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November 01, 1989 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-11-01

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The Michigan Daily- Wednesday, November 1, 1989- Page 5
Students who suffer from
stress seek means to cope

by Shara Smiley
Stressed? Well, you're not alone.
According to Newsweek, stress
is running higher than usual at col-
leges this fall. Students must deal
with stress caused by academic, so-
cial and personal pressures.
A good way for students to "keep
perspective" and avoid stress is to
balance their lives with other activi-
ties, said Gwen Awi, a counselor and
member of the Board for the Michi-
gan Union Counselling Services.
That means taking time to read a
magazine, excercise, talk with
friends, or get involved with an ex-
tracurricular activity.
Students should allot private time
for themselves each day, she said.
Awi said that students do not get the
opportunity to leave their work at
the end of the day, and this induces
"It is natural for students to want

to take a vacation once in a while
from their work, though one should
not stray from their responsibilities
consistently," said Awi. Healthy
ways to reduce the effects of stress
include eating and sleeping well and
avoiding caffeine and nicotine, natu-
ral stress inducers.
Different students handle stress in
different ways, including exercising,
excessive eating, crying, and drink-
ing alcohol.
"When things get intense, and
I'm walking into an exam situation
where I know I need to perform well,
I become apathetic; I just don't care
about it," said Derek Dale, an LSA
senior. "I involuntarily rationalize
my stress by using reverse psychol-
1989 LSA graduate Mo O'Hara,
visiting from Chicago where she
studies psychology, said she man-
ages stress with "obsessive jog-
ging." She jogs from 20 minutes to

an hour in the morning, and again at
night if she anticipates a bad day.
LSA sophmore Julie Logan, has
a different way to cope with stress:
"We love getting crazy at the soror-
ity house late nights. The energy
level gets so intense we spend half
the night just making each other
crack up."
"If I was living in an apartment
and studying by myself, I think I'd
completelely stress out. Having my
sorority sisters around to talk to re-
ally helps a lot," said Logan.
Awi said isolation worsens
stress. "One of the things that stu-
dents experience here at Michigan is
a feeling that there is usually at least
one other student to relate to. Stress-
ful situations become intensified
when some students become isolated
from being able to find people who
share their concerns, thoughts, feel-
ings, and frustrations," she said.
"Stress is really not all that bad;

in fact, if managed correctly, it can
be a positive motivation," she said.
A stress management work-
shop will be offered in the Michigan
Union next semester. For more in-
formation, contact Counselling Ser-
vices at 764-8312.
The University provides several
resources to help students deal with
-Counselling Services provides
free, short-term counselling for stu-
-76-GUIDE (764-8433) is a stu-
dent service designed for those who
want want to speak to a peer coun-
selor by phone. Hours are 5 p.m. to,
9 a.m. on weeknights and 24 hours
during the weekend.
-The Psychological Clinic on
East Huron Drive also offers private
counselling for students.

Palestinian town, Israelis claim
victory in showdown over taxes

Light at the end of the tunnel

Kevin Cronin, an LSA junior, and Art School sophomore Anne-Marie
Regalado emerge from the nightmarish gloom of the West Engineering
arch and discover the bright, bustling Shang ri-La that is South U.

WEST BANK (AP) - The army
took down the barricades around this
Palestinian town yesterday, ending
42 days of seizing cars, furniture and
other goods to crush a tax boycott.

,Legislators expect prison
overcrowding to worsen

Jubilant residents took to the streets
to shout victory.
But as hundreds of the townspeo-
ple waved "V" signs and sang, mili-
tary authorities said they had suc-
ceeded in breaking the revolt, seizing
the equivalent of more than $1.5
million to make up for unpaid taxes.
"We are always collecting taxes.
We have always collected taxes. We
are the authorities," said Brig. Gen.
Shaike Erez, head of the West Bank
military government.
Hanan Banura, a mother of two
whose husband is in jail for refusing
to pay taxes, said the town's defiance
strengthened the 22-month-old Pales-
tinian uprising against occupation of
the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
"We won something here," she

said. "We did what we wanted to do,
not what they wanted."
The bulldozers that pushed away
the earthen mound blocking off the
Christian Arab town of 10,000 peo-
ple ended Beit Sahour's unlikely role
as a symbol of the revolt against oc-
It is a town of large, prQsperous-
looking homes of sun-bleached stone
located down steep, winding roads
from Bethlehem. until recently its
middle-class residents were derided as
"rich revolutionaries" by poor Pales-
tinians in refugee camps who fought
Israelis with stones and firebombs.
Of the more than 600 Palestini-
ans killed in clashes with soldiers or
civilians in the uprising, only one
died in Beit Sahour.

But Beit Sahour, known mostly
for the fields where shepherds first
learned of Christ's birth, kept up the
boycott of Israeli taxes ordered by
the PLO-backed leaders of the uprise
ing long after most other Palestifli-
ans gave in to Israeli pressure.
Much to Israel's consternation;
the tax revolt has gotten as much
publicity as the uprising's persistent
violence. Journalists who sneaked
into Beit Sahour described refrigera-
tors, rugs, cars, televisions and all
manner of goods being hauled away.
On one side, townspeople com-
plained against "taxation without
representation." On the other, Israel
claimed it was seizing goods only to
collect taxes to support schools,
roads and other services.

LANSING (AP) - There is no
quick fix to the prison overcrowding
that threatens to swamp Michigan's
corrections system in three years, de-
spite a $900 million expansion pro-
ject, legislative leaders said yester-
The Department of Corrections
predicted five months ago that the
system would have a 7,400-bed
shortage by 1991. Now, the depart-
ment says that shortage will be
11,530 and will grow to 15,911 by
the end of 1992. The June{ report
didn't project for 1992.
State prisons currently are 3,853
beds short.
Officials said the higher figures
released Monday reflect a change
from earlier assumptions that the
number of convicts sent to prison
each year would level off during the

1990's. Now prison planners believe
the number of inmates will continue
to soar in the next decade as it has
throughout the 1980's.
"Something's got to be done and
it's got to be done now," said correc-
tions Director Robert Brown Jr. "I
personally don't think building more
beds is an alternative because we
can't afford it. We cant keep pouring
money into prisons."
Brown added that it will be im-
possible for the system to function
with so many inmates and measures
must be taken now to divert crimi-
nals from prison.
Senate Majority Leader John En-
gler (R-Mount Pleasant) agreed.
"We've proven the futility of
building our way out of the prob-
lem," he said, adding that the state
should launch a legal offensive to

gain permission from the courts to
start putting two prisoners in a cell
Sen. Jack Welborn, chair of the
Senate Criminal Justice and Urban
Affairs Committee, said the state is
about done building traditional pris-
ons and now the focus must shift to
alternate sentencing, including the
use of more boot camps, county
work camps, and two-year county
Meanwhile, Gov. James Blan-
chard outlined for his ad hoc crime
committee a new state-local partner-
ship under which the state would
provide money for new jails as a
way to ease prison overcrowding.
"The fastest growing segment of
the prison population is the short-
term offender, a person who should
be kept at the county level," he said.

Hey, guess


Tbkl ifV


the University of Michigan's humor magazine,
Goes on sale Wednesday!
Or maybe Thursday. It's still.at the printers, actually.
So let's just say it goes on sale some time this week, on the Diag and in the
Fishbowl, and maybe in some dorms; we don't know. Definitely on the Diag.
We do know that it's really funny, and certainly worth a dollar fifty. I
mean, it's just a dollar fifty, what else we're you going to do with a dollar fifty?
French fries and a Coke?
Well, I can see that.
But buy the Gargoyle anyway;
there are a lot of funny pictures of Ricardo Montalbon
in it.
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