Page 2- The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 23, 1989
Ha-Nashim B'Shadhor, a Zionist women's group, protests against the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and
the Gaza Strip, during a monthly rally in front of the Federal Building Friday afternoon.
Continued from Page 1
The city's chronically homeless,
the estimated 6,000 who live year-
round in doorways and warm them-
selves over garbage can fires, said it
took a disaster for the city to open
an emergency shelter.
"Why does it take anearthquake
for a bum to get a cup of coffee?"
said Harvey, an unemployed accoun-
tant who has slept at Moscone Cen-
ter since the quake.
"The shelter, it's a luxury," said
Holyfield, who slept on the street
until the quake raised his standard of
living by making a cot available in
the convention hall ballroom.
Mayor Agnos dispute the accusa-
tions that the city does not normally
provide adequate shelter. He said San
Francisco already pays for 2,900 ho-
tel, rooms a night and that the city
needs convention and tourist revenue
to-,finance a new $17 million pro-
graim to create 3,000 additional
dwellings for the poor within a year.
"This industry is the financial life
blood of the city. We won't have the
money to pay for the permanent so-
linons," Agnos said.
Continued from Page 1
A half-dozen impromptu tent ci-
ties have sprouted up around Wat-
sonville, the largely Hispanic, bat-
tered city south of San Francisco and
closer to the earthquake epicenter.
Hundreds of residents there are so
traumatized by the quake, its strong
aftershocks, and the memory of the
Mexico City earthquake that they
refuse to go indoors.
Throughout the quake area, the
Red Cross said the population of its
19 shelters dropped to 2,000 Satur-
day night. It had been above
In the Bay area, officials were do-
ing everything they could to scare
commuters off the streets today, the
first work day for tens of thousands
since Tuesday's quake.
Numerous freeways and the Bay
Bridge, the primary link between
Oakland and San Francisco where a
50-footdsection fell, remain closed.
An armada of ferries has formed, and
transit authorities touted subways
and buses as well.
Continued from Page 1
The parliament met to consider
the peace plan after Saudi Arabia
guaranteed it would be implemented
and Christian deputies approved it.
The proposal falls short of Chris-
tian demands for a full pullout of
Syrian troops from Lebanon, but in-
cludes Syrian proposals for at least a
partial withdrawal. It also guarantees
an equal number of seats for
Moslems and Christians in the Par-
George Saadeh, head of Le-
banon's Christian Phalange Party,
said the Christian deputies consulted
with Aoun by telephone before
agreement on the plan was an-
nounced. The Parliament session,
the first since Oct. 5, was called after
the Christians said they had no
"We've reached final and compre-
hensive agreement," Saadeh told The
Associated Press.
He said Aoun and Hoss would
probably be invited to Saudi Arabia
for a meeting King Fahd has sched-
uled with the 63 parliament deputies.
Read Jim Poniewozik Every I
speaks on
by Britt Isaly
A conservation biologist last
night spelled out his hopes for a
utopian world, void of the deforesta-
tion we now see in countries such as
Nigeria, Columbia, Bolivia,
Malaysia, the Philippine Islands.
Norman Meyers, author of such
books as The Primary Source, The
Conversion of Moist Tropical
Forests, and The Sinking Ark, began
his environmentally-contemporary
speech at Rackham Amphitheater
with the conflicting cultural run-ins
that he has already noticed in Amer-
ica and his native England.
"Here you have George Bush, and
you also have Johnny Cash, Bob
Hope, and Stevie Wonder..." said
Meyers, who was educated in both.
Oxford and Berkley. "In my country
we have Mrs. Thatcher, no cash, no
hope, and no wonder."
Joking aside, Meyers outlined the
three threats he believes to be the
reasons for such world-wide defor-
estation: The need for more foreign
land for cattle grazing, the need of
tropical timber for the paper and
rubber trade, and thedestruction of
forest for land-profit by the "slash
and burn" forester.
Concerning the profits garnered
from the commercialization of
forests, Meyers said, "The commer-
cial value of these products is on the
order of $18 billion per year world-
Meyers also pointed out that
aside from the thousands of species
of potentially disease-curing plants
our world loses every year to tropical
deforestation, the insect is the organ-
ism suffering the most in terms of
species lost per year.
Following his address, "Tropical
Timber and the U.S. Consumer
Strategies for Change," Meyers
offered advice to those in the
audience for continuing the anti-
deforestation campaign:
"(One thing) that you can do is
spread the word. Bear in mind that if
each person here were to go back to
the dorm and explain it to two other
people by next weekend and then
these two other people would repeat
the process, if you repeat that pro-
cess only 28 times, you will per-
suade all of the United States."
Compiled from Associated Press and staff reports
Poll reveals majority of
state favors abortion rights
LANSING - Most Michigan voters believe women have a right to
abortion, but a strong majority also favor requiring teen-agers to get
parental consent before having one, according to a new poll.
The poll, to be released today, shows that 55 percent support a
woman's right to have an abortion while 42 percent believe abortion
should be banned or limited to cases that endanger the mother's life.
However, 62 percent also support a bill in the Legislature that would
require parental consent before girls younger than 18 could get abortions,
while only 30 percent would oppose such a restriction.
"Parental consent is almost transcending the normal pro and con on
abortion. It's as though even pro-choice people put their overall feelings'
on the issue of abortion aside when it comes to parental consent," said
William Ballenger, editor of Inside Michigan Politics.
Free press surfaces in Berlin"
. BERLIN - In less than a week after the ouster of reform-resistant
party leader Erich Honecker, East Germany's news media have shed their
drab and doctrinaire image and given voice to unprecedented debate over
the troubled nation's problems.
. Although the media still toe the party's "leading role" line, the trans-
formation has been as dramatic as it has been swift.
Long scorned by East Germans who looked to the West for the news,,
the media have embarked on a campaign of relative openness about the
causes of the nation's current unrest.
The shift has left many East Germans both amazed and skeptical.
"For years, the media here were a joke," said Joachim Lenz, a 25-year-
old students at East Berlin's Humboldt University. "They had nothing to,
do with reality, and the newspapers were full of interviews with happy
workers while the rest were packing up to go West."
Shuttle to come home today:
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - Atlantis's astronauts went to bed ahead'
of schedule last night after Mission Control told them to come home
three hours early today to avoid high winds at the Mojave Desert landing
After spending the day stowing their gear, testing the shuttle's steering
system and packing up experiments, the five crew members said good.
night to Mission Control shortly before 9 p.m. EDT. 0
"This will be our last time with you hopefully," said Mike Baker, an'
astronaut serving as a spacecraft communicator at Mission Control. "You
guys have done a superb job, and we'll see you tomorrow back in Hous-'
"I think we'll all, as the years pass and Galileo journeys towards
Jupiter, look back on this one as something that was accomplished by a
great team working together," Atlantis Commander Don William said.
Drug war harms innocents
DETROIT - Innocent people are getting tripped up by some state and
federal laws that have been lauded as effective in depriving drug dealers of:
ill-gotten gains, lawyers say.
Joseph Haji is one of those who claims he has been unjustly caught in
the drug crack down cross fire.
Haji, owner of a market in Detroit, was held over night in jail after
police raided his store, confiscating $4,384 in cash from the register when
dogs sniffed out three $1 bills that were apparently coated with cocaine.
Haji, who wasn't charged, said any cocaine-tainted bills came from
customers making purchases.
"Look at the neighborhood I'm in," Haji said. "Seventy-five percent of
my business is with dope dealers and users. I'm supposed to inspect the
The money was ordered forfeited to the government because it was tied
to illicit drugs, and Haji said the cost of attempting to retrieve it may be
higher than the loss,
'Deep Thought' loses in
chess to some human guy
NEW YORK - It was a battle of two chess champions - one active
and outspoken, known to sip tonic water during matches, the other sitting
quietly on a desk, taking in a different kind of juice.
World chess champion Garri Kasparov, who hasn't lost a tournament
since 1981, met Deep Thought, the winner of this year's World Computer
Chess Championship, for two games yesterday.
The human won the first game after 2.5 hours when the computer
retired from the game after Kasparov's 52nd move. He won the second
match after two hours when the computer surrendered after 37 moves.
"I expected it," said Kasparov, who appeared on "Late Night With
David Letterman" Friday night. "It's a good player but without position
and experience."
Deep Thought has never been on the Letterman show.
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter
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Eli Lilly and Company
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The University of Michigan
Mon. Oct. 23 University Chamber Orchestra
Gustav Meier, music director
Haydn: Symphony No. 100
Debussy: Prelude to the Afternoon of a
Hindemith: Symphonic Metamorphosis
McIntosh Theatre, School of Music, 8 PM
Tues. Oct. 24 University Symphony Orchestra
Richard Rosenberg, conductor
Beethoven: Symphony No. 7
Mahler- Symphony No. 2 (Mvt. I)
J. Strauss: Emperor Waltz
Hill Auditorium, 8PM
All events free unless specified. Wheelchair accessible. For up-to-date
program information on School of Music events call the
24-Hour Music Hotline--763-4726
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