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February 09, 1990 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-02-09

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Graduate cafe
starts cooking

The Michigan Daily - Friday, February 9, 1990 - Page 3
Judge speaks on
Dred-Scott Ruling


by neather Fee
Daily Graduate Schools Reporter

Graduate students no longer have
to leave the Rackham building to
find intimate conversation, coffee
and pastries.
A new cafe, "Horace and Mary's",
which is limited to graduate students
opened last Thursday on the second
floor of Rackham.
"The cafe fits into our overall ob-
jective to make graduate students feel
a part of the University. If we don't
do that no one will," said Associate
Rackham Dean Susan Lipschutz,
who came up with the idea of having
the cafe for graduate students.
Students were involved in the
process from start to finish. Third
year Public Policy grad student Scott
Hochfelder did a market survey for
the cafe.
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_ Hoc
the ci
for "H

chfelder agreed. "It's not
er (or not) this thing makes
y but that it gets people to-
r," he said.
ckham held a contest to name
afe and received 90 entries.
ace and Mary's" is named after
e and Mary Rackham. Trustees
ed more than $6 million to the
ersity in 1935 from Horace
ham's trust fund.
pschutz said she was glad Mary
ham was also included in the
name. "Mary actually gave the
wment for the building and she
gets any credit," she pointed
ird-year art student Carrie An-
designed advertising posters
Horace and Mary's" and pro-
the banner system hanging
the cafe's ceiling.
Prince, who designed the cafe,
ne reason he chose the 16 col-
as because graduate students
requent the cafe come from dif-
ndrews and Prince decided to
banner system because they
d to bring the ceiling down and
a sound buffer conducive to
e cafe is open from 7-10:30
Sunday-Thursday. Coffee,
fruit and pasteries are served.

by Cherie Curry
Daily Staff Writer
University alumnus Judge Myron
Wahls spoke to students and faculty
at South Quad's Ambatana Lounge
last night about the historical back-
ground of the Supreme Court "Dred
Scott Decision" case and the respon-
sibilities of Black men in today's
Wahls, who is currently an asso-
ciate professor at Wayne State Uni-
versity, told the group of about
twenty that the court decision was
instrumental in his decision to attend
law school.
The "Dred Scott Decision" ruling
of 1857 denied Dred Scott, a freed
slave, the right to the freedom for
which he had partitioned.
"From this infamous decision,
earlier historians have elected to de-
humanize him (Dred Scott) and make
him the vehicle for dehumanizing all
Black people," Wahls said.
"In the years of deprivation, some
slave turned his eyes up and said,
'Lord, I ain't tired yet." The mes-
sage: A slave from the past was not
about to give up his responsibility,
the same responsibility that lies
with the Black man of today.
"You don't have to be the only
one out there. There is strength in
numbers.We need to find a common
ground and pull ourselves together,"
Wahls pointed out. "I think that the
thing that may prevent this is a lack
of history."
He said "What we've learned is
the proposition - We are nothing

until the least of us is something."
Wahls then claimed his proposi-
tion which successfully described
the responsibility of the Black man
through his transition from past to

In undergrad. you meet a lot of from d
people from engineering, English, Ian
poli-sci...In grad school we don't said o
meet so many people outside our ors w
area of study and we all miss some- whofn
thing because of that," Scott ferent
Hochfelder said. "It's a good step in A
building a community." use a
Currently the cafe has only five wante
tables but Lipschutz said they will create
expand if it is a success. If the cafe Th
makes a profit the money will go to p.m.,
serve graduate students. juice,f
MOSCOW (AP) - The United tweenI
States and the Soviet Union made The
headway yesterday toward new arms theird
control agreements, officials on both would
sides said. ranger
The U.S. officials, speaking only they d
on condition of anonymity, said Sec- fenses
tetary of State James Baker and So- The
viet Foreign Minister Eduard She- the con
vardnadze made progress toward treaty,
treaties to curb long-range nuclear Soviet
weapons, ground troops, tanks and bachev
combat aircraft in Europe, as well as Washi
a ban on chemical weapons produc- a comp
tion. could;
Both Shevardnadze and Deputy tionsi
Foreign Minister Alexander Bess- interes
mertnykh echoed the positive U.S. Th
appraisal. "The discussion of the dis- eviden
armament problem is proceeding said th
wvery well," Shevardnadze told Tass, navalf
the Soviet news agency. the So
Bessmertnykh, who specializes in if a dis
U.S. relations, was quoted by Tass missil
as saying both sides had presented Th
new ideas; narrowing the gap be- to acc
:'MSTV forum

Judge Wahis

The new graduate student cafe, Horace and Mary's, opened last
Thursday. The decor was designed by Ian Prince

make arms control progress

"We live in a world where we are
ringside observers. People say that
the problems are so overwhelming,
nothing can be done. If our roaris
not sufficient enough to bring about
change, then I suggest that we give
more than we have ever given be-
fore," Whals said. "We've got to
stop thinking only of ourselves and
start giving to others."

their positions.
e Soviets, meanwhile, dropped
demand for a provision that
allow them to scrap a long-
missile-reduction agreement if
etermined U.S. antimissile de-
in space were illegal.
e U.S. official who reported
ncession acknowledged that the
, which President Bush and
I President Mikhail S. Gor-
v plan to sign at their June
ngton summit, would include
mon escape clause. Either side
abandon the missile restric-
if they did not serve national
e separate briefings produced
ce of discord, also. Gerasimov
e U.S. still refuses to consider
force reductions, and he said
viets would not sign the treaty
spute over sea-launched cruise
es was not resolved.
e Bush administration refuses
ept limitations on the weapons

carried aboard nuclear submarines and
surface ships.
The superpowers made progress
on another issue during the talks.
The Soviets said there was talk of
a joint condemnation of Israel's
resettlement of Jewish immigrants
on the West Bank.
"It's quite possible that as a re-
sult of the Soviet-American talks a
common viewpoint will be ex-
pressed on this issue, condemning

Israel's attempt to resettle immi-
grants on someone else's occupied
territory," Gennady, the Soviet For-
eign Minister spokesperson said.
"There are no differences between.
the United States and us on this is-
sue," he said.
A half-dozen senior U.S. officials
made no mention of the Jewish set-
tlers in a separate briefing summing
up more than seven hours of talks
between Baker and Shevardnadze.

Reported U.S.


cases rise 9 % in 1989

Soviet Progressives
react to political change

'on Arab-Israeli issue

by Jody Weinberg
Students representing two sides
of the Arab-Israeli conflict debated
the issue yesterday for the Michigan
Student Television Student Forum.
The audience was very vocal and
participatory on both the Palestinian
and Israeli side.
"I was really impressed with the
audience; they were really well
versed in the issue and that con-
tributed positively to the discus-
sion," moderator Joe Hart, an LSA
senior, said. "It's interesting to see
how something which occurs thou-
sands of miles awaysaffects people in
very emotional ways."
Representing the Palestinian in-
terests were LSA seniors Dima Zala-
timo, a member of the Palestine
Solidarity Committee (PSC), and
Betsy Esch, who was a member of
the PSC delegation which went to
occupied territories and was also part
of an international delegation which
went to the West Bank town of Beit
Speaking for the Israeli cause
were engineering senior John Blow,
a co-chair of TAGAR, a student
group which promotes the state of
Israel, and LSA junior Joseph Eng-

lander, the chair of IMPAC, which
tries to foster and improve positive
US-Israeli relations through in-
volvement in the American political
The forum consisted of a ques-
tion and answer period between the
moderator and the panel members,
followed by a discussion that was
opened to the floor.
Esch said, "Zionism is a move-
ment that furthers the self-determina-
tion of Jews, but not self-determina-
tion of all people.and [Zionism] al-
lows persecution of people which is
fundamentally wrong."
On the other hand Blow attributedI
the Israeli's reluctance to negotiate:
with the Palestinian Liberation Or-
ganization (PLO) to the PLO's
wishes to annihilate the Jews in ad-
dition to ultimately "conquer Pales-
tine step-by-step."
Student Forum is sponsored by
MSTV and will be aired on channel
9 starting this Sunday, February 11,
at 10:05 p.m. Last night's forum
will be aired on Sunday, February
18. Every Sunday night program
will be replayed on Tuesdays at 3:30,

MOSCOW (AP) - Communist
maverick Boris Yeltsin and progres-
sive activists said yesterday the
party's decision to renounce its legal
claim on power is not enough to end
Soviet political repression and cen-
tralized control.
"It is necessary to eliminate
(Communist) party organizations in
the army, the police, the KGB, the
courts, and all the state institutions,"
Yuri Mityunov, a spokesperson for
one would-be opposition party, the
Democratic Union.
Yeltsin was the sole member of
the party's policy-making Central
Committee to oppose the political
reforms Wednesday. He said they
failed to go far enough.
"I had grounds to vote against.
But I think, however, that the plat-
form represents if not a step then a
half-step forward, and that lessens
the tension before the (party)
Congress," he said in an interview
in his office near the Kremlin.
He recommended the formation of
a second party if the Communist
Party fails to excise conservatives at
the Congress to be held in early
Yeltsin was a keynote speaker at
the largest pro-democracy rally in
decades at the foot of Red Square last
Sunday. Several hundred thousand
people rallied and demanded the party
abandon its guaranteed leading role
in Soviet society.
At the Central Committee meet-
ing that ended Wednesday, the party
did just that, approving President
Mikhail Gorbachev's party platform

that calls for revoking the party's
constitutional guarantee in favor of a
multiparty system where Commu-
nists would have to compete for
"The discussion was very hot.
The proposals were diametrically
opposed. It was not easy," Yeltsin
said, gesturing expansively before
departing to take the political tem-
perature among activists in Len-
Mityunov said pressure for re-
form is now moving to the street
and pointed to the growing number
of incidents of angry crowds across
the Soviet Union demanding the
ouster of hard-line local Commu-
nists leaders.
Party secretaries in Volgograd,
Tyumen, Chernigov and Sverdlovsk
were removed in recent weeks, and
activists said 6,000 people gathered
in front ofnthe party headquarters in
Donetsk on Wednesday with a simi-
lar demand.
(Episcopal Church Chaplaincy)
218 N. Division (at Catherine)
Holy Eucharist-5 p.m.
in St. Andrews
Preacher: The Rev. Dr. Virginia Peacock
Celebrant: The Rev. Susan McGarry
6:00 p.m.-Supper and conversation with
Dr. Jean-Marie from Detroit
Morning Prayer, 7:30 a.m., M-F
Evening Prayer, 5:15 p.m., M-F
Call 665-0606
Huron Street (between State & Division)
Bible Study Groups-11:20
Student Fellowship-5:30
Supper and Bible Study
For information, call 663-9376
Robert B. Wallace & Mark Wilson, pastors
331 Thompson Street
Weekend liturgies: Sat. 5p.m.,
Sun. 8:30 a.m., 10 a.m., 12 noon & 5 p.m.
Confessions, Fri. 4:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Catholic Update Class,
Mon. nights, 7 to 8:30 p.m.
Topic for Feb. 12: "Catholicism's
Understanding of Christ and the
Series on Second Vatican Council, Feb. 14,

ATLANTA (AP) - The number
of new AIDS cases in the United
States rose just 9 percent in 1989,
but the disease is spreading faster
among heterosexuals, newborns,
women and Southerners, federal
AIDS specialists reported yesterday.
A total of 35,238 AIDS cases
were reported in 1989 by the na-
tional Centers for Disease Control,
compared with 32,196 reported dur-
ing 1988. That 9 percent increase is
easily the slowest since the spread of
AIDS began in the early 1980s. For
example, AIDS was-up 34 percent in
1988 and 60 percent in 1987.
"This is somewhat of a continu-

ing trend," said Dr. Ruth Berkelman,
chief of the AIDS surveillance fQr
the Atlanta-based center. "There has
been a leveling in reported cases."
The center attempts to tabulate
AIDS cases according to when they
were first diagnosed. In the latest 12-
month period of that survey the an-
nual increase was similarly modest,
a 14 percent rise over the precediirg
12 months, center diagnosticiaOts
The two tabulations differ some-
what in part because of case report-
ing delays, revisions in the standaras
for reporting of AIDS cases
other factors.

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