Fage 2- The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 28, 1989
Polish activist
speaks on changes
by Ruth Littmann
Introduced by Institute of Social ,
Research Director Robert Zajonc as a 7
historian who doesn't just study his- ,
tory but who makes it, Polish po-
litical activist and former political
prisoner Adam Michnik made his ,
only United States appearance last
night in front of an enthusiastic
crowd at Rackham Auditorium. ,
Michnik, who has spent one
fourth of his adult life in prison for
his public opposition to commu-
nism, spoke on the future of social- ,
ism in Eastern Europe.
Despite his imprisonment, he ,
said, he felt lucky. The books he ,
was able to read and write while in-
carcerated helped him to understand ,
and predict change in Eastern Eu-
Last night, Michnik examined 1
the evolving conceptions of social-
ism. He said that most Poles rejected
socialist doctrine by the middle
1970s, no longer able to relate the
doctrine to the reality.
"From the Soviet loudspeakers
and Polish loudspeakers we heard
about socialism and we had the kind
of reaction that the dogs in Pavlov's i
experiment had," he said.
Michnik believes that the current 1
reforms in Eastern Europe, do not
signify a renewal of Socialism, but
rather a gradual destruction of com-
munism. While" politics have
changed in recent months, he said,
the challenge of reforming the
economies remains.
Michnik opposes communism.
He said under Communism, the
common man is reduced to being the
property of the state.
Michnik referred to capitalism as
"the cult of the market economy,"
explaining that dogmatic capitalism
is a natural response to dogmatic
communism. At a press conference
earlier in the day, Michnik had said
both are equally thoughtless and
Also during the press conference,
Michnik emphasized Poland's need
for a legal basis for democracy. He
proposed changes in the constitu-
tion, the legal code, and the laws
governing property, elections, and
the mass media.
A long-time advocate of peaceful
reform, Michnik said Solidarity's
philosophy of non-violence was in-
fluenced by memories of the Warsaw
uprising, the Bolshevik Revolution,
and the lack of an opposition army,
he explained.
Adam Michnik speaks about the future of socialism in Eastern Europe
last night at Rackham Auditorium.
Continued from page 1
long as it is based on results," he
said. "It's not possible to lay this
down in the constitution."
1 The official CTK news agency
said parliament, until now a rubber-
stamp body under firm Communist
control, also would be open to dis-
cussion of any draft laws. Vladimir
Janku, head of the state's commis-
sion on church affairs, was quoted as
saying these would include new laws
on religion that would end state con-
trol over churches and the criticized
practice of licensing priests.
However, protestors were not sat-
isfied with these concessions.
Posters demanding free elections and
an end to one-party rule were plas-
tered over the windows of shops, ho-
tels and restaurants that closed to ob-
serve the strike.
At Prague's largest industrial
complex, CKD, workers demanded
the formation of independent trade
The Palestinian Solidarity Com-
mittee's delegation traveled to the
Occupied Territories last summer.
Continued from Page 1
But such participation is not
satisfactory to some distributors.
"Being part of it is better than not
being part of it," said Kent Kloster
of AC3 Computing Center, which
set up a booth at the last kickoff.
"But the fee is not nearly enough to
make up for what our business
would be like if the University didn't
sell computers," he said.
If passed, the bill, which is
currently in committee, could raise
the prices at which goods could be
sold at Computer Kickoff.
But the bill is "so broad and so
vague that in the long run it may
bring more problems than
resolutions," Pellerito said.
There is no indication of how
much difference there would be
between University-sold products and
retail items, Pellerito said. The bill
only says that goods must be sold at
"substantially lower prices" for the
bill to apply without defining
'substantially,' he explained.
Pellerito also said the University
would need to create new guidelines
to handle the problem.
But something must be done,
said Marty Andrews, of the Business
Association for a Strong Economy,
which strongly backs the bill.
Continued from page 1
jected the referendum, they would
have elected a president directly on
Jan. 7.
Opposition groups favored post-
poning the vote until after parlia-
mentary elections, saying that
otherwise they could not sufficiently
organize a serious challenge to
Pozsgay. They hope to win strong
representation in the new Parlia-
meat, giving their candidate a better
chance at the presidency.
According to recent opinion
polls, the Socialist Party is unlikely
to win a majority in the parliamen-
tary elections.
With 91.3 percent of the votes
counted, the referendum actually was
failing by a narrow margin, 50.2
percent against to 49.8 percent in fa-
vor: But Pozsgay and opposition
parties predicted a reversal when all
votes are counted.
Continued from page 1
While the Conservative Coalition
controls the assembly's executive
branch and a significant bloc of
representatives, it does not command
a decisive majority.
Tomorrow's elections will test
the party's staying power. It appears {
that the coalition's opposition has
consolidated - the Choice party.
This will probably reduce the chance
that opposition votes will be
Choice, running on the
experience of its candidates, has a
slate featuring several current chairs
of MSA committees and
Nick Maverick, the Students'
Rights Commission chair, Laura
Sankey, Communications
Committee chair, Jason Krumholtz,
Health Issues chair, Jennifer Van
Valey, Woman's Issues chair, and
Ingrid Fey, Peace and Justice chair,
are all on the Choice slate.
"Our record stands for itself. We
have the experience, we're the ones
creating the issues," Krumholtz said.
Conservative Coalition
Coordinator Jeff Johnson
acknowledged that his party would
have to overcome this challenge and
win a majority on the assembly to
keep working towards its goals.
The coalition's agenda during the
fall term has been a mixture of
measures aimed at making the
assembly run more efficiently and
highly politicized measures which
have sparked fierce debate at MSA.
In the late summer, assembly
leaders attended a "retreat" where they
discussed ways representatives do and
could work together in spite of
political differences. They also
defined certain goals they felt the
assembly should strive towards.
Under the Conservative
Coalition's leadership, the process
by which assembly funds are given
to student groups was centralized
under the authority of the Budget
Priorities Committee.
However, moves like the
recognition of Cornerstone Christian
Fellowship and a campaign to
eliminate the Peace and Justice
Commission - both initiated by
Coalition representatives - have
caused anger and resentment.
"They brought to MSA a realistic
quality which we lacked before,"
acknowledged Choice candidate Laura
Sankey. However, she said the
Conservative Coalition tends to have
tunnel vision, focusing on single
issues and not seeing beyond them.
Rackham rep. Corey Dolgan,
also a Choice candidate, said the
Coalition's presence has bogged
down the assembly in petty debates
rather than hasten its work because
Coalition members challenge every
"We spend much more time
debating issues that threaten to
divide the assembly instead of acting
in a positive and progressive way to
improve campus life," Dolgan said.
Compiled from Associated Press and staff reports
Discovery lands successfully,
CAPE CANAVERAL - Discovery's five astronauts, forced by high
wind to remain in space an extra day and then an extra orbit, landed safely
last night at 7:35 EST in California's Mojave Desert to end their secret
military mission.
After being ordered to spend an extra day in space, Mission Control
directed the astronauts to remain in space at least an extra 90 minutes
yesterday because of wind in Camifornia's Mojave Desert.
The earliest new landing time for the secret military mission was 4:31
p.m. PST, one orbit later than planned. Astronaut Frederick Gregory was
to guide Discovery to a landing at Edwards Air Force Base.
The wind was not as strong as the 30 mph gusts that forced NASA to
call off a landing attempt on Sunday, just four hours before the planned
touchdown. But they were high enough at nearly 20 mph to make landing
conditions unacceptable at all three shuttle landing runways.
Detroit papers launch merger
DETROIT - Detroit's two daily newspapers, the nation's ninth- and
tenth-largest, launched their long-stalled partial merger yesterday, as union
and management officials resumed contract talks.
"I think the feeling is, we are close. I'm optimistic we can reach an
agreement," Detroit Free Press Publisher Robert Hall said.
Robert Giles, publisher of The Detroit News, said he also expected to
reach an agreement with five of the newspapers' six unions by a 12:01
Thursday strike deadline. The press operators' Graphics Communications
International Union ratified a contract Sunday.
William Keating, chief executive of the Detroit Newspaper Agency,
which runs the combined operations, said Monday-night talks would con-
tinue until the two sides agree.
"I am totally convinced that everything will be resolved and that there
will not be a strike," Keating said.
Police urge assault gun ban
LANSING - Leading police officials hoping to persuade lawmakers
to ban certain guns demonstrated yesterday several semi-automatic assault
weapons they believe are the new "weapons of choice" among drug
Grand Rapids police chief William Hegarty led the demonstration for
the ad hoc House Committee on Criminal Justice, which has spent the
fall reviewing all aspects of the system including prison sentencing and
jail overcrowding.
Hegarty said he hoped the demonstration would make legislators realize
how dangerous the weapons could be.
However, the lawmakers said they would have to come up with an
agreement that carefully balances the constitutional rights of hunters and
other gun owners with the need for safety in the streets.
Hegarty said his "top 10" list of weapons that shouldn't be sold to the
public include TEC-9, AR-15, and Uzi.
Official calls for regulations
of cholesterol screenings
WASHINGTON - A U.S. health official called yesterday for federal
regulation of all cholesterol screenings not conducted by health care
professionals, saying booths in shopping malls and other public settings
can be inaccurate and spread infections such as AIDS and hepatitis.
Richard Kusserow, inspector general at the Department of Health and
Human Services, said testers at these screenings frequently disregard basic
rules of hygiene in collecting blood samples and often are poorly trained
to operate the cholesterol-measuring devices.
He added that people who are tested "are going to try to depend in these
results, and the results, in fact, are not very accurate."
Kusserow said he is concerned that public cholesterol screenings are
growing in popularity and that they are often used by entrepreneurs as a
marketing strategy to promote products or by stores to increase traffic.
Yoooooooooooou must be...
The lines, the SVF's, the overrides, the time schedules, the course
guides, the headaches, the wait lists... yes it's that time of year again,
It doesn't matter who you are, CRISP© is inescapable. Even if you ate
15 oat bran muffins a day and hung for countless hours from inversion
boots, your chances of CRISPing© would not be diminshed.
Nothing much is new down at CRISP© central. Back again this year,
though, is CRISP's© ray of sunshine, CRISP's© light at the end of the
tunnel, CRISP's© straw to break the camel's back, CRISP's© fly in the
ointment, CRISP's© needle in the haystack, CRISP's© meat and
potatoes, CRISP's© butterfly in the stomach, CRISP's© wolf in sheep's
clothing,... we all know him and love him, he's the jovial man who
gleefully shouts out with robust vigor, "Yooooooou must be Alphonso!"
So as you plod your way through that CRISPO this holiday season
think of the happy moment when you'll hear "Yooooooou must be (fill
in your name here)!" And don't forget: acceptance of that schedule is
acceptance of its accuracy. -by Alex Gordon
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter
terms by students at the University of Michigan. Subscription rates: for fall and winter (2 semesters)
$28.00 in-town and $39 out-of-town, for fall only $18.00 in-town and $22.00 out-of-town.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and the Student News Service.
ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
PHONE NUMBERS: News (313) 764-0552, Opinion 747-2814, Arts 763-0379, Sports 747-3336, Cir-
culation 764-0558, Classified advertising 764-0557, Display advertising 764-0554, Billing 764-0550
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The University of Michigan
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"" --
Editor in Chief Adam Schrager Sports Editor Mike Gil
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Photo: Jennifer Dunetz. Amv Feldman. Julie Holtman. Jose Juarez. Jonathan Liss, Josh Moore. Samantha Sanders. Kenneth Smeller.