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February 12, 1990 - Image 13

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1990-02-12

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He's a wild and crazy guy, the king
of college hoops-Dick Vitale speaks

The Michigan Daily - Sports Monday- February 12, 1990 - Page 3

Get RIch Quick
Buster slam dunks Iron


True to form, as Dick Vitale
made his way from the MLB, where
he just finished giving a speech to
hundreds of Michigan students, to
the Michigan League for an after-
glow reception, scores of people
herded around him.
Basketball fans flock to him like
no other guru of the game, most
probably because he's so approach-
able. People see the bald-headed
wacko and feel comfortable around
him. Why shouldn't they? After all,
Vitale is an everyday guy who hit
the big time.
He'll tell you how he had nothing
going for him. He'll tell you how
ugly he is. He'll tell you how he
started with only a dream. And then
he'll tell you about all his cars and
houses, and the pride he has in
He might be bald and he might be
half crazy, but across the country
Vitale has caused a stir unrivaled
by any major sports color comment-
ator. In fact, some people tune in to
ABC or ESPN not to see the games,
but to listen to Vitale go berserk.
Daily sports writer David
Schechter recently spoke with
Daily: You're probably one of
the best basketball ambassadors there
has been in a while. If you went to
Springfield, Massachusetts and
bumped into James Naismith in
1989, what would you tell him?
Vitale: Well, I'd tell him that
the game has certainly changed from
what he had thought when he started
in terms of the bodies and size of the
players, the agility the mobility and
gracefulness. It's amazing how the
game has just seemed to go to ano-
ther level and it seems to be getting
better and better and better. But most
of all I'd get on my knees and kiss
him and hug him because what he
invented has made me one of the
happiest men in the world. In terms
of making my living, talking about
basketball is absolutely terrific. It's
life heaven.
D: What do you think you've
done for the sport of basketball
V: I just try to go out basically
and have a lot of fun. I don't treat it
g like it's war of surgery. I try to sell
the game, and actually whenever
you're selling the game your selling
yourself along the way. And I think
-people that know me, and have

known me all my life know that I've
always had a passion and love for
sports, specifically basketball. I just
try to pass that love wherever I go.
I'm enthusiastic, and I think I've
been blessed with that. I thank God
for having that, and that energy
level. I just hope I can continue. I
may be 50 but I act like ten.
D: Do you still have a sense of
attachment to Detroit?
V: Yeah, you know Detroit was
great to me. It opened up a lot of
avenues, a lot of doors for me. I still
have a one on one conversation with
J.P. McCarthy, on WJR two or
three times a week, who I feel is the
best interviewer in the United States
without a doubt. I'm just so honored
to be able to communicate my ideas
with the people of Detroit and Mich-
igan. I love Detroit. Detroit's been
great to me. It gave me my chance
for some national recognition.
D: On campus right now a group
is trying to convince the school to
adopt Willy the Wolverine as the
school mascot. How do you think a
mascot would benefit Michigan?
V: Well, I really don't know all
the tradition and all the other things

involved in it, but I do know this -
mascots and spirit and enthusiasm
and all the excitement that goes
along with college athletics is part
of the pageantry. It's part of the
enthusiastic spirit. LSU has the tiger
there. It's just a matter of how the
school feels. I don't know all the
rules and regulations. I just know
that mascots throughout America
have become part of the pageantry.
,I coach on TV and
love it. I coach every
team in America on
television, never have
to worry about losing,
always run with a
smile on to the hotel
after the game.'
- Dick Vitale
D: Is there a chance that you'd
ever go back to coaching?
V: Oh, I doubt it very much. I
coach on TV.and love it. I coach
every team in America on television,
never have to worry about losing,
always run with a smile on to the

hotel after the game. I watch one
coach leave in jubilation city and the
other coach leaves as depressed as
can be.
D: Could you project the Big
Ten for this year?
V: Well, you know, on paper it
looks like Michigan. They've got
the stronger team due to experience.
They have four players with NBA
potential. I think Sean Higgins has a
chance to be a big star if he just
finds mental concentration, and real-
ly just stays within the framework
of his ability- he'll be really
special. Rumeal is certainly special.
Mills has really improved. And Loy
Vaught is one of the best comple-
mentary players in the nation.
There's no reason not to believe that
they've got a great chance to win the
Big Ten.
D : I know, you've been
interviewed probably three to four
hundred times, and you probably
hear a lot of the same questions over
and over again. If you were the
reporter what would be the one
question you'd ask yourself?
V: Oh boy, basically I'd ask
myself, "Vitale, how the heck could
a guy who can't speak English, who
has no intellect, who has no looks,
how could you be making it in TV?"
And I'd just simply say. 'Hey, they
didn't pay me to be Robert Redford.
They hired me to be able to analyze,
to have a lot of fun- and that's
what I do. But I tell people, for a
guy who can't speak English things
have worked out well.' I was hon-
ored as the broadcasting personality
of the year. Bob Costas got play by
play man of the year, by the Amer-
ican Sportscasters Association at
New, York in a black tie affair. Last
year it was Al Michaels and John
Madden, and I just feel flattered to be
selected by my peers, and that's what
makes it so special. I just feel
flattered and thrilled. I just can't
believe these things have happened
for me in my life. It's really blown
my mind. To have a book out for a
guy who can't speak English, that
made the best seller list. A magazine
that is one of the best selling maga-
zines on basketball. And to have all
that, ESPN and ABC have been
phenomenal to me. They gave a
chance to spread my gospel, to
spread my themes and about the
game and my terminology. I'm
indebted to them for it.

Mike in fight for the ages
All right, what's going on here? Bo Schembechler retires, the Berlin
Wall tumbles, the Kremlin switches to a two party system and Mike Tyson
gets knocked around like a Weeble by James "Buster" Douglas.
Oh, I forgot. Weebles wobble but they don't fall down. You see, Tyson
Isn't there anything constant in this world anymore? Will the sun still
rise in the east and set in the west? Stay tuned. I did Saturday night, even
though I missed most of the Slam-Dunk contest for the HBO championship
How can this have happened? Did I really see it with my own two eyes?
From out of literally nowhere (read Columbus, Ohio), James "Buster"
Douglas had the ultimate courage to step into a ring with Mike Tyson
during his reign of terror. And then Douglas proceeded to pound the
heavyweight champion from rope to rope, dominating the fight until his
stirring and shocking knockout of Iron Mike.
In a sport that usually disgusts its fans with has-been boxers beating up
on others with no pulse, last Saturday's bout in Japan between Tyson and
Douglas truly ranks among the most incredible sporting events of our
lifetime. Check that. Of all time.
I still can't believe it, so here it is in black and white for everyone to
see. Buster Douglas knocked out Mike Tyson. Buster. Buster Douglas.
Tyson. Knock out. You've got to be kidding me.
What seemed to be a warm-up for the now defunct Evander Holyfield
- Tyson matchup in June turned into some sort of real-life "Rocky." A
nobody coming out of the woodworks to beat the undisputed, untouchable
heavyweight champion of the world. The only thing missing here is the
"Yo, Adrian."
Who the hell is Buster Douglas anyway? Didn't Phil Collins make a
movie about Douglas' life story a few months back? I distinctively
remember a film entitled "Buster" playing in Briarwood last summer.
Jokes aside, Douglas did not use mirrors to beat Tyson, just a
devastating barrage of jabs. From the outset, Tyson looked, dare I say
(Dare! Dare!), overmatched. Douglas refused to allow Tyson to pop offfis
deadly combination of punches.
In the middle rounds, Tyson stood in front of Douglas like a cardboard
cut-out. In fact, Tyson was standing so still that ringside officials were
lining up tourists to take pictures with the heavyweight champ right in the
middle of round five. Tyson stood there getting smashed continuously nd
seldom retaliating. Suddenly, Tyson was Douglas' for the taking.
Unbelievable. Before Saturday night, people were beginning to think
that Tyson was not human, like some member of "Alien Nation." Analysts
thought that Tyson could never be touched, let alone beaten to a pulp by
Buster Douglas.
No one in my living room disagreed with that logic, that's for sure. So.
in the beginning, the fight represented an upsetting problem as it began at
the same time as *the Slam Dunk Contest in Miami. The remote control
came to the rescue as Tyson entered the ring in Tokyo and Kenny Battle
stepped onto the court in Miami.
This, at first, annoyed the hell out of me because we were missing most
of the Slam Dunk contest. Dominique vs. Sky Walker. Doesn't Buster
have any manners?
Rex Chapman slams a reverse tomahawk dunk. Did Rex Chapman do
that? Flip.
Buster Douglas stuns Mike Tyson with a vicious left jab. Did Buster
Douglas do that? Flip.
Soon, Buster took care of both Tyson and the Slam-Dunk contest with
those jabs. For the first time in his career, Tyson seemed stunned and on
the run. No more remote control. No more dunks. Buster was on the prowl.
And when we flipped back to the fight for the last time, we were
greeted with an incredible image - a hyperventilating Mike Tyson, with
his eyes glazed and his face all puffy. As Douglas continued his barrage,
all spectators were waiting for that one titanic Tyson punch, the one punch
that would put all the upset mongers to rest.
It came. A vicious uppercut that snapped Douglas' head back in. an
awkward manner. Douglas fell to the canvas with only seconds remaining
in the eighth round and stood up with only one second left in the refered's
ten count.
It looked like the climax of "Rocky I," you know when Apollo arid
Rocky both fall down simultaneously. Rocky gets up as the ref counts to
nine. So did Buster.
And that was the end of Tyson. Douglas showed major guts in not only
getting up from that Tyson haymaker, but also in getting up and then
beating the "immortal" heavyweight champ. Can you imagine Buster's
face on a Wheaties box?
As it seems, this ten count of Buster Douglas serves as a source of
controversy. The so-called boxing ruling elite, the WBA and WBC, claim
that the referee started the count two full seconds after Douglas hit the
canvas. Thus, the two organizations have not yet recognized Douglas as
heavyweight champ.
Like children upset that their hero lost, the WBA and WBC picked up
their marbles and went home. Don't they realize that Douglas beat Tyson?
Who has ever, I mean ever, done that? No one. Who, in the WBA and
WBC, has a modicum of class and intelligence? No one.
This fight gives boxing a shot in the arm. Alas, there is a youth
movement in boxing amongst all the Cooneys and Foremans who insist on
hanging around. So what does the WBA and WBC do? Welcome Douglas
to the foray, create a marketing scheme and cash in? No, just whine and
complain and create chaos and make a circus out of the whole thing.

It's just this type of classless, inane behavior that will always keep m&
disinterested in boxing. Who won the Slam-Dunk contest, anyway?

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