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February 16, 1990 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-02-16

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, February 16, 1990


Winter Wonderland
Bob Hooven blows snow off the parking lot of the First Congregational Church on Maynard St.

Continued from page 1

may not have much muscular mate-
rial, "every body has its quirks. The
bigger ones smell bad," said Kenny
Karp, a third year Inteflex student.
The second day of class, U-M
students take the skin off of the
"I was just numbed," said third
year Inteflex student Tom Chung.
"The first day is definitely the
worst because it's all in one piece.
It's kind of disconcerting. I'd never
touched a dead body, but at the same
time, it didn't seem human because
it had a weird color and it was all
stiff," said first year medical student
JoAnn Ellero.
The majority of bodies come
from the lower peninsula of Michi-
gan and usually originate from the
university's direct regional area.
Wayne State, for example, gets most
of its 200 cadavers from four Detroit
area counties, while 12 counties
provide for U-M and MSU.

But school loyalty may also have
something to do with where the bod-
ies are donated.
Each university in the state has
its own anatomical donations pro-
gram, which allows people to donate
bodies to the medical school of their
"We let it (the program) be
known to people who have an affin-
ity or partisanship for MSU," said
MSU Anatomy Dept. Chair Joseph
As many as 9,000 people sub-
scribe to the program who are not
yet deceased, he added.
MSU receives 80-90 bodies a
year, allowing for one body to every
two to three students, while U-M
has a body for every four students.
Both medical students and Allied
Health undergraduates dissect the
The universities have similar
processes of care for the cadavers.
After the body gets to the Anatomy
Dept., it is temporarily refrigerated,
usually overnight, and then it is re-

embalmed to preserve it for a longer
time. "They last several months,"
Vorro said.
But after initial reactions, many
students come to regard the cadavers
as non-entities.
"You get immune to it pretty
quick. It's just not human after
awhile," said Karp. "It doesn't really
look human. Everyone names their
body. You tend to make fun of it. I
don't think anyone takes it seri-
"You don't think about who it
is," Ellero said. "After awhile, it's
totally unrecognizable, mangled.
You dissect everything."
"I don't recall anyone getting
sick," Karp added.
"We named ours Matilda," said
Bill Chung. The name was fitting,
he said, for a 71-year-old who died of
arterial sclerosis.
"The people across from us called
theirs Maybelline because she had
red fingernails," Ellero said.
Karp and his partners call their
cadaver Paulina, after the famous

model, since she is "a frail, little,
88-year-old woman," said Tom
Chung, an Inteflex junior.
But even if a Wolverine bleeds
maize and blue to the end, bodies are
not accepted by the university with-
out question.
Corpses are received with con-
sideration of "aesthetics or respect,"
said Vorro. If a University professor
dies and gives his or her body to the
school, for instance, the school
transfers the body to another school
in order to prevent recognition.
Other reasons for refusing a ca-
daver include infection, severe fire or
auto accident, said Burkel.
There is usually no cost to the
university. In most cases, the family
or estate pays for the delivery of the
body. One exception occurs when a
willed body must be transported by a
University vehicle from the Hospi-
tal, said Dr. Burkel.
"We always have more requests
than we have bodies for, but basi-
cally we have enough," Burkel said.

Compiled from Associated Press and staff reports
Unrest continues in U.S.S.R
MOSCOW - Thousands of people defied a ban on protests in
Dushanbe, the violence-torn capital of Tadzhikistan, to demand the resig-
nation of the entire local Communist Party leadership, Soviet media said
A crowd estimated at 8,000 also demanded jobs for tens of thousands
of unemployed, better housing an and end to the sale of pork, which the
largely Moslem population is forbidden to eat, the official news agency
Tass reported.
Another demonstration outside the main government buildings at-
tracted 2,000 to 5,000 people who chose a committee that recommended
setting problems peacefully, Tass and other sources said.
Mansur Sultanov, deputy chairman of the Tadzhik branch of Gosteira-
dio, said by telephone there were no shootings or riots Thursday, but Tass
said bands of armed militants roamed the streets.
It said 57 soldiers were among the wounded.
Exports to East growing
LANSING - The crumbling of communism in Eastern Europe could
lead to a significant new export market for American farmers after capital-
ism takes hold there, Agriculture Secretary Clayton Yeutter said yesterday.
Yeutter said other markets, primarily in Asia, have greater short-term
potential, "but in the longer pull, Eastern Europe could be an excellent
"It will take a conversion from communism to capitalism and it's not
likely to take place in a matter of months," he said.
The evolutionary process will take several years, Yeutter said, but if
those countries can generate economic growth comparable to western Eu-
rope, they will become stronger markets.
"Today, they don't have the money, they don't have the foreign ex-
change. They have to generate that, so in the short run, the potential is
not great, but five or ten years from now, it could be very substantial," he
Michigan. Senate rejects
minimum wage bill
LANSING - The Michigan Senate voted yesterday to kill Michigan's
minimum wage for small employers, although the decision likely will be
reconsidered next week, the bill's manager said.
By a vote of 15-13, the Republican-run chamber changed the legisla-
tion by eliminating the minimum wage for businesses with less than
$500,000 in annual gross receipts.
The Senate delayed final action on the bill, which would increased the
state minimum wage to $4.25 by April 1991, and an attempt to remove
the amendment may be made next week.
Senator Fred Killingham, R-Fowlerville and the bill's manager, said
the change may mean fewer senators would vote for the bill.
"I don't think we can pass the bill with it on," Killingham said.
"We're in a pickle. We're reviewing the amendment."
Juvenile court takes beaten
child from abusive parents
WYOMING, Mich - A juvenile court judge made a 6-year-old girl a
temporary ward of the court after social workers testified her parents al-
legedly beat her, deprived her of food and tied her in the cab of a long-
haul truck for lengthy periods.
Child protective services workers also attempted at the Kent County
Juvenile Court hearing Wednesday to end parental rights for her father,
Arthur Zanders of Cameron, Texas, and her stepmother, Pamela Zanders
of Temple, Texas. No decision was made on that request.
Tawana Zanders was taken into protective custody January fourth
after employees of the Circle C Trucking Company, where the Zanders
worked, reported the alleged abuse. Social workers said at the time, the
child did not know her last name or answers to other basic questions.
The Zanders each are charged with one count of second-degree child
abuse, which carries a maximum four-year prison sentence.
Caseworker Keith Kohl said the girl was doing well since she was en-
rolled in kindergarten, but still received weekly counseling to help her
transition to foster care.
Say goodbye to the 80's ...
NEW YORK - Put down that Perrier and lime - the '80s are over.
Yeah, we know that you were bored to tears by a googolplex of decade-
ending stories just two months ago. But bear with us. It's official. The
'80s are history.
An inkling that we have entered the 1990s came when the parting of
Donald and Ivana Trump edged Nelson Mandela off the front page.

Many researchers asked the news media: "Why are you so obsessed
with these people whose main interest in life, it seems, is flaunting the
gold-plated faucets on their yacht? Is this some sort of Trump fetish?"
No. No less than William Norwich, society columnist for the Daily
News, explains that the Trumps deserve wall-to-wall coverage because
they were "the couple of the '80s," a title they appear to have won by ac-


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Continued from page 1
tem here at U of M," he said, "but
you must consider the financial im-
plications to the Food Services De-
"Still, I'd be interested in dis-
cussing all of these suggestions,"
Prentkowski said.
Sciarotta and Rielly said they
could not understand why the Uni-


|| The University of Michigan

versity's unfair system has not been
challenged before. "We've talked to
friends at schools in other states, and
they all use this point system, where
you can take off one meal at a time,"
Rielly pointed out.
Sciarotta stressed that while he
and Rielly are working through
MSA, their meal credit reform ef-
forts are the result of a Conservative
Coalition campaign promise from
the December elections.
"All are welcome to help, but. we
want to stress that this is a Conser-
vative Coalition pledge," he said.
"We're showing students that we're
sticking to our campaign pledge, and
Conservative Coalition is going to
follow through on that, in spite of
all the internal politicking and bick-
ering that goes on every Tuesday
Needed: Chicago area under-
graduates with an interest in
Community Organization, Admini-
stration, Human Resource Devel-
opment, Education, Social Work,
Psychology, Health Care and/or
Communications for work/study
program in Jewish Communal
Service. $1300 stipend. Applica-
tion deadline: March 2, 1990. Con-
tact immediately: JudyTeller, Hillel/
CAYS, Jewish Federation of Metro-
politan Chicago, 1 S. Franklin St.,
Chicago, IL 60606, (312) 346-6700
Ext. 2506.


I ,


Fri. Feb. 16

Symphony Band
H. Robert Reynolds, Donald Schleicher,
Music of Schuller, Vaughan Williams,
Broege, and Strauss
Special guest artist Fritz Kaenzig, U-M
professor of tuba and euphonium:
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Hill Auditorium, 8 PM

Good nutrition is our concern.
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Photo: Sarah Baker, Jennifer Dunetz, Amy Feldman, Julie Hoilman, Jonathan Uss, Josh Moore, Samantha Sanders, Kenneh Smeller,
Steven Szuch.


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