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October 02, 1989 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-10-02

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Joey Gilbert, 'M's wrestling find
P Rugby club celebrates reunion
: 'M' football coverage.

Stop domestic violence


U State Street poets

Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom
Vol. C, No. 18 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, October 2, 1989 The Mkhin OW

by Daniel Poux
the cheers of protesting students and
the staccato sounds of gunfire have
died away since the massacre of
Chinese students in Tiananmen
Square last June, the spirit of the
movement lived on again yesterday
in Washington, D.C.
About 10,000 people - includ-
ing 120 University students - gath-
ered at the Lincoln Memorial to par-
ticipate in the Washington March for
Democracy in China.
The march, organized by the
newly-formed International Fed-
eration of Chinese Students and
Scholars, began at noon with an
assembly at the memorial. Student
groups were present from Michigan
and several other universities from
around the country, as well as dozens
of groups from Taiwan, Korea, and
Hong Kong.
During the rally, Asian student
leaders memorialized the Chinese
students and citizens slayed in
Tiananmen Square, and encouraged
those present to work toward Chi-
nese government reforms.
Several members of U.S.
Congress were also present, includ-
ing Sen. Slade Gordon (R-Wash.),
who praised the rally's size and the
federation's organizing efforts. Gor-
don criticized the. Chinese gov-
ernment for its efforts to intimidate
Chinese nationals in the U.S. work-
ing for reform.
In an interview later, Gordon
apologized for the apparent lack of
action by the Bush administration,
but pointed out that much of the
diplomatic dialogue is taking place
See CLASH, page 8

'U' adds 45
new minority

by Tarane
Daily Faculty

h Shafii
y Reporter


i AF

Ann Arbor Committee to Defend Abortion Rights member Rhonda Laur and other abortion rights advocates
face off with an Operation Rescuer at an abortion clinic in Southfield. Operation Rescue members
unsuccessfully tried to prevent the clinic from opening.
Abortion activists
clash at area clinic

The University, working toward
its pledge to improve racial and eth-
nic diversity on campus, has hired
45 new minority faculty members
this fall, but University officials say
they won't know their names until
the end of October.
Of the faculty hired, 21 are Black,
15 are Asian-American, and 9 are
Hispanic. Thirty-seven of the new
faculty members will be eligible for
tenure in the future.
Walter Harrison, director of
University relations, said 18 of these
faculty were hired through the Target
of Opportunity Program.
The program, a part of the
Michigan Mandate, states that if a
department can identify an outstand-
ing minority faculty prospect, then
the University will allocate enough
money to the department to hire that
person. Last year, 19 of the 32 new
minority faculty members were hired
through this program.
Harrison and Charles Moody,
vice provost for minority affairs,
said both junior and senior faculty
were hired this fall. Mary Ann
Swain, associate vice president for
academic affairs, said most of the
hires were lower-rank professors.
Though the new faculty members
have already been hired by the
University, top University adminis-
trators say they do not yet have the
names or know the genders of these
University officials have sent let-
ters to the deans of the different
University colleges asking for the
number of new hires, but their
names will not be known until the

first payroll at the end of October,
Swain said.
While 13 more minority faculty
were hired this year than in 1988,
there is some concern that minority
faculty who come to the University
do not stay. Last year, for example,
the University lost three minority
Walter Allen, an associate profes-
sor of sociology and Afro-American
and African studies, went to UCLA,
Ali Mazrui, professor of political
science, went to the State University
of New York at Binghamton, and
Aldon Morris, associate professor of
political science, went to
Northwestern University, Moody
"They are not just minority fac-
ulty," said LSA senior Delro Harris,
chair of the Michigan Student
Assembly's Minority Affairs
Commission. "They are good fac-
ulty," Harris added about the departed
Views as to why these professors
left the University differ.
"You get better treatment and bet-
ter respect at other universities,"
Harris said. He attributed their loss
to a lack of University support, ex-
pressed through unfavorable working
conditions and uncompetitive
Harrison said, "They got better
deals elsewhere... We have to pro-
vide them with the kind of support
and the facilities that will keep
them." Harrison said -in Mazrui's
case, University officials thought
they made him a competitive offer to

by Kathryn DeMott

SOUTHFIELD, Mich. - Pro-choice and anti-abor-
tion activists clashed again Saturday morning at Woman
Care, an abortion clinic in Southfield. About 100 pro-
choice activists attempted to prevent Operation Rescue
from shutting down the clinic for the day.
Lathrup Village Police Sgt. Michael McCormick
said 48 Operation Rescue members were arrested.
Singing hymns and saying prayers, Operation
Rescue members, from the Detroit Metro chapter, suc-
cessfully blocked one of the clinic's two doors before 9
a.m., the scheduled opening time of the clinic.
"We are here to keep the doors closed. This is
strictly non-violent," said Mary Larkins, Operation
Rescue's spokesperson.
However, Carmen Franco, the clinic's administrator,
said all of the women who had scheduled appointments
kept them on Saturday.
"This kind of action does not change people's
minds," said Franco. Before a woman comes into the
clinic, she has already under gone the trauma of making
her decision, and "these fundamentalists are just creating

an inconvenience," Franco said.
Ann Arbor Committee to Defend Abortion Rights
(AACDAR), members met with about 30 pro-choice de-
fenders early Saturday morning to organize their plan of
action to keep the clinic open.
Joining forces with about 20 members of the Detroit
Coalition to Defend Abortion Rights, AACDAR cleared
a passage to a window through which employees
crawled to open the clinic.
Pro-choice defenders then locked arms, creating a
semi-circle around the Operation Rescue members who
were blocking the doorways, to prevent additional anti-
abortionists from reaching the door.
The friction between the pro-choice and anti-abortion
groups quickly degenerated after about 30 police officers
from four local departments arrived as the clinic was due
to open and began clearing the door.
Operation Rescuers went limp, forcing police offi-
cers to carry them from the door. Larkin said the
group's members had signed a commitment to non-vio-
lence and 35 rescuers volunteered to be arrested.

First official Soviet
exchange students
experience 'U' life

by Karen Akerlof
The effects of glasnost have
reached the University this fall; as
exchange students from the Soviet
Union are studying at the University
for the first time this term.
- Andrei Shroubek, a computer
science specialist at the Moscow
Institute of History and Archives,
and Hasmik Ghevondyan, a com-
uter science major at the Yerevan
olytechnical Institute in Armenia,
arrived five weeks ago in Ann Arbor,
following a short orientation period
at Vermont's Middlebury College.
The Soviet students are studying
in the U.S. through the American
Collegiate Consortium, a Middle-
bury-based exchange program that
also sent two University of Mich-
igan exchange students to the
The two Michigan exchange stu-
dents - Residential College
Sophomore Diahanna Lynch and
LSA Junior Andrew Stock - are
currently studying at Irkutsk State
University and the Moscow Institute
of History and Archives.
Michigan is the the first major
university to join the consortium,
said Marysia Ostafin, student ser-

participating, and this year the num-
ber grew to 120 students.
Both Soviet students currently
live in East Quad, studying at the
RC. "The young people are very
similar (to Armenian students),"
Ghevondyan said. "They want to
study, and have a good time."
In fact, some of Shroubek's
hallmates - many of whom study
Russian - have taken him to cam-
pus fraternity partieF "He seems to
have a good time," RC Sophomore
Aissa Feldmann said.
Other times Shroubek helps his
hallmates with their Russian home-
work. He said such study sessions
have improved his English.
In between his first two years at
the Moscow institute, Shroubek
spent two years in the army because
of a mandatory service requirement
for students, which was recently
dropped by the government. He was
stationed in Archangel, in the cold
far North of the Soviet Union.
Ostafin said she thought Shro-
ubek's military experience was
making it easier for him to adjust to
the University, because both experi-
ences threw him into diverse situa-
Shroubek remembered his first
view of some of the more unfamiliar
elements of American culture, taking
a bus'. from the Ne~w York airnort to

Catch the wave
Over 101,000 University of Michigan football fans enjoy the game as they partake in the wave. The
Wolverines beat Maryland 41-21 to improve their record to 2-1. For more on the game turn to the Sports
Monday section.

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