Page 8 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 30, 1989
Nick Mavrick
Mavrick is chair of the
Michigan Student Assembly's
Student Rights Committee,
which is sponsoring a forum
on the policy Nov. 8. He is
also co-chair of the
administration's student
advisory committee on the
Mavrick said a conduct policy
will not adequately help the problem
of harassment on campus. He said
the University should concentrate its
efforts on other programs to combat
Mavrick said he would like to see
the administration set up a compre-
hensive counseling service similar to
the Sexual Assault Prevention and
Awareness Center to handle cases of
discriminatory harassment.
"We have to challenge whether
it's going to be effective," he said.
"From what I've seen, the codes the
University puts forth don't accom-
plish anything."
Mavrick said the administration
should aid victims of harassment in
taking their cases through the courts.
"If the complaint has merit, then
the University should spend its
money taking it through the judi-
ciary," he said. "How many people
can you have making subjective de-
cisions? That's what the judicial
branch was set up for."
Roger Kosson
Kosson is the president of the
College Democrats.
Kosson believes education is the
key to ending discriminatory ha-
rassment. He said he believes the
University is using the policy as a
way to deflect attention from the is-
sues of education, minority recruit-
ment and retention.
"It's almost like (the administra-
tion) can say, 'Look, we're doing
something on racism."' Kosson said.
"An anti-discrimination policy deals
with the problem after it happens; if
you want to handle the problem, you
have to go to a deeper, tougher
"If you really want to deal with
the issue you have to do the tougher
things." He includes a mandatory
class requirement on ethnicity as one
of these tougher things.
Delro Harris and Barry Eng
Harris is chair of MSA's
Minority Affairs Commission
and co-chair of the
administration's student
advisory committee on the
policy. Eng is also a MAC
member. Both are staff
residents at Trotter House.
Eng and Harris said the Univer-
sity should be concentrating more ef-
fort on alternative ways to curb dis-
"I think that my suggestion is to
leave well enough alone," Harris
Groups share some comm
ton ground
s not harassment.
atory The article represents a variety of student
d the groups, but an emphasis was placed on those that
"d in are associated with minority groups. The length,
of commentary reflects the length of response.
aking Members of the Black Student Union chose
le for not to comment on the policy.
by Kristine LaLonde
Daily Administration Reporter
Although student groups over the years have
argued for and against many University policies,
few characteristics have been consistent in these
Except for one - the plea for more student
input into University policy.
But deciding exactly what this input should be
and what form it should take is difficult. After
the University called for student input into a new
discriminatory harassment policy, The Daily
decided to put members of student groups into
the driver's seat. If they were making the
decision, what would they do?
Although the student groups disagreed on
consistent themes. All said the policy wa
the answer to problems of discrimin
harassment on campus, and many sai
University administration is misguide
concentrating its efforts on the policy.
All agreed education was the key to m
the University community more comfortab
minorities, women, and other groups whic
the victims of discrimination. But theg
representatives did not agree on whet
mandatory class requirement was the right w
approach education.
The opinions of the non-student directo
co-director of the Sexual Assault Preventio
Awareness Center and the Lesbian and
Male's Programs Office were solicited be
they often work with cases of discrimin
h are
her a
way to
r and
n and
The original discriminatory-harassment pol 0
icy was struck down in federal court as uncon-
stitutional Aug. 25. Judge Avern Cohn, who
presided over the case, said the policy was,
overly broad and vague. President James Dud=s
erstadt put an interim policy, which is muck
more specific than the original policy, in place
on Sept. 15. Duderstadt said he hopes to have a
new permanent policy into place by Jan. 1.
much of what should be done, there
were some
said. "The policy that's around now
is not the greatest thing, but it does
deal with some issues."
Eng and Harris said the Univer-
sity should concentrate its efforts on
education and a faculty and staff pol-
"It's more a matter of this policy
being just half of the picture," Harris
said. "It's kind of been blown out of
proportion in that its been given this
image of supposedly taking care of
Both Eng and Harris think the
University should have a course re-
quirement which allows students to
choose from a selection of classes.
"We have to have education,"
Eng said. "The policy is too situa-
tional. We have to deal with the
problem where it begins."
Harris and Eng said they believe
the University ought to increase the
number of classes about minority
cultures, regardless of any require-
Harris and Eng noted that an anti-
discriminatory policy for faculty and
staff would have longer lasting and
more powerful effects on the cam-
"Students are transitory. We're
here and then we're gone. The ad-
ministrators, the faculty, the staff -
they're the ones who are going to be
here, they're the ones who set the
tone," Harris said.
"If they set a tone that (racism) is
all right then that's going to set the
tone for the University," he added.
"That's going to have a longer last-
ing effect regardless of the make-up
of the student population."
Billie Edwards
Edwards is the co-director of
the Lesbian and Gay Male's
Programs Office
Edwards said she is upset that the
interim policy does not include a
clause dealing with intimidating or
hostile environments.
"Until the environmental issue is
dealt with we're not going to get too
far," she said.
Edwards said she thinks education
is the key to solving the problem.
She said she hopes her office will
have access to all University areas
for educational programs, including
sports programs, residence halls, and
Tracey Orr
Orr is a member of the
Lesbian and Gay Rights
Organizing Committee. She is
also the president of Rackharr
Student Government and a
member of the
administration's student
advisory committee on the
Orr said the University tends to
ignore lesbians and gay men as a
minority group on campus. She said
they are often excluded in policies
and speeches made by administration
"With the University policies irk
general, they tend to exclude sexual
orientation, or if it's in there they
tend not to enforce it."
Continued on next page*
The Calendar
of The University of Michigan
The Caendercombines metarg. ,c re, werAop,. andeoVeraece,
withereventsaMkaeningeach weak on wnpas. IrisNuMedoTh. Udvenity acwd
Cakenderoadisopen£odUvasunrdiy-omseare uurpgaae.tic.srecogaed
by the Michian sSuden Assembly. Item, aunt be subvifled is writin; by S pis. the
Tuesday before publwoiion. Address all Wonution to Annu Bee"le. Publiawions
Assisjat.UnivmerityRoccEd. 4)2 Mayad Street. An aterir (w)denotes ewnu t
whichi. mion is chajed.
Canterbury House-Lesbian-gay men's community open house, 8:45 pm, 218
N Division, 665-0606.
Shorin-ryu Karate-do Club-Karate (beginners welcome), 7:30-8:30 pm,
CCRB Small Gym, 747-6825.
Tae kwon do Club-Mtg (beginners welcome), 7-8:30 pm, 2275 CCRB, 677-
Northwalk-North campus safety walking svc, 8 pm-1:30 am, Bursley Rm 2333
or 763-WALK.
Safewalk-Safety walking svc, 8 pm-1:30 am, UGLi Rm 102 or 936-1000.
CRLT-TA wkshp, "Intro to Preparing Graphics for Instructional or Professional
Presentations," 7-9:30 pm, Angell Hall Courtyard Rm A, reg req, 763-0162.
*Comput Ctr-Class: Using the DOS 40 Shell, 10 am-noon; Excel Graphics,
10:30 am-12:30 pm; Excel Databases, 8:30-10:30 am; 3001 SEB; Macintosh
Basic Skills lec/demonstration, 1-3 pm, 611 Church St Reg req 763-3700.
*HRD-Wkshps: Black and White Styles in Conflict," 8:30 am-4:30 pm, loc to
be announced; Preparing for Retirement (faculty), 6-9 pm,1111 Kipke Dr Reg
req 764-7410.
Intl Ctr-Seminar, "An Intro to Comput Communication," 3-5 pm, 611 Church
St Reg req 764-9310.
*ICLE-Course: Michigan Guardianships Under the Revised Statute and Medicaid
and Health Care Planning for the Older Client, 9 am-noon & 1:15-5 pm, 1020
Greene St Reg req 764-0533.
Ctr Near East & N Afr Stds-Brown-bag lec, "Jewish and Christian
Influences on the Qur'an," J Fossdm, noon, Lane Hall Commons; seminar,
"The Social Construction of an Empire: Ottoman Society Under Suleiman the
Magnificent," F Muge Gocek, 4 pm, Rackham E Conf Rm; 764-0350.
SNR-Seminar, "Dynamics of a Tropical Rain Forest," S Hubbell, noon, DANA
Rm 1046.
Polish Stds Prog-Lecture, "The Dilemmas of Privatization: Legal and
Political Issues Facing Poland," S Soltysinski, 7:30 pm, 250 Hutchins Hall,
Romance Lang-Lecture, "Michelet's Gospel of the Revolution," L Gossman, 8
pm, Rackham Amphi, 764-5344.
SWE-Pre-interviews, Hyatt Tech Ctr, 6:30-8:30 pm, 1311 EECS; Chevron, 4:30-
6:30 pm, 1010 Dow; 763-5027
Guild House-Fiction & poetry reading, C Ordowski & P Moller, 8:30 pm, 802
Monroe St, 994-0850
Chem-Seminar, "The Synthesis and Characterization of Pillard Hydrotaclites," M
A Drezdzon, 4 pm, Rm 1640.
Univ Lutheran Chapel-German Reformation Svc, 7:30 pm, 1511
Washtenaw, 663-5560.
Career Plan & Place-Choosing Your Major, 4:10-5 pm, CP&P Rm 1;
Resumes: When You Think You Have No Experience, 4:10-5 pm, CP&P Conf
Rm; Considering an Advanced Degree, 6-7:30 pm, Mich Union Kuenzel Rm;
Employer Presentation: Great American Insurance Co, 7-8 pm, Mich Union
Pond Rm; 764-7460.
Ofc VP Research-Lecture/recept, "Biology and Immunology of Squamous Cell
Carcinoma," T E Carey, 3:30 pm, Rackham Amphi, 763-1290
WCBN/Lesbian & Gay Radio Collec-Talk show, "Closets are for
Clothes," 883 FM, 6-6:30 pm, 763-3500 or 3501.
Wels Lutheran Campus Ministry-Study/discuss, 8-9 pm, Mich Union,
662-0663 or 761-6362.
Iranian Sdt Cultural Club-Non-political, non-religious mtg, 7:30 pm, Mich
League, 662-8933.
Shotokan Karate of Mich-Karate (beginners welcome), 8:30-10 pm, CCRB
Martial Arts Rm.
LaGROC (Lesbian & Gay Men's Rights Organizing Committee)-
Mtg, 8 pm, Mich Union Rm 3100, 763-4186.
*Zen Buddhist Temple-Intro Yoga & Breathing Class, 7:30-9 pm, 1214
Packard Rd, 761-6520.
Univ Council-Univ Council mtg, 10 am-noon, 2002 LSA, 763-5082.
Northwalk-North campus safety walking svc, 8 pm-1:30 am, Bursley Rm 2333
or 763-WALK.
Safewalk-Safety walkine svc 8 nm-1.30 am ,I IGi Rm 102 nr 936-1000.
*Comput Ctr-Wkshps, Intro to Comput, 1-3 pm; Basic Concepts of
Programming, 10 am-noon; 611 Church St; MS-DOS for Hard Disk Users, 1-4
pm; FileMaker II Basic Skills, 8:30 am-12:30 pm; Word Review Lab (IBM PC
and Compatibles), 8:30-9:30 am; Begin Word, Part 2 (IBM PC and
Compatibles), 10 am-noon & 1-4 pm; 3001 SEB; Reg req 763-3700.
Visit Writer Series-Poetry reading, Olga Broumas, 5 pm, Rackham E Conf
Rm, 764-6296.
Environ & Water Res Engr-Seminar, "Advances in Computational
Hydraulics," N D Katopodes, 12:30-1:30 pm, Rm 185 Engr A, 763-1464.
*HRD-Wkshp, Resume Career Objectives/Cover Letters, noon, Mich League
Rms 4 & 5; Powerful Communication: NLP Strategies for Connecting,
Changing, and Convincing, 8:30 am-noon; Writing it Right: The Mechanics,
8:30 am-noon; The Pride Program: Personal Responsibility In Developing
Excellence, 1-4:30 pm; The Art of Living Life as an Adventure, 1-4:30 pm;
1111 Kipke Dr Reg req 764-7410.
Intl Ctr-Lecture, "Report from Friendship Tour in Israel, West Bank and The
Gaza Strip," D Ainsworth, noon, Intl Ctr, 662-5529.
Sch Music-Halloween concert, Symphony Orchestra, 9 pm, Hill Aud, tickets
req 763-4726.
SWE-Pre-interviews, General Electric, 5:15-7:15 pm, 1003 EECS; Amdahl Corp,
5:15-7:15 pm, 1303 EECS; NCR Corp, 6:30-8:30 pm, 1301 EECS; 763-5027.
Turner Clin-Newcomer's Grp, 1:15-3:15 pm; speech & hearing screenings, 1-4
pm; Turner Clin, 764-2556
Lord of Light Lutheran Church-Bible study, 6:30 pm; worship, 7:30-8
pm; 801 S Forest at Hill St, 668-7622.
Shorin-ryu Karate-do Club-Karate (beginners welcome), 8:30-9:30 pm,
CCRB Martial Arts Rm, 747-6825.
Tae kwon do Club-Mtg (beginners welcome), 7-8:30 pm, 2275 CCRB, 677-
Northwalk-North campus safety walking svc, 8 pm-1:30 am,'Bursley Rm 2333
or 763-WALK.
Safewalk-Safety walking svc, 8 pm-1:30 am, UGLi Rm 102 or 936-1000
*CEW-Wkshp begs, "Job Search Skills and Strategies," 7-9:30 pm, CEW Cr,
Canterbury House-Worship svc, 7 pm, 218 N Division, 665-0606.
Women's Stds Prog-Brown-bag discuss, "Race and Sisterhood: Women Anti-
Slavery Campaigners in Britain, 1780-1860," C Midley, noon, 236 W Engr,
*Guild House-Beans & Rice Dinner, 6 pm, 802 Monroe St, 662-5189;
membership mtg, 7:30 pm, 802 Monroe St, 995-0221.
Chem-Seminars, "Carbonyl Ylide Synthons: An Approach to Capped 1, 3-
Dipoles," R Linderman, 4 pm, Rm 1640; "Measurement of Toxic Olefin
Vapors Using a Surface-Acoustic-Wave (SAW) Microsensor with Regenerable
Organoplatinum Coating," E T Zellers, 4 pm, Rm 1650.
Hillel Found-Lecture, "Shaping Jewish Culture and Identity in the Soviet
Union and Eastern Europe: The State as Social Engineer," Z Gitelman, 4:30
pm, Rackham Amphi; discussion, "The Impact of the State on National
Identity in Eastern and Western Europe," 8 pm, loc to be announced; Israeli
dancing, 7:30-10 pm, 1429 Hill St, $2; Memorial svc, Mickey Leland, 5 pm,
Diag (Mich Union if raining); 769-0500.
Sdts Objectivism-Discussion, "The Objectivist Ethics," 7:30 pm, Mich
League Rm C, 996-4141.
Univ Lutheran Chapel-Choir rehearsal, 7:30 pm; Holden Village Vespers, 9
pm; 1511 Washtenaw, 663-5560.
Career Plan & Place-Sharpening Your Interview Skills, 4:10-5 pm, CP&P
Rm 1, 764-7460.
BioEngr-Seminar, "Development of a Technlogy from Laboratory to
Marketplace," K Mohan, 4-5 pm, 1017 Dow Bldg.
CRLT-TA wkshp, "Teaching Sdts To Use The Comput," 6:30-9:30 pm, 109 E
Madison, reg req, 763-0162.
*Comput Ctr-Wkshps, Begin Word, Part 1 (Macintosh), 1-5 pm; Advanced
Course of Action, 8:30 am-12:30 pm; 3001 SEB Reg req 763-3700.
Engr Lib-Patent seminar, 9 am, Chrysler Ctr Aud Reg req 764-4794.
*Extension & Cont Educ/U-M Flint-Wkshp begs, "Handling Difficult
People and Behavior: Dealing With Yourself and Other Difficult People," C
Apple, 8:30 am-4:30 pm, Univ Ctr Mich Rms, 762-3200.
*HRD-Wkshps beg, Conflict Management: Principles and Practices, 8:30 am-
noon; The Pride Program: Personal Responsibility In Developing Excellence,
1-4:30 pm; Personal Financial Planning, 5-7 pm; Money Matters: What You
Need to Know for Your Survival in a Financial Crunch, 8:30-11:30 am; 1111
Kipke Dr, Post-Divorce Syndrome: Surviving Post-Divorce Financial Trauma,
noon, Mich League Conf Rm 6; Reg req 764-7410.
Intl Ctr-Seminar, "Info about your rights and responsibilities as a tenant in
non-university housing," C Green, 7-8 pm, Intl Ctr Rec Rm, 747-2303
Psych iatry-Conf or Grand Rounds to be sched, 10:30 am, 764-9527.
*Mich Union-Concert, Bob Dylan, 8 pm, Hill Aud, 763-TKTS.
*MedSport-Total Body Conditioning to Maximize Your Health, Domino's
Farms Fitness Ctr, reg req.
SWE-Pre-interviews, Engelhard Corp, 6-8 pm, 1010 Dow; Boeing, 6-8 pm,
1311 EECS; 763-5027.
SPH-Memorial svc, John P Kirscht, 3 pm, SPH Aud, 747-4411
Guild House-Women & Spirituality mtg,
pm, 662-5189.
"Chanting Workshop," M Hart, 7:30
Chem-Seminar, "Photon Migration in Human Tissue," G Weiss, 4 pm, Rm
Hillel Found-Social Club Happy Hour, 5-8 pm, Dominick's, 769-0500.
E Asian Initiatives Prog-Lecture, "The Beijing Crisis and Chinese
Politics," R MacFarquhar, 8 pm, Hale Aud, 764-6308.
Campus WAND-Lecture, "Beyond the Cold War: A European Perspective," D
Peeters, 7:30 pm, Rackham Amphi, 662-2475.
*Univ Music Soc-Concert, Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, 8 pm, Hill Aud,
Mus Anthropology-Brown-bag lec, "The Documentation of Valuable Negative
Data and Other Stores: Archaeological Fieldwork of Saginaw Valley State Univ
in the late 1980s," J Payne, Nat Sci Mus Rm 2009, noon-1 pm, 764-0485
Univ Lutheran Chapel-Lutheran Doctrine Study, 7 pm; Handbell rehearsal, 8
pm; Study on Reading Greek, 8:30 pm; 1511 Washtenaw, 663-5560.
Career Plan & Place-Employer Presentations: Ames Department Store, Inc,
7-8 pm, Mich Union Kuenzel Rm; JP Morgan & Co, Inc, 7-9 pm, Mich Union
Pendleton Rm; 764-7460.
U-M Flint-Concert, Trio Mexico, 7:30 pm, U-M Flint Theatre, 762-3351.
*Zen Buddhist Temple-Intro Zen Meditation, S Murray, 6:30-8:30 pm, 1214
Packard Rd Reg req 761-6520.
Med Chem-Seminar, "An Overview of Dehydroquinate Synthetase," J S Pudlo, 4
pm, 3554 CC Little Bldg.
Arch & Urban Plan-Lecture, "Recent Work," A Chemetoff, 8 pm, Chrysler
Aud, 764-1300.
Physics-Lecture, "Why Do America's Nobel Prizes Yield Only Second-Class
Businesses?" D N Frey, 3 pm, Dennison Bldg Rm 170.
*Comput Ctr-Wkshps, MTS Basic Skills, 9 am-noon; Lotus 1-2-3 Basic
Skills, 1-5 pm; 3001 SEB; Intro to Macintosh Graphics, 1-3 pm, 611 Church
St Reg req 763-3700.
*Cont Med Educ-3-day course begs, "Modem Perinatal Problems: An Update
for the Practicing Ob-Gyn," H F Andersen, Towsley Ctr, 763-1400.
Evolution & Human Behav Prog-Lecture, "A Theory of Moral
Sentiments," R Frank, 4 pm, Rackham E Lec Rm, 936-2526.
*Extension & Cont Educ/U-M Flint-Wkshp begs, "Employees Discipline
and Grievance Handling," L B Coleman, 8:30 am-4:30 pm, Univ Ctr Mich
Rms, 762-3200.
U-M Flint-"Americans and the Arts," E Chapleski, 12:15 pm, Univ Ctr Mich
Rm D, 762-3351.
*HRD-Wkshps, Shopping for Jobs, noon-1 pm, Sch Bus Rm 1270; Gender
Issues in Effective Communication, 1:30-4:30 pm; Writing It Right:
Punctuation, 8:30 am-noon; Creativity for Managers, 9 am-noon; Preparing
for Retirement (staff), 1:30-4:30 pm; 1111 Kipke Dr Reg req 764-7410.
SNR-Lecture, "The Worldwide Environmental Movement," M McCloskey, 4 pm,
1046 DANA; Seminar mtg, 7-9 pm, 1504 DANA.
*ICLE-Course, "Annual Fall Pension Law and Practice Update," noon-4 pm,
1020 Greene St Reg req 764-0533.
Ctr Japan Stds-Brown-bag lec, "Fellowships and Financial Aid for Grad
Students," D Stanczak, noon, Lane Hall Commons Rm, 764-6307.
Mich Union-Music at Mid-day, trombonist L Penpraze, 12:15 pm, Mich Union
Pendleton Rm, 764-6498.
*Mich League-Intl night, Switzerland, League Buffet, 4:30-7:30 pm
Univ Hosp-Michigan Fanfare Band, 12:30 pm, Univ Hosp Courtyard
Lesbian-Gay Male Prog-Mtg, "Black Gay Brothers United," 8 pm, Mich
Union Rm 3200, 763-4186.
Shorin-ryu Karate-do Club-Karate (beginners welcome), 8:30-9:30 pm,
CCRB Martial Arts Rm, 747-6825.
Tae kwon do Club-Mtg (beginners welcome), 6-8 pm, 1200 CCRB, 677-
Gay Liberation-Brothers Coffee House, 8 pm, 802 Monroe St, 763-4186.
Safewalk-Safety walking svc, 8-11:30 pm, UGLi Rm 102 or 936-1000.
Anthropology-Lecture, "Experimental Field Studies of Asian Ape Social
System," J C Mitani, 4 pm, 4560 LS&A, 764-7274.
*Guild House-Luncheon/discuss, "After the Cold War-Then What?" D Peeters,
noon, 662-5189.
Dekers Blue Line Club-All-skate with Wolverines, 12:15-2 pm, Yost Ice
Arena, 764-3483.
E Asian Initiatives Prog-Panel, "Long Term Causes and Consequences of
the Beijing Spring on China's Domestic Development," 9-11:30 am; panel,
"The Dynamics of the Beijing Spring Crisis-April-June," 1:30-4 pm; Lane
Hall Commons Rm, 764-6308 764-6308.
Univ Lutheran Chapel-Fellowship & videos, 7:30 pm, 1511 Washtenaw,
Sch Soc Wk-Social Work Day, 3-6 pm, Rackham Amphi, 764-5330.
EECS-Seminar, "Discrete Approximations of Optimal Control Systems," B
Murdockovitch, 4 pm, EECS 1200, 747-2045.
*Comput Ctr-Wkshp, Word Columns and Tables (IBM PC and Compatibles),
8:30-10:30 am; HyperCard Script, 9 am-noon; 3001 SEB Reg req 763-3700.
*HRD-Wkshp, Inferential Stats, 10 am-noon, 1111 Kipke Dr Reg req 764-7410.
SNR-Lecture, "Problems of Conserving Native Ferns of Hawaii," W Ii Wagner,
noon, 1046 DANA.
Intl Ctr-Seminar, "Info About On-Campus Employment for Intl Students," C
Schmult. 12:30-2 pm. Intl Ctr Rec Rm. 747-2303.