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February 15, 1990 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily-Thursday, February 15, 1990 - Page 3



1V1mA encourages
External Relations Committee begins
effort to register new student voters



Committee members, students to discuss
tuition hikes with Lansing lawmakers

by Daniel Poux
Daily MSA Reporter
Ten members of the Michigan
Student Assembly's External Rela-
tions Committee were officially
deputized as voting registrars at City
Hall last evening, the first step in
the committee's push for increased
student representation in Ann Ar-
bor's April elections.
The committee members attended
a one-hour instructional class on
voter registration, and were sworn in
as official voter registrars by the
Ann Arbor City Council.
As the second step in this cam-
paign, the deputized ERC members

local elections.
"If you look at a map of Ann Ar-
bor, and how the City Council has
divided it up into districts, the Uni-
versity is right in the middle,"
Slavin explained. "This is impor-
tant, because students, instead of
having one or two representatives in
the Council, really have no concrete
representation at all."
"Most students don't vote in the
first place, and the ones that do have
no voice because of all the gerry-
mandering. We're going to try to
change that, by getting more stu-
dents to vote," Slavin said.

"Our main concern is that the
students' voices are heard, no matter
what that voice says," he said. "This
is a student government - we're not
trying to promote a certain cause.
The only cause we're promoting is
the students, and we want their
voices to be heard."
Slavin said he hopes students
come out and register, because the
effects of a stronger student voice
will be far-ranging.
"Lawmakers listen to who votes
for them," he said. "Whether it's the
Ann Arbor City Council, or the
Michigan State Legislature, they lis-
ten to their active constituents."
"If we say there are 35,000 stu-
dents at U of M, that's one thing;
but if we can say there are 35,000
voters at U of M, that's something
entirely different," he said.

by Daniel Poux
Daily MSA Reporter
A Michigan Student Assembly
committee is seeking students to
join a delegation which will travel to
Lansing March 14 to talk to
legislators about education issues.
External Relations Committee
vice-chair Jim Slavin said the
"Lobby Day" delegation will speak
with members of the Congressional
Appropriations sub-committees on
higher education in both houses.
"Our main focus will be to talk
to the legislators about increasing
state funding to the Universities, to
keep down tuition increases," Slavin
The delegation will also talk to
lawmakers about a bill currently

before the House that, if passed,
could end the discount sale of
computers by universities. Many
private computer retailers have
complained that universities' low
'Our main focus will
be to talk to the
legislators about
increasing state
funding to the
Universities, to keep
down tuition
-Jim Slavin
ERC vice-chair
prices have hurt their own sales to

The delegation will have a
maximum of 15 students and will be
accompanied by representatives from
the University's Dearborn campus,
Slavin said.
The ERC has been in touch with
other schools around the state and
has attended several student
government conferences in recent
The Lobby Day team will leave
Ann Arbor around 8:00 a.m. and
return before 5:00 p.m.
Transportation is MSA-funded.
All interested students should
contact MSA offices in the Union or
attend the Committee's meeting at
5:30 to 6:30 Wednesday evenings,
Slavin said.

This is important, because students, instead
of having one or two representatives in the
Council, really have no concrete
representation at all.
-James Slavin
Vice-Chair of MSA's External Relations Committee


will be setting up voter registration
tables in the Fishbowl and in the
Union all next week.
LSA sophomore Jim Slavin,
vice-chair of the ERC and one of the
organizers of the registration drive,
gave several reasons why the com-
mittee is making this effort to get
University students involved in the

Slavin was careful to point out
that, while they are encouraging stu-
dents to vote, they are not promot-
ing any of the partisan issues that
will be up for decision on the April
second ballot, including the $5 pot
law and the possibility of making
Ann Arbor into a "zone of reproduc-
tive freedom."

Monday's story on the alleged sexual assualt in West Quad falsely
attributed information regarding a knife to West Quad Building Director
Mary Ramirez. The information was from the police reports of the incident.
0 What's happening in Ann Arbor today

Socially Active Latino Student
Association - 7:30 p.m. in
Angell Hall Rm. 221
Earth Day Organizing Com-
mittee - 7 p.m. on Union 4th
Michigan Video Yearbook ---
meeting at 7 p.m. in the Welker
Room of the Union
Rainforest Action Movement-
-- street theater rehearsal at 7 p.m.
in Anderson D Room of the
Amnesty International --- cam-
pus group meeting 6 p.m. MLB
UM Cycling --- team meeting and
rollers riding 6 p.m. in the Sports
UM Handbell Ringers Club ---
new members welcome if they
read music; meeting at 4 p.m. 900
Burton Tower
Jewish Feminist Group ---
meeting and discussion on Jewish
women poets at 7:30 p.m. at
English Graduate Student
Symposium --- program 7-10:30
p.m. in the Rackham West
Conference Room
American Civil Liberties
Union, UM Chapter --- annual
meeting at 7:30 p.m. in 138
Hutchins Hall (Law School)
Discussion Group --- meeting at
noon in 3200 Union
"The Broken Heart: Handle
With Care" --- part of the
Global Friendship and Dating
Series a brown bag discussion at
noon in the International Center
"From Subject to Citizen:.
Press People and Politics in
Meiji Japan" --- James L.
Huffman speaks at noon in the
Lane Hall Commons Room
"A Case Study of Tradition
and Social Learning in
Norway Rats" --- Bennet G.
Galef speaks at 4 p.m. in the
Rackham Bldg. 3rd Floor Lecture
"Trellis Coded Modulation
for Optical Communications"
--- James Modestino speaks 4-
5:30 p.m. in EECS 1200
"Laser Multiphoton
Ionization: Dissociation
Mass Spectrometry" --- T.
Barstis sneaks at 4 n.m. 1640

"The Reluctant Prophet" ---
George Zabelka, chaplain of the
Hiroshima bomber crew, speaks
at 8 p.m. at the Old Second Ward
Bldg. (310 S. Division)
"Buddhist Structure and
Democratization in Burma" --
- a discusssion noon-1:30 p.m. in
2233 School of Education Bldg.
Reginald McKnight --- reads
from his fiction at 5 p.m. in the
Union Pendleton Room
"Neutron Activation Analysis
of Almost Any Old Thing ---
Adon Gordus speaks at noon in
the Natural Science Museum
Room 4009
"Gestures of Authorship:
Lyi ng to Tell the Truth in
Elena Poniatowskia's Hagst
No Verte .Tesis M Io" ---
Lucille Kerr speaks at 5 p.m. in
the 4th Floor Commons of the
Black History Month Arts at
Mid-day --- UM Dancers will
perform at noon in the Union
Pendleton Room
Women's Club Lacrosse -
practice 4-6 p.m. in the Coliseum
(5th and Hill)
Northwalk --- the north campus
night time walking service runs
from 8 p.m.-1:30 a.m. in Bursley
2333 or call 763-WALK
Safewalk --- the night time safety
walking service runs from 8
p.m.-1:30 a.m. in UGLi 102 or
call 936-1000
ECB Peer Writing Tutors ---
peer writing tutors available for
help on papers 7-11 p.m. in the
Angell/Haven and 611 Church
St. computing centers
UM Jazz Ensemble --- performs
10 p.m.-1 a.m. at the UClub
X-Country Ski Lessons ---
offered 7-8:30 p.m. at Mitchell
Field; pre-registration required
Responding to Anti-Israel
Propaganda --- program offered
at 7:30 p.m. at Hillel
Career Planning and
Placement --- summer job
search 4:10-5 p.m. CP&P
Conference Room; Camp Walden
presentation 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
Union Crofoot Room; Hewitt
Associates presentation 6-7:30
p.m. Union Terrace Room; CNA
Insurance presentation 6:30-8:30
p.m Union Kuenzel Room;
Princinal Financial mnn

State house
votes for
0 0
wage hike
LANSING, Michigan- Michi-
gan's lowest-paid workers would see
their minimum wage boosted to $5
an hour from the current $3.35 by
April 1993, with a labor-backed bill
that cleared the House yesterday.
The 64-43 vote was almost
strictly along party lines, with just
five Republicans voting for the mea-
Businesses and most Republicans
prefer a bill in line with the new fed-
eral minimum wage, which will
reach $4.25 an hour by April 1991.
But the House rejected an attempt to
substitute that by the same 64-43
The Senate plans to begin work
on the business-backed version to-
day. It is likely that it will vote next
Tim Hughes, a lobbyist with the
AFL-CIO, said he was encouraged
by the House vote and hoped an
agreement could be worked out in
the Republican-led Senate.
"It is above the federal standard,
but it is not out of synch with other
states," Hughes said.
But the opposing faction wants
the bill to provide for a "training
wage," of no less than 85 percent of
the minimum wage for up to 90
days. It also wants to increase the
employer's tip credit, which is the
reduction allowed in the minimum
wage for workers who earn tips,
from the current 25 percent to 50
percent on April 1991.
"We think it's unfair to remove
the other two parts of the package
from the legislation," said Rich
Studley, vice president of govern-
ment affairs for the Michigan State
Chamber of Commerce.
"Clearly Congress intended to
offbeat the negative impact of the
significant increase of the minimum
wage by establishing a training wage
and increasing the tip credit. The bill
that was approved by the House will
mean higher prices and fewer jobs
for inexperienced or unskilled work-
ers because it would significantly in-
crease the cost of labor."
"I think it definitely will discour-
age employers from creating new
jobs for entry level workers," he
Unions and Democrats charge
that workers' wages have fallen far
behind the rate of inflation, and that
many people are struggling to sup-
port families on minimum wage

Sweetie toothS A
LSA junior David Podeszwa and Engineering sophomore April Paternoster sell lolipops yesterday in the
Fishbowl. All proceeds from the sale, which was sponsored by Alpha Phi and Alpha Tau Omega, went to the
American Heart Association.


' information center

to open on North Campus

by Deborah Schneider
A new University information
center will open Monday on North
Campus, giving North Campus stu-
dents access to a vast amount of
campus-related information in their
own backyard.
Similar to the Campus Informa-
tion Center (CIC) in the Union, the
North Campus Information Center
(NCIC) will be run by students and
will include the same information on
a variety of campus-wide opportuni-
ties. In addition, the NCIC will fo-
cus on information pertinent to
North Campus including academic
facilities, housing options, visitor
attractions, and dining and shopping
in the surrounding area.
CIC coordinator Sheryl Mette
said the CIC decided to expand to
North Campusdto decrease students'
feelings of isolation by helping to
inform them of activities on all parts
of campus. "It is a way to serve the
students better," she said.
Mette said the idea for the NCIC
had been considered for several years,
but only in the last month did the
idea take shape. She said initial feed-
back from the faculty, students, and
staff at the North Campus Com-
mons has been positive.
Joe Willis, an administrative
manager at North Campus Com-
mons, the new center's location,
stressed the significance of the cen-
ter's opening. "I see the NCIC as

critical to the development of the
Commons as a full-service estab-
lishment. It will serve as a focal
point for disseminating information
for student activities," he said.

The center will be open Monday
through Friday, from 10:30 a.m. till
6:30 p.m. for the remainder of the
semester. Students can also call the
center at 763-NCIC.

For Major Events Concerts
Thursday, February, 15, 7:30 p.m.
Pendleton Room, Michigan Union
VETERAN USHERS- Those who have ushered
Major Events concerts in the past.
NEW USHERS- Those who would like to usher
Major Events concerts.




C "''


Male and Female Cou selors Needed!
Outstanding 8 we k girls' camp need
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A Lamu
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