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February 13, 1990 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1990-02-13

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belong to
President Mikhail Gorbachev told
East German leaders that a reunited
Germany cannot belong to the
NATO alliance, the East German
news agency reported yesterday.
The Soviet leader's stand is
strongly at .odds with the United
States and Western European na-
tions, who oppose the idea of a neu-
tral Germany with no ties to the
western military alliance.
East Germany, meanwhile, re-
jected a West German proposal to
quickly merge the currencies of the
*two Germanys, but did approve the
principle of a single currency.
West German Chancellor Helmut
Kohl, trying to speed the push to-
ward reunification, had urged a quick
monetary union to ease what he said
was a critical economic crisis in East
East German leaders on Monday
asked the West Germans for financial
aid of up to $9 billion, but West
Germany rejected the request. Fi-
nance Minister Theo Waigel said it
made "no sense" to provide funds to
a "system that has still not decided
to make fundamental changes and
has not shown it is capable of doing
Kohl and Hans Modrow, East
Germany's Communist premier, are
to meet in Bonn on Tuesday. In
*Brussels, foreign ministers of the
European Community said Kohl
would make Modrow an official offer
of monetary union.
They said Waigel mentioned the
plan at a meeting of EC ministers
Monday. No details were released.
Kohl said he got the "green light"
for unification from Gorbachev dur-
ing a weekend visit to Moscow, but
the official East German agency
ADN reported Monday the Soviet
leader insisted a united Germany stay
out of NATO.
The chancellor has said repeatedly
that West Germany is firmly in the
North Atlantic Treaty Organization,
and has rejected neutrality for a sin-
gle Germany.
In Washington, President Bush
said: "We support Chancellor Kohl's
*position that a unified Germany
should remain a member of NATO.
Let me also express my appreciation
of Chairman Gorbachev's statesman-
like view that decisions regarding
German unity should be left to the
people of Germany."


The Michigan Daily -Tuesday, February 13, 1990 - Page3'
Mandela set



TV-Watching 141
Angela Griffen, an LSA Junior, views a video for her Spanish 232 class in the M.L.B. language lab.
Soviets challenge U.S. to
extend arms control to seas

(AP) - Nelson Mandela said yester-
day he seeks a South Africa that is
fair to both whites and Blacks, and
he insisted that violence against-
apartheid is justified.
The 71-year-old Black leader, en-
joying his first full day of freedom
after 27 years in prison, defended the
policies of his African National
Congress but said talks with the
government could be held soon.
In the tribal homeland of Ciskei,
10 Blacks celebrating Mandela's re-
lease Sunday night were shot and
killed by police, and 20 were injured,
according to the Daily Dispatch
newspaper in nearby East London.
Homeland authorities refused to
comment, and civil rights group de-
manded a judicial inquiry.
In Mandela's hometown of
Soweto, schools were deserted as
thousands of students marched and
danced in the streets, anticipating his
return home. Believing Mandela was
due back for an afternoon rally, tens
of thousands of Sowetans crammed
into a soccer stadium and dozens
were injured in the crush. The ac-
tivists making arrangements for
Mandela decided he should not re-en-
ter Soweto until Tuesday, when a
massive welcoming rally was
"I am absolutely excited to be
out," Mandela told reporters in Cape
Town before taking an evening
flight to Johannesburg. He was re-
leased unconditionally on Sunday.
Mandela said negotiations be-
tween the ANC and the government
could begin "very soon" if President
F.W. de Klerk continues his peace
initiative and makes further reforms.

"The state of emergency has to be
lifted in its entirety and political
prisoners have to be released," Man-
dela told more than 200 journalists
assembled on the lawn outside the
official residence of Anglican Arch-
bishop Desmond Tutu in Cape
Andries Treurnicht, leader of the,
pro-apartheid Conservative Party, ac-
cused the government of falling vic-
tim to "Mandela hysteria" and mov-
ing toward white surrender. Eugene
TerreBlanche, leader of the neo-Nazi
Afrikaner Resistance Movement,
said he warned that his movement
"will protect itself and its property
when the government can no longer
do so."
Mandela said whites should not
fear the prospect of an ANC-led gov-
"Whites are fellow South
Africans. We want them to feel
safe," he said at his news conference.
"The ANC...will find a solution that
will suit both Blacks and whites." i
The ANC seeks a one-person,
one-vote system, which would be
dominated by South Africa's 28 mil-
lion Blacks. De Klerk seeks to nego-
tiate a new constitution that would
establish some political rights for
Blacks, but provide the 5 million
whitesdwithsome sort of veto over
major decisions.
Police have reported about 40
deaths in unrest around the country
since daybreak Sunday, including a
clash between police and looters in
Cape Town that left one Black dead
and more than 100 people injured.
Tutu, in an unusual move, issued
a statement deploring the looting and
refraining from criticism of the po-
lice. Other activists appealed to
Blacks to welcome Mandela in a
dignified, non-violent manner.

OTTAWA (AP) - The Soviet
Union challenged the United States
yesterday to extend superpower
cooperation in arms control
surveillance to the high seas and to
Foreign Minister Eduard
Shevardnadze, addressing the opening
of a 23-nation "Open Skies"
conference, also accused the United
States of bolstering its naval
strength even while agreeing to cut
ground forces and land-based
"Let us face the truth,"
Shevardnadze said. "Today, the
easiest way to launch a surprise
attack, a military invasion or an
aggression is from the seas."
U.S. officials dismissed the idea,
telling reporters in a separate
briefing that Washington was not
interested in a naval arms control
agreement and that surveillance
flights already are allowed over
oceans and in space.
Shevardnadze's tough speech, and
one by Secretary of State James
Baker leveling criticism at Soviet
positions, broke from a recent trend
of . soft-spoken reconciliation
between the superpowers.
The exchange also strayed from

the main topic at hand, an agreement
between the 16 members of the
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
and the seven members of the
Warsaw Pact on allowing the
alliances to survey member nations
by air.

Let us face the truth.
Today, the easiest
way to launch a
surprise attack, a mili-
tary invasion or an
aggression is from the
- Eduard Shevardnadze
Soviet Foreign Minister

both alliances have agreed to it in
Shevardnadze endorsed the
proposal, which is likely to get final
approval at a second conference in
Budapest, Hungary, this year.
He also announced that an
agreement was reached during
Baker's talks last week in Moscow
to provide for inspections of radar
A Soviet team will be permitted
to go to Thule, Greenland, and to
U.S. installations in Britain, while
an American group inspects the
Siberian radar station at Krasnoyarsk
and other sites.
The two sides have exchanged
accusations that the 1972 Anti-
Ballistic Missile Treaty's limitations
on a defense against missiles are
being violated.
Shevardnadze acknowledged last
year that some activities at
Krasnoyarsk were illegal and
promised to dismantle it.
At the same time, he criticized
the United States at length for
excluding naval forces from
disarmament talks and for the "Star
Wars" program of seeking ways to
use nuclear weapons in space to
block a ballistic missile attack.

Engler announces
his bid for governor

President Bush originally made
the proposal in May. It includes
aerial inspection on 24 hours' notice
to allay fears of surprise attack.
The plan has been promoted as a
conference-building measure and

What's happening in Ann Arbor today

Poindexter 'S trial
delayed two weeks

LANSING (AP) - Senate Ma-
jority Leader John Engler officially
began yesterday his quest to beat
Democratic Governor James Blan-
chard, saying that Michigan needs
better leadership to improve econom-
The 41-year old Mount Pleasant
Republican focused on economics
during his announcement tour to
Traverse City, Grand Rapids, Mid-
land, Detroit, and Lansing.
In particular, Engler pointed to
the state's 8.4 percent unemploy-
ment rate, some 250,000 manufac-
turing jobs lost during the 1980s,
high property taxes, and the fact that
Michigan ranks last in the return on
tax dollars from the federal govern-
"When what's up should be down
and when what's down should be up,
it's time for the governor who is in
to be out," Engler said.
"The simple truth is the come-
back stories of 49 other states read
better than Michigan's. In fact, for
too many struggling communities in
our great state, the Blanchard come-
back story has been nothing more
than a grim fairy tale."
Engler said he'd issue a series of

LaGROC - The Lesbian and Gay
Males' Rights Organizing Com-
mittee meets at 7:30 p.m. in
Union 3000; 7 p.m. to set agenda
Student Struggle for Soviet
Jewry - weekly meeting at 6:30
p.m. in Hillel
Women's Club Lacrosse -
practice 4-6 p.m. at the Sports
Coloseum (5th. and Hill)
UM Cycling --- team meeting and
rollers riding 6 p.m. in the Sports
Indian and Pakistani-
American Students' Council ---
general body meeting 7 p.m. in
the West Quad Asubushi Lounge
Women's Rugby --- meeting and
practice 8 p.m. in the Sports
Society of Minority
Engineering Students (SMES)
--- membership meeting and
speakers Karen Goins and Paul
Forte 6:30-8:30 p.m. in 1500
UM Collegiate Entrepeneurs --
- meeting at 7 p.m. in 0215
Business School
Arab-American Anti-
discrimination Committee ---
meeting at 7 p.m. in the Union
(check board for room)
Handbell Ringers Club ---
meeting at 4 p.m. in 900 Burton
Tower; new members welcome if
they read music

"Breaking the Links of
Oppresssion: Israel, South
Africa, Central America and
U.S. Foreign Policy" -
representatives of the PLO, the
ANC and the FMLN will discuss
their respective liberation
movements at 7 p.m. in Room
100 Hutchins Hall
ECB Peer Writing Tutors -
available for help from 7-11 p.m.
at the Angell and 611 Church St.
computing centers
Safewalk - the night-time safety
walking service runs form 8 p.m.-
1:30 a.m. in Rm. 102 UGLi or
call 936-1000
Northwalk - the north-campus
night-time walking service runs
from 8 p.m.-1:30 a.m. in Bursley
2333, or call 763-WALK
Sociology Department ---
faculty/student mixer at 4 p.m. in
the 3rd Floor Lounge of LS&A
Cumberland Island Trip --- the
pre-trip meeting for the Dept. of
Recreational Sports spring break
trip (March 3-10) at 7 p.m. in the
NCRB Conference Room
The Storytellers --- performance
of the musical group which
explains the history of African and
Carribean music 8-10:30 p.m. in
the West Quad Wedge Room
SPARK Revolutionary History

eral judge yesterday delayed the start
of John Poindexter's Iran-Contra
trial by two weeks, but said former
President Reagan's videotaped testi-
mony would be taken Friday as
United States District Court
Judge Harold Greene said disagree-
ment over the use of about 150 clas-
sified documents and other matters
would require delaying Poindexter's
trial from February 20 to March 5.
Richard Beckler, a lawyer for the
former national security adviser,
urged that Reagan not be questioned
until Iran-Contra prosecutors com-
pleted presenting their case.
"I'm not going to buy that,"
Greene said. "We are going to pro-
ceed (with the Reagan deposi-
tion)...hopefully in a courtroom in
the federal courthouse" in Los Ange-
les on Friday.
The judge rejected a proposal by
Reagan's lawyers to have the deposi-

tion taken at the former president's
Los Angeles offices, saying those
offices would not provide enough
One reason for having the ques-
tioning on videotape is so that if
Reagan inadvertently discloses clas-
sified information, that portion can
be edited before being shown at the
Greene said it was doubtful he
would allow seven news organiza-.
tions to attend the deposition. The
organization have filed an applica-
tion seeking to have the questioning
open to the media.
The organizations - Cable News
Network, Capital Cities-ABC Inc.,
CBS Inc., National Broadcasting
Co., The New York Times Co.,
Times Mirror Co. of Los Angeles
and The Washington Post - argued
that the First Amendment right of
access has bee held to apply to pre-
trial proceedings in addition to all
aspects of a criminal trial.

agenda papers outlining his strate=A
gies throughout the campaigti,
adding that he'll offer a comprehern-
sive property tax cut plan later this,
Engler also challenged Blanchard"
to a series of televised debates across
the state. "We may not be good for
the local ratings, but it's the right,
thing to do and we should do it."
Blanchard hasn't announced but is
expected to seek a third four-year
Although Engler is the most
powerful Republican in Lansing,
he's relatively unknown outside the
Capitol, where he's served as a state
representative and senator for the
past 20 years.
Some political observers say the
toughest challenge awaiting Engler
will be to sell himself as a clear a1=
ternative to Blanchard:
Senator John Kelly, Democrat
from Grosse Pointe Woods, said the
two are similar in style and sub-
stance, because they tend to shy'
away from bold policy in favor of
political caution.
" Tuesday is
$2 2.0United Artists Day"
All day Tuesday. Due to contractual obligations this
offer can not be honored during the first two wees
of a first Run 5nmauement.

Michigan Alumni work here:
The Wall Street Journal
The New York Times
The Washington Post
The Detroit Free Press
The Detroit News
NBC Sports
Associated Press
United Press International
.. . .... a



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