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November 01, 1989 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-11-01

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Page 4 Wednesday, November 1, 1989 The Michigan Daily

Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan

An open forum on financial aid:


the administration

r Vol. C, No. 41

420 Maynard St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other
cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion
of the Daily.

AST MONTH, Joshua Fogel, Steven
Weisburg, and Steven Eliat, three
Jewish students at Brooklyn College,
vwre beaten within an inch of their
Byes - Fogel's skull was fractured,
Weisburg had to have his spleen re-
moved - by 15 white males wielding
broken bottles and yelling anti-Semitic
epithets. It was the latest horror in an
epidemic of hate-crimes that has hit
New York, and the whole country; but
it was also an act of singular enormity.
A generation and a half after the
Holocaust, anti-Semitism is still with
W; and violence against Jews is on the
,-,Newspaper reports and the Anti-
tefamation League of B'nai B'rith
pace the blame for the phenomenon on
skinheads and the neo-Nazis groups
Which are organizing them, like Tom
Metzger's Aryan Youth Movement.
Adly, today's anti-Semitism is not as



marginal as the media and the ADL
make it seem.
Feeling the heat of an extensive po-
lice investigation, three of the students'
attackers have turned themselves in.
They are not skinheads. Like the lynch
mob that killed Yusuf Hawkins a few
miles away in Bensonhurst, they are
middle-class men. In fact, two of them
are members of a fraternity.
Their brand of anti-Semitism is per-
vasive, and becoming all too accept-
able. Increasingly, the mainstream of
public opinion is finding room for what
were once considered extreme views.
Klansman David Duke's success in the
Republican Party is part of the same
development. Outrage is justified after
what happened in Brooklyn, but anger
alone is not enough to combat the
problem. Anti-Semitism is not past,
and it is not far away. Unless we ac-
knowledge its depth, it will continue to
emerge in violence.

By Latrice Dixon and
Michael Wilson
Throughout the month of October, nu-
merous articles have appeared in the Daily,
the University Record and elsewhere detail-
ing the University's progress, or lack
thereof, in the areas of recruitment and re-
tention of students of color. The most
striking articles present statistics and re-
search on financial aid availability and tu-
ition increases. Clearly, each of these is-
sues is intimately linked. Most students of
color, through personal experience or
otherwise, understand that the costs of at-
tending an "elite" school like Michigan are
Each September, upon receiving our fi-
nancial aid packages which have increased
in loan and work study amounts and de-
creased in grants, we can choose one of
several options. We can A) take on extra
hours at the jobs we already have, thus
further distracting from our study time; B)
take time off from school, temporarily or
indefinitely, until we can save enough
money to afford tuition; or C) transfer to
another school which offers decent finan-
cial aid packages.
It's nice to know we have so many
choices. None of these, however, has a
positive impact on people of color re-
cruitment and retention at the University.
Compounded with the fact that African

Americans and other people of color are
disproportionately economically disadvan-
taged, the prospect of achieving that 20-
year-old goal of 10 percent Black enroll,
ment seems ever evasive.
This year alone, tuition for undergradu-
ates rose 9.6 percent and it is projected to
increase by a minimum of 6.5 percent
next year. Obviously, students of color

'One question which immediately comes to mind is, "Where is
this money going?" It is certainly not finding its way into many
of our financial aid packages.'

invited Provost Vest, President Duderstadt
and Vice President Robert Holmes to at-
tend, all of whom supposedly have an
open ear to people of color concerns. Thus
far, we have received only one confirma-
tion from V.P. Holmes, although we ex-
pect that Duderstadt will send a representa-
We would like to extend an open invita-;


and poor students will be most severely af-
fected by these increases. Yet we are reas-
sured by University administrators such as
Provost Charles Vest that financial aid al-
locations have increased by 43 percent.
One question which immediately comes to
mind is, "Where is this money going?" It
is certainly not finding its way into many
of our financial aid packages.
As top level administrators and the pres-
ident of the University extoll the virtues
and achievements of the Michigan Man-
date, it only seems reasonable to expect
that students should have the opportunity
to question them directly about their pro-
grams and progress. With this goal in
mind, students of color in the United
Coalition Against Racism (UCAR) have
planned a Financial Aid Forum. We have

tion to students who have questions, gen-
eral or specific and personal, regarding fi-
nancial aid and people of color recruitment
and retention. A similar public forum held
three years ago by the Black Student
Union had some interesting and meaning-
ful outcomes - including some on-the
spot commitments of funds made by Uni-
versity officials. This rare opportunity for
students of color and administration dia-s
logue will take place on Thursday,;
November 2 at 7:00 p.m. in the Stockwell
Blue Carpet Lounge. UCAR would like to,
encourage you to attend. Feel free to come
prepared with your questions, financial aid
documentation and recommendations for
the administrators.
Latrice Dixon and Michael Wilson are
members of the UCAR steering commit-

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By Joseph Englander
On August 7, 1989, a plane carrying 16
people was reported missing in stormy
weather over Ethiopia. On August 13, the
charred remains of that plane were found.
It had apparently slammed into a mountain
35 miles from its destination. U.S. Repre-
sentative Mickey Leland and the 15 others
aboard were confirmed to be dead.
As the White House flags were lowered
to half mast, President Bush remembered
Leland, "as an outstanding man of great
humor" and expressed the regrets that all
Americans felt for the tragedy. From Israel
came condolences from Prime Minister
Yitzhak Shamir saying, "Mickey Leland
will forever be remembered as one of the
great fighters for human rights and a great
friend of Israel."
Mickey Leland was 44 years old at the
time of his death. Elected in 1978, he rep-
resented a poor district in Houston, Texas,
made up mostly of Blacks, Latinos, and
Asian Americans. During his 11 years in
Washington, he was twice the Chair of the
Congressional Black Caucus.
Leland described himself as "a man who
evolved from a firebrand black activist to

an activist on behalf of humanity ev<
where in any part of the world where F
ple are desperate and hungry for the fi
doms and rights they deserve as human
His activism was channeled into the 1
terment of people across the world.
was chairman of the House Select C
mittee on Hunger which he helped cr
in the early 1980s.
He pressed relentlessly to feed the ho
less in the United States. Leland convir
Congress to spend $800 million for as.,
ing sub-Saharan nations in Africa wl
starvation had been devastating. J<
Jackson remembered watching him in
halls of Congress when he "literally br
down crying trying to appeal to of
Congresspeople to be sensitive to the
that people in Ethiopia were clutchin
his ankles and dying before his eyes."
Representative Leland worked tirele
to create a bridge between all people
the world. He was a great friend of Is
and the Jewish people, maintainin
strong record of support of aid to Israel
Eleven years ago he created the Lel
Kibbutz internship. Each year, 10 1
school juniors are selected from Lelai



district to work on an Israeli communal
settlement called a Kibbutz. The students
work on the Kibbutz for six weeks and
then tour the country.
His ties to the Jewish community ex-
tended to his strong support of Ethiopian
Jewry. Leland was scheduled to fly from
Ethiopia to Israel to brief Israeli officials
on the status of 8000 Jews still trapped in
Ethiopia. He never made it.
Ellen Cohen, Executive Director of the
American Jewish Committee in Houston,
said in remembering Mickey Leland, "He
was not only a link between the Jewish
communities, but between all people."
Mickey Leland will be sorely missed in
his country and in his world.
Please join IMPAC, College
Democrats, MSA Minority Affairs Com-
mission, NAACP, Tagar, Union of Stu-
dents for Israel and other groups in a
tribute to Mickey Leland featuring State
Senator Lana Pollack, today at 6:00 p.m.
in the Pendleton room of the Michigan
Joseph Englander is an LSA junior and
is chair of the Involved in Michigan Polit-
ical Action Committee (IMPAC).



Save Ala
THE ARCTIC National Wildlife
gefuge in Alaska is a 17 million acre
refuge of which only 8 million acres
ire protected as wilderness. One
particularly important ecosystem, the
1.5 million acre coastal plain, was not
dlesignated as wilderness because it
may contain a major oil reservoir. The
coastal plain is currently off limits to oil
development. However, the Bush
Xdministration is pushing legislation
that would open the coastal plain to oil
development. Currently, the coastal
Slain is the only section of Alaska's
,100 mile coastal plain not already
open to oil development.
The coastal plain is an extremely di-
verse but fragile wetland ecosystem.
This wetland doesn't receive much
lain. Rather, the ecosystem is main-
tained because poor water drainage and
a permanent layer of permafrost hold
bnough water to sustain the abundance
bf wildlife that depends on it. Gravel
end water needed for proposed oil de-
Yelopment would be taken from these
wetlands, destroying them forever.In
4ddition, oil developers scar the land-



avoid the coastal plain if it is
developed. This would seriously affect
their reproduction and survival.
Biologists believe that the Porcupine
caribou herd would dwindle, if not dis-
appear altogether should the coastal
plain be developed.
As if that is not enough,
approximately 7000 Gwich'in Indians
depend on the Porcupine caribou for
survival. Developing the coastal plain
is equivalent to taking food off their
tables. They would need food stamps
and other welfare to survive. The
Gwich'in culture is an ancient Native
American culture - one of the few that
hasn't been wiped out or abused by
U.S. legislators. The coastal plain in
question is the last stand for the
Porcupine caribou herd, and therefore
the last stand for the Gwich'in Indians
and their culture.
If the Bush Administration has its
way, all of this will be destroyed for
less than two years worth of oil.
Beneath the coastal plain may lie the
last major North American oil reservoir
- 9.6 million barrels of oil. The

By the PSC Delegation
to the Occupied Territories
Since the beginning of the intifada, the
Palestinian uprising, the residents of the
West Bank town of Beit Sahour have
engaged in many acts of civil disobedi-
ence, especially the refusal to pay taxes.
At the beginning of October, the town
was singled out by the Israelis so that they
could make an example of it. The town is
still under curfew, all the telephone lines
are cut, several houses have been demol-
ished, and many people had their cars,
TVs, and furniture confiscated. At the end
of August our delegation spoke to Elias
Rishmawi, a pharmacist in Beit Sahour.
In a second selection from our discussion,
we offer his insights into important is-
Do you think it was a mistake for the
PLO to have accepted UN resolutions 242
and 338, and to have recognized the State
of Israel at this point in time?

"To tell you the truth, the Palestinians
have no faith in the Americans or the Is-
raelis. That is why the plans of the PLO
leadership have been criticized - the way
they handled the matter of recognition
with the Americans. We can go back to
the Palestinian National Congress in Al-
giers and the resolutions regarding 242,
338, and so on. It was very clear to us that
Arafat was sending a message to the
Americans, and that he was trying to
comply with their demands. Those are, 'if
you do this, things will be better,' and the
like. But after bowing to American de-
mands, nothing has happened on the other
side. We are giving, but we are not receiv-
ing anything.
The PLO is asking for direct
negotiations with the Israelis, but what
answer are we getting? More of our people
are getting killed. The Israeli measures
against us in the occupied territories are
becoming more severe, and there is more
bloodshed. That is why people started to

criticize the unbalanced situation. What is'6
going on here? We are asking for peace,
and look at what we are getting.
But I would say that without the conces-
sions nobody would have known the real
attitude of the Americans and the Israelis.
It is very clear now that they don't want to
recognize the Palestinians and their State.
I hope that they will understand that we
have to exist whether they want it or not.:
We are a nation; we have to exist. We are
not existing at their expense; we are living
on our land. The Israelis have to stop
dreaming that this is the land of Israel.;
The reality is that there is a Palestinian,
nation living on this land. As the Pales-
tinians have shrunken their dreams, the Is-
raelis should do the same. We are not
ready to sacrifice our people just to prove,
that this or that piece of land is ours. We
are only asking for simple recognition of,
our right to exist as a nation and a people.;
I don't think that is too much to ask for.

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To the Daily:
T nm rritinc ain rPewnncP i

four times. Representatives of
CCF, Michael Caulk and Stu
Duncan clearly stated at the
MSA meeting that there really
isn't any membership for CCF.
The subject of funding was

religion." I assume this state-
ment is referring to last year's
incident, when CCF sponsored
a performer who sang a very
offensive song on the Diag,
much to the surprise and shock

much right to live by God's
Word as homosexuals have to
live by their sexual orientation.
Holding this belief however, is
not discrimination, and of
mnire ,ine not imniv that one,

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