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October 23, 1989 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-10-23

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Michigan basketball's Kirk Taylor
Denny McLain in Q&A
'M' Hockey sweeps UIC

Recycling: Complete the loop




Mudhoney wallows in noise

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Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom

Vol. C, No. 34

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, October 23,1989

coopo iglts.
The Mwipn Galy





Lack of shelter Quake rescue

outrages the
city's homeless
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - The shutdown of a
shelter for earthquake victims to make room for a con-
vention of plastic surgeons has angered some of the dis-
placed and brought an angry defense by Mayor Art Ag-
Most of the 1,000 people housed in the Red Cross
shelter at the huge Moscone Convention Center were
moved yesterday to the Presido army base and to a Navy
transportation ship, allowing time to prepare for the
American Society of Reconstructive and Plastic Sur-
geons' convention Oct. 30, city officials said.
The relocation angered residents of the Tenderloin
district, where hundreds of elderly and impoverished
people were evicted from damaged transient hotels after
last week's devastating 6.9-magnitude quake.
"They should have the plastic surgeons postpone it
for a week and let people get over this earthquake. I'm
still shaking from this quake," said Keith Holyfield, 28,
an unemployed man in a shirt and tattered green-and-yel-
low Oakland Athletics' cap who waited outside the,
-Moscone Center yesterday.
The center is within walking distance of the Tender-
loin's cheap cafes. The Presido and the USS Peleliu, at,
Pier 30, are miles away - closer to the swanky Cliff
House restaurant and Fisherman's Wharf.
See HOMELESS, page 2

gives hope to
battered city
SAN FRANCISCO (AP)--Rescuers euphoric over
finding a survivor in a collapsed freeway resumed work
at a frustratingly cautious pace yesterday, and
earthquake-shaken Northern California mapped strategy
for today's expected commuter traffic "gridlock."
Longshoreman Buck Helm, who spent four days in a
tomb of Interstate 880 concrete and steel, was in criti-
cal-stable condition in an Oakland hospital yesterday.
Engineer Steven Whipple, said he was checking the
fallen double-deck freeway for stability on Saturday
when he spotted the back of Helm's head with his flash-
light, and then saw a hand wave at him.
"It stopped my heart. I thought maybe the wind was
blowing and that's what caused it. I thought I might be
losing it," said Whipple.
At the I-880 rescue site in industrial downtown Oak-
land, six sweeps of the area where Helm was found with
sniffing dogs and electronic gear turned up no signs of
other survivors.
The number of dead pulled from the I-880 disaster
rose to 38, including a 4-year-old boy, bringing the
earthquake's total to 59, with thousands injured and
homeless and dozens still missing. Damages topped $7
See QUAKE, page 2

Michigan quarterback Michael Taylor, starting for the first time.since this year's loss to Notre Dame, picks up
yardage on the ground for the Wolverines this Saturday. Michigan won the game, 26-12, to go 3-0 in the Big Ten.

Wolverines poke
Hawkeyes, 26-12


Speaker addresses
college alcohol abuse

b,y Jennifer Hirl
iy Staff Writer
Imagine your parents and profes-
sors sitting around intoxicated,
plunking quarters into glasses of
The vision- doesn't come easily,
Associate Psychology Prof. Chris
Peterson said during a speech Friday,
because "drinking games are a bizarre
and mindless manner of having a
good time."
Peterson's talk, which drew a
crowd of about 60 students, was part
of Alcohol Awareness Week. He said
he wanted to avoid the familiar
drinking lecture that parents often

preach, but at the same time, he
wanted to stress the importance of
being a responsible drinker.
With alcohol as the leading cause
of death among college students, he
asked students to be mindful
drinkers, instead of mindless
drinkers, if they choose to drink at
"Approach drinking in a mindful
fashion," he said. "I'm not a hyp-
ocrite because I drink. I am mindful
when I give this speech and when I
As a responsible drinker, Peter-
son said he pays attention to what he
See ALCOHOL, page 7

by Steve Blonder
Daily Football Writer
IOWA CITY - The fact that
Michigan had not won a football
game in Iowa City since 1982 was
rendered moot, Saturday, as the
Wolverines knocked off the+
Hawkeyes, 26-12.
"It was what we expected," Mich-
igan coach Bo Schembechler said.
"We knew it would be a dogfight.
We got the points we needed and
then played a little conservative.'
This is a big win for us.
"Playing Michigan State and
Iowa on the roadsin back-to-back
games is a tough assignment."
With the wins, Michigan appears
headed for a Nov. 11-showdown
against Illinois for the conference

All week long, questions had
been raised about who would start at
quarterback, but Schembechler an-
swered the inquiries before over
67,000 fans at Kinnick Stadium
when he sent Michael Taylor out
under center.
Earlier in the week, Hawkeye
coach Hayden Fry called Iowa's
chances of beating Michigan,
"wishful thinking." After the game
he had praise for his young team.
"I'm not frustrated at all with the
young people. Hell, I'm proud of
them," Fry said. "They've madereal
progress. That was Michigan out
there. Seventeen of 22 guys out
there played in the Rose Bowl."

'M' beats Iowa

In Sports Monday


Schrager: Taylor
runs 'M' offense
to win
Michigan has an
intense pass
Boles, Hoard run
wild behind
improved line




students question recurring tuition increases

by Noelle Vance
Daily Government Reporter
Liz Schulyer, a second-year law student
and then-out-of-state resident, knew she
couldn't afford a University degree for
$5,000-plus per semester.
So last term she made a decision. No
matter what her bill said, she would only
pay the in-state tuition rate.
Fortunately for her, the University
granted her residency, and she is now able to
pay for her education.
But as another tuition increase - pre-
dicted around 6.5 percent or more-- looms
, in front of students next year, her words,

"tuition increases are ridiculous and a joke,"
are being echoed around the campus.
"(The University) is already the most ex-
pensive public school in the nation, and too
expensive," said Matt Barnowski, an LSA
Raising tuition again is simply outra-
geous, said LSA first-year student Tony
Camilleri "Soon no one's going to afford
going to school," he said.
In the past four years, tuition has jumped
from around $2,800 per year for in-state
lower division students to about $3,100, and
from about $8,000 for out-of-state lower di-
vision students to about $11,000.

University officials have justified the in-
creases by saying state funds have not been
able to meet the University's needs, and the
costs of education are rising faster than the
costs of living. Students must pay more,
they say, to maintain the quality of the edu-
But many students disagree. They say tu-
ition is too high for a public University,
they don't know where their money is go-
ing, the financial burden is too much for
their families to bear, and they aren't sure
whether the education they are getting is
worth the price.
"What I'm spending doesn't go into what

I'm getting," said Architecture senior Craig
Brace, who recently transferred out of LSA
and said he doesn't really know where his tu-
ition dollars are being spent.
"I've heard a lot about all of this re-
search... but in LSA the classes are too big,
half the TAs you can't understand. We
should be getting something a little better
for the price we pay," he said.
"(The University) is spending too much
money frivolously," said LSA senior Kelly
Eccleston, "like on walkways from Engi-
neering to the Randall Laboratory."
University officials, on the other hand,
say campus renovation is underfunded and

ought to be a top priority.
"We should be spending $100-200 mil-
lion in facilities renovation and investment,"
University president James Duderstadt said
during last week's meeting of the Univer-
sity's Board of Regents.
But, said first-year engineering student
Chris Bernard, "They should stop working
on the buildings and get some TAs who can
teach or kick some of that money into finan-
cial aid for borderline students."
The walkway from engineering to the
Randall Lab is the kind of priority that really
"pisses me off," said See TUITION, page 7

Lebanese parliament passes
accord to finish civil war

TAIF, Saudi Arabia (AP) - The
Lebanese parliament yesterday passed
a new power-sharing accord to end
the country's 14-year-old civil war,
but Christian leader Michel Aoun
appeared ready to reject the pact.
Fifty-nine of 62 deputies present
voted for the draft charter but made
their action contingent on approval
by Aoun and his rival, Moslem
leader Salim Hoss. Two deputies ab-
stained, and one voted against the
Just as the session began, League
envoy Lakhdar Ibrahimi flew to

Aoun said at a news conference
the plan did not meet his demands
for a specific timetable for a SyrIan
withdrawal from Lebanon. He said
he accepted political changes :ta:
would give more power to the
In Beirut, Michel Aoun
appeared ready to
oppose the peace plan,
saying acceptance would
be 'a crime.'

peace plan to a referendum of the
Lebanese people since the parliamen-
tary deputies had "exceeded their
jurisdiction and legal powers by vot-
ing in these ambiguities that com-
promise Lebanon's sovereignty."
There was no immediate reaction
from Foss.
Despite Aoun's comments,
Ibrahimi told reporters after his
meeting with Aoun that he was
pleased that there had been no new
fighting in Beirut. He also said he
hopes "that the atmosphere of opti-
mism and the steps that have begun



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