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February 13, 1990 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1990-02-13

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Puge 2-The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, February 13, 1990
U.S. rep. denies selling his vote

Bob Carr said yesterday his feud with
airline pilots involves legislative
tactics - not contributions from
two companies chaired by Frank
Lorenzo, who has clashed repeatedly
with organized labor.
"My vote's not for sale," said
Carr, D-East Lansing, a member of
the House appropriations subcom-
mittee that handles transportations
funding. He received a total of
$12,650 from Texas Air Corp. and
Eastern Airlines from 1987 through
No other House member received
as much from the two carriers, Fed-
eral Election Commission records
During the same period, Carr dif-

fered with the Airline Pilots Associ-
ation several times over the union's
effort to attach job-protection provi-
sions to transportation budget bills.
The Lansing State Journal re-
ported Sunday that an AFL-CIO
lobbyist in Washington wrote a
memorandum last year accusing Carr
of "hostile, anti-union activities."
"Clearly, a number of us have
been concerned about the congress-
man's role in all that," said Paul
Massaron, executive director of the
United Auto Workers' political ac-
tion committee in Michigan.
But Carr said his relationship
with organized labor in general was
good and that the pilots' union was
behind the criticism of his record.
"The pilots, in my judgment,

have been irresponsible in their at-
tempt to hold appropriations bills
hostage to their very narrow interest.
I don't really disagree with them on
their ultimate goals, but I seriously
disagree with them on tactics."
Lorenzo is chairman of Houston-
based Texas Air, which acquired
Eastern in 1986. He has fought bit-
terly with organized labor, which has
accused him of union-busting tactics
at Eastern and another subsidiary,
Continental Airlines.
Carr was one of three House
Democrats who broke with party
leaders last November to vote
against a bill that would give the
U.S. transportation secretary new au-
thority to halt airline mergers or

leveraged buy-outs similar to
Lorenzo's takeover of Eastern.
The bill passed 300-113 and is
pending in the Senate. Transporta-
tion Secretary Samuel Skinner op-
poses it and says he will recommend
that President Bush veto if Congress
approves it.
Carr said he sponsored a similar
bill that would have given the secre-
tary more discretion than the bill the
House passed, and thus had a better
chance of winning Bush's support.
"Instead of legislatively trying to
hang Frank Lorenzo in effigy, I
wanted a formula that would suc-
ceed," he said.
In September 1988, Carr joined
with House-Senate negotiators in
deleting from a transportation budget
bill a requirement that the transporta-
tion secretary protect jobs endangered
by airline mergers.

MOSCOW (AP) - The Com-
munist Party embraced the principle
of private property Monday in a radi-
cal rejection of some fundamentals
of Marxism and Soviet socialism.
"The Communist Party of the
Soviet Union believes the existence
of individual property, including
ownership of the means of produc-
tion, does not contradict the modern
stage in the country's economic de-
velopment," the party's new plat-
form says.
The platform was approved
Wednesday by the party's policy-
making Central Committee but was
not published in final form until
It represents Soviet President
Mikhail Gorbachev's boldest break
with communist orthodoxy and con-
tradicts public statements he made
just months ago.
* The platform did not make clear
i what sense the party still consid-
ers itself to be Communist, but pays
homage to the creative spirit of
Marxism and the philosophy's hu-
manistic outlook of opposing reli-
gion and emphasizing man's daily
It also points with pride to the
c oncepts of pensions, free education
And medical care - social benefits it
says the Soviet system pioneered.
In deciding on sweeping changes,
however, the platform says the party
took into account the new hunger of
Soviet citizens for democracy and re-
form, as expressed by mass rallies
and local political organizing all
over the country.
The document also says the
Communist Party supports:
n' "Protection of a citizen's per-
sonality and honor, the immunity of
his home and property, the secrecy
of correspondence."
c Citizen "participation in run-
ning the affairs of society and the
state, freedom of speech, the press,
meetings and demonstrations and the
formation of public organizations."
. "Man's free self-determination
in the spiritual sphere, the freedom
of conscience and religion."

Compiled from Associated Press and staff reports
Ethnic riots flare in U.S.S.R.
MOSCOW - Riots broke out in the capital of Tadzhikistan during
protests yesterday against the resettlement of ethnic Armenian refugees in
the Soviet Asian republic, official sources said.
One report said there were deaths and dozens of injuries.
The official Tass news agency said a state of emergency and a night-
time curfew had been imposed on the city of Dushanbe to quell "mass
disorders and programs, and acts of arson and looting."
Musafar Madzhidov, correspondent for official radio and television in
Dushanbe, said armored vehicles had been brought into the city center and
that it was calm late yesterday. He said an unknown number of people had
been killed and more than 70 were injured.
Rioting erupted after two rallies in a 24-hour period over rumors that.
Armenian refugees from bloody ethnic strife in the Caucasus region were
being given preference for new housing, Madzhidov said in a telephone in-
Members of the crowd shouted, "Down with the Armenians," he said.
The Tadzhikistan Communist Party leader, Kakhar Makkamov, ap-.
peared before a crowd that gathered Sunday outside party headquarters in
Dushanbe and asked for 24 hours to investigate the rumors, Madzhidov
Nunn worried over Soviet
nuclear weapons control
WASHINGTON - The chair of the Senate Armed Services Commit-
tee, Sam Nunn, D-Ga., concerned over whose finger stays on the button
of the Soviet Union's 30,000 nuclear weapons in a time of internal
tumult, is proposing that the Kremlin mount a "fail-safe" review of
controls on its nuclear arsenals.
With ethnic and political tension straining Soviet unity, many Ameri-
can military experts and key congressional figures are fretting about the
possibility a nuclear missile could be unleashed on the world without the
knowledge or approval of the Kremlin.
"My worst case fear for the last several months is that we would wake
up one morning and discover that an ethnic liberation front had obtained:
control of 100 nuclear weapons," said a military expert on the staff of the"
House Armed Services Committee.
"It's a concern people are paying attention to, trying to monitor,"
Bruce Blair of the Brookings Institution said. "I think the Soviets them-
selves are so concerned about this problem that they're handling it just
Michigan divests $1.4 billion
from South Africa in 1989





Security precautions
A U.S. military helicopter carrying White House secret service agents and staff takes off from the Navy Cadet
base in Cartagena, Colombia, after its passengers met with Colombian officials to discuss Thursday's drug
summit. Amidst tight security, Colombian President Barco will host President Bush, Peruvian President Garcia
and Bolivian President Paz Zamora.

Continued from page 1
who had been previously harassing
the West Quad student.
"We're pretty sure that the same
person is involved," Ramirez said.
Sunday night's incident took
place a week and a half after another
University student reported she was
sexually assaulted in her Hill Dorm
The method of attack was compa-
rable in both cases and both women
reported similar assaults preceding
the incident.
According to police reports, on
January 31, a man wearing a ski
mask and brandishing a knife, as-
saulted another University woman in
a Hill Dorm restroom at 3:12 a.m.
Calling her by name, the man al-
legedly demanded the woman per-
form a sexual act.
Police said the woman escaped
after biting her assailant on the arm
and ran to her room to call campus
Police added the woman matched
the man's 'scratchy voice' to that of
a man whom she said assaulted her a
week earlier. In that incident, the
man allegedly confronted the woman
with a knife as she was walking to
her car. He grabbed her by the hair
(as she tried to run to her car), forced
her to the ground and ripped the back
of her clothes with the knife, reports

Although Ramirez agreed that the
West Quad incident resembled the
one reported at the Hill Dorm, she
declined to speculate on whether the
same man was involved in both
Continued from Page 1
ing) to take over the day to day oper-
ations such as staffing the clusters.
Those funds had come from ITD, but
now will be used to upgrade hard-
ware," he said.
In addition to funding Rescomp,
Housing would grant approximately
$42,000 to the Residence Hall
Repertory Theater and Talk to Us
Troupe, an interactive theater group
which portrays campus issues.
The theater and troupe are now
funded by the Office of the Vice
President for Student Services. But
the programs can no longer be sup-
ported by the office, said Henry
Johnson, vice president for student
services, because there isn't enough
money in the student services' gen-
eral fund to support them.
"I guess they thought it was time
for housing to fund the program
since it was in the dorms," said Matt
Couzens, a first year LSA student
and member of the committee which
worked to set housing rates.
Couzens said the committee didn't
mind requesting funding for the pro-

grams since it seemed to benefit
enough students.
Increased family housing rates, if
approved, will include more money
for trash removal and for support of
the Ann Arbor public school sys-
Last year's housing rate increase
was close to six percent.
Continued from page 1
support of the proposed act.
The groups complained that the
"Rescue" crews not only prevented
women from getting abortions but
all kinds of health care.
"The action of the Operation
Rescuers has an ironic outcome.
People are restricted from getting
contraception and this causes un-
wanted pregnancies and more abor-
tions," said Bullard.
However, Christine Jones, an
anti-abortion activist who is a mem-
ber of Washtenaw County Rescue,
disagreed, "They are obscuring what
we're trying to do. We are trying to
provide real genuine help to moth-
ers. We are not there to keep people
from health services."
"I doubt very much that this is
ever going to pass what-so-ever in
this state. This is just a political
ploy," Jones added.

LANSING - Michigan sold $1.4 billion in investments with ties to
South Africa in 1989 and Treasurer Robert Bowman said yesterday such
economic sanctions might have aided the release of South African activist"
Nelson Mandela.
"It is clear that sanctions work," he said at a news conference. But
Bowman said Mandela's release on Sunday isn't enough to permit Michi-
gan to back away from its year-old law requiring divestiture of companies
with South African links.
"It is only the first chapter of a long book that must get to the total
dismantling of apartheid, civil rights for all citizens, including one per-:
son-one vote and the ability to travel," he said.
The divestiture law, designed to protest South Africa's policy of racial
segregation known as apartheid, requires Michigan to sell off by 1994 its
holdings in companies with ties in South Africa.
Michigan must divest 40 percent of its holdings by Jan. 1 and Bow-
man said the state is ahead of schedule after selling off about 28 percent of
its holdings the first year.
Soviets defect to Bloomfield
BLOOMFIELD HILLS, Mich. - A new era in U.S.-Soviet relations
has introduced words like glasnost and perstroika, but five Soviet per-
formers have shown at least one word remains from the old Cold War lex-
icon: defect.
The Soviets, four ice skaters and one of their managers, were traveling
with the Torvill and Dean ice show when they sought asylum in the
United States after the conclusion of the troupe's North American tour last
month in New York.
Immigration authorities granted them work permits for one year while
their asylum requests are reviewed. The five arrived in Bloomfield Hills a
few days ago and spoke with reporters yesterday.
The five - Ledvitch, 36; and skaters Geogii Sur, 23; Igor Shpilband,
225; Veronika Pershina, 23; and Yelena Krykanova, 22 - came to
Michigan at the invitation of the Detroit Skating Club.
Before embarking on their four-month, 64-city North American tour,
they were affiliated with the Russian All-Stars Ice Theater in Moscow.
The five are living with families in suburban Detroit while they strug-
gle to become self-sufficient. They face numerous obstacles from learning
English to buying the clothes they need.


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The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter
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The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and the Student News Service.
ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
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News Editors
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Photo Editors

Noah Frnkel
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Karen Akedof, Marion Davis,
Tara Gruzen, Vera Songwe
David Sdhwartz
Laura Sankey
Miguel Cruz,
Kevin Woodson
Jose Juarez, David Lubliner

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Associate Sports Editors
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Mike Gill
Steve Cohen, Andy Gottesman,
David Hyman, Eric Lemont,
Taylor Icoln
Alyssa Katz, Krisin Palm
Carolyn Poor
Jon Bilk, Brent Edwards
Forrest Green Ill
Jay Pekala

Weekend: Phil Cohen, Rob Earle, Donna ladcpadlo, Alex Gordon, lana Trachtman, Fred Zinn.
News: Josephine Ballenger, Joanna Broder, DIane Cook, Heather Fee, Jennifer Hirt, Ian Hofknan, Britt Isaly, Mark Katz, Chrisdne
Kloostra, Ruth Litlmann, Josh Mitnick, Dan Poux, Amy Ouick, Slash Renberg, Taraneh Shali, Mike Sobel, Noelle Vance, Donna
Opinion: Mark Buchan, Yael Citro, Ian Gray, Jon Polish, Aaron Robinson, Greg Rowe, Tony Silber, David Sood.
Sport.: Eric Berkman, Michael Bess, Theodore Cox, Doug Donaldson, Jeni Durst, Richard Eisen, Jared Entin, Scott Erskine, Steve
Fraiberg, Phi Green, Lory Knapp, Albert Lin, John Niyo, Jii Ory, Sarah Osburn, Mat Rennie, Jonathan Samnick, Ryan Schrdber, Jeff
Sheran, Peter Zellen, Dan Zoch.
Arts: Greg Baise, Sherril L Bennett, Mark Binelli, Kenneth Chow, Lyme Cohn, Beth Colguitt, Michael Paul Fischer, Mike Rscher,
Forrest Green, Sharon Grimberg, Brian Jarvinen, Scott Kirkwood, Mike Kuniavsky, Ami Mehta, Mike Molitor, Annette Petrusso, Jay
Pinka, Gregori Roach, Peter Shapiro, Rona Sheramy, Mark Swartz, Mark Webster, KIm Yaged, Nabeel Zuberi.
Photo: SarahBaker, Jennifer Dunetz, Amy Feldman, Julie Hdiman, Jonathan Liss, Josh Moore, Samantha Sanders, Kenneth Smcdler,
Steven Szuch.





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