Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, February 9, 1990
Women L - - - - - -- - ---
Compiled from Associated Press and staff reports
by Diane Cook
Daily Women's Issues Reporter
The University's intercollegiate
sports programs will be celebrating
Girls and Women in Sports Day
with half-time ceremonies at the
Michigan and Ohio State women's
basketball game on Sunday.
Gov. James Blanchard, Senator
Lana Pollack and University officials
will present awards to female student
athletes for their outstanding aca-
demic and athletic performances.
"The purpose is to raise people's
consciousness of the increasing part
of women in all levels of sport and
sport activities," said Phyllis Ocker,
associate director of women's athlet-
ics and associate professor of sports
management and communication.
This is the fourth year the holi-
day, which takes place on Feb. 8,
has been recognized nation-wide.
Continued from page 1
series of lectures called "Multi-tal-
ented Chicanos: Will We Integrate
with the Onslaught of Our Coming
In December Castillo's commis-
sion completed "Civil Rights in
Higher Education in Michigan" and
will publish it next week. The report
encourages universities to develop
anti-discriminatory policies, create a
system to record and publish dis-
crimination incidents and develop af-
firmative action policies and classes
on cultural pluralism.
Castillo also addressed the com-
mission's difficulty in maintaining
adequate state funding. "When there's
little growth the state spends its
money on education and law en-
forcement," he said. "We have re-
ceived an increase each year, but
with inflation its actually a de-
Jane Garcia, a Detroit Census
Community Awareness Specialist,
Spring in the middle of winter?
Lars Fonberg and Magnus Warn and Ann Mace, all second-year students in the Business School, bask in
yesterday's unseasonably warm weather.
opened last night's lecture series
with a discussion of the national
census and prospects for Hispanic
political power.
She emphasized the importance
of the census for Hispanics who
want to turn their numbers into real
political power, saying that under-
representation in the Census means
under-representation in the State
Students can help insure that the
Census counts everyone, Garcia said,
asking Spanish-speaking students to
"help in communities that need it,
like Detroit and Adrian."
"Please support the census. It
will bring about some changes. You
can make a difference," she asked.
At the end of the evening, Mary
Lou Mason, Executive Director of
the Commission on Spanish-Speak-
ing Affairs, presented a resolution on
behalf of the Commission. The reso-
lution honored the organizers of
Chicano History Week for
"promoting and exposing Chicano
culture during Chicano History
Continued from page 1
with the court decision. The pro-
posal is expected to be ready in a few
Last month's proposal included a
safety valve, which allowed for those
landlords in violation of the ordi-
nance with exceptional circum-
stances to appeal to the city's hous-
ing department.
Although some city coun-
cilmembers have favored leaving the
ordinance unchanged and letting the
courts decide, Ann Arbor Mayor
Gerald Jernigan said yesterday the
city would have to change the ord-
nance to bring it into agreement
with state law.
Jernigan said the problem in
drafting a new ordinance was making
sure there was adequate housing for
students while at the same time pro-
tecting neighborhoods.
"We're very sensitive to the
An article in yesterday's Daily
incorrectly reported a statistic.
Women gain an average of 4 and
one-half pounds their first year at the
neighborhoods, but at the same time
we don't want to force students to
live out on the edge of town," he
Student Legal Services
spokesperson Mike Appel claimed
the zoning ordinances intentionally
created a student ghetto by restricting
where students could afford to rent
housing in Ann Arbor.
"It's almost like an invisible
fence around student neighborhoods
keeping students bottled up," Appel
Most areas where students live
are zoned for apartment use, limiting
the number of unrelated persons liv-
ing in a unit to six.
The zoning ordinances are only
enforced based on complaints by lo-
cal residents, Appel said.
City Housing Department
spokesperson Wendy Rampson said
zoning restrictions are needed to reg-
ulate the side effects - like popula-
tion density and parking scarcity -
that result from unrelated persons
living together.
But, Appel said this shouldn't be
the focus of zoning ordinances. "If
the city's concerned about parking,
they should legislate on parking. If
they're concerned about noise they
would legislate on noise."
More patients were infected 4
by Detroit hospital bacteria
DETROIT (AP) - State officials yesterday were preparing to release a
report showing 24 to 40 more patients at Detroit Receiving Hospital were
infected with a bacteria that forced the closing of an intensive care ward.
Dr. William Hall of the Michigan Department of Public Health's dis-
ease surveillance division declined to comment on the report, which was
scheduled to be released today. He said the acinetobacter bacteria posed no:
danger to patients now at the hospital.
"Since the hospital has instituted certain steps to prevent spread of in-:
fection, there are no unusual risks at the facility," Hall said.
Last month, state officials launched an investigation after the hospital
disclosed that 24 patients were infected with the hospital-spawned bacteria.
Eight of those patients died, but a health department preliminary report
ruled out the bacteria as a cause in four of them.
Young's tax appeal rejected
LANSING, Mich. - Detroit Mayor Coleman Young emerged empty-
handed yesterday after lobbying legislative leaders to reinstate a utility tax
that could cost the city $102 million in refunds.
Young said after more than two hours of closed-door meetings that he
had secured no agreements on restoring the tax, which he himself had
voted against as a state senator in 1970.
The tax was thrown out by a Wayne County Circuit Court judge who
ruled Monday that the city has been improperly collecting the tax because
it expired June 30, 1988.
The city plans to appeal, but Young said lawmakers should still rein-.
state the tax in order to head off a potential downgrading of the city's bond,
rating by Standard and Poor's Corporation.
Young initially told reporters he had no recollection of voting against
the utility tax.
"That's when I was a state senator. I'm mayor now," he said.
Justice Dept. to sue General
Dynamics over tank prices
DETROIT - General Dynamics Corp., accused of overcharges on 800
tanks sold to the Army, said yesterday it thought a probe into costs of the
tanks was completed a year ago.
General Dynamics Land Systems Division sen 21 people to testify be-
fore a federal grand jury and submitted 300,000 pages of documents in an
investigation dating back to 1986, spokesman Don Gilleland said.
Gilleland said the company was told a year ago that criminal charges
wouldn't be pursued.
"Late last year, they came back to us and said they were going to file
civil charges. We don't know why," Gilleland said.
The Justice Department said Wednesday it is charging in a civil law-
suit that General Dynamics defrauded the Army on 800 M1 tanks. The
suit does not specify damages sought, but the government told the com-
pany before filing the suit in U.S. District Court in Detroit that it would
ask for about $8.6 million.
Bush defends military tour
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Yesterday President Bush defended his tour
of military bases and tough talk on defense issues at a time of dramatic
change in Moscow, saying "the timing happened to be fortuitous."
The president, speaking with reporters aboard Air Force One as he re
turned from a three-day trip that focused on military readiness, said he did
not believe his message would be seen as running counter to this week's
developments in the Soviet Union.
Bush said the message he was seeking to send the Soviet Union was
"one of stability, of reasonableness."
Broadcasting form an underground command bunker at Strategic Air
Command headquarters in Omaha, the president told the nation's nuclear-
bearing forces to take some credit for the movement toward more democ:
racy within the Soviet Union.
Be happy, but still worry...
NEW YORK - Getting a promotion or finding a sweetheart may
make you happy now, but it could make you feel sick later on, a re-
searcher says.
The problem may be that sudden good fortune can be stressful for peo-
ple with low self-esteem, said researcher Jonathon Brown.
"If you think of yourself as basically a loser, and all of a sudden you're
accepted in the best sorority in town, and you're doing really well in
school - you're forced to rethink some key aspects of who you are," he
Researchers measured students' self-esteem and asked them which
"major life events" from a list had occurred to them over the previous 12
Students were asked four months later about illnesses they developed
since completing the survey. For students with low self-esteem, the more
positive events they had recorded, the more colds, sore throats, sinus in-
fections, ear infections, and laryngitis they tended to report during the fol-
low-up period.
~be £idbiiwn fluilg
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter
terms by students at the University of Michigan. Subscription rates: for fall and winter (2 semesters)
$28.00 in-town and $39 out-of-town, for fall only $18.00 in-town and $22.00 out-of-town.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and the Student News Service.
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