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February 15, 1990 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-02-15

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Page 2-The Michigan Daily - Thursday, February 15,1990
Campus Day welcomes H.S.

by Tom Kent
"What's the partying like?"
Heather Martinson, a senior from
Crystal Falls, Michigan, taking a
tour of the University during Cam-
pus Day, said this was one of the
popular questions from prospective
students who were trying last week
to decide whether to come to the
Campus Day, a University
welcome for high school seniors
admitted on first review of their ap-
plications, began two weeks ago and
continues through April.
The program introduces students
and their parents to student life at
Michigan through a variety of
activities including: tours of the
campus, discussions, class visits and
opportunities to speak with academic

Even though many of the stu-
dents are interested in University
party life, many of them are also
interested in other social aspects on
"Students also want to know
about dorm life and extracurricular
activities," Martinson said.
"Parents, however, are more con-
cerned with costs, studying, and the
GPA's of incoming students," her
father John Martinson said.
Campus Day, now in its tenth
year, is being co-coordinated by LSA
juniors Wendi Jackman and Mike
Neiberg. Neiberg said the program
has been effective "because of suc-
cessful student leadership and the
ability of the coordinators and guides
to offer an accurate and reliable rep-

resentation of student life."
Last year, 1,030 high school se-
niors attended from 29 states,
Canada, and Puerto Rico. Seventy
percent of those seniors later enrolled
in the University.
As well as providing a general
program for prospective LSA stu-
dents, Campus Day works closely
with individual colleges, such as
Engineering, Art, Music, Natural
Resources and Nursing, to provide
more specific information for stu-
dents admitted to these programs.
As high school students and their
parents arrived at Campus Day last
week, they were greeted with coffee,
donuts and a welcome from Under-
graduate Admissions Counselor Ann
After introductions, the groups
took a tour of central campus. Tour
guide Chris Cook, LSA junior,

pointed out the expensive English
bricks in the Law Quad and told ev-
eryone not to step on the "M" in the
Following the tours, separate dis-
cussion sessions were held for stu-
dents and their parents. Paul Adler,
from Fairfield, Connecticut, father of
a prospective School of Natural Re-
sources student, said he was im-
pressed with the "interpersonal pre-
sentation that the counselors gave.
They gave their feelings as stu-
LSA first-year student Scott Cor-
lett also appreciated the program,
"Besides the cold weather, I was im-
pressed. I got a good view of what
the campus was like."

Colleges asked to
end campus racism
by Michael Sullivan

A report called "Civil Rights in
Higher Education in Michigan," rec-
ommending a "zero tolerance" anti-
discrimination policy and a manda-
tory class on racism, is sparking in-
terest around the country.
The Michigan Civil Rights De-
partment released. the report to
Michigan state universities last De-
cember, but the reports are now be-
ing distributed the general public.
"We're going to print these up,
put covers on them and ship them
out to anybody who wants a copy,"
said the Department's Public Infor-
mation Officer Jim Horn. "We're
getting requests from colleges all
over the country."
The report lists 43 recommenda-
tions for Michigan's state universi-
ties, including:
a "zero tolerance" anti-discrim-
ination policy banning racist expres-
sion and action.
a system to track and publicize
incidents of discrimination.
mandatory classes on cultural
credit for faculty who counsel
and mentor minority students.
counseling offices for minor-
ity students.
sensitivity training for faculty
and administration, including the
Regents "to improve awareness of
the issues and concerns of racial and
ethnic minorities, women, individu-
als with disabilities and gay men and
publicizing the "Ethnic Intim-
idation Act," which prohibits intim-
idation or harassment based on race,

color, religion, gender, or national
"In most respects we could iden-
tify programs on the campus that
seem to be responding to the rec-
ommendations of the report," said
the University's Affirmative Action
Office (AAO) Director Zaida Giraldo
whose office examined the report's
recommendations to determine how
the University should respond.
"I'm not saying we did every-
thing the commission recom-
mended," Giraldo said, but added
substantial efforts are being made.
Giraldo said the University did
not have programs in two areas:
publicity for the "Ethnic Intimida-
tion Act" and sensitivity training for
administration and Regents.
Posters to inform students of the
"Ethnic Intimidation Act," will be
put ip by AAO but the office needs
administrative input before starting a
sensitivity training program, Giraldo
In addition, a report will be com-
piled by the University explaining
why already existent programs sat-
isfy the rest of the Department's rec-
The Department of Civil Rights
has been pleased by the reaction
from universities, said Department
Director John Roy Castillo.
"It's being accepted very posi-
tively," he said.
"In a couple of years we'll go
back and do a follow-up," Castillo
said. "At that point, we could ask for
legislative support on some of these

Continued from Page 1
Among its peer institutions, the
University of Michigan is the only
university without a code of non-
academic conduct, University Gen-
eral Counsel Elsa Cole said.
Cole said codes of conduct are
beneficial to both the students and
the universities because they allow
the universities to bypass an often
lengthy, complicated court process.
"It's better for the University to
regulate itself than depend on an out-
side entity such as the courts -
civil or criminal - to determine its

rules," Cole said.
The University community
would judge offenses differently than
a court system, Cole said, for in-
stance, cheating would be considered
more serious at the University than
in the court system.
Similarly, she said, a serious of-
fense in the court system such as ar-
son, might - if committed by a
mentally disturbed student - be
treated more leniently or by special
counseling than in a court system
which "sees it in black and white as
a crime."
The University has policies deal-
ing with academic harassment and

Compiled from Associated Press and staff reports
Bush to attend drug summit
WASHINGTON - President Bush will refuse to meet with Peruvian
coca growers at the Columbian drug summit and will travel to Cartagena
with a sharply reduced staff because of concerns for his safety, White
House officials said yesterday.
On the eve of the one-day meeting of four hemispheric nations, the
White House also retreated from previous suggestions that Bush would
revive a proposal to send.U.S. Navy warships into South American wa-
ters to track cocaine-trafficking planes.
Bush will fly to Columbia early today, joining Presidents Virgilio
Barco of Columbia, Jaime Paz Zamora of Bolivia and Alan Garcia of Peru
for six hours of anti-drug talks at a heavily guarded navy base at
The four leaders plan to issue a joint statement pledging to cooperate
in the fight against drug trafficking. Bush's summit partners were ex-
pected to press him for more economic aid to ease their farmer's shift
from lucrative coca plants - used to produce cocaine - to growing legal
Tadzhiks riot against housing
shortages, Armenian refugees
MOSCOW- Villagers threw firebombs and acid at troops protecting
the Communist Party headquarters in the Tadzhik capital yesterday, but
the violence eased after three leaders in the republic resigned, Soviet media
said. The protest was over housing shortages and the arrival of Armenian
Officials denied Soviet television reports that 37 people had been killed
in the violence. Tass, the Soviet news agency, reported 12 people dead.
President Mikhail Gorbachev called for harsh action against the rioters,
saying the "country's destiny and the safety of our citizens is at stake."
More troops landed in Dushanbe, the capital, to guard strategic points
and restore order, Tass said. Tadzhik Interior Ministry spokesman Mikhail
Shtatnov said no one was killed by soldiers sent to quell the fighting, but
correspondents in Dunshanbe reported seeing some people fatally shot by
Air force tests 'Star Wars'
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - Two satellites rocketed into space yes-
terday on what the air force said was the most ambitious "Star Wars"-ex-
periment yet, testing a plan to destroy hostile missiles by bouncing laser
beams off orbiting mirrors.
One satellite carried a mirror designed to reflect lasers fired from a
Hawaiian mountaintop back to a ground target to test the accuracy of such
a system.
The other held sensors for measuring how successfully scientists can
correct distortions caused by dust, moisture and gases as the beam shoots
through the atmosphere.
The satellites were carried aloft by a12-story Delta rocket at 11:15 a.m.
Nearly two hours later, the Air force announced both were in their proper
"Both spacecrafts are doing almost exactly what we expected them to
do," said Air Force Col. Tom Meyer, a project official.
Jet crashed in south India
NEW DELHI, India - An Indian Airlines Airbus jet that had been in
use only three months crashed onto a golf course and burned yesterday
short of a runway in southern India. 91 of the 146 people on board died.
The Airbus-320 grazed a clump of trees on its final approach to Bangalore
airport and caught fire when it hit the ground, about 50 yards from the
runway, officials said.
The flight originated in Bombay, 530 miles northwest of Bangalore.
The officials said 139 passengers and a crew af seven were on the hour-
long flight and at least 55 people survived the crash, including two Amer
icans, the airline said.
An airline spokesman in the New Dehli said there were at least 17 for-
eigners on the flight, including two Americans, a Frenchman, two Cana-
dians, three Japanese and a Hong Kong man, all of whom survived.
The plane's tail was intact but its fuselage was shattered and charred
and the nose was smashed across the grassy plain adjacent to the airport.
No immediate cause was given for the accident, which occurred about 1
p.m. Airport officials in Bangalore, contacted by telephone, said the
weather was clear and there were no indications of an emergency on board.
FDA looking into drug labels



Continued from Page 1
As director of program sales,
Middaugh was responsible for hiring
people to sell programs at home
football games. Vendors included
high school students, other Michi-
gan varsity athletes,sand baseball
players. Though most vendors re-
ceived only a percentage of their
program sales, non-scholarship
baseball players allegedly were per-
mitted to keep all profits.
Though several of Middaugh's
players allegedly were supported
through the diversion of program-
sale revenues, only Chris Gagin, a
three-year starter at shortstop, was
directly affected by the disclosure.
All of the other players allegedly
involved in the sale of programs
have alreadyused up their efigbility
by either graduating or signing a
professional contract. If Gagin, as a
non-scholarship athlete, wanted to
restore his eligibility he had to pay
back the money. Having paid back
the money, Gagin is awaiting a deci-
sion from the NCAA.
Gagin, who was offered a schol-
arship from Michigan State, decided
to enroll at Michigan instead, where
he received financial aid covering
two-thirds of his expenses. Mid-
daugh apparently chose to aid Gagin
through the sale of programs because
a one-third athletic scholarship

would count as one full scholarship
out of a maximum of 13 allowed by
the NCAA.
"The whole reason I took the
money in the first place was because
I needed it to (attend school),"rGagin
said. "I didn't know where the
money was coming from. I paid the
money back to the NCAA... I made
my bed and now I'll have to sleep in
it. "
The embezzlement charge sur-
faced after a university inquiry into
Middaugh's accounts after his forced
resignation last July. The Big Ten
had reportedly accused Middaugh, a
former accounting major at Miami
of Ohio, of manipulating scholar-
ships past the limit of 13. Such ac-
tions are a merely NCAA transgres-
sions not federal violations.
"This is Michigan's first time
with this kind of stuff," Gagin said.
"The sad thing is once you get labled
as a rules violator, the reputation is
shot. "
Gagin did add that, "people will
want to come to play for (new
coach) Bill Freehan, to go to Michi-
gan. If you're going to play baseball
at a Northern school, Michigan is
the place, probation or no proba-
The Associated Press contributed
to this story.

se University of Michigan
We're digging into our files
to give you
an insider' s look at
The University of Michigan...


We're Looking For

a Few


WASHINGTON - The Food and Drug Administration is investigat-
ing whether stronger label warnings are needed for a blood-pressure drug
that lawsuits blame for two deaths in Michigan, a spokesperson said yes-
Separate suits filed in 1988 and 1989 allege the drug companies did a
poor job of warning the medical profession about sodium nitroprusside's
toxic nature and did not give adequate instructions on its proper use.
Manufacturers are required to include warning labels about the risk of
cyanide, which is released into the bloodstream when the drug is absorbed,
in instructions about its use.
Beverly Hires, an attorney on behalf of relatives of the people who
died from the drug, said that the warnings should say that poisoning is
even possible even with correct dosages and should include antidote in-

Meet us Thursday, Feb. 15
in the Crawfoot Room of the
Michigan Union
between 10:00 and 3:00
Any QuestionsCall Larry Stevens 661-1890


The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter
terms by students at the University of Michigan. Subscription rates: for fall and winter (2 semesters)
$28.00 in-town and $39 out-of-town, for fall only $18.00 in-town and $22.00 out-of-town.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and the Student News Service.
ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
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ACU-I Campus Games Tournament
On Feb. 18, there will be campus-wide tournaments for the
following activities: Pool, Backgammon, Table Tennis,
Bowling, and Chess.
The top finishers in these tournaments will go on to repre-
sent the University of Michigan at the ACU-I region 7
regional tournament at Wayne State University.
Register for Pool, Backgammon, and Chess by midnight,
Feb. 17 in the Billiards and Games Room, Michigan Union.

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Mike Gil
Steve Cohen, Andy Gottesman,
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Ayssa Katz, KdsinPalm
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Weekend: Phil Cohen, Rob Earle, Donna ladipado, Alex Gordon, Iana Trachtman, Fred T.
News: Josephine Ballenger, Joanna Boder, Diane Cod, Heather Fee, Jennifer Hid, Ian Hotlman, Bit Isaly, Mark Katz, Chrisne
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Opinion: Mark Budan, Yal Citro, Ian Gray, Jon Polish, Aaron Robinson, Greg Rowe, Tony Siber, David Sood.
Sports: Eric Berkman, Michael Bess, Theodore Cox, Doug Donaldson, Jeni Dust, Richard Eisen, Jared Entin, Scott Erskine, Steve
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Sheran, Peter Zellen, Dan Zoch.
Arts: Greg Bais, Sheril L Bennet, Mark Binelli, Kenneth Chow, Lynne Cohn, Beth Colquit, Michael Paul Fische, Mike Rscher,
Forrest Green, Sharon Gimberg, Brian Jarvinen, Scott Kirkwood, Mike Kuniavsky, Ami Mehta, Mike MolNor, Annette Ptrusso, Jay
Pika, Gregodi Roach,PeterShapiro, Rona Shery, Mark Swartz, Mark webster,1Kim Yaged, Nabeel Zuberi.
Photo: Sarah Baker, Jennifer Dunetz, Amy Feldman, Julie Hdiman, Jonathan Use, Josh Moore, Samantha Sanders, Kenneli Smdler,

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