes placing
more economic sanctions on South Africa because, "When someone is
starting to do the right thing, you don't kick them," an official said yes-
Herman Cohen, the assistant secretary of state for African affairs, pre-
dicted South Africa's white-ruled government might be able to satisfy
conditions that could lead to the removal of U.S. economic sanctions "in
the next three months."
Cohen said the Bush administration objects to a House resolution that
would tighten the sanctions by preventing U.S. banks from rescheduling
South African debt.
Cohen's comments came as a bipartisan congressional group pledged
to keep sanctions in force until South Africa's President F.W. de Klerk
meets all conditions for the lifting of sanctions.
State Court creates legal aid
fund of $3.5 million for poor
LANSING - The Michigan Supreme Court has moved to create a
fund of $3.5 million a year to pay for legal services for the poor, but the
split of that money got a mixed reaction yesterday.
The program, known as Interest on Lawyers Trust Accounts, would
funnel the interest from hundreds of accounts across the state into one
fund, bringing in $3 million to $3.5 million a year, said Thomas , a

spokesman for the State Bar of Michigan.
The program will go into effect on Oct. 1 and all lawyers will be
required to participate in it, Oren said. Michigan has about 27,000
Those accounts are trust accounts that lawyers are required to have to
safeguard clients' funds. Currently in Michigan, they don't gather interest
because the amounts are too small to make it cost effective for attorneys
to calculate the amount due each client.
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter
terms by students at the University of Michigan. Subscription rates: for fall and winter (2 semesters)
$28.00 in-town and $39 out-of-town, for fall only $18.00 in-town and $22.00 out-of-town.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and the Student News Service.
ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
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culation 764-0558, Classified advertising 764-0557, Display advertising 764-0554, Billing 764-0550

(Episcopal Church Chaplaincy)
218 N. Division (at Catherine)
HolyEucharist-5 p.m.
in St. Andrews
Preacher The Rev. Dr. Virginia Peacock
Celebrant: The Rev. Susan McGarry
6 p. m.-Supper
Morning Prayer, 7:30 a.m., M-F
Evening Prayer, 5:15 p.m., M-F
Call 665-0606
Huron Street (between State & Division)
Bible Study Groups-11:20
Student Fellowship Supper
and Bible Study-5:30
For information, call 663-9376
Robert B. Wallace & Mark Wilson, pastors
1432 Washtenaw Ave.
Sunday Worship at 9:30 & 11:00 a.m.
Campus Ministry
Innovative, informal communion services
Dinner following
Thurs., 5:30-6:15 ; Worship in Curtis Room
Fait Exploration, Discussion Group,
exploring various Biblical themes,
Every Sun., 9:30-10:50 a.m.
French Rm.
Continental Breakfast Served
Info., 662-4466-Rev. Amy Morrison
Everyone Welcome!
801 South Forest at Hill Street
Sunday Worship at 10 a.m.
Wednesday: Bible Study at 6:30 p.m.
Worship at 7:30 p.m.
331 Thompson Street
Weekend liturgies: Sat. 5 p.m.,
Sun. 8:30 a.m., 10 a.m., 12noon & 5 p.m.
Confessions, Fri. 4 to 5 p.m.
Ash Wednesday Masses: Feb. 28 at
12:10 p.m., 5:10 p.m., & 7 p.m.
Lenten station of the cross:
Fri. nights at 7 p.m.
Catholic Update Class,
Mon. nights, 7 to 8:30 p.m.
Topic for Feb. 26:
"Catholicism and Morality"
Newman Club Meeting: Mar. 1, 7 p.m.
Graduate Student BYO
Supper ,Feb. 26, 6 p.m., followed by Social
Justice Education Night at 7 p.m.
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Interviewing on campus:

February 28, March 1 and 2
Informational Meeting: February 27
7:30 pm Kuenzel Room in the Union

Editor in Chief
Mnaging Editor
News Editors
Opinion Page Editr
issues Editor
Weekend Editors

Noah Finkel
Kristine Lalonde
Karen Akedof, Marion Davis,
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Kevin Woodson
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Sports Editor
Associam Sports Editors
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Mike Gi
Steve Cohen, Andy Gottesman,
David Hyman, Eric Lemont,
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Alyssa Katz, Krisn Palm
Cardyn Poor
Jon UK Brent Edwards
Forrest Green 11
Jay Pekaa

Photo Editors
Ust Editor

Weekend: Phil Cohen, Rob Earle, Donna ladipado, Alex Gordon, NanaTrachmnan, Fred ZInn.
News: Josephine Balenger, Joama Broder, Diane Cod, Heather Fee, Jeemifer Hir, Ian Hofinan, Brit Isaly, Mark Katz, Chrisdne
Koostra, Ruh Litlmann, Josh Mldnick, Dan Poux, Amy Ouick, Slash Renberg, Taraneh Shatii, Mike Sobel, Noefe Vance, Donna
Opinion: Mark Buchan, Yael Citro, Ian Gray, Stephen Henderson, Aaron Robinson, Tony Silber, David Sood.
Sports: Eric Berkman, Michael Bess, Theodore Cox, Doug Donaldson, Jeni Durst, Richard Eisen, Jared Endn, Scott Erskine, Steve
Fraiberg, Phi Green, Lory Knapp, AlbertU n, John Niyo, Jill Ory, Sarah Osburn, Matt Rennie, Jonalhan Samnick, Ryan Schreiber, Jeff
Shoran, Peter Zelen, Dan Zoch.
Arts Greg Base, Shril L Bennet, Mark Binelhi, Kenneth Chow, Lynne Cohn, Beth Colquit, hchae Pali Fischer, Mike Fischer,
Forrest Green, Sharon Grimberg, Brian Jarvinen, Scott Irkwood. Mike Kunavsky, Ami Mehta, Mike Molitor, Annelte Petrusso, Jay
Pinka, Gregor Roach, Peter Shapiro, Rona Sheramy, Mark Swartz, Mark Webster, K'm Yaged, Nabeel Zuberi.
Photo: Sarah Baker, Jennifer Dunelz, Amy Feldman, Julie Holman, Jonathan Uss, Josh Moore, Samanha Sanders, Kenneh Smeller,
Steven Szuch.

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