The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 10,1989 - Page 3
by Marion Davis
Daily Minority Issues Reporter
Representatives of the
University Housing Minority
Councils defended the notion of
minority lounges in response to a
recent Consider magazine article
labeling the lounges as "segregated
by design."
The representatives met last
Friday to discuss issues facing
campus minorities.
"The University doesn't seem to
be worrying about us," said Black
Student Union member Carl Banks,
stressing the importance of forming
*a support system. "We have to take
care of ourselves."
The main order of the meeting
was a recent Consider magazine
article labelling the minority
lounges as "segregated by design."
The article, written by Glenn
Kotcher, chair of the College
Republicans and the Conservative
Coalition, accused the lounges of
promoting segregation and hindering
the process of breaking down racial
barriers. Consider printed the article
opposite a pro-lounge piece written
by Delro Harris, chair of the
Michigan Student Assembly's
Minority Affairs Commission.
At the meeting, council
members maintained that non-
minority students are not turned
away from the lounges. Rather, they
U.S. to produce
new chemical
United States will continue produc-
ing new chemical weapons over a
10-year period even if it signs an in-
ternational treaty to abolish all poi-
son gas stockpiles an administration
official said yesterday.
The text of the treaty being nego-
tiated by about 40 nations in Geneva
proposes that all production be
stopped immediately and that plants
be rendered inoperable.
However, the administration will
seek modifications to ensure that it
can keep its stockpiles up to date as
it scales them down, said the official
who declined to be identified.
The United States will
continue producing new
chemical weapons over
a 10-year period even if it
signs an international
treaty to abolish all
poison gas stockpiles.
President Bush in a Sept. 25
speech to the United Nations, said
that once a global treaty is signed
the United States will destroy 98
percent of its chemical weapons over
an eight year period, if the Soviet
Union takes identical action.
Bush said the remaining stock-
piles would be destroyed over the,
next two years, if "all nations ca-
pable of building chemical weapons
sign that total ban treaty."
The US stockpiles consist of
"unitary" weapons, many of which
are leaking and deemed unsafe.
Congress has instructed the ad-
ministration to destroy the unitary
weapons as newer binary weapons,
are being produced.
"You do not want to get eight
years down the road and have only
unitary, leaking old weapons left,"
the official said. "As long as you're
going to have any you ought to try.
to make sure the ones you have are
as safe as possible."
The official said the U.S. inten- -
tion of continuing to produce the
weapons was made known to the
Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard
Shevardnadze during talks last month
in Wyoming with Secretary of State
James Baker.
Day of atonement JONATHANLSS/Daitv
The Michigan Union Ballroom hosts services for Yom Kippur, the Jewish high holidays, yesterday.
said, the lounges are most often
utilized by Black students because
they were "fought for and earned" by
Black students in the 1972 Black
Action Movement.
Francis Matthews, president of
the Black Student Union, said any
attack on the lounges is an attack on
the "rights of Black students to come
The minority lounges were origi-
nally named "Afro-American
lounges" but were later changed to
"minority lounges" by the
University in 1981 to include all
minority groups.
Kotcher's Consider article
asserted, "While whites are not
specifically barred from theses
lounges, imagine how uncomfort-
able a black student would feel in a
'white lounge'... Their most disturb-
ing feature is that while they are de-
signed to give shelter, in the end
they promote only alienation and
suspicion among the races."
In his pro-lounge article, Harris
addressed the argument that the
lounges make others feel
"The point is not to make others
feel uncomfortable," he wrote, "but
if being exposed to another side of
Americana makes you uneasy, then
where does the problem lie?"
In other meetings business repre-
sentatives of the 11 councils voted
to form inter-dorm study groups, co-
ordinate Minority Council Social
Nights, organize cafeteria "eat-in"
days and times, and air an educa-
tional film series.
'Inmates serving short terms crowd state prisons
'T IT!:
LANSING (AP) - Michigan's
new prisons are filling up with petty
thieves and drug addicts serving short
sentences rather than with violent
criminals, admission figures show.
Records from the Michigan De-
partment of Corrections show the
~umnber of prison inmates serving
minimum terms of one year or less
has tripled in the last five years,
from 807 in 1984 to nearly 2,427 in
But the number of inmates serv-
ing minimum terms of five years
has grown more slowly, from 1,881
to 2,134, Booth Newspapers reported
"We clearly have a problem of
the shorter-term, less-violent of-
fender who doesn't necessarily need
to be in a state facility," said Shelby
Solomon, state budget director.
Michigan's prison population has
djubled to more than 29,000 since
1984 following a $900 million
prison expansion program.
But the newspaper group said
figures show inmates, most of
whom have been sentenced .for drug
or for property offenses, serving sen-
tences of two years or less made up
54 percent of 9,934 new prisoners in
The number of new inmates serv-
ing time for drug sale and possession
jumped fourfold and the number
serving one-year terms for larceny,
breaking and entering, and receiving
stolen property more than doubled in
five years.
Local jails, faced with overcrowd-
ing of their own, have been asking
local judges to send felons with
small sentences to state facilities.
"The judges are very cognizant of
our problems," said Sheriff Philip
Heffron of Kent County, which
sends almost all of its felons to the
state because its jail is full of indi-
viduals awaiting trial.
The Personal Column
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Former CIA agent to discuss his
experiences with the U.S. government
A former Central Intelligence
Agency agent will discuss his gov-
einment experience and his belief
that the agency is not acting within
the limits of the U.S. Constitution,
tonight at 8 p.m. in the Michigan
Union Ballroom.
John Stockwell, hired by the CIA
in 1964, quit after 12 years on the
job because of the injustices he be-
lieved the CIA was committing in
such places as Africa, Vietnam,
Nicaragua, Angola, Afghanistan and
Iran. Instead of upholding the Con-
stitution, Stockwell argues that the
CIA works against and around it.
What's happening in Ann Arbor today
Society of Minority Engineers
- membership meeting, 6:30-
8:30 p.m. in 1500 EECS with
Dr. Ralph Story speaking on
"Show and Tell: Corporate Pre-
sentation and Communication
Lesbian and Gay Rights Orga-
nizing Committee - 7:30 p.m.
(7 p.m. to set agenda) in Rm.
3100 of the Union
Time and Relative Dimensions
in Ann Arbor - 8 p.m. in Rm.
2439 Mason
Michigan Student Assembly -
7:30 p.m. in Rm. 3909 of the
Students Concerned About
Animal Rights - 7 p.m. in Rm.
124 of East Quad
Iranian Student Cultural Club
- this non-political group meets
at 7:30 in Rm. C of the League
Student Struggle for Soviet
Jewry - 6:30 p.m. at Hillel
Victor Denenberg (U of Con-
necticut) - "Corpus Callosum:
Effects of early experience, sex
and neonatal hormones in the rat";
12:30 p.m. in 1057 MHRI
Fred Bookstein (research sci-
entist) - "The Statistician as an
Artist: Geometry and the Aesthet-
ics of Quantification"; a brown
Jim Woodward (editor of Labor
Notes) - "Labor Fights Back:
the Pittston Strike"; at 7:30 p.m.
at the Guild House
Francine Prose (author) - the
author reads from her works; 4
p.m. in Rackham Amphitheater
John Stockwell (former CIA
agent) - 8 p.m. in the Union
Safewalk - the night-time walk-
ing service is open seven days a
week from 8:00 p.m. to 1:30
a.m.; 936-1000
Northwalk - North campus
night-time walking service, Rm.
2333 Bursley; 8 p.m. - 1:30 a.m.
or call 763-WALK
ECB peer writing tutors -
available at the Angell-Haven and
611 Computing Centers from 7-
11 p.m., Sunday through Thurs-
Lewis "Buster" Simpson -
public space artist is in Ann Ar-
bor for a week-long residency; co-
ordinating an interdisciplinary
"Why Be a Marxist?" - part of
the SPARK Revolutionary Series;
7-8 p.m. in Rm. 122 MLB
AEtna - representatives from
AEtna will be at the Union
Welker Rm. from 4-6 p.m.
Mainstreet Comedy Showcase
- Open Mic. Night; $3; 8:30
Faced with a choice to make between
his country and his job, he decided
on his country.
"The oaths were contradictory,"
he told Campus Voice magazine,
"and I opted - after much soul-
searching - to uphold the law of
the land and the Constitution."
Stockwell was first recruited by
the CIA in 1959 as a liberal arts ma-
jor at the University of Texas at
Austin. Hired in 1964 because of his
fluency in various languages and his
familiarity with central Africa, John
Stockwell rose toward the top of the
agency, earning the Medal of Merit,
the CIA's second highest award, in
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