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November 15, 1989 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-11-15

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Palestinian Independence Day

MozartFest comes to the University

Michigan defeats Polish national basketball team

Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom
Vol. C, No. 51 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, November 15, 1989 " M"ui







by Kristine LaLonde
Daily Administration Reporter


for violations

Protests of speakers on campus may
soon change dramatically.
Protestors who prevent someone
from speaking at an organized event
may soon face sanctions ranging from a
formal apology to expulsion, if a set of
enforcement guidelines is approved by
the University's Board of Regents.
Sanctions could be levied against
faculty, staff or administrators.
The guidelines would provide the
mechanism to enforce the policy for
protest and speech that was drafted by
the University's Civil Liberties Board
and passed by the regents in July 1988.
After working for nearly three terms
to form an enforcement policy, the Uni-
versity Council - a committee of
students, administrators and faculty
which reviews University conduct
policy - has issued the set of en-
forcement guidelines for public review.
The guidelines were sept to the
Michigan Student Assembly, the
faculty's Senate Advisory Committee
on University Affairs, and University
President James Duderstadt last week for
After soliciting comments, the
council may revise the guidelines before
presenting them to the regents at their
Dec. 15 meeting.

U-Council members said the
enforcement guidelines were not a
radical departure from other University
rules. The process for complaints
includes a "Freedom of Speech Board"
and a hearing panel for complaints that
go beyond the mediation process.
The speech board, which will consist
of an administrator, faculty member and
student, will be responsible for
receiving complaints and determining

whether the accused have violated the
Complaints may be filed by any
University student, faculty or staff
member, or visitor to the campus.
U-Council Co-chair Jens Zorn, a
Physics professor, said the board will be
assisted by a policy coordinator, the
University's legal counsel, and the Civil
Liberties Board.
See COUNCIL, page 2

Council must prove its
effectiveness to survive
by Kristine LaLonde duct.

Daily Administration Reporter
The University Council has over-
come one obstacle by completing a set
of enforcement rules for the University's
protest policy, but it now it faces an-
other tough assignment - proving its
worth to the University's Board of Re-
At their May meeting, the regents
set a December deadline for U-Council
- a policy review board composed of
students, administrators and faculty -
to prove its effectiveness. The council
self-destructed two years ago when its
members could not agree on a policy
governing non-academic student con-

The council, which was established
by Regental Bylaw 7.02, was re-estab-
lished last fall.
At the regents' Dec. 15 meeting, U-
Council members will present the
protest enforcement guidelines as proof
of the council's productivity.
U-Council Co-chair Corey Dolgon, a
Rackham graduate student, said he
thought the council had proved its
merit. "In order to show that 7.02 is
workable, we needed to produce a docu-
ment," Dolgon said.
Council members said the body has
worked well together and has proven its
See DEADLINE, page 2

Offshoots of fighting
Workers tend to a little girl injured during fighting in San Salvador between government
troops and rebel forces. The fighting began Saturday when the rebels mounted their
largest offensive in the 10-year-old civil war. See story, Page 3.

W e

Germany offers


Vice President Rose

aid to E. Germany

Karadsheh leaves office

BERLIN (AP) - West Germany
said yesterday it was willing to give
East Germany massive financial aid
in the style of the postwar U.S.
Marshall Plan, but demanded politi-
cal and economic reforms the Com-
munists have so far rejected.
East Germany's new premier,
Hans Modrow, said the Berlin Wall
must remain, to keep AIDS, crime
and other Western problems out of
his country. He promised a coalition
government but did not say whether

the opposition could join it.
After a week of dramatic devel-
opments in East European countries,
President Mikhail Gorbachev of the
Soviet Union said in Moscow:
"They have a common direction,
which fosters the building of a Eu-
ropean home, for it makes the coun-
tries closer, more open and creates
new opportunities for human contact
and an equal exchange."
The Liberal Democrats, an East
See AID, page 2

by Karen Akerlof
Daily Staff Writer
Michigan Student. Assembly Vice
President Rose Karadsheh officially
resigned her post at last night's
MSA meeting.
"I regret leaving, but I don't have
a choice," said Karadsheh. She said
the recent death of her father was the
reason she decided to leave MSA.
"Right now, (Rose) is more con-
cerned with what is happening to her

family," said MSA President Aaron
Williams. "There will never be any-
one to live up to Rose Karadsheh. I
just hope the next vice president
won't have to work under her
Williams said he would announce
Karadsheh's replacement within two
weeks, but he would not name the
candidates under consideration.
Karadsheh said she recommended
Christine Chilimigras of the Student

Rights Commission to take her
place as the student government's
"She is really concerned about
MSA and its direction," Karadsheh
said. "I liked the way she worked
with Nick Mavrick (chair of Student
MSA representatives said they
were not surprised to hear Karad-
sheh's resignation. Karadsheh had
See MSA, page 2

Rose Karadsheh

'U' center leads U.S.
* in AIDS research

by Diane Cook
Daily Research Reporter
As the AIDS epidemic remains
prevalent nationwide, the University
is spearheading AIDS research in
this region by housing the director
of the Midwest AIDS Biobehavioral
Research Center (MABRC).
David Ostrow, who has been a
University psychiatrist for three
years, manages the center, which
also includes researchers from the
University of Illinois, the University
of Chicago, and Henry Ford Hospital
in Detroit.
Ostrow said the goals of the cen-
ter are to promote research, which
will prevent the spread of the infec-
tion, and to help infected people and
their families.
"When I came here three years
ago, it was with the express purpose
of starting up the center to do re-
search in this area. One of the main
goals of the center is to take what
we know from previous studies and
apply it and try to understand how to
prevent the spread of the HIV infec-
tion," said Ostrow. "The idea is to
take what we know and branch out."
The center currently consists of

They have been doing pilot re-
search since Sept. 1988. The center
is funded by the National Institute of
Health (NIH), from which it received
.$400,000 for the first year and
$500,000 this past year. Ostrow said
requests to the NIH following the pi-
lot studies' results will range from
$2.5 million and $3.5 million per
year for the next five years.
Ostrow said the center is piloting
an AIDS research training program
to teach people to work with AIDS
issues strictly related to minorities.
The program, still in its informal
stages, will begin in 1990.
"Attempts to get more people
into AIDS research, particularly
people with a minority focus have
been extremely difficult, and we feel
a training program is what's really
needed to bring them in," said
Pilot studies this year included
one whi- i investigates anonymous
AIDS test sites in Washtenaw and
Wayne Counties. Researchers are
looking at who goes, their reasons
why, and how the counseling affects
their behavior. The study's goal is to
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DNA could vie
for top ranking
in circulation,
yearly revenues
DETROIT (AP) - The Detroit Newspaper Agency,
merging the operations of The Detroit Free Press and
Detroit News, will be a corporate presence of its own.
Though the newspapers will have their own news
and editorial departments, the DNA, headed by former
Ohio judge William Keating, will run joint business,
advertising, production, pressroom and circulation oper-
The DNA will have three major downtown Detroit
buildings: the News and Free Press buildings on
Lafayette Avenue and the Free Press' Riverfront print-
ing plant.
Yearly revenues, which have been estimated by
newspaper analysts at more than $400 million for the
two newspapers in 1988, won't rank the DNA with
General Motors Corp.'s $123.64 billion, Dow Chemi-
cal Co.'s $16.68 billion or Whirlpool Corp.'s $4.31
billion, but the figures will surpass many local compa-
nies' revenues.
For instance, the Ann Arbor plumbing and trans-
portation company makes $383 million, and the Arbor
Drugs Inc. drugstore chain in Troy makes $300 million.
April-September newspaper circulation figures rank-
ed the News number nine in the nation at 690,422 and
the Free Press number 10 at 626,434.
If the average daily circulation totals were added to-
gether, the Detroit papers would be in the company of
the New York Daily News. ranked number three with a

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