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February 16, 1990 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-02-16

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Campus Edition
Walt Harrison
inside the Union
E The List



Icers take on No. 1 MSU


Trotsky gets a second chance

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Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom
Vol. C, No. 95 AnArb1r,9Michigan9- ,Fu ,






CARTAGENA, Columbia (AP)
- President Bush and three Latin
American leaders, holding a drug-
fighting summit under an unusually
heavy air, sea and land security
cover, reached agreement yesterday
on a coordinated attack against co-
caine producers and murderous traf-
Bush and Colombian President
Virgilio Barco agreed that the talks
were "a significant step towards im-
proved anti-drug coordination." They
pledged that drug trafficking must be
"confronted squarely and eliminated."
Responding to Colombian com-
plaints that U.S. trade policy has
harmed its major legal exports such
as coffee, cut flowers and sugar,
Bush promised to work to help open
more U.S. markets.
Bush and Barco, who met sepa-
rately before they joined Bolivian
President Jaime Paz and.Peru's Alan
Garcia, also said in a joint statement
that drug trafficking must be
"confronted squarely and eliminated."
U.S. officials also reached agree-
ment with Bolivia to help stem the
movement of U.S. firearms into
South American nations and signed
tax accords with both Bolivia and
Peru aimed at establishing a system
to trace drug profits and money-laun-
dering schemes.
An extraordinary security blanket
was thrown over the drug summit,
as soldiers wore camouflage uni-
forms and had automatic rifles at
their sides. Helicopter gunships
made passes over the city and its
beaches, while frigates patrolled the
Typifying the protective mea-
sures was a swarm of helicopters
that accompanied President Bush
from Barranquilla, 60 miles north-
east of here, to the summit site at a
See SUMMIT, Page 5

meal c
by Daniel Poux
Daily MSA Reporter
Several Michigan Student
Assembly members are pushing for
a change in the University's dorm
meal credit procedures and will ask
students to sign a petition support-
ing their proposed changes.
LSA first-year students Joe Scia-
rotta and Rob Rielly are spearhead-
ing the effort to change the meal
credit policies, claiming they are un-
"Right now, you get thirteen
meals a week, two meals a day, and
if you don't eat one of those meals,
you lose it," Rielly said. "What
we're pushing for is spreading those
meals out. You get 400 meals for
the year, and you can budget your
meals however you want."
"The system we're working on
will be similar to an all 'Entree
Plus' system, where you have the
choice, and where it's not set in
stone," Sciarotta added.

redit r
Along with the 400 meal-a-year
plan, the MSA representatives also
call for smaller meal plans. Sciarotta
pointed out that 100- and 200-meals-
a-year plans would appeal to students
living off campus.
"We're trying to build up a base
of support, to get the word out that
the students are fed up with getting
ripped off on meal credit, and we
want some fair play in the system,"
Sciarotta said.
A petition drive which will call
for the changes is scheduled to take
place outside of the dorm's cafeterias
all of next week, Sciarotta explained.
Even though they have set a goal
for 1,000 signatures, Sciarotta and
Rielly would like to get up to 3,000
people to sign.
"We want to get several thousand
signatures so that the administration
will know that there is a concerned
constituency on campus that is tired
of getting ripped off, and wants a
change," Sciarotta said. "We need

these signatures so that we know we
have some backing, some legiti-
The MSA representatives are con-
fident students will rally behind their
cause and say getting enough signa-
tures will not be a problem. "Who
wouldn't sign the petition?," Rielly
"We've talked to people in both
Housing and Student Services, and
we're confident that if we get the le-
gitimacy of students' names on peti-
tions that only positive things can
and will happen," Rielly said.
"We're going to go forward, not
fighting the administration but
working with them for a positive
change for the students."
Reaction from the administration
was cautious, but positive. Food
Services Director David Prentkowski
said the MSA representatives' pro-
posal could be considered.
"There are alternatives to our sys-
See MEAL, Page 2

Michigan's Chris Seter attempts a pass during last night's contestv
against Minnesota. The Wolverines defeated the Golden Gophers 77-73.



Lt. Governor accuses Sen.
ngler of sexist sogan
by Gabrielle Durocher will show him they are in the politi- statement. Engler said 'the right
Senator Engler's gubernatorial cal world. Clearly, Mr. Engler's man' because he is a man. The sena-
campaign slogan, "Just think what 'right man' would be the wrong man tor was just referring to himself."
the right man could do," is an insult for the women of this state," said Morris added he doesn't think it
to every woman in Michigan, said Griffiths. will be a major issue unless the
Lieutenant Governor Martha Grif- John Truscott, press secretary for press makes it so.

MINNEAPOLIS (AP). Robinson's strong performance
Rumeal Robinson scored a career- was needed as the Gophers
high 33 points as fifth-ranked outrebounded Michigan, 41-23, and
Michigan beat No. 17 Minnesota held Wolverine forward Loy Vaught
77-73 Thursday night, snapping the to just two points on 1-of-5
Gophers' 14-game home winning shooting. Vaught eventually fouled
streak. out of the game with just over six
Robinson, a senior guard, had minutes to play.
tied-his career high of 29 points on Before the game, Minnesota
Sunday against Illinois. His 33 coach Clem Haskins had said, "We

fiths. The slogan demonstrates En-
gler's view that only a man can lead
the state, she said.
"It's the same old Engler. In his
political world there are no women,"
the Lt. Governor said Wednesday.
Griffiths said the phrase reflects a
chauvinistic attitude consistent with
Engler's behavior as Senate Majority
Leader. "I'd like to remind the sena-
tor that it is a woman who presides
over him in the Senate and is run-
ning this state with the Governor,"
she added.
"More than 52 percent of the
electorate is women. I know they

Engler's campaign, called Griffiths'
comments inaccurate. Truscott said
the slogan simply reflects the fact
that two men are running in this par-
ticular race for Governor. "I think
people will take the slogan at face
value, not as a sexist statement."
Truscott said Senator Engler has
a "very strong pro-women record"
and has appointed a number of
women to top level positions in the
senate and on his managerial staff.
Agreeing with Truscott, Doug
'Morris, president of University of
Michigan College Republicans, said,
"I don't think he meant it as a sexist

But Carol Norris, executive direc-
tor of the Michigan Democratic
Party, supported Griffiths saying
that sexism like this will be a
"major issue among women and the
population as a whole" during the
upcoming elections. Norris said
Engler inadvertently began the con-
troversy because of his insensitivity
to women's issues.
Roger Kossen, president of UM
College Democrats, also supports
Griffiths' comments and said the
slogan is a "definite cause for con-

points also was a Michigan high for
this season, topping the 32 scored
by Sean Higgins against Duke. In
addition, Robinson scored nine of
his points on 3-of-4 shooting from
three-point range.

must control the boards and cut
down their running game. We have
to get rebounds and stop the
transition game."
Michigan (19-4 overall, 9-3 Big
See GOPHERS, Page 11

Alumni give corpses
as sign of support
by Josephine Ballenger



* Daily Staff Writer
When most people think of
death,hthey don't think of it as an act
of giving. But it can be.
In fact, donating your body may
be the ultimate act of showing loy-
alty to your alma mater, if you don't
mind being renamed.
Medical centers always need dead
bodies. In Michigan, there are three
schools, U-M, Michigan State Uni-
* versity, and Wayne State University
which can legally accept bodies
under the state Anatomy Board's
jurisdiction. These universities re-
serve the right, however, to dis-
tribute bodies to other schools.
At U-M Medical School, an aver-
age of 300-350 bodies a year are do-
nated for study to the graduate and

Inteflex (combined undergraduate-
graduate degree) medical programs
and dental students.
The bodies come from people
who will their bodies or from fami-
lies who give the bodies after death.
There is also a small amount of
unidentified corpses which do not
have state-funded burials and are do-
nated for study and research by the
State Anatomy Board.
The bodies come in all ages and
sizes. In the U-M Gross Anatomy
:lass, there is "a 95-year-old and
there's one that's 27," said Bill
Chung, an Inteflex junior.
But the range in age has much
less of an effect than that of the size
of the body. Whereas a smaller body
See BODIES, Page 2

to observe
sister city
y n
by Josh Mitnick
Daily City Reporter
In less than two weeks, the
world's attention will focus on the
Nicaraguan presidential and
parliamentary elections.
Among the numerous interna-
tional observers monitoring the elec-
tion process will be ten official dele-
gates representing the City of Ann
Arbor. The group will travel to
Juigalpa, Nicaragua - Ann Arbor's
sister city- to help oversee local
The delegation, composed mainly
of Ann Arbor residents, will fly to-
day to Managua, where it will be
joined by other sister city representa-,
tives arriving from 40 U.S. cities.
During their two-week stay in
Nicaragua, members of the delega-
tion will:
-meet with representatives of all
Nicaraguan political parties.
-talk to members of the Supreme
Electoral Council, the official
Nicaraguan body which will monitor
the election.
-observe the last davs of the elec-

School security""'°
High school students in Selma, Alabama file in the front door of the school Wednesday amid heavy security by
state and local police. All of the students had to walk through a metal detector on the second day back to
classes after nearly a week of no school due to racial tension.

*Mandela says violence is part of ANC's struggle

SOWETO, South Africa (AP) - Nelson
Mandela said yesterday his guerrilla movement
considers government facilities legitimate tar-
gets and will continue attacking them until
South Africa's white leaders negotiate an
agreement on racial equality.
Mandela, the African National Congress
1 leader released Feb.11 after 27 years in prison,

"Our objective is that the targets are gov-
ernment installations," Mandela said in an in-
terview from his home in Soweto, the town-
ship outside Johannesburg. But he added, "in a
conflict, civilians must be caught up in a cross
Mandela helped launch the ANC's guerrilla
campaign in 1961, a year after the organization
was outlawed, and was jailed the following

struggle will never be suspended, to say noth-
ing of being stopped, until a settlement is
reached, and we stick to that decision."
'Our objective is that the
targets are government
installations. In a conflict,
civilians must be caught up

"We would like to move away from the si-
tuation of conflict and confrontation," Man-
dela said. But "as long as apartheid exists, and
as long as the government has not created the
conditions conducive to negotiations, we will
maintain all our strategies."
The ANC has demanded the lifting of the
three-and-a-half year old state of emergency and
the release of all political prisoners before it

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