Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 10,1989
Continued from Page 1
that Michigan residents felt the high
number of out-of-state students ad-
mitted to the University denied some
state high school students access to a
University of Michigan degree.
The University agreed to cut its
out-of-state enrollment from 38 per-
cent of total enrollment to no more
than 30 percent by 1991.
"The pressure (to cut out-of-state
enrollment) comes from parents of
graduating high school students with
high marks - 3.4 and above -
who can't understand why there isn't
room for their students at the
University of Michigan," said
Michigan Sen. Robert Geake (R-
Between 1984 and 1988, the
University's out-of-state enrollment
increased by 2,150 students while in-
state enrollment fell by 643 stu-
Despite the legislators com-
plaints, Ballenger said the results
show that "most citizens, two-thirds
according to this poll, say the
University of Michigan has a good
program... and favoritism should not
be given to in-state students even
though their taxes are going to sub-
sidize the state school."
Inside Michigan Politics regu-
larly commissions surveys on issues
in the state legislature.
The one-question survey asked,
"As you may know, 38 percent of
the students attending the University
of Michigan are from out of state.
"Some feel that U-M should be
required to reduce its percentage of
out-of-state enrollment allowing
more Michigan residents to attend
because the University is partially
supported by state taxes."
The survey continued, "Others
feel the state should not tell the
University how to run its affairs.
Out-of-state students pay a higher tu-
ition rate and enhance the national
image of the state and of the
University of Michigan.
"What is your opinion? Do you
feel that the University of Michigan
should or should not be required to
reduce its percentage of out-of-state
Associated Press
Ashes, ashes
About 25 protesters fall to the ground during a protest yesterday at the
Kennedy Space Center Visitors Information Center. They are protesting
the use of plutonium that will be used on the Galileo spacecraft which
is scheduled for launch Thursday aboard the orbiter Atlantis.
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Continued from Page 1
tor of media relations for NEH said,
"We hope to begin a debate among
parents, teachers and administrators
on what a core curriculum should
be." Only two percent of today's col-
leges have a core curriculum,
Sullivan said.
The curriculum is intended for
students of all majors. "I think we
can safely argue that engineers
should know the meaning of
Shakespeare's plays as well as
English majors should know how
electromagnetism works," explained
Noel Milan, an assistant for media
relations at NEH.
The report pointed to specific
aspects of six different institutions
as role models for curriculum
changes. Lauded were Brooklyn
College of New York; Columbia
University; St. John's College in
Maryland and New Mexico;
Piedmont Virginia Community
College; and the University of North
Prospects for instituting a similar
curriculum at the University of
Michigan look slim, however. "I
don't feel that there is a groundswell
for a tighter core curriculum," said
Sociology Prof. Gayl Ness, chair of
the faculty's Senate Advisory
Committee on University Affairs,.
"If anything, there is a movement
for one that is more broad-based."
Ness said if a change were to oc-
cur, it would have to occur in the
LSA college. "LSA is the flagship
of the University and the center of
higher education at Michigan," he
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Compiled from Associated Press and staff reports
Hungary's communists keep chief
BUDAPEST - The Communist Party has changed its name and em-
braced democratic aspirations, but its members retained the head of the old
party in a compromise vote yesterday.
Delegates to the closed session said Rezsoe Nyers was chosen as head
of the Hungarian Socialist Party's collective presidency after dissatisfied
reformers reluctantly agreed to support him.
The party congress adopted a manifesto pledging commitment to
democracy and a break with the Marxist-Leninist orientation of its Com-
munist predecessor.
Despite the stated commitment to democracy, reformist delegates have
expressed concern that the new party does not differ sufficiently from-its
predecessor. The choice of Nyers to continue as leader was expected to in-
crease the anxiety of some who wanted a clean break with the past.
Pro-democracy groups
continue marches in Berlin
BERLIN - Thousands of demonstrators marched and shouted "We
Need Freedom!" in Leipzig yesterday while others held a pro-democracy
vigil in East Berlin during East Germany's biggest outbreak of street
protests in decades, witnesses and news reports said.
Witnesses said up to 50,000 East Germans demanding democratic re-
forms paraded through Leipzig last night. They said many police, includ-
ing some in gas marks, were deployed, but no violence was reported.
Before the march, officials of Leipzig Communist Party promised pub-
licly they would push for an open dialogue between citizens and the gov-
ernment, Lutheran church sources said.
In East Berlin, several thousand demonstrators gathered in front of the
Lutheran Gethsemane Church for the pro-democracy vigil, West German
media reported.
Michigan's unemployment
rate leads industrial states
DETROIT - A loss of 47,000 jobs gave Michigan the highest
unemployment rate among large industrial states in September, and soft
auto sales are likely to keep it that way, some economists said yesterday.
"When the automotive industry gets sick, the state catches pneumonia,
and we're going through another one of those periods of weakness in the
automobile industry," said David Verway, business professor at Wayne
State University.
While Michigan jumped from a 6.9 percent to an 8.1 percent rate,
Texas, which led industrial states for most of the year with rates in the 7-
percent range, cased to 6.3 percent.
Other than swapping with Texas, Michigan's place in the national
employment picture hasn't changed dramatically, said Von Logan, director
of the Michigan Employment Security Commission's bureau of research
and statistics.
Probe finds rushed HUD loans
WASHINGTON - Federal HUD officials approved $35 million in
loans the last day of fiscal 1988 in an apparent rush to spend the money
before it was transferred to another program, according to auditors and
agency documents.
Most of the Section 312 multifamily housing loans were approved de-
spite incomplete applications or processing, according to auditors who al-
tered the department's general counsel to the questionable loans.
"Where commitments were made they were honored, but (HUD) will
not be making conditional commitments in the future," said Housing and
Urban Development spokesperson Jack Flynn.
Section 312 multifamily housing loans totaling more than $40 mil-
lion were approved in the final month of fiscal 1988 - out of about $100
million budgeted for the entire fiscal year - including $35.3 million on
Sept. 30, 1988, the final day of the budget year, according to HUD
Man adopts 'war hero' image
to cover a lifetime of failure
SALT LAKE CITY - Nancy Fife never doubted her husband had been
scarred in mind and body by his Viet Cong captors, that he was a tar-
nished and troubled war hero.
The night nearly 20 years ago, when her sneakers seemed to drive
,Robert Fife berserk, was all the proof she needed. Fife told her later that
his captors used to wear sneakers when they beat hin, and that the enemy
soldier he strangled when he escaped also was wearing canvas shoes.
But Fife had never been to Vietnam war hero.
Misled by Fife, his therapist, Dr. Corydon Hammond, concluded that
he suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder and was "very much a casu-
alty of the Vietnam War."
His image, maintained through 23 years of marriage to cover feelings
of a lifetime of failure, was shattered only when his widow tried to have
his name included on the state's Vietnam War Memorial.
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter
terms by students at the University of Michigan. Subscription rates: for fall and winter (2 semesters)
$28.00 in-town and $39 out-of-town, for fall only $18.00 in-town and $22.00 out-of-town.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and the Student News Service.
ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
PHONE NUMBERS: News (313) 764-0552, Opinion 747-2814, Arts 763-0379, Sports 747-3336, Cir-
culation 764-0558, Classified advertising 764-0557, Display advertising 764-0554, Billing 764-0550
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Continued from Page 1
is endowment per student," he said.
"That's good for private in-
stitutions but bad for public univer-
sities because we receive much of
our resources from state and federal
In an effort to make national
rankings more objective, this is the
second year the magazine has used
statistical data in its study.
Previously, academic reputation was
the only criteria.
Harrison said both these methods
are flawed because of a difficulty "in
making fine differentiations between
the best schools."
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